
Chapter 142 - Party

"Hannes...what´s this?" Serran pointed at Danzel with a frown on his face.

"Hmm? Do you mean Danzel? I brought him here for the quest. Didn´t you tell me to see if someone is interested in joining us on the hunt?" Hannes said.

"I didn´t mean-why-sigh, whatever." Serran said facepalming himself.

`What did I think by sending this dork to do a single job right.´ He thought as he observed Danzel with one eye.

It wasn´t that he didn´t acknowledge Danzel´s strength.

Since he hunted down the Alpha of the infamous golden hound pack all alone, that alone proved that he was capable.

Although their relationship by the last meeting became much better, Serran was still very uncomfortable around him.

If he had to explain it, he would say that Danzel was looking at them with a slight disgust my time to time.

Like every time he tried to speak with him, he would always stay for a few seconds silent and then talk.

Shaking his head, he turned his back at them "Anyway, follow me."

"...Alright" Nodding his head, Hannes and Danzel followed along."

After 5 minutes long of walking, they arrived at a stall with many carriages.

Though it was so early in the morning, there weren´t many people to see.

Except for a group of people.

"This is our group." Serran mentions Danzel.

Nodding his head, he stared at the three people in front of him.

`A spear, sword, and a bow?´ Danzel thought as he observed them.

"Hey, Serran! Where have you been? We were thinking about leaving without you!" A girl with a bow in her back and nice curves said.

"Didn´t I already tell  you that I will bring someone else for the quest?" Serran replied with a solemn face.

"Hmm? Is that guy behind that muscle head the one that you are talking about? I thought you will bring a magic caster, not a knight" The girl said, giving Danzel a disdainful look.

`What´s her problem?´ Danzel imminently decided not to interact with that girl.

"Don´t worry, the guy I brought would be much better than any magic caster you will find interested in that quest." Serran passed right through her and threw his bag inside the carriege.

"Let´s go already, waiting anymore will put us back to the schedule..."

"Huh? You didn´t even tell us who that random guy is!" The girl made her presence known with her complaints.

"Serran is right, we just came formed a group based on the quest requirements. What´s the point of knowing each other. Just looking at his sword you can guess he is a swordsman just like me." The man with the sword on his waist said as he joined Serran along.


Shrugging his shoulders the swordman disappeared in the carriage.

The one holding the spear just gave Danzel and Hannes a side look before joining those two.

"Sorry, Danzel. I forgot to mention this snake here..." Hannes whisper to Danzel just loud enough for the girl to hear.

"What did you just say!?"

Ignoring her temper, he passed through her with Danzel following close by.

With her face getting red from embarrassment, she pointed her finger at Danzel aggressively.

"You! Who are you anyway!? Don´t you see that none is liking your presence here!"

Halting for a second, he stared at her with a cold look.

"Maybe a look in your reflection might be of some help." He said as he joined the carriage along.

Stomping her feet to the ground, she shortly joined them after while cursing to herself quietly.


After hours of traveling with the carriage, the party finally arrived in front of the forest.

"Finally, we arrived..." Hannes said as he stretches his hand out of the carriage.

Shortly after the group followed along.

`I should even stay inside instead..." Danzel cursed internally.

Not only did he waste hours sitting in this carriage, but he was forced to hear the girl with the swordman Pickering through all the journey.

At first most of them ignored her, but the moment the swordsman had enough it turned into an eternal loop of curses and complaints.

It was to the point that he was getting mentally tired from them.

I hoped the whole time that the others will join and stop this endless torture.

But I was too naive!

With Hannes sleeping like a log and Serran driving the carriage, he could only put his hopes on the spear guy. But to his ignorance, the guy was also weird and only stared in my direction with a frown on his face.

In a hopeless situation, he could only try to appease that hyäne with his social skills. WhIch in the turn only added fuel into the fire...

At some point, he was about to use his [Rune Vision] to get some peace in his mind. 

Alas, he decided against it as he didn´t want to leave himself vulnerable with some strangers around him.

"Hey, Serran. Where can we find that huge turtle that Hannes mention" He asked, despairingly trying to stop the two beside him from talking.

"Hmm? Turtle?" Looking confused for a second, he exclaimed with understanding.

"I guess Hannes didn´t exactly tell you what we are hunting. Here..." Pulling a map from his cloak, it gathered everyone\'s attention, including the fighting duo.

Giving Serran a thumps up secretly, he listens along.

"What we are going to fight is called a [Earth Lizard], that looks similar to a [Earth Dragon] but is by whole lot weaker. It can be found around this area and his looks could be practically described as a giant turtle."

"It´s one of the lowest 3rd-tier beasts that is famed for his sturdiness. Although it´s extremely slow to the point 2nd-tier can kill one, his limps can crush someone to death if hit."

"Any question?" 


"I got the gist of it."

Seeing everyone shaking their head, he put away his map.

"Although we joined hands for money, I believe it´s best if we introduce ourselves." Serran said.

"Didn´t you say that we don´t need to..." The girl said with a frown on his face.

"I said that because you would even complain about the guy we brought, which would waste everyone\'s time..." Serran shook his head bitterly.


"I agree." The guy with the spear said, cutting the girl mid-sentence.

Going with the flow, the others agreed shortly after.

"Since I suggested it, I guess I should start."

Tapping his staff to the ground and straightening his back, Serran said.

"You may call me Serran and as you can see I am a magic caster who is well versed on earth and light magic. If you have any injuries feel free to give me a heads up"

`Light magic...´ Danzel looked meaningfully at Serran before the next introduced himself.

"As his buddy, I should be going next! As you all probably know I am Hannes. I mainly use this spear to penetrate my enemies or my fist if the situation calls for them! You may leave the heavy work for me to handle."

Stepping forward, the guy with the spear tapped his spear to the ground while looking at Hannes in disdain.

"My name is Marrick and compared to that guy I am a lancer. I specialize to fast close combat."

"That´s it?" The man with the sword shook his head as he stepped forward.

"You guys can calm me, Nolan, like you guys, might be able to see. I am a swordsman, so my specialty is like that guy´s in close quarters. I am capable of some mana and life force to enchant my body so you don´t have to worry for my capabilities."

Looking to his side, he snorted.

"And what can you do?"

"Hmpf!" The girl scoffed at him.

"If guys aren´t blind, then you can see that I am an archer. I am confident of my aim and detection awareness. I also can use some life force to reinforce my attacks, so feel free to depend on having me as your backline support!" She said with a straightened back that put her two melons in display and a look full of confidence.

`Isn´t that like declaring that you will just watch us from behind...´ Danzel complained internally.

If one thing he knew was that small wounds wouldn´t be enough based on Serran´s description.

The Alpha alone that was high-end 2nd-tier was capable to receive a blade through his eye and recover shortly after.

What could do some small arrows do at a beast that specializes in defense?

`Isn´t she just a useless archer?´

"I guess it´s my turn..." Danzel mumbled as he noticed the gazes landing on him.

"You guys can call  me Danzel. similar to Nolan I use the sword with the use of some spells to fight my enemies. I am confident in my speed even with that armor on me."

Looking at them with a cold gaze, he said with a small grin.

"Let´s have a nice cooperation with each other."

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