
Chapter 112 - The Trio

Staring at the three-story building in front of him, he would be lying if he said he wasn´t impressed.

There were no traces of crack in the walls to see, while the wood that was used looked as if it was brand new.

But what impressed Danzel the most were the countless glass windows that they had.

Though he saw some shops and buildings using glass for windows back in Berum, they mostly numbered in a single digit.

"This place sure is amazi-" Before Danzel could finish his sentence, he got interrupted shortly after.

"Ah, I am tired."

"Let´s get the reward money and rest for some centuries or so."

"What rest? We should go and get wasted instead of sleeping like the bear you are."

"What did you say!?"

"Instead of wasting those coins into that trash can that you call your stomach, let´s just find and pay a girl to warm our beds for a night or two~"

The mercenaries escorting the carriage ignored Danzel and just passed through him while dreaming what to do with the mission reward.


Seeing them walk in the building as if it was their own home and completely ignoring him, Danzel didn´t know what to say.

Having everyone walk in, the last one to go in turned back and faced Danzel for a moment before turning his gaze towards the two figures behind him.

"Hey, half-freaks! We will be going and collect our share of the deal, so make sure to take deliver them the package, also handle... that guy." As he pointed at Danzel, he shortly left as the hollow gaze of Danzel creeped him out.

"Those bastards..." Hannes cursed quietly.

"What was that?" Danzel asked.

In the two weeks traveling with each other, those two and the others didn´t seem to have a grudge against each other. 

Though they weren´t that talkative to others, I assumed it was because they weren´t into social interaction.

But looking at how that guy behaved I guess I was wrong.

"Sigh...it´s nothing worth mentioning, let us just finish the job and we will come back for you to be registered" Saying that, they guided the carriages together to the side of the building and started talking with what looked like an employee of the association.

"Ah Danzel, the paperwork might take some time to finish so you can already head inside, we will shortly find you there." 

Nodding at Serran, he headed inside the building.

Opening the door, a spacious room filled with all kinds of people was before him.

With some sitting at a table together while others were staring at a big board with many papers nailed on it.

Except for the few that had a similar uniform such as the employed that I saw together with Serran and Hannes, one thing had the other people in common.

That was that they were armed through the teeth.

Some looked like veteran hunters with battle scars from who knows where carrying many weapons in their bodies such as knives and small crossbows, while others looked like knights or even magic casters with the robe and staff set.

Though he wasn´t able to accurately perceive it, he could tell that except for the few scrubs here, everyone was at a similar level if not stronger from those two magic caster´s that he had fought.

`So that´s the mercenary association?´ Danzel nodded secretly to himself in approval.

Compared to those adventures that he would meet from time to time in Berum, the people here looked more professional.

"Hey, are you going to move today or not?" A voice sounded from behind him.

Turning around, he saw a group watching him with a frown on their face.

But that frown slowly disappeared after witnessing the tall armored figure staring at him.



Moving to the side, the group hastily went in and walked towards the reception table with an employee.

"I guess that´s the reception..."

Feeling rather awkward from the previous encounter, he looked around him in search of somewhere to sit quietly.

`Over there...´

Walking over the clear table, he seated on the wooden chair while aimlessly looking around for curiosity.

`Now I can see what Serran meant with his place being a hot place for mercenaries. If they were to gather everyone in Nercana they will practically make a whole battalion on their own.´

That of course is if they have the gold to pay them.

"Gold, huh..." Danzel said absent-mindedly as he pretended to pull out a gold coin from his chest.

`That ring sure is useful...´

Looking at the gold coin he pulled out from his ring storage, he couldn´t help but contemplate on what he should do with it.

With him having a couple of thousand gold coins inside this ring, he wouldn´t be financially troubled for a long time.

Though he was poor on XP, he could probably fill some buckets full of gold coins and still have enough in the end.

With such money in his fingertips while watching all those mercenaries searching for jobs paying little to nothing compared to his wealth.

He felt somewhat troubled about where to use it.

The first that came to his mind was a house and equipment to either keep for himself or engrave runes on those.

Since he needed a large quantity of those, he could imagine himself spending all those coins and turning them into XP.

But that logic was far too naive to even for him.

Though he doubted that he will find a house as good as the one that Gerak provided, he didn´t believe it to be a problem finding a place.

What the hard part was the equipment.

He doubted that none will notice such a large order.

But for the sake of the argument, even if none would notice, he would eventually have to sell all the crap that engraved his runes on.

After all, without any income, he will sooner or later be unable to buy other equipment.

If that were to happen he would be stuck with tons of armor sets and weapons that he couldn´t make use of.

[The Ring of Spatial Storage] had his limits.

Which by the way has already reached its limits with all the army´s remaining equipment.

The only solution that he thought would be to turn the equipment back into ingots and just sell those.

But that idea was quickly scratched as it would only delay the process of going poor and bring forth the wrath of all the blacksmiths in the world.

It was as if you were paying someone to make your homework, only for you to shred the paper into thousand of pieces and ask for the guy to make your homework again.

Seeing your work being destroyed by the very man who asks for another one of your work to destroy, the frustration one must feel would be intense.

Thus, he was in a dilemma.

If he were to sell the runed equipment there was the chance for the same thing to happend as in Berum.

But not selling them would result in no income for him.


`I will have to find someone to sell the junk and focus on figuring out the Veren runes´ While Danzel was formulating a plan inside his head, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Hey! Can´t you hear me you little sh*t!?"


Turning around was a trio of men with the middle skinny one yelling at me.

To the right was one as tall as Danzel with many scars on his face and messed up hair.

On the left side was a shorter man with a height of 1.68 tall with a slightly circular head.

Looking at their faces full of arrogance Danzel felt confused.

\'Who are those guys?\'

"What do you want" Daniel said with a cold voice.

Pointing his fingers at the table, the skinny man yelled out.

"Were you sitting at our table! Scram before we make you to!"

Glancing at the table and the people with pitty eyes on me, I replied with a firm tone.

"I was here first, go find somewhere else to go." Turning my head around, I started ignoring the trio.

Though keeping a whole table for himself was unreasonable, the way does guy came at him was too aggressive.

If someone elsewhere to ask reasonable for him to stand up so that this party could sit, I wouldn\'t mind waiting for standing.

After all, I wasn\'t a member of this association, at least not yet.

If a no-member were to disrupt a member of the association, he could picture him getting in trouble since he would be in the wrong.

But those guys came with an attitude of being the kings of this world.

If they are going to be a*sholes.

I will be a a*shole!

"You!" With a flushed-up red face, the skinny man reached his arm to grab my shoulder.

But before he could touch me, I shot up from the stair and grabbed his wrist, and turned it slightly around.

"Gahh!" Falling on his knees, the pain came rushing from his wrist which made him cry out in pain.

Seeing the commotion that we made, the voices inside the building quieted down with everyone focusing their attention on us now.

But I didn\'t pay any attention to them.

Turning his wrist, even more, more cries of pain came out of the skinny man.


"You bastard!"

"You courting dead!"

As his friends were about to draw their weapons, a robed figure came and pulled Danzel away.

"We finished our work Danzel, let\' a go resist now!"

"Serran..." Noticing what Serran wanted, he complied as he didn\'t like the attention he was getting at.

Followed by Hannes closely behind, Danzel und Serran left for the reception table.

Unknown of those two hateful glares behind them.

Gripping his wrist, the man started whispering to himself something.

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