
Chapter 24 Something Like That

A kiss between the legs, hmm? I wonder just how much my growth would give her?

[I can slowly gain Life Force inside you, so you don\'t need to worry about me.]

\'Don\'t worry. I will get you some Life Force. You are too beautiful to be locked inside of me,\' I said to Xieus in my head.

[Thank you. It really warms me like nothing I have ever felt before when you say things like that because I know that you mean it.]

"So, what do you want to do next? Are you still hungry?" Eliza asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Can we go to a weapons shop? I really would like to have a weapon. I feel naked without one," I grinned, and Eliza rolled her eyes at me.

"That is all you really think about, isn\'t it?" Eliza laughed at me as we stood, and I shrugged.

"I think about you quite a bit and Xieus. I would say that my attention is more divided between the two of you and only one-third for fighting," I smiled.

"Oh, well, I suppose that is fine then. What are you thinking about me?" Eliza asked curiously, taking my hand in hers.

"Things that we shouldn\'t talk about in public," I grinned, and Eliza squeezed my arm, also grinning.

"Me too," Eliza whispered, making my pulse speed up as she dragged me back to the main strip.

We headed south until we stopped in front of a large building with a sword and shield detailed exquisitely in wood covering the front of the building. The way that everything wrapped around the windows and door made it clear this was the work of magic.

"Who built this place?" I asked, but before Eliza could answer, the shop door banged open.

A woman was flung towards me, and I put my arms out to catch her, but she flipped and turned in the air, landing in front of me. A thin, smooth cat tail whipped at the front of my pants as the girl with cat ears tipped her head back to look at me awkwardly.

"What are you?" The cat girl asked, and I scoffed as her tail swished vigorously.

"That is my new Partner. What did you do this time, Chili?" Eliza asked in what sounded like a tired and familiar tone, but then a strong-built elf started yelling from the shop doorway.

"Don\'t you come back here if you aren\'t going to pay the price I ask! Read the damn sign!" The elf woman roared and then slammed the door that had a sign on it.


"That is who built the shop, Madam Listenia. Don\'t even think about trying to get a better price out of her!" Eliza warned, but Chili was distracting me.

"What do you have in your pants? Is it shiny?! Maybe a special weapon? It feels hard like a pole!" Chili said as she pushed her bottom into my growth.

"Get off Galio, Chili! She has a growth between her legs. Stop being so embarrassing, and stop bothering Madam! She sells the best stuff, so stop being so cheap!" Eliza scolded, and Chili pulled away from me, but now there was a large bulge in my pants.

"A growth, eh? I think you should get that checked out, but I kinda want to see it!" Chili said, turning on me with cute furry paws.

I wanted to more than show this kitty cat my growth, but god dammit, we are in the middle of the street! Do none of these women have any self-restraint?!

"I am going to go and talk to Madam Listenia. You keep your friend company while I am inside," I said, side-stepping Chili as she dove for my pants and then gave Eliza a quick kiss that made her blush and women around gush.

"Sure, just remember what I said!" Eliza called as she went over to help her friend up.

I would mostly remember.

I jogged up to the steps, opened up the shop door, walked inside, and stopped. I just had to stop.

The walls were covered with weapons of all shapes and sizes, but I could tell that there were of good quality. There were even a few things that caught my eye, and I marked them in my mind as some of the finer items.

"Did I die and go to another Heaven?" I asked no one in particular.

"If you aren\'t here to buy something, then I can send you to another one!" Growled Madam Listenia, and I looked over where she was standing and smiled.

"If I had the money, I would buy the shop, but I only brought ten gold with me today," I said, walking over to the main counter where the woman was standing behind with crossed arms.

"If you are here to buy, then what are you looking for?" Listenia asked, and I pointed to the first thing that caught my eye, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

I had pointed to what I was sure was a curved single-edged katana, but I wasn\'t sure if the name was the same.

"Why did you pick that one?" Listenia asked me with suspicion in her voice.

"Because it\'s the best thing that you have on display and looks to be the most capable of channeling magic through," I explained, and Listenia blushed to my surprise.

"You could tell that just by glancing over my entire shop? You just walked in!" Listenia exclaimed, and I shrugged.

"I have an eye for excellent craftswomanship, you might say, but I know that you also don\'t have the good stuff on display. I would like to see some of your finer work if you don\'t mind?" I asked, but Listenia seemed to be getting flustered.

"Umm, yes, but can I ask you something? Are you a master swordswoman? Or maybe a master smith?" Listenia asked, and I shrugged with a smile.

"Something like that," I smiled.

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