
Chapter 867 Perceptive Domain.

It all came from him like a tsunami of uncontrollable energy fuelled by rage and frustration and the result was massive destruction of all structures miles around him.

To any observer, Marla had been caught in the blast and there was no way she had survived. There was an expectation for an eventual blowback of her lifeless body sailing out of the explosive radius but it never came.

The dust and destructive cloud slowly fizzled out to show a scene of a winged figure thickly composed of darkness and not appearing to have a true body holding a weapon that she had stabbed into the chest of a kneeling man whose every attempt at speaking was interrupted by blood spitting.

The spike that tipped Marla\'s weapon had cut through Ehrlich\'s armor once its supply of Astral energy had been used up and the stab even went further to crush Ehrlich\'s sternum on account of the massive ball slamming hard against it.

Marla had been gripping the middle of her weapon\'s shaft but she shifted forward just so she could place her hand of darkness against Ehrlich\'s back,

"I told you. Her quest would only bring you death," Marla said with a smile that appeared quite demonic in her pure form of darkness.

It was to the dark form that she owed her survival of the blast as well as the fact that Ehrlich had not been in a good frame of mind to target her with his blast.

Sure, the attack was incredible and it had an area of effect but it was still way too vague in its targeting and much easier to survive as a result.

Marla had not even needed to reach into certain advantages she had as a member of the Legion.

"Just as you have killed me, *Puh* another will kill you. Or maybe *PUH* you will be spared just so you can be used and humiliated.


Either way, I know for sure you cannot win and if you think you can, then you have sorely underestimated my..."


"Well, that\'s enough of that," Marla said. Her patience had run thin and she felt like closing this chapter and heading back into the larger battle at hand which was still very much ongoing.

As Ehrlich finally fell to the ground, Marla decided to take her weapon to his head and truly make sure she had done away with him.

Only when Ehrlich\'s head had been turned into meat paste did Marla stop.

She then hefted her bloody weapon over her shoulder as she turned around at the grander battle behind her while still being in her dark form.

Marla transformed herself into a monstrosity of darkness whose limbs were tipped with sharp appendages that were sizzling with her cosmic energy which she had perfectly synced with her Ordinance.

Marla took into the air and sailed over to the closest clump of monsters she could find and began to cut them down with her appendages or bash them with the ball of her bloody Cosmic Armament after which she would infuse the pieces with her sizzling cosmic energy to reduce them to the irreparable rubble that truly got rid of them.

Meanwhile, while Marla had been busy with Ehrlich, Amelia had been engaged in a battle with Aliya who brought her A-game.

Amelia had no idea who Aliya was and the same was true for Aliya in regards to Amelia. To Aliya, Amelia was an idiot who had allowed herself to be brainwashed by Hal and his goals and she had no sympathy for the Antonov woman.

To Amelia, Aliya was an enemy to her man and her man\'s goals which they all collectively shared and she must be cut down.

Even before Ehrlich and Marla began to trade blows, Aliya had launched the first strike which Amelia had met to commendable merit.

Unlike Ehrlich who was decked in Armor, Aliya had opted just for gauntlets which she claimed better suited her style, and when she and Amelia began to fight in close combat, every blow that was delivered was backed by the incredible energy of the Monument of Ordinances.

Amelia always had her defenses up in this regard but that did not have that much of an impact on her ability to attack whenever she pleased.

And then Aliya met an attack that Amelia had shot out with her gauntlets which absorbed the attacks and shot it right back at Amelia to scatter her defenses and open her up to Aliya who instantly took advantage,


Three successive blows were delivered to Amelia\'s

Midsection but not once did she let out a groan and the reason was clear after a second during which perception was flipped and Aliya found herself at the receiving end of her own blows.

They knocked the wind out of her and sent Aliya flying back while she appeared incredulous at what she felt was impossible.

For the perception of the delivery of her own blows to have been flipped as they just had, the impacts would have to have somehow been frozen in place to turn things around. Even she could not hit herself so accurately and so hard no matter how she tried.

Aliya was still in motion in the air when she felt her perception change yet again and she was not flying away from Amelia but rather falling toward her.

Aliya stopped her fall and aimed to fly up and away only to feel her perception of the world get flipped again and she was flying downwards towards Amelia who had a War hammer at the ready.

Aliya tried flying sideways next during which she tried to confuse Amelia\'s perception changes only for her to end up accepting that she had been locked into a perception where avoiding Amelia\'s hammer was impossible.

At this point, Aliya decided to stop trying to struggle pointlessly and rather let herself move towards Amelia while she created a spherical shield of Cosmic energy around herself...

"Ack," Aliya\'s eyes widened when the massive hammer struck her ribs and completely shattered them.

As the hammer strike sent her flying away from Amelia, Amelia saw the spherical shield she had conjured floating by her side completely empty.

Enduring the pain of her shattered ribs, Aliya released multiple rays of the Monument energy Tanya had given her and wherever the energy touched, Amelia\'s perception warping shrunk.

Aliya took a mending pill to heal herself enough and then took advantage of the opening that she had been given by the Monument energy to sink a knee into Amelia\'s jaw.


After the successful blow, Aliya summoned a dagger in the form of a cosmic spell and she made to stab Aliya with it.

She succeeded or so she thought before she saw that her danger had actually missed Amelia. The realization returned Aliya\'s perception to normal to show that, even while suppressed, Amelia had been able to still warp herself to safety.

However, rather than look annoyed, Aliya grinned,


"Got you," she said with a smile, and in a fraction of a second, electricity of Aliya\'s Ordinance surrounded them to create a cage of sorts.

The tiny strips of electricity cracked and were preceded by even more Ordinance suppressing Monument energy that put Amelia even more at the mercy of the strike. The strip of Lightning then expanded before exploding,


The explosion was massive and its impact rocked the ground below. When its destructive aspect and sight-obstructing aspect were gone, Amelia became visible in tattered clothes with her arms crossed in front of her face while her body was purple in the Lust demon form whose sturdiness was what had allowed Amelia to survive the blast.

When Amelia put her hands down, her violet eyes were widened at how close she felt she had been to death and it especially annoyed her because should she die, she would have been totally at fault for holding back.

Amelia\'s eyes went from widened to focused and she just stayed almost frozen in place while her demonic wings flapped and her tail wagged.

Aliya smirked at Amelia\'s transformation and then had a glow-up of her own which had her completely shrouded in the Monument energy she had been granted but she had yet to even truly settle into this form when she felt a kick to her chest.

The kick sent Aliya flying back only to break through what felt like glass after which everything turned weird and different despite somehow remaining the same.

Aliya could still see the battles going on around her and Amelia but the environment closest to her appeared warped and possessed so many nonsensical angles.

"Welcome to My Perceptive Domain. In here, you will only feel and experience things the way I want you to feel l and experience them," Amelia said with a steady commanding tone with her face especially close to Aliya\'s

Aliya reached out and grabbed her by the neck before stabbing her. Amelia did not attempt to defend herself because the dagger had never stabbed her and was never going to stab her.

As soon as she had stabbed Amelia or more accurately, as soon as she thought she had stabbed Amelia, Aliya yelled out,


She looked down and saw an open wound in her midsection after which she received a hammer strike to the face,

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