
Chapter 635 Filling The Hole Pt 4

Chapter 635 Filling The Hole Pt 4

When I opened my eyes, I felt myself being carried through a dark tunnel. The creatures holding me were in robes with deep cowls that covered their faces, so I couldn\'t make them out. What I could see was their hands, and they were almost monstrous looking.

"Xieus, the being is awake!" One of the robbed creatures called in a raspy voice, and everyone stopped, setting me down.

Once they let go of me, I stood up and looked around the tunnel, and then to Xieus. "This hardly looks like the place we were before."

"Eridor\'s army has reached my keep, so we must retreat," Xieus said, and I frowned.

"What for?" I asked. "I was hoping to have a private talk with you."

As I spoke, beings of light started to appear and then headed in the direction where they were coming from. The people that had carried me pulled back from the glowing figures, but my guardians would only restrain those that resisted. I was more than a little bit ticked off that this Eridor leader person was sending troops in when I said I was coming here. Just another addition to my growing list of suspicions.

"Are you going to kill them?" Xieus asked, and I shook my head.

"No. I am very lost as to what exactly is going on here, so I will be removing them from your land for now. I wish to talk and straighten things out. I am a stranger in this world, so I hope to make as little impact as possible, but I also won\'t stand by if something is wrong being done," I explained, and Xieus let out a sigh.

"Fine, but we should keep going this way. Eridor will not stop his attack, even if you can get rid of his ground troops. Soon the sky will be filled with Metaflies, and they will drop explosions. It is best that we keep going," Xieus explained, and I nodded, walking up to her and scooping her up. "What are you d-doing?!" Xieus sputtered, and I turned to the robed ones.

"You know where you are going?" I asked, and they nodded. "Good, I have a complete layout of the area now. I will take her to the chapel, and you can meet us there, okay?"

"You mean temple?" One asked, and I shrugged.

"Raised stone in the center? A few chairs and a podium?"

The creature nodded, and then Xieus and I were standing in said temple.

"Huh? How did we get here so fast?" Xieus asked, and I smiled, setting her down.

"I can make almost anything happen if I put my mind to it. Though, I can\'t fix death," I said, nearly whispering the last part.

"Why did you come to this world?" Xieus asked, and I shrugged.

"I was asleep for what seems to be about... oh wow... yeah, it was a long time," I said, but internally I was sweating. I had looked around when I was entering the planet, but I hadn\'t calculated where I was. According to the stars, and my assumed drifting speed, it had been over 4 billion years since I closed my eyes.

Yet, everything from then felt fresh.

"You are from the Divine Plane? Do all gods sleep there?"

"Huh? Wait, what is this Divine Plane you all keep talking about?" I asked.

"The land above the sky. God fell, and that is why this world is being destroyed. You are not the first, but you are nothing like the God that fell."

Another god? Like me? Was that even possible... I guess it had to be since I was able to get this power, but what did that mean. I would have sensed if Eridor had True Magic, I would have known just like with Matthias, so it wasn\'t him.

"The place you all call the Divine plane is actually just a large amount of dark space filled with planets like yours, but very few can support life like this one. The bright red thing in the sky is called a star, and the smaller ones you see in the dark are the same, but farther away."

My world had been more advanced than this one, but they seemed to be able to control gravity to fly. That alone was puzzling. I had been sure that I sensed no ships in space or anything that would suggest that they traveled off the planet. On top of that, everyone seems to think space is a place where only gods could go.

The structures I had seen like Xieus\'s castle clearly look to be made with otherworldly powers. There were no seams anywhere on the building or even the furniture. I had thought that they might have some special crafting abilities, but nothing was adding up. It was almost like someone was introducing foreign concepts to these people, but not properly explaining the potential of anything.

"You seem lost in thought, traveler," Xieus\' voice drew me back to the moment. "Perhaps I can help you understand better?"

It felt strange to be reminded of my status as a foreign being in this world. But Xieus\' gentle offering to help felt genuine and so I nodded, ready to listen to her elaborate the convoluted truth of Kathorn. As she spoke, I was swept into a tale of gods and magic, a story that was so fantastical and real at the same time. It was then I started seeing the underlying connections, the uncanny similarities between our worlds.

Xieus explained how like my world, Kathorn too had been a planet of peace, of magic and its exceptional beings, thriving in the harmony of life and nature. But then came their reckoning. Their so-called god fell from the Divine Plane, not unlike me, bringing an era of chaos and war.

"My entire village was slaughtered, or taken to be changed. I was the only one to escape, and I fled. I ended up crossing over to the side that I lead now against Hyron, our god."

"Changed? You mean like the creatures that were carrying me?" I asked, and she nodded.

"You have no idea how many people I have known and loved have been killed in this senseless war. They are the ones bringing war, and the ones ravaging this planet."

"So then, where is this god? I am sure that I can just go talk to him, and we can sort this out, right?" I asked, pouring out more True Magic to scan the entire planet for this creature.

"I have no idea where he is, or we would have moved on him already," Xieus replied, and I sighed.

"Give me a moment while I see if I can find him... Wait... What did you say Eridor would send?"

"Strange metal flying beasts we call Metaflies."

"And what do they do?" I asked as I could sense over 10,000 drones carrying metal tubes.

"They rain metal tubes from the sky that detonate on impact. They are strong enough to destroy any magical shield, but we should be safe here. That is, as long as there are only 100 or so."

"I will be right back," I said, and then appeared above the castle, and sighed as I noticed something I hadn\'t before. "That is not True Magic, and this Hyron is no god," I said as I could see the red glow of Chaos around the drones and their packages.

This was going to be a problem.

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