
Chapter 207 - Necromancer Danzel Vs Explorers

At the same time where the wraiths summoned their voulges, on the throne floor.


Danzel said with a cold voice.

Standing in front of the golden throne while pointing his sword at the group of humans, he released an intense killing intent.

Taking a step forward, Isamu dashed forward with Sean following behind him.

"Don´t let him cast! Isamu!" Sean yelled, lacking any movement techniques compared to Isamu.

Danzel watching that released his dark green mana around his body.

His eyes glowing brightly behind his helmet.

With the floor showing cracks on where he stood, Danzel dashed towards Isamu who was doing the same.


Using only two steps, both him and the necromancer were only 3 meters apart from each other. Which made Isamu confused.

Seeing a magic caster who went into close range volunteer was a rather weird thing to see.

But amidst his confusion, he didn´t forget what he had to do.

Raising his greatsword, he swung it down towards the necromancer.

`Now, show me what you can do with that sword of you.´ Isamu though.

He could already imagine how his enemy will block his greatsword and fall through his knees by the sear weight of the great sword.

Unexpectedly though, instead of raising the longsword, the necromancer raised his other hand.

"Hah! A spell?" Isamu said in a mocking tone.

`To think that so many people died from such a weakling...´ Isamu though, already considering his enemy\'s death.

But just before the blade was about to cut Danzel in half, a small light appeared in the hand he extent out.

Not taking a second long, a shield appeared in Danzel\'s hand.


Using his shield, Danzel instead of fully blocking the attack, lets the great sword slide through his shield, making the great sword instead of going to his body, to go and hit the floor.


Without letting Isamu rest, Danzel swiftly swung his sword to stab the man\'s face and finish him off.

Using his mana, Isamu forcefully made his body move to the side. 

Taking a large step back, he felt a burning pain in his cheeks.

Without letting him, Danzel swiftly appeared in front of him with a sword engulfed in dead mana.

Raising his greatsword, Isamu tried to fend off the attacks, alas he quickly noticed that he was getting overwhelmed by the quick succession of swings.

"This guy! He isn´t a spell caster!" Isamu yelled.

Using his mana to enchant his arms, he pushed the longsword of Danzel and raised his greatsword to swing it down.

"I will crush you!" Isamu yelled.

Isamu knew that by their exchange, he physically was stronger than his opponent. But that wasn´t the same for the two speeds.

Raising the shield that had mana in a swift movement, the great sword came crashing down.



With the floor cracking from the impact, Isamu expected his opponent to falter from the impact. Unlike his expectation though, the longsword was swung towards his chest.

Reacting quickly, he stepped back and saved his dear life from being cut in two. Unfortunately, that wasn´t without a price.

Blood pouring out of a large wound of Isamu´s chest, he groaned in pain.

"What the hell-!" 

Seeing that the wound was turning slowly black, Isamu freaked out.


Stepping forward to finish what he started, he was shortly stopped a few meters away from Isamu by a man with a shield and a sword.


"Isamu! Go back! Get yourself treated! I will handle him!" Sean said as their swords collided with each other.

Nodding his head bitterly, Isamu moved away.

The priestess standing from the back quickly acted.

Raising her staff, a golden light befalls Isamus\'s location.

Danzel who briefly glanced at the light was surprised to see the wound that he just made to start regenerating. But thanks to his [Cursed Blade], the regeneration process was much slower and less effective.

`I need to kill her´ Danzel thought.

Having a magic caster capable of holy magic against him being undead was quite threatening.

`But first I got to get rid of him.´ 

Glancing at the one with the shield, he canceled their engagement.

"You said that you will handle me, huh?" Danzel said with his cold voice.

"Did I do something wrong?" Sean replied with a grin on his face.

Pushing his shield forward, he used both [Swift Movements] together with [Shield Charge] to accelerate forward.

Similar to him, Sean raised his shield and the same skill [Shield Charge] towards the Necromancer.


Ramming their shield with each other, both of them put every inch of their strength to push the other.



Neither of their swords was involved, just their shield and the strength that they possessed. But even after a whole two seconds, they swiftly realized that they both had a similar amount of strength.

Using the time, Danzel started casting one of his spells at point-blank range.

"[Curse of Scourge]" Danzel whispers to himself.

  Though a chant wasn´t needed for that curse, Danzel still chanted the name of the spell.

Not a moment later, the dead man in the hand that was holding the shield flew like an explosion at Sean\'s face and blocked his vision.

