
Chapter 453 Request

Chapter 453 Request

After the simple conversation was over, the person hidden in the shadow behind Rogers quietly left, without saying anything anymore. Of course, Rogers needs people like this now, who can do things without talking nonsense.

“Fury, don’t worry, SHIELD will become better after you leave.” After the person behind him had left, Rogers raised his head again and muttered to the sky outside.

Da Da~

However, just after Rogers stayed in this corner alone for a while, another sound of footsteps approached from behind him. Unlike the previous man, the footsteps were much more steady.

As he didn’t expect someone to come to find him at this time. Rogers raised his brow slightly and then turned around. Judging from Rogers’ expression, he knew who was coming. So, after turning around, Roger spoke directly.

“Daredevil, why did you come to see me at this hour?” Rogers asked calmly while looking behind him at the person who was approaching him. The guy is Daredevil who belongs to the SHIELD and the League of Defender.

“Captain Rogers, I do have something to tell you.” Hearing Rogers, Daredevil also spoke directly.

“Oh? What’s the matter?” Rogers was also interested when Daredevil said that he had something to say.

One must know that with the current strength of the League of Defender, Daredevil should be able to solve any problem he has. But Daredevil had come to Rogers which shows that this matter cannot be solved by the League of Defender alone, or it is not so easy to solve.

“When I joined SHIELD, Agent Coulson promised me several conditions, one of which was to help me fight one of my enemies. But months have passed, and my conditions have not been met. So, After the former Director was removed, I thought that maybe you might be able to help me fulfill this condition.” Facing Rogers, Daredevil said calmly.

“Your enemy? Who?” Rogers asked with some interest when he heard what Daredevil said. As for whether Coulson agreed to any conditions, it didn’t matter to Rogers.

“Wilson Fisk.” Facing Rogers’ question, Daredevil directly said a name, a name that seemed to have been forgotten for a long time. Of course, even after Daredevil formed the League of Defender with Mirage Knight, he did not forget his worst enemy, Wilson Fisk, or Kingpin.

At the beginning, Daredevil and Mirage Knight joined forces to form a team against the Dark Forces, including Daredevil’s enemy Wilson Fisk. However, the development of things did not always follow Daredevil’s ideas.

After Daredevil and Mirage Knight jointly attacked Kingpin’s subordinate forces in New York for a period of time, Kingpin suddenly disappeared, and his subordinates also shrank. Afterward, the League of Defender also had other goals that needed them to go all out, and the affairs of Kingpin and his Underworld Empire were temporarily set aside.

However, Daredevil has never forgotten Kingpin, the King of the Underworld Empire. After joining SHIELD, Daredevil also used SHIELD’s Internal Resources to investigate Wilson Fisk’s personal data.

At the level of SHIELD, Daredevil did investigate more information about the underworld king. However, the information Daredevil know now made him feel that his chances of revenge were getting even slimmer.

As a Third-Level Peak Strength Mutant(He had enough power to fight against Captain America in Hand to Hand Combat to a standstill), Kingpin controls the World’s Largest Underworld Empire. There are many people and forces behind him who support him.

There are many forces that Daredevil or League of Defender would find hard to deal with, so Daredevil’s dealing with Kingpin has been put down repeatedly. However, Fury has now been removed, and Rogers is now in charge of SHIELD.

So, Daredevil thought that maybe people like Captain Rogers wouldn’t care about Kingpin’s connections with the forces behind him, and could help him resolve this enemy.

“Wilson Fisk? Who is this?” Rogers, who had only woke up from the ice for a few months, obviously didn’t know who Daredevil was talking about, so he asked suspiciously.

“He is the King the Underworld Empire and he is a very cruel Executioner!” Facing Rogers’ doubts, Daredevil replied in a deep tone.

“King of the Underworld?” Rogers was a little confused when he heard Daredevil’s answer. If it’s just a King of the Underworld than Daredevil would have been able to deal with him with the current strength of the League of Defender and he wouldn’t need SHIELD’s help at all.

“Is this person very strong?” Rogers continued to ask without thinking deeply.

“No, it’s because Wilson’s Underworld Kingdom which allowed him to be involved with many other forces in the world, and many of them are beyond our control. Moreover, Wilson knows that we want to deal with him, so he has been hiding, and we need the help of SHIELD professionals.” Seeing that Rogers still had some doubts, Daredevil continued to explain.

Hearing this, some light flashed in Rogers’ eyes, and he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Daredevil was not here because of how strong Wilson is, but because of the forces behind him.

After all, the League of Defender is an Organization composed of Vigilantes and they would have no problem in taking care of some Dark Forces or Gray Area Forces. But it might not be so convenient for them if they face off against some powerful forces.

When Daredevil said this, Rogers probably guessed why Daredevil’s condition had not been met. Behind Wilson’s Underworld Empire, there should be some shadow of SHIELD. Maybe SHIELD did not directly intervene, but the forces related to SHIELD must be entangled in it.

After all, it is impossible for SHIELD to lead the world in all aspects without a large amount of financial support. And the funding from the US is shrinking every year, SHIELD has to be supported by some forces if it wants to develop, and these forces behind SHIELD will obviously also be partly convenient by SHIELD, which allow for a win-win situation. And now this situation is causing trouble for Daredevil’s revenge, and he needs Rogers’ help.

“Do you have any complete information about this Wilson?” After understanding the situation, Rogers then asked Daredevil.

After Rogers learned of this situation, he didn’t intend to leave it alone as before. No matter which forces are behind which Underworld Empire, SHIELD will usher in a huge reform.

In this reform, Rogers will not only rectify the situation of the Internal Personnel, but he will also seriously deal with the parts that are influencing it from the outside world. SHIELD is a huge organization and he will never allow any influence from other forces in it.


After Rogers asked this question, Daredevil threw the tablet that he had prepared long ago. The information about Kingpin was on it, and there were some forces related to the Kingpin’s Underworld Empire. As long as Rogers resolves these forces on behalf of SHIELD, the League of Defender will be able to take care of Kingpin very easily.

“Okay, I’ll take care of it.” Rogers agreed seriously after taking the tablet.

“Thank you, Captain Rogers.”

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