
Chapter 282 Spending Harvest (3)

Lucky for him, 4 out of 5 skills he chose were of the death attribute, making his purchase much cheaper than it was originally supposed to cost.

That alone made the gruesome headache in his mind much less painful for him.

Putting his back on the wall of his room, Danzel glanced aimlessly at the ceiling slightly mentally exhausted from the bunch of information that he received the following past half hour.

And as an undead, such a feeling was somewhat alien to him, making the experience all the worse.

Except for his sense of touch, hearing, and being capable to see, the undead who were of a skeleton body type couldn´t feel anything else. Even his sense of touch was only limited to judging the weight of something.

He could feel no warmth nor cold after all. Neither feel physical pain nor get sick.

In fact, Danzel to this day didn´t fully understand the feeling of cold even after being literally frozen entirely. As for warmth, he knew how it felt and that was only because his mana, which kept his body from moving was used in a way that extended his own limitations.

Nevertheless, his feeling sick from the headache was something that he couldn´t quite get used to.

"Ugh~ it seems Azrael harvest only lasted me so long, huh?" Danzel mumbled to himself before gazing at all the new skills.

[Cursed Blade] ------> [Cursed Wounds Blade]

[Death Blast] ------> [Greater Death Blast]

[Death Influnce] ------>[One with Death]

[Restore Death] ------>[Restore Undying Body]

[Rune Erasure] ------>[Rune Removal]

Going around and reading each one of the descriptions, Danzel wasn´t really amazed.

The improvement of the skills was in simple terms, an upgrade of their previous version.

[Cursed Wounds Blade] just like the previous version, engulfed his sword in a constant wave of dead mana, and whoever got cut by his sword while the dead mana was on, the wound will start to decay and made healing the wound all the more difficult. The upgrade improved the spreading effect of the decay, the acceleration of the effect taking place, and made the effect of weakening healing much stronger.

This case was also for the [Greater Death Blast] as it only improved the previous effect except for the part where the spell had also got an acid sort of effect.

Previously it will only decay one\'s body, now it could melt even flesh.

Though Danzel found it still kinda weak based on the firepower alone, he wasn´t completely dissatisfied by the spell.

But the same couldn´t be said for the now [One with Death] passive skill.

Previously his lesser version of the skill [Death Influnce] improved natural regeneration by 25% and the guidance and quality of his dead mana improved by a total of 5%.

Which was no different than improving all his death-natured skills by a small bit. Considering that the skill was the most expensive out of them all, the skill only improved his dead mana mastery by another 5%, making it of total 10% while improving the natural regeneration to 75%.

Additionally, the skill improved his mana regeneration by a total of 20%,

What Danzel liked most about this skill was obviously the 10% of dead mastery.

Previously he liked the natural regeneration of the skill, but since he already has a spell that he can heal himself with, he saw the 50% improvement as nothing special.

Considering how many death skills he now had, an additional 10% was considered quite good in his book.

As for the 20% mana regeneration, it was quite handy to have but wasn´t in his opinion an impressive addition to the skill.

Just the fact that his other skills improved by upgrading this one was enough for Danzel.

As for the other two skills, there wasn´t much of a change in them.

[Restore Undying Body] healing effect on the undead had improved by a lot and additionally, he could now cast this spell by distance, potentially healing one of his undead if he wished to do so.

[Rune Removal] was the one with the less amount of change as it only showed an overall improvement.

If he now wished to remove a rune without damaging the item that the rune was carved to, he now could do such if the rune was carved in a green area, where it represented the easiest spot.

Not particularly useful as of now, but Danzel guessed that if he pushed this skill at the 4th-tier, he could then maybe perfectly remove a rune from an item.

"Still, upgrading a skill towards the 4th-tier that isn´t combat-oriented might be a waste, considering how many runes I have that are worthy enough to be put in items." Danzel mumbled to himself.

Sure, he would very much hope to remove the current rune in his sword and replace it with his newest rune.

He knew that this skill was a must to have if he wanted to upgrade his equipment with high-quality runes.

His current armor and sword were of incredible quality, there was no doubt about it.

The fact that his armor still lasted this long and his long sword were as sharp as when he got it, but Danzel still doubted that this will last in the future when he had to slay thousands.

"If only the [Rune of Harvest] was of a better grade, I would even be able to continue my spending spree, but it seems like I exhausted my XP." Danzel sighed as he opened his status window.


