
Chapter 126 What Came First?

"What comes out of a golden egg then?" I asked in confusion.

"A newly born woman... What did you think came out? A chicken? We are not like animals," Cindy asked in a curious voice.

"Nevermind that. You come out just as you are now?" I asked skeptically. "I have seen the eggs. You can not tell me a fully grown angel, wings, and all can fit in there!"

"The eggs get much bigger, you know this, right? Just how much do you actually know about birth and the mating rituals? You are new to this world, so I would assume that you are filled with misgivings," Cindy explained, and that couldn\'t be more true.

"This is the truth of things. What I know greatly differs from what you are saying, so why don\'t you give me a quick run-through?" I asked as Cindy worked on the back of my hair.

"Well, Firstly, the mating ritual for humans is done with dance once both partners are pleasured. The dance is simple, but it is hard for the women to reach it at the same time, so it usually takes a few times. Then there are those that are just practicing with a friend and get it right the first time. Some people are just more in sync than the others," Cindy explained as she stepped back to eye the back of my head.

"A dance?" I asked, but I remembered someone saying something about that before. It might have been Trina when she was telling me about Senna wanting to do the ritual.

"Xieus, do it so... he can see it in the mirror behind us," Cindy said as she went back to cutting.

"Me? I guess so. I do know all the mating rituals, so this shouldn\'t be a problem," Xieus said as she got up from the chair.

I watched in the mirror as Xieus moved behind me, facing my back. She put her left hand down to the side and her middle extent, and I got what was going on.

"So, after both women climax, they stand side by side like this. Both must have at least a finger inside each other\'s vagina, up to a hand-"

"Wait! What?! A hand?! Did they lose something there?!" I asked as my guts turned, and Xieus shrugged.

"Different strokes for different folks. I am sure most Fae will think your growth is like using two hands, but I know there are some that will try. Anyways, after that, we turn away from each other, draw the infinity symbol in the air like this," Xieus explained, drawing a figure eight on its side in the air. "Then you turn, hop back together, and kiss will make a heart with your finger and thumb."

I watched this all as the hair on the top of my head started to get shorter. This was the strangest thing that I had ever heard of.

Women born fully grown from drawing pictures in the air with pussy juice? I must be missing something.

"That is it? Then Tallia just comes with the golden eggs? Where does that come from?" I asked, more and more confused. "This is all just going right over my head right now."

"The egg vault in the center of all the islands," Cindy said as she continued to cut, but it looked like she was almost done, and I was starting to look good.

"So then, what about these women that are born? If they all come from a vault, then are they not blood-related to you?" I asked, but Xieus shook her head as she sat back down beside me.

"What does that mean, blood-related? How do you share blood?" Xieus asked, and I paused.

This was unexpected. What kind of world birthed full-grown women?! Not just that, but randoms!

"I am just a little taken aback by all of this. From what I know or think I do, this has got to be the craziest twist in this world. What is the point? I feel like there needs to be a point to all this... whatever this is because this place makes no sense," I said with a sigh.

"Says you. To the rest of us, this is life and how it has always been. The fact that you are so stressed out by this is a bit concerning. What does it matter?" Cindy asked as she walked in front of me and lifted my chin to get a better look at me. "Definitely not a woman. This stuff on your face is like wire. How do you remove it? I have some special wax and strips we could use."

"No, thank you very much. This is something that I can do if you have a straight blade, or just give me an old pair of scissors. If you can soap up my fast after I make the tool, I will take care of the rest," I explained, and Cindy nodded.

"So, now that we have the birth sorted out," Cindy said.

"There is nothing sorted out about this craziness," I said, but Cindy ignored me as she looked for scissors or a straight blade; I wasn\'t sure.

"Now, tell me, what kind of woman do you like? Do you like them short? Tall? Thin? Thick? Do you have a hair color preference? What about the bust size? Or do you prefer them to have more in the hips? Do you like a bottom that is squishy? Or firm? What about the legs? Do you like them long and thin or short and strong?"

My brain just shut down with a malfunction halfway through. I could see Xieus smiling off to the side, looking like she was about to burst into a fit of giggles.

"I like you all. I mean, I like a woman to be in shape, but it\'s not everything. I am not looking to just have one, so I am not going to say that I like one hair more than another. Now, where is that straight blade?"

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