
Chapter 55

After 5 minutes worth of walking towards the S-Class Classroom, Allen, Realius, Axel, John, and the S-Class Students along with Janet Delores have arrived in the S-Class Classroom.

All S-Class students went and sat on their respective armchairs while Janet Delores went towards the front of the class. Janet Delores sat on the chair that was placed in the front of the class with a medium-sized table in front of it.

“Now that you have nominated your classroom representative, it is time to have our first lesson.”

Janet declared as she faced all of her students while not minding those students who were either sleeping or was just not paying attention to the class. Her job was only to teach them so whether they were interested in learning or not was her problem.

She was not paid to encourage teenagers to focus on their classes and school work. And besides, they were all students of S-Class so it was understandable that they didn’t need to learn that much considering all of them were geniuses.

The fact that they chose to attend the class was already enough for Janet as she went back her attention to starting the first lesson in the S-Class classroom.

“We will have our first subject which is Realm. The first topic of our Realm subject will be about the realms of all manipulators that are used to gauge a manipulator’s power.”

Janet Delores said as she took a stylish purple pen out of thin air and used it to write some words on the air in front of the blackboard. The S-Class students were puzzled by the fact that the blackboard was useless and only served as a decoration for the school classroom aesthetic.

Although they were puzzled and confused, they didn’t complain about it since it was more interested in the group of words that Janet Delores wrote on the air with the use of her stylish purple pen.

|Lowest Realm – Low Realm – Mid Realm – High Realm – Highest Realm – Perfection Realm – Transcendent Realm – Universe Realm|

“As you can see on the air the Lowest Realm is the first realm a manipulator will achieve after a being becomes a manipulator. The highest realm that a manipulator can achieve is Transcendent Realm.”

“Any questions before I proceed on the next topic?”

Janet Delores asked after she simply explained what was written on the air.

“Teacher Delores, why is Transcendent Realm the highest realm a manipulator can achieve? What about Universe Realm?”

A student asked Janet Delores.

Most S-Class students who were listening to Janet’s teaching had the same question in their mind so they waited for Janet to answer.

“Universe Realm is only a legend since none of the manipulators in the entire multiverse had achieved that. Even manipulators who had achieved Transcendent Realm could only be counted on one’s hand. Legends say that whoever achieves Universe Realm can become the Universe itself. Legend also says that the current universe that we are living on is a manipulator who had achieved Universe Realm.”

‘Even the teachers in the Manipulator’s Academy are just frogs in a well. My sworn brother is at Universe Realm and not just an average Universe Realm Powerhouse but Peak Stage.’

Allen thought to himself when he listened to the teachings of Janet Delores.

Janet Delores further explained in detail about Universe Realm and Transcendent Realm until the entire Manipulator’s Academy felt an anomaly heading towards their planet.

All of the beings on Planet MA felt a horrible chill going down their spine, heard screams echoing around them, and saw a powerful entity appearing near their planet from a spatial rift.

A huge worm covered in disgusting blue flesh came out of a spatial rift that formed several light-years away from Planet MA.

Realius had already known the race of the huge worm since he had encountered a lot of those huge worms when he was traveling from universes to universes before his slumber.

The huge worm was dreaded for the fact that it ate worlds as its breakfast. The huge worm was from the Eater Of Worlds race. Most of the Eater of Worlds is traveling from every corner of the universe to search for worlds to eat while some are often used as a mount by Semi-Supreme Beings.

Although only Realius knew what the huge worm was since Allen, Axel and John had no idea what it was.

Semi-Supreme Beings are existences that have attained at least Perfection Realm Initial Stage. Semi-Supreme Beings are known to be nigh-omnipotent in their majored power.

Most Semi-Supreme Beings were given titles from either achievement, power, or work. All worms from the Eater of Worlds race receive the same title which is [Eater Of Worlds].

Since Realius is at Perfection Realm Peak Stage, he was considered a Semi-Supreme Being. He had already received his title long ago after he had confirmed and perfected his existence.

Realius Regulus was known as [Reality Regulator]. Most Semi-Supreme Beings referred to other Semi-Supreme Beings by their title since it was related to their existence.

As long as someone broke the laws of reality, Realius will fix the broken reality and punish all beings who had broken the laws of reality.

Since only Semi-Supreme Beings were given titles, Axel and Allen had yet to receive one. Although, John Skier already had his title since he was at Half-Step Universe Realm in his past regressions.

John Skier was known as the [Walker Of Broken Timelines] and [Ruler Of Time]. He was one of the strongest in his universe but even so, he couldn’t survive the apocalypse as the semi-sentient viruses in his universe were too powerful and troublesome to deal with.

That was why John didn’t hesitate to join the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group as he wanted more allies that would help him deal with the viruses back in his world and universe.

So, John planned to earn the trust and support of his fellow chat group members. If they asked him for help regarding the huge worm that came out of the spatial rift, John wouldn’t mind lending his help.

Well, even if they planned to turn a blind eye to it, they couldn’t when a system screen appeared in front of Allen, John, Axel, and Realius.

[ <Major Task- Eater of Worlds, More Like Eaten By World-level Powerhouses!> has been triggered!]

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