
Chapter 130 - Small Magi Mask

"What should I buy first..." Danzel mumbled as he was staring at his list.

Though the list itself wasn´t long, the things in it were either expensive or right of difficult to get.

"A new set of armor would be nice, not only are the hole a slight eyesore, but I started to feel the weight muss less. Once I spent that XP the armor would be too light..."

Scratching his helmet, he ignored all the nearby eyes who looked at me as if I was crazy.

With their right of that too.

I mean, who wouldn´t if someone was whispering to himself in the early morning.

But he didn´t care about those guys\' opinions.

"But for that, I would need a carriage and after that, I got to find some crystals..."

`And that´s only a fraction of what I need to buy...´ Danzel cursed internally .

"Hey! Look where you going!" A man yelled at Danzel who almost pumped to him.

"F*ck off," He said without even looking at the man.

He was afraid that if he turned, that man\'s face would be carved in by one of these punches.

Catching eye on a building with books and even crystals contained into boxes chained to the ground on display, he put this list away.

"Whatever, I will just get one of everything and be done with it. How expensive can a mere stone be?"

Walking inside the building, he called out the stuff and pointed at some crystals.


15 minutes later.

Walking out of the same shop, was Danzel holding a small box made out of wood and three books in his hands.

But compare how he walked inside frustrated and full of energy, now he couldn´t even be compared to a dead fish outside of water.

Dragging this own feet to move, he bitterly looked at the shop behind him and then at the stuff he bought with doubt.

"Such a fraud..." Danzel said but knew deeply to his heart that it was worth spending a total of 200 gold coins for just those four things.

Although such amount was basically nothing to Danzel, it was still a hefty amount to spend on just 3 books and a mana crystal.

All three books that he bought cost a total of 5 gold coins each and the crystal inside the box was the rest of 185.

He didn´t regret buying those books as it would be great tool to pass time and learn about monsters, magic and the laws of this kingdom.

Though he had to lie if he said he didn´t have any second thoughts of buying the crystal.

In reality, this crystal wasn´t necessary for this current plan. He just bought for a chance of page in this runesmithing.

Since no matter how interested he was in how the runes worked and all. Doing the same repetitive thing would get boring.

"At least is just right for me to practice on..." He said as he opened the small box slightly.

Inside was a slightly flat blue crystal the size of his palm.

Shaking his head, he closed the box while trying to forget that this crystal was worth one try on making the rune.

Putting the box inside his improved version of ribs bag made out of leather, he made this way searching for another shop.

Although he hasn´t used that bag for a long time because of this ring, he couldn´t bear himself to remove it as how used he got since this stay in the cave.

Some would consider this strange, but for him, it just felt comfortable.

And in a way, he couldn´t explain...familiar.

As he was pulled out of this list and read what else he should go for, he heard loud voices together with laughter on the sound road.

"Come here, come hear! The days that we will forget our hardship are near as those products are new! The fire festival will soon be upon us! Prepare yourself now for the flaring new year to come!" A man wearing red clothing with a cane on this hand said as he showed the nearby kids with their mother their products.

Danzel who was by the side hearing the men got imminently curious about what this was all about.

Moving towards the stall while ignoring all the kids who got frightened by him, Danzel looked at the products the man was selling confused.

"What are those..?"

The shop had quite the weird items that Danzel didn´t even know what they were.

They went from some sort of red-colored sticks to clothing and even masks of all kinds.

"Oh? From where do I have the honor to meet such a brave customer such as you" The man said while showing away a small girl with this mother away as if they were an eyesore.

Danzel who saw that didn´t say anything and just pointed at the sticks in front of him.

"What are those?"

"Oh-eah? Are you by any chance a foreigner? Those are called Fire sparks that are used on the fire festival. There are used to burn for an extended amount of time, one piece is just 5 silver! And if you buy two then I will sell them to you just for 8 silver just because you are such a brave customer!"

`I shouldn´t have come here...´ Danzel cursed under his helmet as of how obnoxious that guy was.

As he was about to turn around and forget about even being here, he spotted something that got this attention.

"Hmm..." Danzel glanced at this list and then at the object again.

Seeing the slight growth in interest in Danzel\'s body language, the salesperson turned around and looked at where his new gold bag was starring at.

"Oh-eah? Might you be interested in the Small Magi Mask, dear customer?" The man said somewhat confused.

Danzel who looked at this list having the mask in it turned to the man and nodded.

"Yeah, how much is that mask?"

As if he just said a secret code, the man\'s smile brighten up and his eyes showed just with greed.

"Oh dear customer, that mask is of the lowest quality cost 2 silver, but! But do not dread dear customer! As I got one with much better quality." Going away from the stall, the man came up with a box that looked of the highest quality at first glance, but Danzel imminently recognized the true worth of the box.

`Fancy trash...´

"Behold and be amazed! For just not 5! Not even 4! But 3 silver you can get one of the highest quality!"


Looking at both of the masks, Danzel couldn´t help but look at the guy thinking if he should just smack him once or not.

The so said Small Magi Masks were completely flat on the surface with no mouth to see. The only opening that it had were the eyes that had a moon-like shape.

No future where to be seen other than the area of the eyes which made the mask look really blank.

The only difference that those two masks had with each other was that the expensive one had some rotating eyes with two small openings that were the size of an eye.

What made him smack him was that the expensive mask was so much unpractical than the other one.

Once you moved the mask just by a bit was enough to make the small holes rotate left or right, making it extremely inconvenient, if not usable.

In other words, he was trying to scam him...

Danzel who was caressing the hilt of this blade suddenly had an idea.

"Well, if it´s just 3 silvers I might as well get the better one."

"Yes, right away dear sure." The man said with a bright smile while laughing at this idiot.

After paying up, Danzel looked at the mask and walked towards a nearby alley.

"Hmm...none is here." Nodding to himself, mana spread through this body.

Squirting slightly down, he jumped up high through the use of this skill.

Carving these fingers into the building walls, he once again used [Leap] and got at top of the building.

"Good" Nodding to himself for these capabilities, he sat down to the roof of a building and turned the mask to the other side.

"Let´s make this useful." Burning mana on his hand, he started to carve runes to the mask after making sure where exactly was enough place with [Rune Vision].

Though he could also buy the much cheaper mask, he decided to go for this one just because it covered the eyes slightly.

Ideally, he would have bought a faceless mask, but that might have raised questions to the normal people of how he can see and such.

With a rune capable to make him use this sight as the mask/helmet wasn´t there, It didn´t matter much how inconvenient they were.

[You received 2000 XP]

"Tch, I forgot those common runes such a cheapskate." 

Standing up to take a good look at the mask on the sun, through the nearby silence Danzel heard a small sound that could be easily mistaken for just the wind.

But the mask away, he swiftly turned around in the direction he heard the sound with this sword drawn.

"Who is there!?"

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