
Chapter 5 05. Djinn (1)

"My talents are already widely spread and known throughout the Revolutionary Army, so I could even be identified. No matter how small the risk is, we can\'t afford to take it!"

Of course, this was all utter bullshit.

Lucius knew from his memory that there would be no risk of him being exposed if he went to the academy in the original story.

It was even safer for him now, after all, how could they discover a talent when he had none to begin with?

Lucius also wanted to tell Albert this and come up with better solutions but as he said, there were traitors in their midst and it wasn\'t just the traitors that Lucius had to worry about.

It\'s funny to think about it really. Even in a group called the revolutionary army that hated the feudal system and nobles and wanted to change the world, when it came to infighting and schemes, they were not too different from the nobles they so despised.

The one who created the revolutionary army was Lucius\'s father, Sirius, not him.

And since Sirius was a revolutionary that hated the class divide he was never planning to rule over the people, rather than an army, it was more like an alliance of like-minded people.

The only reason that this scattered bunch had managed to rise to the position today was based on Sirius\'s unimaginable charisma and reputation along with his overwhelming strength that made all these people willingly submit to him regardless.

Naturally after Sirius\'s death, the problem with such an organisational structure showed itself to the fullest.

With each person submitting to Sirius and Sirius alone, most were unwilling to let someone else take the lead.

Eventually, Lucius managed to take the position of head of the revolutionary army by riding on his father\'s coattails and using his overwhelming talents to stabilise the hearts of the leaders of the army.

If it was to be known by the higher-ups that his overpowered talents had disappeared the revolutionary army may enter a period of civil war or even worse, fracture directly.

As Lucius\'s future power base to survive the upcoming troubled times, he couldn\'t allow this to happen.

Even if he had to lie to his deathbed, he wouldn\'t tell a soul in the revolutionary army that his talents had disappeared!

Lucius\'s gaze hardened as he looked around the underground room.

Eerie sigils and inscriptions lined the walls and in the centre of the room lay a giant magic circle that radiated an unsettling crimson light.

The revolutionary army was a group that had been in league with demons for several years now so they knew most of the details about summoning demons and as such, Lucius didn\'t have to do it himself.

All that remained for Lucius to do was complete the final step.

Walking up to the centre of the magic circle, Lucius used a small knife to cut his hand, dripping his blood into the centre of the formation.

As this was happening he began to chant a strange set of words he was given beforehand.

An unintelligible string of words flowed out from Lucius\'s mouth, each word sounding like the sharp pieces of iron scraping together, causing all the hairs on his back to stand up.

Just moments later, a brilliant flash of deep crimson exploded from the centre of the magic circle causing Lucius to stumble backwards.


Lucius could feel a blast of warm rush past him and it didn\'t take long for him to figure out why.I think you should take a look at


There was a small explosion as a carpet of burning flames spread out from the centre of the magic circle and Amongst the flames a daunting figure could be seen.

A giant crimson body over two metres tall, each section bursting with overwhelming muscles. A pair of curved, dark, demonic horns and an unsettling smile that would put even the most hardened mortals on edge,

This was a Djinn!

Djinns were amongst the most powerful species of demons but the most common trait known by humans amongst Djinns had to be their scheming nature.

Due to this Djinns were the demon species that interacted with humans the most. Most myths and folktales that were passed around by common people about demons were actually talking about Djinns.

Djinss were commonly known to be able to fulfil the wishes of warriors longing for power or defeated nobles who needed the power to avenge their fallen families.

The giant Djinn looked down at Lucius below and laughed menacingly

"Haha! Well done human, now that you have summoned me I can grant you your-"

But before the Djinn could finish his sentence, Lucius\'s cold words sounded in his ears

"Jump his ass!"

Without hesitation, Uncle Albert who was at his side shot out like a cannonball straight towards the Djinn. And as if that wasn\'t enough, tens of figures jumped out of the shadows to subdue this demon.

Seeing this the Djinn let off a wild roar as the flames around it swirled field by its rage.

But even with its full power unleashed the demon was ambushed, trapped and outnumbered.

It knew that if it continued to stay here then it would meet its end!

"Damn you, you treacherous human! You may have won this time but one day I will surely have your head!"

After leaving behind a stereotypical monologue the demon tried to use the innate ability of all Djinn\'s teleportation but as it tried it quickly realised that something was wrong.

The poor Djinn looked back towards Lucius only to see a twisted smile on his face.

The second the Djinn saw this his heart sank to his stomach.

\'Fuck! I\'ve been had! This kid was planning to trap me from the very start!\'

The Djinn had caught into Lucius\'s schemes but it was already too late.

The sigils lining the walls weren\'t used to summon the demon, they were instead special symbols each one with demon-binding capabilities.

The second the poor Djinn had accepted Lucius\'s call to be summoned here its fate was sealed.

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