Name: Rue Danzel

Level: 100 [Max]

Race: Wight

Class: [Black Guard Lv. 1]

Sub-Class: [Runesmith of Undeath Lv.80]

Health: 25 410/25 410

Mana: 5350/6050

Attribute points: 24

Attributes: Strength: 529 Agility: 846 Intelligence: 600 Endurance: 471

Great Rune: [Great Rune of Undeath Existence]

Talents: [Superior Undead] [Sin of Wrath] [Reinforced Soul] [Superior Unique Concioness] [Rune Vision] [Dead Rune Knowledge] [Undead Carver] [Dead Mana Affinity] [Dead Mana Resilience] [Undying][Lower Class Death Magic] [Mastery of Himself] [Affinity Carving Mastery]

Skills: [Death Guarding Swordsmanship Lv.1] [Stone Wall Lv.1] [High Jump Lv.1] [Presentless Steps Lv.1][Soul of Death Essence Lv.1] [Swift Movements Lv. 1] [Shield Charge Lv.1] [Soul Reaping Wind Lv.1] [Existential Sense Danger Lv.1] [Curse of Exhaustion Lv.1] [Mortal Reminder Lv. 1] [Hand of Mana Affinity Lv.9] [Undying Guard Lv.1] [Armor of Vengeances Lv.1] [Cursed Wounds Blade Lv.9] [One with Death Lv.9] [Coating Miasma Lv.1] [Curse of Scourge Lv.1] [Greater Raise Undead Lv.1] [Undead Reconstruction Lv.1] [Eyes of the Damned Lv.1] [Greater Death Blast Lv.9] [Restore Undying Body Lv.9] [Rune Removal Lv.9]


[XP: 40 300]

"Mhm, it isn´t bad at all. Though some less important skills are still in need of an upgrade, for the most part, I improved my main abilities by a lot." Danzel said while standing up and crossing his hands while looking at his remaining attributes points.

Without putting much thought, Danzel imminently invested them at his strength, turning the 529 to 553.

Internally Danzel found it funny how as a [Black Guard] who specializes in necromancy and being a vanguard, his highest stat was his agility instead of either strength or endurance.

Of course, the reason for his absurd amount of agility lay in him upgrading his sub-class and not his main class.

With his new skills, Danzel thought of investing some attribute points towards endurance in the future, instead of either strength or agility.

As he now had many recovery options, he put this thought into consideration for the future.

His main goal was to have both agility and strength at an equal amount while having enough endurance.

He was completely written off for improving his intelligence.

Although improving one\'s mind efficiency was tempting, Danzel constantly overflowed with mana. Making it seem like a waste to increase his mana pool when in the first place he couldn´t even get spend all of his mana, to begin with.

"Mhm, maybe I should increase my [Black Guard] level just to be on the safer side, but then again they are still the curses to upgrade, and [Hand of Mana Affinity] are just 1 level away from reaching the 3rd-tier. I haven´t used it as much lately, but the fact that it´s an incredible skill remains." Danzel said as he stared at his XP storage, wishing for it to be filled once more.

Alas, a undead doesn´t get to have everything that they wish for.

Closing his status window, the first thing he did was test all his new skills.

Drawing his sword out and guiding his mana towards the sword in a way that his affinity remains on the sword, it looked dark green, and the almost etherael-like aura was escaping from his sword.

He would have hoped to swing his sword to test the [Soul Reaping Wind] skill, but doing that would result in damaging the room so he refrained from doing as such.

Next, he tests both [Undying Guard] and [Armor of Vengeances]. While his armor was surrounded with dead mana like a second layer, his shield had a similar visual effect.

He couldn´t exactly test his [Existential Sense Danger] as it was a passive effect, so he let it slide before continuing with the other skills.

With a single thought, his sword was engulfed with fierce dead mana that was seeking to bring forth decay upon the living.

With only a remaining skill to test, Danzel started concentrating on his spell.

Taking a few seconds, the spell [Greater Death Blast] was manifested in the form of three much larger balls of dead mana. Now the three balls of dead mana looked as if it was a liquid that burned in dark flames.

Of course, those dark flames weren´t chaos magic, but a visual comparison by the dead mana wavering through the air like flames.

Slightly surprised by his new spell, Danzel couldn´t help but grin to himself.

"I wonder what Velkir would think from this."

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