
Chapter 190 - Hard To Kill Undead


With the sheer howl alone, the bones themselves of him and his undead skull wolves started to vibrate while the dust was falling from the stones that made the tower.

The metal-like claws dug slightly through the ground.

Staring at the three intruders with pure rage in his eyes, it dashed forward with incredible speed towards the ones who interrupted his sleep!

Seeing that, Danzel gave an internal command towards the two bodyguards of his in a cold tone.




Following the orders of their liege, the two large undead skull wolves dashed forward with their mouths wide open. Their determination to uphold the wishes of their liege and releasing of killing intent is one impressive to withness and shiver at.

Too bad that those things weren´t much use against the huge skull wolve.

Not taking further than two steps ahead, the huge skull wolve towered the two undead. For a second there was some clarity showing in the huge skull wolve eyes as it stared at the two former guards of his temporary home.

The eyes that looked as they were filled with rage showed a sign of intelligence.

How high or low his intelligence was unknown.

It just was high enough to recognize his former subordinates turned their own fangs against him!


It though.

Without showing any hint of mercy, the huge skull wolve twisted his neck slightly and bitten the stomach of the traitor of the left with a fierce bite, a spring of blood with sounds of breaking bones from ribs could be heard.

It had such a big strength that it managed to lift the whole body of the skull wolve up to the air.

It looked like a cat picking up a kitten to drag it to safety by his neck. But in their case, the brutality level rose up to 100 as blood was oozing out of the stomach of the skull wolve.


Turning his eyes towards his right, where the second traitor was, the muscles of his leg started to move in an abnormal way. Turning the leg was was for running and dashing to his target more suited to flexible swing it to his left and right.

Swinging his metal-like claws towards his right, he swept the second traitor to the side while the claws penetrated the lungs of the traitor.

Like someone hitting a fly, the skull wolve was thrown to the side of the walls of the tower and fell to the ground with an increadible amount of blood coming out of his body.

Seeing that, one could see by the eyes of the huge skull wolve that it was having fun of the pain that the traitors felt.

But that blissful of his was shortly cut off by an intense pain coming from his chest.

As if a wave of wind passed through him, a large cut was to be seen in front of his chest.

Taking notice of the pain, they turned his eyes down to the ground.

Only to see a hooded black armored figure holding a longsword by a single hand alone, while his other arm was hidden between a large black cloak.

It was Danzel.

Stepping forward, he swung his sword at the chest of the huge skull wolve. Not once but twice in a row.

With the use of his original rune that he carved on his blade, not only did it suck the blood out, but the [Cursed Blade] skill also corrupted the wound with dead mana, slowly but surely starting to decay the parts that were cut.

The eyes of the huge skull wolve sharpen into a dangerous degree out of the anger alone.

How dare this insect to harm my body!

Raising the same leg that pushed one of the skull wolves to the wolve above Danzel\'s head, the claws came soon into a drop.

Of course, Danzel wasn´t going to just stand there and let himself be crushed.

Using [Swift Movements] to increase his speed, he dashed under the belly of the huge skull wolve, swinging at this belly for the last time before making a large jump to create distance.


Staring silently at the wounds of the huge skull wolve, Danzel felt annoyed.

`That thing is tough...´

Of course, his longsword did manage to fully slash some large wounds on the beast, being how large the beast that he was facing, those wounds were although painful, was not fatal.

"Although getting a hit on a larger target is much easier, bringing them down is all the more annoying." Danzel mumbled to himself as he swung the blood off his sword.

The runes of the blade made it quite easy to liquid the blood so that a simple swing could remove the blood taints.

Those actions of his thought made the huge skull wolve to stare at him with a much more intense glare of hatred while in his mouth was still the skull wolve.

Seeing that, Danzel couldn\'t help but grin.

Raising his sword as if he were challenging the huge skull wolve, Danzel said in an amusement tone.

"I think that you got something mistaken." Danzel said, unsure if the beast was able to understand him or not.

"You see...we are undead."

"Dead beings who neither hunger none tire." Danzel said as he guided his mana on his blade.

"Though I doubt you can understand me, do you believe that losing an arm would affect an undead?" He said with his grin behind his helmet turning all the more sinister.

"Would you think that destroyed lungs or rips of one\'s body would bring the death of an undead?"

"Or rather...made us stop moving?"

As Danzel had finished talking, the huge skull solve with his higher senses was able to hear a small sound coming from the right.

It turned his head to see what it was, and what it saw surprised him.

