
Chapter 364 Subdue

Chapter 364 Subdue


When Tom and Lin Rui greeted each other, the Robots behind Lin Rui didn’t stop moving and they fired their laser weapons towards Lin Rui. Despite the defense of the Phantom Suit, Lin Rui was pushed back by two steps by the impact of the laser attack.

Howls Whew!!

As Lin Rui staggers to his feet, Tom, standing in front of him, pulls a laser gun from his waist and shoots towards his head three times in a row. The strong defense of the Phantom Suit was obvious to Tom, so he took a direct aim at the head that was not protected by the Phantom Suit.


Although Tom’s shot was already fast, Lin Rui’s response was not slow either and he began to dodge when he noticed that Tom was pulling his gun. So the three lasers just wiped Lin Rui’s cheek and shot past Lin Rui’s hair, but it didn’t hurt.

Lin Rui, who had escaped Tom’s laser attack, appeared next to Tom’s side at the next moment. Without using his Thunder Blade, his clenched fists greeted Tom.

Boom! Pū Pū!

Faced with Lin Rui’s attack, Tom’s reaction was also not slow. He threw the laser gun out and blocked Lin Rui’s punches. In close combat, holding a long-range weapon in your hand can only be a burden.

Lin Rui felt that Tom’s strength had changed too much since the two moves he used to subdue him at the previous Hydra base in New Jersey. At the very least, Lin Rui thinks Tom is better than the five upgraded Winter Soldier he has defeated just now.


“Tom! Wake up!” Lin Rui shouted while punching him.

Although knowing that the chance to wake Tom up is slim, Lin Rui will not give up. After all, the previous generation Winter Soldier Bucky is now out of Hydra’s control. Although he had not completely recovered his memories, he will at least recover them slowly in the future. For the new Winter Soldier Tom, Lin Rui also has such expectations.

“Tom? Who is that?” Tom stopped and whispered in confusion as he heard Lin Rui shouting at himself.

“Tom, this is you …” As Lin Rui prepares to explain to Tom, a little surprise arises in his mind. His face suddenly changes and she hastily turns her head away.

Pū Pū Pū!

Just after Lin Rui moved his head and shot out a laser beam, several powerful attacks from behind hit him. Despite the defense of the Phantom Suit, Lin Rui also withstood the shock waves of so many attacks and the impact of the explosion, and he was directly hit and flew up. Lin Rui, who was struck in the air, moved his body to avoid subsequent attacks, and then quickly landed.

The most dangerous part was that one of the attacks narrowly missed Lin Rui’s head. If Lin Rui hadn’t deflected his head at the last moment, he would have been seriously injured even with the protection of internal energy. Still, the head-rubbing attack did some damage to Lin Rui, whose entire left forehead side had split open, and the bright red blood was streaming down Lin Rui’s left eye before disappearing into the black mask below.

“I don’t care who or what Tom is but I know that you are the target of my mission.” Unaware of Lin Rui’s injury, Tom cooperates with the surrounding robots to attack Lin Rui again.

Buzz ~

After landing, Lin Rui knelt on the ground and bowed his head slightly, so Tom could not see Lin Rui’s expression or eyes at this time, otherwise, he would definitely see Lin Rui’s eyes rendered with blood and purple light. When he heard Tom said that he was only one of his mission targets, Lin Rui’s scarlet eyes gradually cleared.


At the next moment, Lin Rui suddenly raised his head and looked at Tom. At this time, Lin Rui’s eyes were filled with purple light, but his mind was extremely clear.

“Tom, don’t force me to do this!” Lin Rui could not see a touch of humanity in Tom’s eyes.

However, Lin Rui’s only response is a bullet fired from Tom, who has more than one gun. In the face of his mission goal and as the most perfect upgraded version of the Winter Soldier, Tom is unlikely to be affected by Lin Rui in any way.


Facing Tom’s indifference tone and attitude, Lin Rui didn’t hesitate anymore, his right hand on his waist pulled out violently and the Thunder Blade he had just put away was pulled out again. Almost in a few tenths of a second, Lin Rui had jumped from half-kneeling position to half-airborne position, and then held up the Thunder Blade and slashed back behind him.



After the first full-power launch of Fire God Artillery before, a dazzling light burst out again in the mist, but this time it was purple. Lin Rui, who was forced to this step, finally spent a lot of internal energy to make his most powerful move so far: Thunder Strike.


With the burst of purple light, Tom, who was rushing towards this direction, had to stop, because he could not see anything now, and all the purple light was filled in front of his eyes. In addition, Tom’s eyes which had not budged at all since he appeared, kept flashing with some strange looks, he seemed to be shocked by the power of a strike of thunder in front of him.

Of course, Lin Rui, who issued the thunder strike did not have time to pay attention to Tom’s eyes at this time. He had used his full power to kill the robots behind Tom with a thundering blow to maximize.

Pa Pa Pa!

In the purple glow, a half-moon blade shot out in front of Lin Rui’s body, expanding to more than half a meter wide and five meters wide in a few tenths of a second, and rushed toward dozens of robots in front of him. Before the light of Blade came, the red mechanical eyes of those robots had burst one by one as they were unable to withstand the power of the Blade Light.


The next moment, after the robots’ eyes had burst, the half-moon light of the blade had passed unimpeded through them, hurtling hundreds of meters before slowly dissipating in midair.


After the blade light dissipated at a distance of 100 meters, the purple light gradually dissipated all over the sky, and the dyed fog recovered to the original gray color again. As for Lin Rui, he landed firmly before the light cleared. Instead of watching the outcome of this move, Lin Rui had rushed towards Tom’s side.

“Sorry Tom!”


As he said quickly, Lin Rui had hit Tom in the back of the head with his blade handle. Lin Rui worked hard to ensure that his shot had the desired effect.


Although the upgraded Tom’s strength is much stronger than before, but after all, he is still a person. His weakness was hit and his eyes rolled up and he fell down while Lin Rui caught him.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, Lin Rui subdued Tom. Moreover, this time Lin Rui will not let Hydra take Tom back. Lin Rui had been forced to let him go last time, and Lin Rui would not let this happen again.

“This time, I will definitely take you home.” Lin Rui said in a low voice while carrying Tom.


As Lin Rui destroys dozens of robots and overpowers Tom, there is a muffled sound from a room in the Hydra subterranean base in the western United States.

“Mirage Knight!”

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