
Chapter 247 Tough Nut To Crack

p To my surprise, no one came near us as we headed north back to the manor. I did see a group of women around one corner, but when they got a look at my party, they sunk back into the shadows. This was kind of nice, but at the same time, kind of sad.

"I get what you meant back in the shop," I said to Breya after she linked arms with me, with Elfinia following very close behind us, almost to the point of hiding in our shadows.

"It is hard to have a conversation with someone when you know that most of the things that are said are either lies or half-truths," Breya said quietly as we walked, and I nodded.

"I understand that, but I really enjoy spending time with you, if that means anything," I said, and Breya leaned her head on my shoulder and smiled warmly.

"It does, and I appreciate that because I know you are telling the truth when you talk to me, always. Even if you do lie, I know you have a reason for it, and you are not just trying to do it for your own benefit," Breya explained, and I nodded.

I glanced back at Elfinia, who didn\'t seem to be interested in the conversation that was going on between Breya and me.

"It must be hard for you, living with humans and knowing that a lot of the things that they say are all false," I said, looking back at Breya.

Breya just looked over at me as we walked, the sound of our feet against the ground echoing through the streets in an off-beat rhythm.

"It is difficult to live among people who are not honest with one another or themselves," she finally replied softly after looking forward again.

"But you are still here, with them. Why is that?" I asked.

"Maybe because I see something in them worth saving, or maybe because there is somewhere else for me to go," she said quietly and stopped us abruptly, making both Elfinia and I look at her quizzically.

"What\'s wrong?" Elfinia asked, looking concernedly back the way we had just come from but not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

Breya looked at her sharply before turning to follow her gaze as well and then took a step closer to me so she could speak quietly in my ear without Elfinia overhearing us, if possible.

"I feel like we are being followed," Breya murmured, so only I could hear as she scanned the street behind us again while keeping up the pretense of conversation with me as if nothing was amiss. "Do you see anyone that looks suspicious?"

It didn\'t take long before my eyes landed on someone who stuck out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else on this street which was mostly made up of women running errands or walking around aimlessly. Most of them seemed like they had nothing better to do, apparently, besides talk about other people\'s business instead of their own for once.

The figure in question was draped entirely in black robes with a hood pulled low over their head, but even though their features were hidden, something about their gait seemed off somehow, almost mechanical or robotic, almost as if they were being controlled by someone or something else entirely. They also seemed eerily fixated on us, specifically no matter where we moved or what turns we took.

Whoever this person was, they definitely weren\'t human. But what exactly they were still remained a mystery; however, based on what little information I had gleaned during my stay here, it seemed likely that it might be one particular race: Golem!

Once we made it to the gates to Eliza\'s manor, I instructed the girls to go inside and let everyone know what the plan was and to start getting things ready.

"Are you sure you are fine to go alone?" Breya asked, and I nodded.

"More than sure. I am pretty sure I know what it is, but the who is what I am curious about," I replied, and Breya nodded, looking back over at Elfinia.

"Come, Fallen Goddess. Let us go round up the team and start getting things ready," Breya said, but Elfinia just crossed her arms and scowled at the Angel.

"You do not tell me what to do! I am a Goddess, and the-"

"If you say strongest, I will have Galio put you over his knee like your daughter! Get inside now!" Breya snapped, stabbing a finger at the door of the manor that was opening up, making Elfinia flinch.

"Galio!" Eliza screamed and came running over to me. I scooped her up into my arm, and Eliza hugged me tightly.

"Hey, you! Did someone miss me?" I asked after assaulting her neck with kisses that made her giggle and squirm in my arms.

"Only a little bit," Eliza said cutely, and I set her back down.

"Well, I am coming here today to take you and some of the girls on a bit of a trip if you want to come," I said, and the little Countess\'s face lit up with excitement.

"Really?! Where are we going?!" Eliza asked, almost jumping up and down.

"Don\'t get too excited, we will be going to Torrian," Breya said in a matter-of-fact tone, making Eliza flinch and look up at me.

"Why are we going there?" Eliza asked with a bit of a worried look on her face that made me frown.

The reactions that I was getting from everyone made it seem like Torrian was a lot worse off than Tallia had let on. This, mixed with the fact that I was taking so many people that couldn\'t defend themselves, was starting to put me on edge.

"Tallia asked me to come and take a look at things and see if we could help out, but now I am not too sure I should be taking you all with me. Every person that I have talked to has said that is not a good idea. Am I missing something here?" I asked, but Eliza shrugged.

"It is a bit of a rough place right now, and there are a lot of weird rumors coming from the Vine there, but being so far, the news tends to get garbled by the time we get it. I am sure that we will be fine with you there," Eliza said, and I let out a sigh. Normally, Tallia would appear if I even thought about her, which was only heightening my suspicions.

"Fine, but make sure we have stuff packed for setting up tents and such. I am not sure how long it will take to get there, but I kind of wanted to make a trip out of it and do some camping," I explained, and looked back, still seeing the small robed figure watching me from an alley.

"You want us to sleep outside?! You know that it gets a lot colder the farther you go north, right?!" Eliza exclaimed, and Breya nodded along.

"We will be fine. Now, get ready while I go talk to the woman that has been following me," I said, and Eliza gave me a strange look, but Breya grabbed her shoulders and started pushing her back to the manor.

"Come now, we have a lot of blankets to pack and many other things like a carriage that is going to fit us all," Breya said, and Elfinia followed them but looked back at me briefly only to scowl at me before turning back around to head into the manor.

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