
Chapter 12 Pigs Could Fly

"Senna is really good at it! Just wait! She can do us both when we get back to get us in the mood if you don\'t mind," Eliza told me with excitement, but I shook my head.

"The first time, it will just be the two of us. What is with you women and wanting to add more people! One step at a time, and I can promise that you won\'t want to add anyone in after," I said with a smile and then pointed to the horses.

"Can you ride with me?" Eliza asked, and I frowned at her.

"I told you that no one will believe that I am your prisoner," I replied, but Eliza shook her head.

"No prisoner! You are my partner now, and it will be less suspicious. If you are actually interested in seeing how things work here, being my partner is the best option. My people will be happy to finally see me with someone," Eliza explained, and I looked over at Senna.

"What is your take on all of this? What do you think we should do?" I asked, but Eliza chirped up.

"Senna is just a guard," Eliza said, and I looked down at her.

​ "I wasn\'t asking you the question," I said and then turned back to Senna, who was looking embarrassed and repeated myself.

I could see that Eliza was shocked, and she didn\'t know what to do about this. Good.

"Umm, I think Countess Eliza\'s plan is better than yours. If you are a criminal, you won\'t be allowed into any important areas. Your plan is good if you only want to rescue the girl, but you would need to get in better standings if you want to see Lady Katarina," Senna explained.

Thank you," I said and then turned back to Eliza, who was nodding along, asking, "Did you explain it in the same way?"

"No," Eliza said.

"Did she not do a better job of explaining it?"

"Yes," Eliza replied, looking away from me.

"Keep eye contact when you are speaking to people. You are a countess, and you should learn your strengths and weaknesses. The best leaders know how to do what they can and divide the rest among those best suited for the job. I am sure there are things that you know more about and can do better than Senna and her the same. Do not discount a person just because of the family that they were born to," I explained, and Eliza nodded, turning back to look me in the eye.

"I get it and thank you for correcting me. Nobody has ever talked to me like that before," Eliza said, looking like she was getting drawn into a thought.

I walked over and scooped her up into one arm before nodding to Senna to mount up. I stuck on foot in the stirrup and grabbed the saddle horn as I hopped up and over while holding Eliza.

"Wow, you are really strong!" Eliza said as she looked at me in amazement, and I shrugged.

"She was holding back in the fight as well. None of us even stood a chance with her, and she was careful not to hurt any of us seriously. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Senna asked after mounting her horse.

"Couldn\'t tell you even if I wanted to. I Have no memory, but my body remembers what fighting felt like. All I know is that I have much more training than this twenty-year-old body could have obtained," I explained, and Senna nodded.

"You might be a reincarnation. There are tales of this happening once every five hundred years. I don\'t really know much more about it, but if you went to the capital, I am sure you could find out more information," Senna explained.

Eliza was already tucked into my chest with her eyes closed, gripping the front of my shirt. She rode side-saddle, and I had one of my arms wrapped around her, leaving her content, it seemed.

"Can you tell me about the babies? I heard something about a golden egg," I asked, and Senna\'s eyes went big but then returned to normal.

"That is right. You have no memory, so of course, you wouldn\'t know. The goddesses deliver an egg to two partners that had performed the mating ritual. They hatch in nine months after receiving them," Senna explained, and I stared blankly.

"A Goddess? What do you mean by that? Like a heavenly being descends with a golden egg after you guys do a dance?" I asked, so fucking confused that I could barely tell my eyeballs from my asshole at this point.

"Pretty much. I know it sounds silly, but that is just how it is. We don\'t make the babies; the Goddesses do.

I wanted to scream and shout and let it all out; these are the things blowing my mind right out the back of my head right now! I wanted to burst into a screaming song at the Ludacris of it all!

Like, come on!

"You don\'t look like you are taking it so well," Senna said cautiously.

"You could say that," I said, trying to keep my expression straight, but we were moving into straight bullshit land at this point.

"What about it bothers you," She asked, and I sighed, wondering if I should bring this up.

In this world, women might not even be able to have children, but how would one find out? Usually, I could just ask, but if there were never any men, then they never would have had babies.

"What if I told you that women could have babies?" I asked.

"What if I told you pigs could fly?" Senna asked.

"What if I told you the moons were made out of half white and half dark chocolate?" Eliza asked.

I groaned.

That settled it! I was going to have to push the envelope!

"I will prove that women can have children! Albeit, only with my help, but I am damn sure it is possible. I shall do this in the name of science!" I declared.

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