
Chapter 65 Hiss Like A Cat

Once I ducked out the door, Wispy stood up from where she was sitting on the step. The girl looked lost, and I couldn\'t blame her, but I wasn\'t here to coddle her.

"Ready to go?" I asked, and Wispy nodded, putting her arms up.

It was hard not to look at her like a child like this, even though I knew she was a full-grown woman. Or at least that was what I was assuming as I picked her up and sat her behind my neck.

"How old are you?" I asked as I started to walk back to the barracks.

"Sixty-two this year; why? How old are you?" Wispy asked, and I chuckled.

"Twenty-something, but I feel a lot older than you," I chuckled as I turned the corner.

"Why are we going back to the barracks?" Wispy asked, and I could hear the tension in her voice.

"To go pick up two bratty angels and then home to make something to eat," I said as we got closer.

"You know that Angels are bad news, right? They are all liars that can see the truth in everyone!" Wispy exclaimed as the door to the barrack opened.

"Yes, and I am sure that you are so much better, little spy," Breya said as she walked out of the barracks with Claire in hand.

"Don\'t be mean to random people, or I am not going to let you start for supper," I growled, and Breya rolled her eyes at me.

"I took care of Claire, and everything went fine, right?" Breya asked, looking down at the once Holy Beholder.

"It was fine," Claire said, but she looked a lot cleaner than before, and she had on a new white dress.

Come on, I want to get back before they get too far into whatever they have planned," I said, and Breya giggled as she walked up beside me, taking my hand in hers.

I almost pulled away but decided against it at the last moment.

"I am sorry for eating your sandwich earlier. I could tell it bothered you, and I didn\'t mean it to. I sometimes get carried away," Breya said and kissed my cheek.

Any fire that had built up from my day\'s frustration was blown away, and I turned to kiss the top of the Angel\'s head.

"Thank you for that. Means a lot for you to apologize, but I think I was just worked up about Listenia. I was also snapped with Gwenth, and I shouldn\'t have, but have you seen her shop?" I asked, and Breya giggled.

"Yes, I have been inside it and had to fly to get around. It is a dangerous place, but no one seemed to care before now. Why did it bother you so much?" Breya asked.

"Because it is dangerous. I want to get her to work on some other dangerous stuff, but she needs to keep the place tidy. Gwenth can just be leaving these things lying around!

"Ah, so this is a test of character for the little Human?" Breya asked, and I nodded.

"Exactly. I need to know that she can take care of herself before I can let her into the world that I come from," I said.

"And what world is that?" Breya asked.

"A world where things are a lot more dangerous than here. I don\'t want her to get hurt," I said.

"So you are just trying to protect her then?" Breya asked, and I nodded.

"Of course. I care about her, and I don\'t want to see her get hurt," I said.

"That is sweet of you. I can see why you are the one that she is drawn to," Breya said, and I shrugged.

"I am not that great," I said, and Breya chuckled.

"You are to her, and that is all that matters. Most of us don\'t have another person that is willing to yell at us if you know what I mean. You actually care, even if you try to hide it," Breya said, and I rolled my eyes as we walked through the manor gate.

"Galio!" Eliza called as she ran over from the front step where she had been standing.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked as she came over to hug me.

I let go of Breya\'s hand and hugged Eliza, being careful how far down I leaned so as not to drop Wispy.

"I wasn\'t out here that long! I just came outside to get some fresh air!" Eliza said as Senna came walking over behind the Countess.

"Just under two hours since her lessons stopped. Trina was forced to bring her lunch out here for her to eat because you were sure to be back soon," Senna chuckled.

"Senna, you traitor! You aren\'t supposed to tell him that!" Eliza complained, and I laughed, squatting down to kiss her.

"I think it\'s cute. This Dwarf on my shoulders is Wispy, and she was a spy, but she is now working for me," I explained, and Eliza nodded.

"Yes, I heard. Word travels faster than you walk, it seems. I also heard that you and Nyala had it out again, and she didn\'t fare out so well. Then there was Listenia, which I heard went well, but came with some violence. I am not really surprised. Listenia is a sadist, so that won\'t be the last time you have those problems," Eliza explained, and I blinked at her. "I am the Countess, and women talk a lot. I get all that information."

"Ah, that explains a lot," I said, and Eliza giggled.

"Come on, let\'s go inside and get some supper. I am sure that you are hungry, and I know that Wispy here has to be," Eliza said, and I nodded, following her inside.

"Can you show me to the kitchen?" I asked, and Eliza turned to look at me funny.

"I know that you are hungry, but we can have food brought to the dining from in a bit. I don\'t think it is ready yet," Eliza explained, and I picked Wispy off my shoulders and set her down.

"No, I would like to help with the cooking," I said.

"You know how to cook?" Eliza asked, and I nodded.

"Of course. I am not some barbarian that doesn\'t know how to cook his own food," I said.

"Well, I am sure that Wispy would love to learn how to cook as well, so why don\'t the three of you go help Trina in the kitchen," Eliza said, and I nodded, taking Wispy\'s hand and leading her to the kitchen.

"You really know how to cook?" Wispy asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Of course I do. I am not some ignorant brute," I said, and Wispy giggled.

"That is good to know. I am not really sure how to cook, so I would love to learn," Wispy said.

"That is good because I am sure you will be spending a good amount of your time in the kitchen and cleaning the rest of the house. Angels, come along," I said, and Eliza came and took my other hand, gilding me to the kitchen.

Trina and some other less notable help were working. The place smelled like they were doing some type of roast, but it smelled like a lot of spice and not meaty.

"Are you doing a pork roast?" I asked as Eliza brought me into the large kitchen with a very big island in the middle of it.

"Oh! Galio! How did you like the lunch I made you?!" Trina asked as she turned from a pot she was watching.

"He didn\'t get to try it; I am sorry. I ate them, but I might add a bit more salt to them. I might have stolen them from him, so it is no fault of his," Breya said as she walked past me to start looking around for what I assumed to be sweets.

"Oh, that\'s fine; I can make you another one tomorrow," Trina said, but I shook my head.

"I am not going to be sleeping here tonight, but if you make lunch tomorrow, I will stop in for it. There are some things that I want to do in the morning, but I can come back for lunch," I explained, and Eliza pulled at my hand.

​ "You aren\'t sleeping here tonight?" Eliza asked with big puppy dog eyes, and I nodded.

"No, Listenia and I have some training to do in private tonight. I told her that I would spend the night with her, but tomorrow I will be back sleeping here. I need a few more days, but then I should be more than ready to take on the army of undead and conquer the Lich. Once I am done, then we can head to the next island and start the real adventure," I explained, and Eliza sighed.

"Don\'t you want to explore this land?" Eliza asked, and I shook my head.

"Nope, I will have plenty of time to explore it when we get back, and you take over as Countess again. I can spend the rest of my life exploring this island and making trips to unexplored places. I think it is best to get out of here before I get myself into any more trouble. Speaking of which, where are my other two undead children?" I asked.

"The Daywalker and Blood Angel are scrubbing the far halls," Trina said, and I heard a hiss come from beside me.

I turned to see it was Claire with an angry look on her face.

"What are you hissing and spitting about?" I asked.

"She is, or was, Queen of the Angels, and we hate the undead. You know, they stand for everything that we are," Breya said as she looked through the cupboards.

"I will not live the same… ahh! Stop!" Claire cried as I sprayed her with water.

"Hiss like a cat, and I will treat you like one!"

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