
Chapter 704 Returns

Chapter 704 Returns



After the Portal shook for a few times, a black shadow suddenly shot out from it and slammed directly towards him under the gaze of Rogers and the others.

“Be careful!” There was no time to see what the dark shadow was, and Rogers shouted and raised his shield in front of him.

Rogers was originally the closest to the Portal, so the black shadow hit the shield raised by Rogers the next moment.


After a loud noise, Rogers only felt a huge impact force coming from the shield in his hand. It was like being hit by a car, and the force behind the impact directly knocked him back by several steps.

However, Rogers was still able to block the black shadow flying out of the Portal. After being blocked by the shield, the dark shadow diagonally flew out and fell to the ground.

“Huh? A sickle?! Could it be…” Rogers whispered as the look in his eyes condensed after seeing the dark shadow that fell on the ground.

Judging from the sickle, it was almost the same as the weapons in the hands of the two guys they had spent so much effort on killing. It’s just that one of the two guys used an axe and the other used a hammer.

Could it be that another Alien is coming over here? At this moment, not only did Rogers think like this but everyone else also became vigilant.



Sure enough, when Rogers and the others paused to enter the Portal and waited for it, a tall figure followed the sickle and flew out through the Portal.

“Prepare…” As soon as he saw the figure, Rogers raised his hand and prepared to issue an attack order.

Ka Ka Ka!

As Rogers’ voice came out, Spiderman and others who had been watching were also ready for battle. As long as that figure leaves the Portal, the most powerful blows will be ushered on him in the next second.

However, Rogers still did not issue an attack order even after the figure had completely exited the Portal because he found that something is wrong with the Alien that is coming from the Portal.

Unlike the two Aliens who came here safely, this one flew out. And his posture of flying out is not so natural and he seems to be in an unconscious state.

“This guy…Spiderman, Jack!” After seeing this scene, Rogers thought of a lot in an instant and he quickly called out two names.

With Rogers’ knowledge of Spiderman and Jack, he believed that they would understand what he meant.


When Rogers finished yelling, Jack, who was standing behind him, quickly made some seals on his hands. Soon, a magic rope composed of golden light appeared out of thin air and then insinuated at the person in midair.

It seems that Jack understands the meaning behind Rogers’s words and he is now going to test the figure.


And after Jack made a move, a few spider silk shot out from behind him as Spiderman also understood Rogers’ words.

In this way, the figure that hadn’t even landed had been tied up by Jack’s magic rope and Spiderman’s powerful spider silk. Without any struggle, that guy just fell to the ground. Rogers and others were very puzzled as they saw the scene before him.

The two guys who came out before were quite powerful so why did this guy come like this? Did he experience some deadly situation in the Portal?

If this is the case, then Rogers and the others really have to think about whether to go through the Portal to rescue Dr. Banner. After carefully observing the sturdy big guy who was tied up, everyone began to have their own theories.

“Captain Rogers! This guy… he seems to be dead!” Just as Rogers and the others were watching the guy and were still thinking about what could have happened in the Portal, Spiderman who had courageously approached that guy suddenly shouted.

After hearing Spiderman’s words, Rogers thought some more things in his heart. However, from Rogers’s point of view, he must go to rescue Dr. Banner. As for Jack and others, they can choose not to go.


Just when Rogers and the others were entangled with many thoughts about the dead guy, the Portal that had been quiet just now once again moved with spatial fluctuations, and that indicates that something or someone was coming!


This time, no weapons flew out first, but a powerful gust of wind rushed out of the Portal with some rubble. With a warning gesture, Rogers once again stood at the forefront of the Portal.

From the beginning, nothing had appeared from the Portal but now many Monsters and Aliens appeared one after another. So Rogers and the others did not know what else would rush out of this Portal at this time.


Just as Rogers and the others were fully alert, a huge green figure directly squeezed through the Portal. That’s right! He just squeezed in!

Because although this Portal was already big enough, it looked a bit small for Hulk after the transformation so he would need to bend down if he wanted to come over safely.

However, how could the Hulk simply bend over, so he directly opened this Portal and squeezed over.


“Hulk!” Hulk screamed with his feet on the paved alloy floor of this base.

“It’s the green-skinned monster from that day! How could it be here?!” After seeing Hulk squeezing out of the Portal, Storm’s eyes opened as she pointed at him in surprise and shouted.


“Ah! Here comes another bigger guy!” Spiderman directly jumped from the ground, before he yelled and launched a spider web to the top of this secret room.

“It’s him! Isn’t this Portal connected to an Alien Planet, is it possible for it to lead to a secret test site for the U.S. military?” After seeing Hulk, Jack, who was close, also widened his eyes and guessed.

It’s no wonder that Spiderman and Storm were surprised when they saw Hulk. After all, the fighting a few days ago was still vivid in their mind, when the green-skinned monsters caused them a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the strength of the last big green-skinned guy was even more terrifying than all the previous ones combined as he severely injured Mirage Knight of the League of Defenders. After that, the Hulk suddenly disappeared.

And it was unknown whether Rogers and Lin Rui didn’t tell them on purpose or if they genuinely forgot to tell them. But they didn’t explain the situation of Banner to their teammates or allies. Therefore, it is now that Spiderman and the others look at Hulk as if they were looking at an enemy.

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