
Chapter 753


Da Da Da~

In the rain curtain, the monster that broke out of the rotten building ran recklessly on the potholed ground, looking from a distance like a comic dog monster that broke free from the rope to run in the rain.

However, compared to the dog in the comics, this monsters running speed is much faster and its goal is also more clear. It is heading towards a place with dense buildings in the distance!


In the mid-air behind this fast-running monster, three Iron Man controlled by JARVIS have been chasing it.

And, unlike the previous use of high-energy bullets and micro missiles that were not too powerful in the unfinished building, laser attack weapons were already exposed on the Iron Man’s Armors at this time.

Dī Dī Drops!

“Movement trajectory pre-determination results in a coincidence rate of 93.7%, now begin the laser strike.” JARVIS, which needed no human control, had already analyzed the movement of the monster, and at the same time had activated the laser weapon system on Iron Man’s Armors.


In the next moment, the three Iron Mans above the monster fired laser attacks at the same time, blocking its possible escape position from three directions.

Pū Pū Pū!

Without any accident, the fleeing monster was directly hit by the three lasers, tumbling around in the rain and falling to the ground.

“Yes! Iron Man is amazing!” Darcy, who was still leaning over the fence at the rear of the building, waved and shouted excitedly.

“Darcy, be careful, don’t fall...” Evans reminded helplessly while pulling Darcy back to prevent her from falling downstairs.

Evans was relieved after he saw Iron Man launching their laser attacks. After all, the monster escaped under the attack of the less powerful weapon before. Now that Iron Man has taken out a more powerful weapon, it is impossible for the monster to continue to escape.

“Roar...” The monster who fell in the rain roared feebly, and his breathing became weaker.


After the monster fell to the ground, the Iron Man who had been in mid-air all flew down, hovering beside the monster, emitting rays of light and scanning to detect its condition.

“The life fluctuation continues to decrease, the laser strikes were successful, and the threat has been removed.” A few seconds later, JARVIS in the background has determined that the monster is not a threat anymore.

Dī Dī Drops~

Just as JARVIS had dealt with the monster that had suddenly burst out of dimensional space, a communication request came in from SHIELD headquarters.

JARVIS put the call through without a long wait. Tony Stark is no longer on Earth, and JARVIS cannot contact Tony. So, the connection between the Whole Stark Group and the SHIELD was done by JARVIS.

“JARVIS, how is the situation over there? Has the crisis been resolved? Are there any casualties?” After the communication was connected, a somewhat familiar voice sounded inside the Iron Man suit.

“Agent Coulson, the threat has been neutralized and there are no casualties, please rest assured,” JARVIS responded quickly.

It turned out that the person responsible for contacting JARVIS at SHIELD headquarters was Agent Coulson who was previously responsible for contacting the League of Defenders and investigating the mysterious person named Thor.

Although Agent Coulson’s own combat power is only similar to that of an elite fighter, he always has some special abilities to be an agent of SHIELDElite. For example, he has a great character.

“That’s good! Now SHIELD, Mr. Stark, League of Defenders, and the main force of X-Men are not on the earth so nothing can happen to the earth on our watch!” Hearing JARVIS’s answer, Agent Coulson was obviously relieved.

“By the way! Are Jackson and Thor back? None of the situations you mentioned earlier mentioned them.” After learning that the monster’s threat had been resolved, Coulson remembered something and asked nervously.

“They haven’t come back yet,” JARVIS answered truthfully.

“Not back yet? Do you want me to send backup? The K and S Teams have been taken away by Captain Rogers, but I still have some people I can use.” Agent Coulson asks with some concern after JARVIS says that Thor and Jackson haven’t returned yet.

Thor’s identity has always been a mystery within SHIELD. His appearance is very weird, and SHIELD has not found any identification on him.

However, Thor has an unexplainable relationship with the magic hammer at the base in New Mexico. And that same hammer was proven to be produced by an extraterrestrial civilization, and it hides huge secrets.

Therefore, during SHIELD’s internal investigation, Thor, a seemingly ordinary person, was listed as an S-level personal requiring special observation.

SHIELD would have brought Thor back to SHIELD HQ for surveillance if Thor didn’t seem to have a lot of strength that didn’t look normal on an ordinary person and a good relationship with Jackson Lin.

Although SHIELD does not impose any coercive measures on Thor, some hidden surveillance exists, such as agents like Evans scattered throughout Thor’s life.

As for Jackson Lin, the investigation and monitoring of him have been slow and almost nonexistent since Director Fury stepped down and Captain Rogers took control of SHIELD.

It’s not known what SHIELD has planned for this young man who apparently has a huge secret, or if they already know something and are no longer investigating.

So, no matter what, Thor and Jackson are very important figures. If they didn’t come back because they passed through the dimensional space this time, it seems that they would not have much influence on SHIELD, but their hidden true identity can indeed make all major forces turbulent.

“Not for the time being, Mr. Jackson told me before going there that if they don’t come back in half an hour then we will provide support. There are still three minutes left.” JARVIS calmly replied as he heard Coulson’s suggestion.

“JARVIS, why are you so rigid? Do you have to wait for half an hour because that kid said half an hour? What if they’ve been in danger for half an hour?” Coulson spoke with a helpless tone when he heard JARVIS’s reply.

If Coulson had known what was going on, there’s no way he would have left one of the rookie agents, Evans, with JARVIS in charge in London.

It is a multidimensional space leading to unknown areas and only someone like Lin Rui will ask for support after half an hour.

Dī Dī Drops!

“Spatial fluctuations have been detected, something is coming over from the dimensional space.” JARVIS suddenly reminded Coulson as he was complaining.

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