The traitorous skull wolve that he swept over and had his lungs pierced started to rise up to his own feet while blood was still coming out of the large wounds.

Did he survive? 

It though in surprise.

Unfortunately for it, distracted at his former subordinates standing up after such a fatal blow, it failed to notice the small movement of the \'corpse\' that he had on his mouth.

And once it noticed it was too late.

Straightening his body up, the skull wolve who was being bitten on open his mouth with sharp teeth and dug them in the back of the huge skull wolve deep in.

Resulting in a painfully muffled scream from the huge skull wolve.


His eyes darting at the one responsible for biting his back, his previews confusion and anger grew much more.

Anger of the traitor inflicting wounds on his body and confusion as to how the traitor still had the strength after his strong bite.

It strengthen his bite to dug much further into the traitor\'s flesh, but to no avail as those teeth wouldn\'t let go of his back.

Seeing no success, it decided to solve it by force.

By pulling the traitor with his mouth.

Although his strength was sufficient, the result of doing that wasn\'t that good.

Pulling forcefully the traitor from his body, a large piece of his flesh came out that was on the traitor\'s mouth.

With his angered screams mixed with his pain, he swung his head to the side while letting go of the traitor.

The strength of how it did it was so great that the skull wolve was raised more than 7 meters up higher and crashed at the tower left walls at incredible speed.

Unable to protect itself, the undead skill wolve came crashing to the wall shortly after falling to the ground and breaking numerous bones at the same time.

But dead was it not.

At least not truly dead.

With his skull showing only some small cracks, the undead still stared at how to complete his mission even if it couldn\'t move at all.


Screaming to make his presence aware of, the second skull solve came dashing in to take upon the task of fulfilling their lives command.

Moving his gaze off the one responsible for hurting his back, it stared at the slow-moving traitor that had his mouth wide open.

Sneering to itself, it opens its much largemouth and bites the neck of the charging traitor as if wanting to eat the head.

Once it borough down his fangs, the taste of blood overwhelmed his mouth.

With large a mouth of it being the traitor\'s ones, and a smaller amount being of his own.

"Geeaaagh!" Feeling pain inside his mouth, it directly spotted the traitor only to see that it had a piece of his own flesh coming from his mouth.

Out of anger so great that made him lose his sanity and purely wanting to go berserk, It swung his claws into the traitor\'s body, cutting it into three pieces and pushing back like some rags.

Lucky for it, the skull was still intact, thus the undead still being \'alive\' even if only barely.

It wanted to furthermore go and thrash those traitors for the reason of harming it.

Meanwhile forgetting a small detail.

Or rather a small figure.

Having hidden his presence and quicken his steps with his skills, Danzel was able to go near the huge skull that wolve unnoticed as it was currently being blinded by rage.

"Forget something?" Danzel said as he swung his sword to one of the back legs.


Supported by his skill, it was all the easier for Danzel to chop the muscular leg of that huge beast.



Experiencing the pain of losing one limp, the huge skull wolve lost his balance and fell together with his screams.

Alas, though the success of delivering such blue, Danzel sighed as he looked at the ground.

"Sigh, that\'s the limit I guess?" Danzel said dejectedly.

Staring at his prized blade that had enchantments and his own runes carved in the ground now snapped in two.

Danzel felt at a loss.

"I should have taken better care of it..." Danzel mumbled as he picked up and put the remains of the sword into his storage ring.

\'Maybe I compared it too much with Veren.\' Danzel couldn\'t help but think to himself.

Shaking his head, he gazed at the frailing huge skull wolve.

Not only was it severely bleeding from numerous places, the blood loss together with the decay made him feel weaker and weaker by each passing second.

And yet it still tried to growl weakly towards Danzel with pure killing intent.

Glancing solemnly at it, Danzel simply raised his palm towards it and started casting.

\'[Curse of Exhaustion]\'

\'[Curse of Scourge]\'

Two dark green most flew out of his hand and entered the huge skull wolf\'s body.

The latter was confused about what had just happend.

"Now be good and lay where you are." Danzel said while turning his back towards the staircase.


You running you coward!?

It tried to yell out to the hooded figure.

But alas was ignored.

While it was still trying to growl towards Danzel, the latter who by now was in the staircase said in a solemn tone.

"Don\'t worry-"

Dissapierkng from the huge skull wolves\' blurry sight only Danzels\'s echoing voice could be heard.

"-we will know each other soon enough."

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