
Chapter 129 Center Of Attention

Once we made it to Bella\'s Bistro, there was a big line outside of the restaurant.

"Is it always this busy? The city is pretty small, so it\'s hard to believe that so many people would be in this one place. Are there not any other places to eat around here?" I asked Eliza as we walked up to the corner building.

"I might have mentioned something about us coming here in the Vine...." Eliza said, looking away from me shyly.

She was all about having everyone seeing us together, and there was nothing wrong with that. I was used to being the center of everyone\'s attention, and this was supposed to be her night. If Eliza wanted to be surrounded by chatty women while we ate, so be it. The little women had done a lot for me since I had arrived in this world, even if we had a rough start.

"Eliza! So good to see you! We have a center table waiting for you, as you requested!" A waitress in a black skirt and white shirt called as we walked up to the front of the line.

"Kylie! Thank you! I knew that you would come through!" Eliza cheered, and the waitress nodded.

"Of course! You are the countess, and business is booming today! I bet it is going to be like this for a while now! People are going to be coming here from all over to hear stories about your partner!" Kylie said with excitement.

She led us inside the building into a large room filled with tables filled with women of all races. The table that we were led to was just as Kylie had said, and in the center of the restaurant. We were in clear view of everyone, and Eliza was grinning ear to ear.

Once we were at the table, and Kylie said that she would return with menus, I walked over to Eliza\'s chair.

"I never expected so many people to show up like this! They all came here just to see us! Do you know how exciting that is?!" Eliza exclaimed as I pulled her chair out for her, but then she looked up at me. "What are you doing? Do you want this chair?"

I guess that Eliza was used to coming out and people just acting normal around her. This attention all seemed new to her, so I wanted to make sure that she had a good time. I also wanted everyone to see me giving her all my attention.

"No, silly. I am pulling it out for you to sit down on, and then I will push you in. this is just something men do or some of them at least," I explained, and Eliza\'s mouth turned into an O, and then she took a seat, letting me push her in.

I walked around to my seat, but then Eliza spoke up.

"Who is supposed to do that for you if I am already sitting?" Eliza asked, and I smiled.

"It\'s just a man\'s job," I said, but Eliza screwed up her face.

"That doesn\'t seem fair. Next time I will push your chair in for you!" Eliza declared.

"You might have to get help," I chuckled as Kylie returned with menus.

"Here you two go! Tonight\'s special is beef brisket and caramelized onion sandwich with potato and bacon soup!" Kylie said brightly, and I handed my menu back.

"Sold! I will take that, but make sure to load up the meat and onions on that bad boy!" I laughed, and Kylie smiled, but she looked confused.

"What is a bad... boy? What is this thing?" Kylie asked curiously.

"I meant girl," I lied, not feeling like explaining myself today, and Kylie nodded, seeming to understand with a small smile, and then she turned to Eliza, who suddenly looked very stressed out.

Her eyes were snapping back and forth across the menu, so I reached under the table and put my hand on her bouncing knee.

"Take your time," I said softly and then looked up at Kylie. "Why don\'t you give us ten minutes? Just wait until Eliza is ready; then, you can start our meals together."

"Oh? Of course! Just call me over when you are ready!" Kylie said and then left the table.

"Thank you," Eliza said in a barely audible voice, and I grinned as her knees calmed down.

I guess my quick decision caused her to think that she also had to rush.

"There is no rush; I just liked the sound of the special," I said with a smile, gently squeezing her knee.

"Sorry, I always take a while to do things, but I made sure to hurry up and get ready for you tonight," Eliza explained as she looked over the menu.

"No need to apologize; just take your time figuring out what you want to eat. As for what we had talked about before, I think that Senna might be a good replacement. She is a bit stiff, but I know that she will keep the city running while you are gone," I suggested, and Eliza looked up from her menu with surprise.

"Wow, I never really thought about that, but if anyone knows this city and what goes on, it is Senna. She also spent the most time with Katarina," Eliza said with a smile.

"Senna also wants an egg, but now I am confused as to why. You all come out full grown, so what is the point?" I asked as I picked up a glass of water to take a drink.

"To help them grow. Yes, we are born fully grown, but we have no memories and only know how to do basic things. Some even need help eating for the first month. Some women like the idea of taking care of another like that, and sometimes they become partners," Eliza said as I took a drink.

I quickly turned my head as water sprayed out of my mouth and onto the floor. Then, I turned back to Eliza with a startled look. Not nearly as started as every person that was not at our table.

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