
Chapter 120 - Trespassing

The children gathered around the black-haired boy turned around by Danzel\'s question with hate full look on their face.

Some of the smaller ones were being held by the much older children so that they won\'t rush at Danzel with their sticks in hand.

They knew that the chance of beating him was non-existent.

All they could do was hatefully look at him.

Of course, Danzel didn\'t care about their opinion.

From his point of view, he just entered the building he just purchased, and not even a minute in his own home he found those guys using a damn crossbow and that guy wanting to crush my skull with a dagger in his hand!

You guys are at my home! You don\'t even have the right to be angry!

If it weren\'t for Danzel restrain, he would already kill those guys.

The only reason why he didn\'t kill them was out of curiosity and wanting to avoid staining the whole place with the blood of those guys.

Though the main reason was of wanting to avoid trouble.

Although Serran told him many things, he didn\'t tell him laws regarding the murder.

The only laws he knew were that of Berum and murder there was punished by death.

Though he had the ring of storage with him, if he were to completely hide his trace he would have to pull everything out, and even then he would have to make two whole trips outside the city to drop the bodies or something.

Taking the body of all those guys would be more of a hassle than it was worth.

\'It\'s not worth it\' Danzel shook his head internally.

He was already planning to give those guys the same treatment that the dark elve had received if they refused to leave.

"I asked why you guys are staying here!" He said impatiently.

"Hieeh" Scared from his tone and overall his imposing figure they stepped back with tears forming in their eyes.

\'Should I just kill them?\' Danzel thought to annoy.

Although cleaning though all up the mess would probably waste him the day, even for him it was starting to get irritating.

As he was rubbing his finger on Veren\'s handle the black-haired kid started to slowly raise up, with fighting spirit yet to fade.

"Ugh...This is our home! I will not let you hurt anyone here!" The boy said.

"Kayn, you can\'t!"

"If you move more you will die!"

The children beside him spoke with worry.

Yet his words didn\'t match this current condition.

His legs and hands that we\'re supporting him from standing up were shaking constantly.

It was obvious that he wasn\'t in any condition to fight.

Looking at that, Danzel would even roll his eyes on him if he had any.

Also, what the boy just said had an important detail that he didn\'t miss.

This is our house.

Hearing that Danzel scoffed at them.

He had a good idea of the current situation that those guys were in.

They probably are orphans who used this abandoned church as their home.

With this place to be called cursed at that, not many people would seek trouble with them.

In other words he was basically invading their home.

But the thing is...

Those guys were doing the exact same thing!

Pretending to get something from his neck, he got the ownership papers out of his ring storage and showed them to this group of brats.

"Huh? What is that?"

"Ehm..something written on a paper..." Marcus said with furrowed eyes.

"Can\'t read it, can you Kayn?" Anna looked at Kayn.

Blankly staring at the paper Kayn said with a frown on his face.

"It\'s too dark..."


Hearing that Danzel wanted almost to slap himself.

\'Right, unlike me, does guys don\'t have night vision, if  eveb the knowledge to read\'

Though he who had this knowledge printed inside his mind from the moment he stepped out of the waters for some reason, those guys probably hadn\'t the same privileges as him.

Annoyed, he activated the runes in his gauntlet.

A sudden dark green mana appeared in Danzel\'s hand.

Though it wasn\'t that bright, it was still enough to lighten the words and make him look much scarier than before.

As some of the kids were surprised by the bright light, others that could read had their eyes wide open.

"This is..." Kayn mutter with a pale face.

Without letting him finish Danzel pointed at the paper.

"The home that you guys were illegally were using as your own had been purchased from today by me."

Moving his finger at the group who stared in shock, he said rather ominously.

"And you guys are currently trespassing."

Kayn who read through all the paper had a pale expression on his face, as he understand what that meant for them.

But those who were much less bright in the head refused to accept it.

"You are lying! You are trying to kick us out and steal our stuff! We aren´t going to be fooled!" Marcus said with confidence.

The smaller kids who didn´t exactly what was happening started to side with Marcus.

Since he sounded so confident and was one of them, they obviously chose to believe him than the words of a stranger.

"Marcus... this is-"

"Yeah! That bad guy is lying to us!"

"He wants to steal our home from us!"

Chanting continuously like some vavid  believers, the kids already determined that Danzel was lying to them.

Looking at that Kayn´s wanted to say something, but the moment he tried a surge of pain came to  him.

Danzel in comparison looked at those guys solemnly.

`Those guys long surpassed the state of denial and went straight to being sheep...´ Danzel though.

What currently was happening was nothing more than the clueless lot blindly following the loudest among them.

Since one of them said so confidently then he must be right, right?

Even though the minority who already knew the truth tried to explain, the majority who believed otherwise strongly rejected them as being `wrong´ and them being `right´.

It was as if you showed someone proof that the planet was round, but the other party would say that you are wrong and say it´s flat instead with no further intel to proof there statement.

Once someone went into that mind state, everything that you would say would be useless as in their mind, you would be already wrong.

As the chant continued, so did Danzel\'s patience.

Releasing his own killing intent upon his surroundings, the brats stopped their chants and looked at Danzel with horror.

"You guy seems to get something wrong, If you guys don\'t leave in the next 5 minutes I will simply kill everyone here one by one without exception." With this ominous tone, he walked close to the guy who started all this farce.

Staring down on the shaking Marcus, Danzel said.

"And since you guys are practically in my home, killing you all would be of no problem."

Grabbing the seat on the left, using his strength the seat top part broke as if it was nothing.

Placing that very hand that broke the seat to Marcu\'s head, a sudden feeling of dread came into Marcu\'s heart.

The fact that this hand crushed a stone and the wooden seat effortlessly was currently on top of his head, he couldn´t help but imagine his head exploding any minute.

Switching his gaze towards the black-haired kid, Danzel said with a cold voice.

"You are their leader right?"

"Yes..." Kayn answer as he looked at the hand on top of Marcus head with worry.

"I gave you guys 5 minutes to gather your staff and leave this place. If by the time you guys haven´t left, you know what will happen to you..."

Drawing Veren out of his sheath, he pointed the long blade to the group of kids.

"And them."

Opening his mouth, Kayn wanted to say something but no words came out. He instead looked at the group of kids who looked scared and almost about to cry.

`He is serious...´

Gulping his saliva, Kayn nodded.

"In 5 minutes we will leave this place."

Satisfied with his response, he sheathed Veren back and walked towards the broken statue.

"You got 5 minutes, once those passes don´t expect any mercy of me," Danzel said as he pulled out his [Sun Timer] to keep a track of time.

"Kayn, are you serious?" Marcus said quietly as he looked at Danzel with shaking eyes.

The children looked similarly at Kayn, waiting to see his answer.

With a pitiful smile, he said to all the other kids.

"Alright guys, start gathering our staff! We finally move out of his shit hole to a better place!" Kayn standed up with a smile on his face while ignoring the pain from the fall of before.

Looking at each other, they started to gather their stuff in haste.

While the smaller children believed his lies, the older ones had pitiful smile\'s on their faces.

With time passing by, Kayn looked at all the children and then at Danzel who was staring at the [Sun Timer] the whole time.

"We apologize for using your home, Mr. Knight... We will be leaving now." Turning around, all the kids followed Kayn out of the church.

With none being inside the church anymore, Danzel couldn´t help but be surprised.

"Exactly 5 minutes...."

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