
Chapter 144 - Earth Lizard (2)


"Ugh, dammit! Are we really going to do this!?" Nolan cried out while drawing his sword out of his sheath.

Ignoring his complaint, Danzel dashed towards the earth lizard shortly after followed by Hannes and Merrick.

"Dammit!" Grinding his teeth, Nolan followed along frustrated.

Grasping a glimpse with his bloodshot eyes at them, the earth lizard raised his feet and smashed it downwards to where Danzel was.

`Serran was right...´ Sidestepping the foot, he slashed with his sword to the other foot, leaving a big gabbing wound.

"Gwaaagh!" The earth lizard screamed with his tongue out and kicked the ground where Danzel was.

"It´s indeed though..." Jumping back, he secretly shook his head. Although he was able to cut quite a lot, half of the wound was cleanly cut while the other half was like it was torn with pure force.

Observing the wound closer, Danzel couldn´t help but curse out loud.

"That thing can also regenerate!?" 

Seeing the wound closing slowly, Danzel opened the earth lizard status, only to see many skills and talents that either made it tougher or help it heal more effectively.

The one that brought most of his attention was the [Mana Forced Adaptation] which raised all his stats and continuous evolved his body.

Although he wasn´t much worried about himself as this things Agility was of 100 and his 189. This earth lizard\'s original agility was 76.

Together with his big and fat body, it was quite slow.

But his stats were probably what Serran was referring to and not his current strength.

And based on what he could see, the only guy who seemed to have a bit higher agility was the lancer Merrick.

Starring at the almost closed wound and his sword, Danzel went and continue slashing the earth lizard.

`With them being here, using [Cursed Blade] might get recognized as a death ability by Serran or the others. Although continuing slashing his body doesn´t seem to do much, for now, let´s observe the situation...´

"Gwaagh!" Screening with his tongue out, the earth lizard felt extremely annoyed.

With those four being so close and his big body, it could only trash around with his feet and long tail awkwardly. But even his attempt to swallow their body with his mouth was a failer as they either disturbed him or were too fast.

"Take that you big loud full lizard!" Holding his spear with both hands, Hannes thrust his spear to the side with life force flaring to the tip of the spear.

"Haaah!" The ground under Hannes\'s feet cracked as if an explosive was ignited. A huge force came out of Hannes spear, pushing the earth lizard\'s body slightly to the right.

"How is that-!"

"You idiot! Say something if you are going to throw it to me!" Merrick cursed at Hannes as he did a quick succession of thrusting, making tons of small holes yet deep wounds.

"Gwaagh!" Angered, the earth lizard jumped with his two front legs and raised his front body section higher up. Once his whole body came down, a huge shock wave pushed the others together with rocks away.

Standing in the middle of the crater, it raised his head a screeched with his head up high in pride.



As it was showcasing his power, a small sound of string could be slightly heard.

With the sound replacing an arrow cutting through the wind, the arrow pierced directly at the earth lizard\'s eye. making it scream with pure rage through the surroundings.


Experiencing the pain of having his eye be pierced together with losing half of his vision, with bloodshot eyes the earth lizard searched from where that attack until it meet a slim figure to the distance.

Realizing that it was that figure\'s fault that he was experiencing such pain, it disregarded the others who once again began to wound him and rushed like a bull with his tongue out, his bloodshot eyes fixed at Sarah.

"Ah crap!" with a paniced expression, Sarah turned around and made a run for it as soon as she saw the earth lizard having the hots for her.

But with the momentum the earth lizard was building, she was doomed to be caught.

Seeing that, Serran clicked his tongue and slammed his staff to the ground.

With mana traveling through the ground, a wall made of stone rose up, blocking the path between the charging earth lizard and Serah.

"It won´t hold..." Danzel mutter to himself.

He clearly recognized the spell that Serran used as his [Stone Wall] spell. 

Although it was a better version of his, it was nowhere enough to stop the earth lizard.

Raising his hand, after some hesitation he started casting another stone wall directly in front of Serran´s wall.

Although he would very much like to have that obnoxious girl killed, her aim impressed him quite  a bit, which in turn made her good support. 

Nonetheless, he concluded that even if she struck him with an arrow she would be of no threat. Unless she manage to hit his head, with his skeletor body, the damage would be nonexistent.

"What the, he can use earth magic?" Serran said, surprised by the sudden wall that was cast by Danzel.

"Gwaagh!" With his whole force that is built up, the earth lizard came crushing to the overlapped stone walls.


With the walls crumbling down, the earth lizard came to a sudden halt as his momentum disappeared.

As it was about to begin his charge once again, the hard earth under his feet started to soften up to become something similar to a liquid form.

"I won\'t let you!" Serran yelled as his mana changed the earth under the earth lizard into the mud.

"Gwaagh!?" His two front legs slowly sinking to the ground, the earth lizard looked confused as it tried to free itself.

Seeing that chance, Nolan\'s eyes brighten up.

"My chance!" Nolan said as he dashed with life force enchanting his body and mana engulfing his sword.

Jumping in the earth lizard\'s tail, he runs on top of his body towards the head.

Although the earth lizard noticed that, it could only helplessly wriggle his body in hopes to throw Nolan off his body.

"Nolan! Get away from it! My spell is about to fade!" Serran screamed with a panicked voice.

Ignoring Serran´s warning, he continues running towards the head.

"Hmpf, if you want to get the job done, you got to aim for the head!" With the mana increasing the sharpness of his blade, he swung at the earth lizard forehead with ease.

With blood oozing out of the clean-cut wound, the earth lizard screamed out of pain.


"Ha! How you like that-" As Nolan was about to swing once again, the mud began to harden, which made the earth lizard have footing once again.

"Gwaaaagh!" Rising his body from his previous position together with his head that was down, the moment it stopped rising Nolan was thrown up to the air without even being able to react.

"What the hell!?" Suprised in the air, he prepared himself to meet the impact of his fall.

But shortly after he noticed the earth lizard hastily turned his back at him.

"Wait! It can´t be!" A sudden realization came to his mind which made his face pale. Turning his head toward the ground with a crazed expression, he started to repeat the same thing.

"Come one, come one! Fall faster!" Staring at the ground with a crazed longing, he came to a sudden halt as the earth lizard stopped spinning.

Having turned his huge body with all of his strength, the earth lizard tail was swung through the air with such force that the air was making sounds of it being pushed.


"Nooo!" Seeing the huge tail being swung at him with such force, Nolan screamed out of despair as he put his arms up to guard against it.

Alas, like hitting a fly with your hand.

The huge tail sends Nolan flying through the air.

Rolling through the air with his arms and legs already broken, half of his body crashed at one of the trees with such force that his head was pulled out and all remaining bones of his chest broke.

Falling headless to a nearby bush with a messed up body, only the loud screech of the earth lizard could be heard through the surroundings.


"Oh god..." Serah shook as she stared at what had just happend.

Not even 5 minutes have passed to where she and Nolan were complaining at each other. But with just a strike, the annoying man who was pissing her off died.

`If that were to hit me...´ She though.

And she wasn´t alone thinking of that.

Serran and Merrick also had tense expressions on their face.

Only two were fearless.

Danzel, who was confident of his strength.

And Hannes.

"You beast! I will show you what you get for killing Nolan!" Yelling, Hannes runs directly in front of the earth lizard.

Although the earth lizard couldn´t understand what it was saying, it knew when to recognize a challenge.

  Having succeeded with his tail attack once, the earth lizard turned and swung his tail towards Hannes side.

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