
Chapter 662 Preparations and Panty Thefts

Chapter 662 Preparations and Panty Thefts

"In all seriousness," Breya commented, "We\'re all very grateful for what you\'ve done, Galio. Thank you," Her gratitude was genuine, warming my heart.

"That does remind me, Galio," Giantessa chimed in, "We haven\'t scheduled the Wives Bath Time in the new bathhouses yet!" I could see a mischievous grin forming on her face, matched by the grins on many of the other Goddesses.

"I mean, am I involved? If that is the case, you can schedule me in, but not until the games start. I am only here today and tomorrow morning to help get the new city completed. After that, I am going to be away with Breya and Grace until the Goddess Games begin," I explained and then looked around the table. "While I am gone, I am sure you will all be able to handle things, but I want you all to keep a close watch on the visitors. As we talked about before, there are going to be many races that don\'t like each other all in one place. On top of that, the city is going to grow more than four times its size. I am sure that we will have to increase security-"


Everyone turned to the door that had just banged open, and I broke into a foolish grin when I saw Velma and Daphne who had just kicked the door open. The two of them were dressed up like a pair of detectives.

"I hear that you need more help to keep this city in check!" Daphne declared, but Velma just shook her head with an exasperated sigh before smacking the back of Daphne\'s head.

"And what\'s with that ridiculous outfit?" Velma questioned, her eyes narrowing at Daphne. "I told you they wouldn\'t take us seriously like this."

Daphne just laughed it off and turned to me with a wink. "Oh, come on, Velma! We gotta look the part if we want to help Galio with the security. Besides, it\'s about time we had some fun around here!"

"I\'m not saying it\'s a bad idea," Velma conceded, "But we could\'ve done it more professionally. You know, not kick in every door you meet!"

"Bah! Don\'t sweat the small stuff!" Daphne said, flipping her fiery orange hair. "Anyways, we actually have a reason for coming here! Velma!"

"Don\'t Velma me, or I will give you another smack," she growled, but then sighed, looking at me. "We have been getting reports of robberies," Velma explained, but then Daphne ran over to beside me.

"You will never guess what is being stolen!" Daphne exclaimed, and I smirked.

"No, but I am sure that you will tell me," I chuckled, and Daphne nodded with fervor. Velma and she were such complete opposites, but somehow the two were always together. Daphne was her daughter after all, and in this world that meant they were perfect for each other in some twisted way.

"Yus! They are stealing the panties right off people\'s bottoms!" Daphne declared, and I just blinked at her.

"Come again? How the heck are they getting women\'s panties off without them even noticing?!" I demanded, and Daphne just shrugged.

"Beats me, boss," she said and then turned to Velma. "Each person we talked to about it said the same thing."

Velma nodded and picked up from where Daphne left off. "All of them said that a strong wind gusts by them, and then they notice their undergarments are gone."

"Well, that is quite the pickle," I said, scratching the stubble on my chin.

This didn\'t really seem like something a woman would do, but this world had no men other than me. I mean there were 6 male guards, but they were gay, and I would know if one of them did something like this.

"I guess that perverts come in all sexes, but I still find this strange. What if they\'re doing this for some other reason?" I mused, glancing at the two \'detectives\' in front of me. "Or perhaps, it\'s a ploy to get our attention diverted."

"Like a prank to get a chuckle out?" Daphne suggested, earning a disapproving glare from Velma. But surprisingly, I nodded in assent.

"Possibly, or it could be an attempt by someone, maybe a Blood Witch, trying to throw the city into chaos," I suggested, my gaze flicking to each woman in turn. The room fell silent at the sudden serious atmosphere.

"It\'s possible," Velma agreed, her eyes blanketed with a thoughtful expression. "But for someone to have the dexterity to do it so precisely... It\'s a high-level prankster at least."

"We\'ll continue investigating," Daphne announced, and I nodded.

"Thank you girls, but aren\'t the two of you competing in the games next week?" I asked, but they both shook their heads.

"We aren\'t really vampires, but neither are we humans," Velma said, and Daphne nodded along.

"Is that all?" I asked and then looked at Tallia. "Do you think that you can fit them on your team?"

"Yes, I was actually considering who I would choose still. Since we are hosting the games, we don\'t need to have my choices ready before the day of the games. I have actually been surprised how few humans have stepped forward for the position of goddess," Tallia explained, and I smirked at her.

"I mean, you seem to just love your job as a goddess, right?" I joked, making her scowl at me.

"Very funny, hubby," Tallia snapped, playfully swatting my arm. "Your job as god must be a ton easier, right?"

"It\'s not like I can just step down, so I am not surprised that most humans don\'t want to be the Goddess for humans. I know that there are some who are overly excited about the idea, but I am sure there will be more that were forced into this," I said, looking around at the Goddess who all started studying spots on the floor.

"I didn\'t mean to bring the mood down, ladies," I promptly said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. "Regardless, the call of duty is there. And it\'s our responsibility to answer it, like it or not."

"Plus, the lesson here is that being a goddess is not all about power and prestige. It\'s about serving and taking responsibility," Elfinia chipped in, earning nods from everyone present, including me.

"I hope the women of other races realize that sooner rather than later," I added. "But for now, let\'s wrap up here for the day."

And with that, our meeting came to an end, leaving behind a room of half-serious, half-exhausted goddesses. As for me, I was just glad we were getting stuff done. The excitement for the approaching Goddess Games was definitely still there, but right now, the reality of the challenges ahead was hitting us hard. It was going to be one heck of a week for the girls, but it was my time for a break with my girls!

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