
Chapter 315

Miguel smirked and he put his finger on the force field that Isaac had set up, he exerted a simple pressure on it and his force field was immediately destroyed, he then said to reassure him: “Do not worry, he wasn’t poisoned. So what was so urgent ?”

Jordan, who had been reassured by the presence of Isaac’s force field around him, now felt defenceless and he instinctively tightened his hand that was still around Isaac’s wrist.

Isaac then said to Miguel: “Jordan can lead us to Cassandra.”

He then said to Jordan because he felt him stressed: “Jordan, it’s Miguel, it’s him who saved you, not me, he means you no harm.”

Miguel then said: “I can’t believe it, the Warrior Spirits intuition is truly flawless, you were right to want to save him Isaac, this kid is full of surprises, let’s get going, we shouldn’t waste any time.”

He held out his hand to Jordan and he said to him: “Take my hand kid, and think about where you want to go.”

Jordan looked sideways at Isaac, who simply nodded in encouragement, and after he took Miguel’s hand and closed his eyes to focus on the room where Cassandra was, he felt a burst of power in the spiritual energy, and when he opened his eyes again, surprised by what had just happened, he widened his eyes, because they were indeed in the basements of the palace where Cassandra was hidden.

After recovering from his surprise he frowned and said to Miguel: “I guess this is the closest you could teleport us.”

Miguel nodded surprised too because he has been like pushed back here, it was the first time it happened to him, so he said to them: “Okay, wait for me there, don’t move, I’ll get the others.”

Miguel disappeared immediately and Isaac then asked Jordan: “How do you feel, can you walk ?”

Jordan shook his head helplessly and he said to him : “I can barely stand, it’s like all my bones have been crushed.”

Isaac smiled at him and he then grabbed one of his arms and he hoisted him onto his back saying : “Try to hold on to me, we can’t afford to be slowed down.”

He said as he felt Miguel, Tarik and Lanis appear next to them: “I have a bad feeling guys, and it’s like my visions are blocked and that they can’t warn me of danger.”

Miguel frowned upon hearing this and when he looked at Tarik and Lanis for confirmation of what Isaac had just said, he saw that their faces had darken and so he decided to double the protection he had already put around them just in case.

Jordan didn’t wait to be asked and he gave them directions, and after a while Lanis asked him curiously : “Why aren’t there any guards ?”

Jordan immediately said to him : “Very few people know about this place, and it’s protected by all kinds of barriers, so there’s no need for guards.”

Isaac then said to him teasing him: “And to think you still wonder why they wanted to kill you.”

Miguel chuckled and he explained to Jordan: “They probably already killed the other fighters and mages who knew about this place to protect their daughter. And I think they hesitated to kill you earlier because of the connection you had with Lilith but that bitch must have had a vision that you were a threat to them and she chose to get rid of you.”

Jordan then asked him as he continued to lead the way: “So she is the one who lowered the power of the shield so I could kill all those innocent Titans.”

Miguel simply nodded and he suddenly motioned for them to stop, Elias warned him that Diana had just left the arena and that she was probably heading their way.

‘Holy shit’, Miguel swore and he then said to his men: “Everyone stay behind me no matter what, Diana is heading our way. While I will be fighting her, you will have to go get Cassandra, understood?”

As everyone nodded, Jordan continued to guide Miguel through the maze that was the palace’s basement and he had even stopped warning him of the traps that were in their way because they had absolutely no effect on Miguel and the force field he had created around them.

If they were spell attacks, the particles that formed the spell were as if absorbed by the force field, and if they were attacks like thousands of fine needles soaked in the venom of the hydras, these needles disintegrated totally in contact with it.

But what had surprised him even more was that Miguel had placed himself with authority in front of them to protect them and that Isaac’s comrades-in-arms had placed themselves each on their side because, because of him, Isaac was no longer free to move like he wanted and he was therefore the one who was the most vulnerable in their band of invincible warriors.

When Jordan warned Miguel that after this hallway there would be a large room and that at the end of it was the room where Cassandra was assimilating the Titans’ bloodline, Miguel made them slow down and as they walked to the end of the hallway Lanis and Tarik both put their hand on Miguel’s shoulders at the same time and when Miguel turned around and saw that Isaac was having a vision, he put immediately a hand on his forehead and he used their telepathic link to connect to his mind.

He had no time to waste and this was the only way to access his vision. Once connected, he suddenly saw Diana standing in front of a door, he saw that she was holding a golden sword that he would have recognized anywhere, and he saw the same attack that would have annihilated all the resistants in his home world if he hadn’t given his life to save them.

Isaac’s vision was fragmented, as it always was when the Warrior Spirits’ visions were obstructed by a powerful psychic like Diana, but he got its message.

Miguel right away opened a portal and he sent his men directly to their palace in the plane of existence reserved for the Gods.

He left them no choice because it was out of the question that he take the slightest risk. At that time, he was only 21 years old when he had died deflecting this attack and then pierced by this sword, and Elias was only 17 years old.

Today however everything was different, neither this attack, nor this sword, could kill him or Elias, he simply didn’t want to be distracted by worrying about his men who were themselves threatened by the power of this sword, and that’s why he had put them in safety, to be able to fight with a mind free of any preoccupation.

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