
Chapter 569 Mmm.. Delicious! But Mostly Just Nervous Sweat!

"You look like you are in a good mood," I said as the portal closed.

Lexi smiled, the thrill of her recent experience still coursing through her veins.

"Oh yes, it was incredible," She said softly, a dreamy look in her eyes. "Namya was so gentle and passionate, and knowing that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her made it even better. I felt like my whole body was alive with pleasure from her touch. Her hands were soft and caressing, exploring every inch of me to find my erogenous zones. Once she found them, she knew exactly how to please me, teasing and tantalizing until I was trembling with pleasure. She used her tail, too, curling it around mine and sending thrills of pleasure up and down my body every time we touched. It was beyond anything I had ever experienced before."

"Oh," I said, eyes peeled back, and then I looked at my wrist to see that the watch didn\'t exist. "How did you accomplish this in the short time that I was gone?!" I asked incredulously, but Lexi just gave me a sly smile.

"I guess you\'ll have to wait till we get back to find out," She said before turning and slithered towards the tropical forest that would take us to the portal to the Underworld, her hips swaying with each step from the pleasure she had experienced.

I just shook my head and followed her into the jungle, thinking about how Lexi was the one that was supposed to keep me on the straight and narrow. I was starting to think that I was going to have to put a leash on her rather than worry about myself. Though, the thought of putting a leash on her did kind of turn me on a bit.

"You know, if you keep stopping to think, you are going to get lost. I am sure that I don\'t have to tell you that you will need to pay attention to your surroundings when we are in the Underworld," Lexi scolded me, and I looked up at her, surprised that I had stopped.

"Sorry, I was deep in thought," I said and started to walk to catch up with her, and Lexi smirked.

"What is it that you were thinking about?" She asked in a sultry voice, and I smirked back.

"Oh, you know, just how I might need to be putting you on a leash rather than worry about my own troubles with keeping my clothing on," I laughed, and Lexi bit her lip, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

"It sounds like I need to be the one on a leash then," She said teasingly before turning to start slithering deeper in, leaving me with a hard-on and shaking my head. It was clear that I was not going to need any demon pussy to get me through this week!

The two of us traveled deeper, but then I started to hear sounds up ahead. They sounded human, but at the same time, they were not.

"Who is up ahead?" I asked as I walked with Lexi.

"A small group of Demons, but they aren\'t dangerous," Lexi said as we got closer.

Then I spied the first of them and blinked. Ahead of us was a village, but it looked like it was built for dolls, the entire place only stretching to cover a 10-foot section of the forest.

"Imps?" I asked, but I couldn\'t see the tiny Demons anywhere.

"Yes, this is an Imp village. They are a very reclusive species, and they like to keep their own secrets," Lexi responded, her voice almost reverential. "I don\'t think you should talk to them. We are simply here to observe."

I just nodded and followed her lead, my gaze drinking into the strange little people as they went about their business. It was amazing to see these creatures living in harmony with nature despite their size.

Finally, we arrived at our destination; the entrance to the Underworld itself. I normally would create my own portal down there, but that would put me in a random location, and it had been a very long time since I had seen a Demon-made gate. The entrance was a huge black gateway with gold trimming, from which we could hear faint music. There were also two large statues of gargoyles on either side of it, their eyes glowing a deep green color.

When we entered, I could feel the power emanating from the space around us. The air hummed with energy, and I almost felt like I could sense something watching us as we made our way inside.

Once we stepped through the doorway, I gasped at the sight before me. Everywhere I looked, there were incredible sights; crystal clear pools, flames that seemed to ignite themselves, and beautifully terrifying creatures walking around as if they owned the place.

The Underworld, while mysterious, was surprisingly welcoming and inviting; I mean, the atmosphere was.

"Galio, I think those things want to eat us," Lexi said nervously from beside me with her head turned behind us.

I turned around to see two large, terrifying-looking Demons walking toward us, their red eyes blazing and sharp teeth glinting in the light. The first was a hulking beast of a creature with three horns on her head and massive razor-sharp claws attached to each arm. She had long green hair that hung down her back and wings made of black leather. The second one was shorter than the other but no less imposing. Her entire body seemed to be composed of some kind of dark metal, like a suit of armor, with the blackest of night for skin.

"Hey, don\'t worry," I said, trying my best to keep calm as I stepped in front of Lexi protectively. "I\'m sure they\'re just here to show us around."

The two creatures came closer, both studying us intently. After a few moments of silence, the taller one finally spoke.

"Welcome to the Underworld, travelers. What do you taste like?" She asked, and I frowned.

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