
Chapter 31 Inside The Palace

The unmanned drones are one of the secret tools that serve to transport people on missions without being detected. The drones have propellers on all four sides that rotate silently. The size of the drones that will transport them this time is quite small because they can only carry one person. Therefore there are five drones available for each one of them.

John is not the man on duty in the field. He is in charge behind the scenes to handle everything from the security system and manage the drones that will fly them to the location.

Erend, Billy, and Lt. The Boartusk were given brief instructions by Steve as this was their first time being transported by an unmanned drone.

"Don\'t worry. You just have to be quiet and wait until these drones get you to the destination," Steve said.

His words didn\'t make the three of them feel any better. What if the black rope holding them broke in midair and they fell? By the way, the way the drones transport them is by hooking them with ropes so that the drones can carry them.

"You sure this rope is strong enough?" Billy asked.

"Of course. We\'ve used this many times." Steve began to hook himself with the drone.

Anna had also hooked herself up. Billy, Erend, and Lt. Boartusk hooked themselves up and waited with pounding hearts.

"Alright. Everything is ready. John." Steve nodded at John.

John nodded back and pressed something on the tab in his hand. The drones began to float carrying the five of them into the air.

The tactical suits that covered their entire bodies were black, making them blend into the night sky.

It didn\'t take long before they reached the roof of the oval palace. The drones landed them gently then they all immediately unhooked the drones.

The drones instantly flew away and disappeared as if merging with the night sky.

They started communicating by radio.

"Alright. Let\'s follow the path that has been set. You still remember the path, right?" Steve asked.

"Yes," Lt. Boartusk replied.

"Of course we do!" Billy answered.

"..." Erend just nodded.

"Good," Steve said. "Let\'s go in."

They opened one of the ventilation holes just enough for them to enter. Then Steve came in first, followed by Lt. Boartusk, Billy, then Erend, and Anna took the very back.

Steve led them down the vent for about a minute until he finally stopped and opened the vent again.

"We\'re going down now," Steve said.

After saying that Steve immediately jumped down. They all followed him. Once they landed, they realized that they were in a kitchen.

The kitchen is empty and the light is dim. They turn off the light because it\'s already late at night.

Steve pointed his silenced pistol forward.

"Careful, follow me." Steve walked slowly while brandishing his pistol.

"Do we have to kill here?" Billy asked.

"No. This gun only contains drug bullets so whoever gets shot just goes to sleep," Steve replied.

Billy breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay."

They came out of the kitchen and into the deserted corridor. In the late hours of the night like this usually, everyone was asleep except the guard who used to go around.

Steve saw a small screen on his lower wrist. On the screen was a map with dots indicating their location and lines showing the route to their destination.

Steve turned right. Everyone behind him followed with pounding hearts--except Anna. They were all stealing at the President\'s residence.

They have never been to this place. But their first visit was to steal something.

Steve raised his fist, signaling them all to stop.

"What is it?" Billy asked.

"There\'s someone up ahead," Steve said.

They are now at an intersection. Footsteps sounded from the front. Soon after, a security guard appeared in front of them.

But before he could turn, Steve had fired his gun twice. The security looked at them with wide eyes when he realized it. But he didn\'t have time to do anything before collapsing.

Steve immediately caught his body and laid him slowly on the floor to avoid the noise.

Then Steve stood up and took the lead again. They encountered some more security during the trip but Steve with Anna\'s help managed to overcome them easily. Especially with that powerful drug bullets.

Erend, Billy, and Lt. Boartusk did almost nothing. They were also confused as to why they were there.

"Is that man here?" Erend asked.

"Yes. But he\'s not our priority," Steve answered without taking his eyes off the front.

The man\'s concentration was so good that he could answer all the questions while continuing to lead them carefully.

Erend couldn\'t say anything after hearing his answer. The reason he wanted to meet the man was that he wanted to ask how he could go to Eternal Earth, enter the Elf palace and then steal the key to the Fountain of Eternity.

But that can wait another time. For now, getting the key back is the top priority. Erend saw that there were many security cameras in every corner of the building but he knew that all of them had been taken care of.

Erend was also sure that there was another security system in this building that he couldn\'t see. Without John manipulating the security system here, this heist would have been very difficult if not impossible.

A few minutes later they arrived in front of a room. The door is equipped with a lock with a scanner and a button to enter the PIN.

Steve waved his hand at Anna, motioning her forward. Anna immediately walked forward and took out a device.

Steve and Anna plugged the cable from the device they had brought into the electronic lock and got to work.

Erend, Billy, and Lt. Boartusk looked at each other. Even though their faces were covered by dark helmets, they seemed to be able to clearly see each other\'s facial expressions.

"Done," Steve said. "Let\'s go in."


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