
Chapter 193 - Family Tree, World Record

"So wait, you and Clesh were forced together? Why would Nixi do that?" I asked, but I was sure it was just because she was a controlling witch, but maybe I was wrong.

"She said that Clesh was a good woman that needed my help, but it was because Clesh was a runt offspring of a B ranked Demon King. Every once in a while, a Demon of a higher rank will produce an F Rank Lesser Demon. She was not treated the best, but now worse than anyone else," Mex explained as the shattered plains fountained up behind him.

"So Nixi thought that if you had a child with her, you might produce a Demon that was of a higher rank?" I asked, and Mex nodded.

"That was the idea, but the chances of it happening were very slim, as you can see with my daughter. You should have been there! A solid week of everyone pissing themselves in terror! But I was happy, briefly. Now Nixi is forcing us to stay together because she needs her for some special magic she uses or something," Mex said with a shrug.

"Be together? But you\'re not, are you?" I asked casually but then added, "None of my business, really. It just doesn\'t seem like you do since you asked me to take care of her for you… wait!"

Mex started to grin, and I narrowed my eyes at him, and his grin slipped off his face, and his expression fell. The Demons body sagged, and it looked like the fight had just left him, and I was confused by the abrupt change.

"You have noticed that I don\'t have anything to do with the mothers of my children, right?" Mex asked, but his voice sounded tired and worn out.

"I have noticed, but it\'s none of my business, and I just assumed that was a Demon thing," I said, and Mex nodded.

"Yes, it is, but I assumed with your morals, you might have thought that I would be better than this," Mex said with a weak smile, and I nodded and grinned back at him.

"I did, and still do," I told him, and I did really think that he was better than that, so I was interested to hear what his excuse was.

"I ruined each one of them, Kazz! I wrecked them, and even though it would have been no different if done by another Demon, it does not make me feel any less guilty. I have watched life be born naturally, and it is disgusting with most, but each one is new and without hate! We are monsters, Kazz, MONSTERS! And I can barely even look Clesh in the eyes now!" Mex exasperated, spreading his hands to the sides.

I didn\'t expect that, but I should have. Of course, Mex would feel bad for it, and I knew this, or he would have fucked Veronica just the same as Candace.

"Okay, first, let\'s get this out of the way. My real name is Zack, not sure why it was given to me backward," I explained, inwardly groaning as I thought about explaining it to the others.

"Zack? That sounds better than Kazz, and maybe Mary might even be able to say it!" Mex joined, and I had to smile at that.

"I don\'t think so, but it will be adorable to watch her try. Okay then, the next thing is Clesh. So, you don\'t want to be with her then, but Nixi doesn\'t want to let her go? Am I getting this all right? Oh, and you are now sterile, so no more burning out wombs for you," I said, remembering at the end to add the last part.

Mex\'s eyes almost fell out of his head.

"What?! You mean that I can\'t make more Demons?" Mex asked as he came over and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"No, and I am going to sterilize all the male Demons on this island. Honestly, it was a pretty funny sight at Neft\'s village," I chuckled, but Mex narrowed his eyes at me.

"I didn\'t find it very funny as I was lying on the floor twitching, and my body was orgasming for the fifteenth time! My eyes kept spinning in my head, and my hands were still shaking when I woke up the next morning covered in my own Demon Seed on my bedroom floor!!" Mex growled, and I laughed harder despite him.

"Okay, Okay, Okay! Sorry! Wow, fifteen times? Is that like a world record or something? I mean, it must have been a pretty good workout, right? How about you go lay behind that rock over then, and I blast out the old Orgasmoura for a couple hours, and then we can go back to fight the monsters?" I asked, trying to contain myself, nearly in tears, and then burst out laughing again.

Mex looked like he was ready to slap me, so I tried to get my wheezing under control, but I had to pull away from Mex. His serious expression made it hard to keep from thinking about him roaring on the floor like a broken sprinkler.

"Okay, back to Clesh," I said after smacking my cheeks a few times to try and beat the face-splitting smile that was glued onto it.

"Yes, her and the rest of them. Knowing about the sterilization doesn\'t really change things between us because there was never anything there in the first place," Mex explained.

"Rest of them?" I asked, raising one eyebrow almost to my hairline.

It wasn\'t like I hadn\'t considered it, but as the old saying goes, hearing it straight from the horse\'s mouth was unexpected. I waited ever so patiently for Mex to continue, my attention fully grabbed, and most jokes set aside.

"Clesh doesn\'t deserve to be alone, but neither does any of my grandmothers, except for Nixi.. That bitch can be left here, and I don\'t think anyone would complain! I wouldn\'t! I would throw a party!" Mex snarled as he finished, and I chuckled.

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