
Chapter 672 You Did What?!

Chapter 672 You Did What?!

After hopping out of a portal high about the city with Eliza in my arms, I steadily descended from the sky into the transformed Felidae Empire, the magnificent sight of the city taking my breath away. I wasn\'t one to toot my own horn... Maybe I was, but this place looked beyond amazing!

"Galio! What in all magical mania did you do to the city?!" Eliza squealed in my arms, her eyes wide with awe. Everywhere we looked, citizens of the Felidae Empire were excitedly exploring their transformed surroundings, gasping and wondering aloud at the magical changes I had brought forth. The sprawling parks, newly laid railways, shining white granite of universities, and the grand castles that touched the sky were a sight to behold.

As citizens hopped on brilliant magical trains that zoomed across the city in a blur of lights or walked down the cobblestone streets, Eliza and I observed in silence from the sky. I truly hoped that all my efforts would help bring unity and harmony among the diverse races here on Goddessia.

"This place is going to become one of the center points of this world. From here, Races from all over the world will come to see and learn. My greatest hope is that everyone will be able to get along at some point so I can just relax," I said as we slowly descended. As we did I flicked a finger, preparing magic to send screens to everyone again. "It might be selfish, but I have to be every once in a while," I grinned, but Eliza shook her head.

"You do the best you can, and what you want isn\'t just for you, is it?" She asked, and I kissed her.

"Of course not! I want it for all of you and my children! I also know that at some point I am going to have to move forward through the veil. I want the world to be at peace before I move forward," I said, staring off into the horizon.

Two more worlds needed my help after this one, but I had the time. I had a choice to either rush through this process and leave for the next world as soon as possible, or take it slow and ensure that I had done everything I could for the races and the world I was leaving behind. I chose the latter.

"I guess they won\'t be as excited about renaming the city though, huh?" Eliza chuckled, lightening the mood with her playful banter.

I chuckled and agreed, "Hopefully they will be okay with it, just this once. After all, we don\'t exactly change city names every day, do we?" She nodded in response, and I could see the excited spark in her eyes as we continued to explore the new city.

To keep the citizens updated about the progress, I implemented a magical audio-visual system that displayed floating holographic screens that I had enchanted. These screens kept everyone updated on the things that were happening across the city, the upcoming Goddess Games, and the changed name of the city.

The screens also broadcasted the announcement of \'Royal Envoy of the Felidae Empire\', embodying Eliza\'s new role. I watched with amusement as people\'s mouths fell open at Eliza\'s promotion. From a bubbly and spirited countess, she was now the representative of the Felidae Empire. I knew she was capable of taking on the role, and I had complete faith in her.

Despite our light-hearted conversation, there was a mixture of tension and anticipation in the air. The Goddess Games, the life-changing event that I had announced, was finally approaching. The changes I had implemented, and the growth and development of the Empire symbolized a new era, and the upcoming games would be a reflection of the prosperity and unity I had envisioned.

However, amidst all the excitement, I felt a distortion of space nearby.

"What was that?!" Eliza asked, looking in the direction I had felt the distortion come from.

"Nothing for you to worry about. We have an entire city of Goddesses in training, and it will be their job to keep the new city safe!" I laughed but then paused. "Oops, I guess now is as good of time as ever to tell everyone!"

"What did you do, Galio?" Eliza demanded cutely but then scowled at me. "You better not let my new city get wrecked!"

"That is inevitable, but I promise to fix whatever is broken. I only invited five lovely, eccentric women and gave them a special godly boost to their abilities. I might have told them to go crazy and call themselves something evil. I also just might have told them that the only thing that was off the table was torture and killing. Pretty sure it should be fine," I said, looking away from Eliza most of the time, and starting to whistle after.

Eliza\'s hands grabbed my collar and pulled my face to her with a cute and furious look on her face. "Galio!" she growled. "You did *what*? How could you? Why would you give them permission to go crazy and disrupt the peace? And what do you mean by calling themselves something evil?"

She was riled up now - rightfully so, and I felt a pang of guilt. What had started as a whim to inject some excitement into the upcoming games now felt uncannily like a recipe for disaster. But it was too late to go back now.

"I gave them a code name, the Angels of Havoc, and they\'re supposed to stir things up a bit," I admitted slowly while avoiding her gaze. "You see, I thought that a bit of chaos would be a good test for our goddesses in training. An unexpected occurrence might sharpen their senses, and help them adapt and adjust. After all, they should be prepared for anything, right? And plus, it sounds like so much fun!"

Something flickered in Eliza\'s eyes - anger, disbelief, frustration; I couldn\'t quite tell. But then, she calmed herself and sighed. "Galio... You better ensure that things don\'t get out of hand. I suppose the latest panty thief is part of this group?"

"Uh, yes," I confessed, rubbing the back of my neck. "That would be Euphracia. She\'s got an odd obsession with panties, but I made sure to tell her only to target those who could afford to lose a pair or two."

Eliza shot me a heated glare. "Galio," she said sternly, "This isn\'t a game. Sure, it might prove to be a decent test for our goddesses, but you also risk causing unnecessary panic among our citizens. Please promise me you\'ll step in if things get out of hand."

I put my hand over her face with a smile. "My love! This is exactly what it is! This is the Goddess Games! There is too much chaff anyways with 12 from each race! I want to thin them out. I had planned on just cutting half of them, but we really only want the best. On top of that, I have tons of people who will be watching all the time to make sure nothing gets out of hand, I promise! Even if it does, I will just return it to normal from home."

"What happened to taking a break?" Eliza asked after a long sigh.

"Just wait! I am going to have play-by-plays with the help of my animal friends! All the feed will be sent to screens I have set up all over the city in major public places and bars. That also includes homes! Everyone is going to enjoy the games! That includes Breya, Grace, and myself at home!"

Eliza stared at me, her arms folded across her chest. "You better say the same thing when you\'re elbow-deep in diapers, Galio," she warned, her eyes glittering with amusement. I chuckled at her words, drawing her close to my side as I admired our new empire once more. Despite the potential havoc I had so recklessly unleashed on its citizens, I felt optimistic about the future.

We would face adversities and sail across turbid seas, but with unity and love, we would also celebrate victories and growth. Every race in Goddessia would strive for a peaceful existence, just as I had envisioned. The upcoming Goddess Games would serve as the perfect platform for us to foster unity and harmony, and the goddesses were indeed preparing for it. I looked over at Eliza, filled with excitement at the prospect of the upcoming games.

"Eliza, I hope these games not only serve as an exciting opportunity but also help everyone unite under a common cause," I said, my tone sincere. "I believe in every single one of them - our goddesses in training, our people, and most importantly, in you."

I could see a smile slowly spreading across her face - a sweet, hopeful smile. "I love your optimism, Galio," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "I just hope all your plans work out as envisioned."

I nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "So do I, Eliza. So do I." As we stood there, under the twinkling stars, overlooking the Felidae Empire, I made a silent promise. I would give it my all to ensure peace. The Goddess Games - a name that once just meant a competition of strength and wit was now the symbol of unity, hope, and an ambitious dream.

The race was set; the time was ticking. And I couldn\'t wait to watch every moment, but I had one final task! It was time to make my final announcement!

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