
Chapter 11 - Shaman

Meanwhile in one out of three paths of the dungeon.

The two goblins that were sent by the hobgoblin finally reached their destination.

They paused in front of a cave entrance to get a breather cause of the continued running.

The cave entrance although similar to their cave was clearly different from their cave. The stone in the sides was better dugout while the path was smooth with no sharp stones to see.

But what clearly differentiates the two caves was the wooden structure that looked like a totem.

The totem which had the form of a cross made out of wood had three overly large skulls that couldn´t have been from any other goblins. These were attached to the front, while on both the sides were some kind of cloth that had a deep crimson color to it.

After a short while, two other goblins with a spear in their hand and helmets came out of the entrance from the cave.

"Kgha? Khgaa! Khgaa!" Seeing the two exhausted goblins outside they at first got confused but after a short exchange of screetching, they looked at each other with shock.

The blue-eyed attacked them!?

What happened to the warrior chief then!?

That\'s out of our scope! We must let the elder know about this!

After a quick glance, they both nodded at each other and dragged the exhausted goblins deep inside the cave.

While the exhaust goblins were being led inside they took some glances of the cave and what they first noticed was that it was weirdly... cleaned!

Compared to their cave that replaced more a trashcan than a home, this cave looked liked an untouched maiden with pure white cloths!

This is weird!

Although this cave also had holes in the walls together with similar equipped but only more organized.

It felt kind of alien to these two goblin´s that were used to see so much junk around.

While they blankly stared around they soon reached their destination.

They stopped right in front of some cloth that was hiding what was on the other side. Seeing the 2 goblin guards point to go inside they suddenly became anxious.

Since behind this cloth would be the elder that even their father feared and admired!

With some hesitation, the 2 goblins walked inside.

But what they saw bought them the chills...


In the middle of the room was a goblin who held a staff and wore some messy robes. The only difference between this goblin and all the other goblins was this age. He had wriggles all over this face and a messy white beard. If it weren´t for these eyes that clearly showed madness inside them you would have thought that it was just an old goblin.

But that wasn´t what scared these two goblins...

"Visitors? That´s weird, I even told them not to come in...wait, you guys aren´t from here right? You must have been sent by my little brother, right?

If someone were to just see the sight of this old goblin casually talking to the two goblins it would have looked quite peaceful as if a grandpa finally meets these grandchildren.

But the current sight couldn´t have been more wrong!

Although the voice of the old goblin sounded quite calm, the thing he was currently doing was terrifying!

While he was speaking he never ever glanced at the two goblins but instead focused on this current task at hand. Literally.

This hand never stopped, not even a second. And the place where this hand was working towards...


Besides the old goblin was a stone tablet, which had a goblin shackled on top with some rope. The shackled goblin was trying to break free but to no avail.

"Oh, this? Don´t mind it too much, do tell me though, why are you two here in front of me?"

While speaking he drew a circle that had four circles in all four directions in the belly of the shackled goblin.

And he\'s slowly and carefully was piercing the shackled goblin with some wooden spikes to all the four located circles in the belly.


Seeing this scene the two goblins couldn´t help but shake in fear.

"Didn´t I already asked? tell me why you guys are here"

The before smiling grandpa goblin smile was now never to be seen and frowned towards the two goblins. The look of this face while frowning put together with this wriggles looked like a crazed man who couldn´t decide which one to kill first.

Realizing the danger these two were in they hastily started to explain the situation to the grandpa goblin.

"So you guys are telling me that the blue eyed skeleton has attacked your cave?" he asked with doubt.

The goblins just nodded in confirmation of this question.

Resewing the same answer from before the look of the grandpa goblin suddenly turned even uglier.

"That´s simply impossible! I have studied the path´s that the blue eyed skeleton is taking and the direction of my brother´s cave is nowhere near enough! The blue eyed goes either to the path that leads to the first floor or the path with the most death mana around!" The voice of the grandpa goblin was as vicious as it was loud.

The two goblins tried to explain themselves but they were cut before they even could.

"You dare to come in front of me and disturb me!?"

The grandpa goblin stopped working on the shackled goblin in the table and point this finger at one of the goblins and started casting quitly.


The two goblins were confused by this actions and tried yet again to explain themselves but before they could even open they mouth, a lightning jumped at the first goblin from the tip of this finger.

Fully penetrating this goblin and leaving a black spot in the goblins belly.


Seeing this brother dying so suddenly by some lighting he was terrified. He hastily turned around to run away but he bumped into the two goblin guards from before.

"Bring him over to me! The last experiment already had lost this liveliness."

Seeing the two goblin guards grabbing him by this hand and dragging him towards the stone table he paled at what was going to happened to him.

"K-Kgha!! Kgha!!!" He trashed around in hopes to break free.

"You should make a good replacement for my experiments. hehe"

And I should check if what this goblin said was true...

but that can wait for later.



Currently in the hobgoblins cave...

"Finally done! Who would even thought that it would take this much to clean up this space..."

Seeing my surrounding with no goblin corpses or goblin trash I was finally able to call this place home.

I walked towards the throne and seated on it.

"What should I now do is the question"

I open the status and I started thinking about what I should do.


Name: ----

Race: Skeleton (Undead)

Level: 5

Class: [Undead Warrior Lv.1]

Sub-Class: ----

Health: 46/500

Mana: 60

Attribute Points: 0

Attributes: Strength: 14 Agility: 11 Intelligence: 6 Endurance: 12

[Talents] [Undead] [Sin of Wrath]

[Skills] [Lower Weapon Mastery Lv.1] [Miasma Corruption Lv.1]

[Remark: A Skeleton that awakened this death aura. Although current you are pathetically weak, your potential just started to sprout.]

"Oh yeah! I already gotten my class so there should be some new talents or skills right?"

With excitement, I pressed towards the Talents with anticipation

[Talents] ----

Only to meet disappointment...

"If my class doesn´t show any talents, then how do I even get new talents? Can I even get new talents or does it just tell me that I am talentless?"

Just thinking about that pissed me off.

"Let´s hope that there is something on the skills...


[Piercing] Enchant your weapon by the use of mana to greatly increase the penetration ability of your weapon. * Can only be used with weapons that are capable to pierce.

[Sprint] By Forcing mana into your leg you are able to surpass your limits thus being able to move at extreme speed for a limited amount of time. Though this method brings a heavy burden to your body.

[Shield Smash] Generate force through mana and store it inside a shield waiting to be unleashed to an enemy. * Can only be used with a shield.

[Wind Blade] Though mastery of your weapon and mana you are able to create a sharp blade made out of the wind and shoot it out from the direction you slashed towards. * Can only be used with a weapon that is capable to use slashing attacks.

"Wow! Four skills just because of my class!?" just seeing the effects and the names of the skills my excitement grow even bigger!

"I knew that [Skills] option wouldn´t disappoint me compared to someone else!"

If the [Skills] option were to be the successful child, then [Talents] should be the disappointment of the family!

Perfectly balanced.

As all things should be!

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