"What the-!?" Losing his cool for a second, Danzel managed to push Sean back from the short distraction that he created.

Though the spell [Cursed of Scourge] didn´t have any imminent effect of any sort, the visual effect was just enough to catch someone off guard when a dark green mist appears in front of your face and enters your body.

As the dark green mist could basically enter one\'s body from literally anywhere, Sean was surprised to see the mist going in his mouth. Making him believe that the mist was some sort of a dangerous substance.

But being a veteran explorer famous for being a guardian with excellence reflex, he managed to get himself from being thrown away to the ground from Danzel\'s push. Making him only take a single step back.

Even though his managing to do that was quite impressive, that alone wasn´t going to stop the longsword from coming for his head.

Winding his eyes, he watched how slowly the blade with dead mana on it was closing its distance from his neck.

`Is this it?´ Sean thought as he tried his best to move the shield of his to block the sword.

Knowing full well that he wasn´t going to make it in time.

As the longsword was about to take his mortality away, it halted mid-air for an unbeknownst reason.

`Ah, is this is what they say when you are about to die, your life flashes before your eyes?´ Sean though.

"You idiot! Move!" Sylva yelled.

Hearing Sylva´s voice and sensing a similar danger that he felt all so often. Sean´s face paled as he jumped back.

Ignoring Sean getting away, Danzel\'s focus was on the arrow that was flying towards his way.


With his [Greater Sense Danger] activating by this lone arrow, Danzel was quite confused.

Although the arrow was fast, it wasn´t any threat big enough to activate [Greater Sense Danger]. 

`Something is wrong with this arrow!´

Unable to ignore the danger coming from the arrow, he turned around and face the arrow.

The arrow shortly after showed small cracks building thoughtfully around.

Exploding apart, the pieces of the arrow that contained mana started to become large needles in the air and flew towards Danzel.

"That was an arrow?" Danzel said stupefied by the sight of 1 arrow becoming more than he could count.

Seeing how the mana needles weren´t much faster than how a normal arrow is being released by someone of the 1st-tier, Danzel didn´t panic.

Raising his sword, he directly destroyed the needle using his sword alone.

Without even using his shield, not a single needle managed to hit his body until now.

"Using that one arrow that you had used before would even be much better instead of relying on number alone." Danzel said as he gathered his mana to use [Swift Movements].

Ignoring Sean who was a few meters away from him, Danzel switched targets and dashed towards the archer.

As she had to come forward from my side to attack me, now she basically was defenseless with neither the warriors blocking his path.

Unlike before where he couldn´t reach their backline, their backline couldn´t give their warriors support either from the risk of friendly fire being there.

"Tch!" biting her tongue from annoyance, she started sprinting back to the backline.

She expected that her attack would be able to take the dark armored necromancer by surprise and wound him. Thus creating an opportunity for Sean.

She didn´t expect having be chased by someone who was fully capable to win over Isamu and Sean.

"Isamu should even recover by now... if he and Sean work together with all of us we should be able-" As she turned her head to look at the necromancer, her eyes widen up as how he closed the distance between them in such a short amount of time.


Becoming suddenly nervous, Sylva draws her bow, uncertain if she should turn back and shoot him in hopes to gain some time.

`At this rate, he will catch up!´ She thought as she started to feel the pressure.

Before she was able to decide though, Danzel who was chasing her stopped at jumped back.


With an air-cutting sound, a large spear made out of the light came crashing to the location where Danzel was about to run into.

"This is..." 

Turning his head slightly, he saw another of those 2 spears made out of light coming his way.

Reacting quickly, he maneuvered left and right, completely dodging the spears of light.

"-Light Magic?" Danzel grumbled under his helm, as he stared at a young magic caster feeling extremely annoyed.

"First I will get her..." Raising his longsword, his dark green mana engulfs his sword. He prepared to use [Gale Mana Blade] at the archer.

"No, you will not!" Yelling out loud, the priestess raised her staff, letting out a warm light from her staff.

`Get blended by the goddess graceful light!´ 

Unbeknownst to her though where she just wanted to blind him for a moment to let Sylva getaway.

Danzel imminently canceled his skill and raised his shield to block the light from coming to his face.

`First a holy, then light magic?´ Danzel thought as he started to regret coming to reside in this tower.

Feeling the slight burn around his body, his body unconsciously let a bit of dead mana leak out of his armor.

Making the priestess who saw Danzel\'s reaction and dead mana frown.

As a thought crossed her mind, she widen her eyes in shock.

"We were right! That necromancer is an undead!"

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