
Chapter 683 The Cat God’s Intervention

Chapter 683 The Cat God\'s Intervention

"Are you looking for a fight?" Wendria asked, and O\'Lee just looked up at her.

Suddenly, O\'Lee\'s fist slammed into the High Elve\'s stomach. Instead of doubling over, Wendria hardly even flinched and moved to backhand O\'Lee. Before her hand could reach O\'Lee\'s face, and much larger hand wrapped around the High Elf\'s head like it was a ball, pulling the woman out of range to hit the orc.

"Do you really think this is how you should be acting right now?" Kali, the Amazon, asked, tossing Wendria to the side like a ragdoll, only to stab a finger into O\'Lee\'s chest. "Do you not see everyone else around you staring?"

O\'Lee looked around, but it was Cherry who spoke up. "What of it? The elves were the ones that came over here to start a fight!"

Kali turned her large frame toward the red dragon girl and narrowed her eyes. "So, because they acted like children, you decided to join them?"

Cherry looked like she was about to argue, but Virdis put a hand on her arm.

"Kali is right," Virdis said and looked at Cherry. "Galio doesn\'t want people like the last goddesses that are going to be fighting with each other all the time. He is looking for women who will act responsibly, so he doesn\'t have to keep checking on everyone."

Kali nodded. "At least some of you understand, but next time, if you know this, speak up before your friend makes an ass of herself," Kali warned and then looked at Me\'Tal. "Same goes for you, and..." Kali trailed off and then focused on O\'Lee. "...You. I expected more from you, considering how much time you have spent with Galio. I would have assumed that you of all people understood what he was trying to do."

O\'Lee lowered her gaze, realizing the gravity of her actions. "You\'re right. I let my frustration get the best of me. I should have handled it differently."

Wendria, who had managed to recover, smirked condescendingly. "It seems the \'lesser\' races struggle not only with challenges but also with basic decorum."

Before O\'Lee could respond, Kali intervened. "Enough. We\'re here to prove ourselves as leaders, not engage in petty squabbles. Save your energy for the challenges that matter."

The High Elves, seemingly satisfied with the chaos they had caused, walked away with an air of superiority. The tension in the air lingered as the women took a moment to regroup.

Cherry sighed, "I guess we need to work on keeping our cool, even when provoked."

"More like you do. I never said a thing! I was peacefully sipping my wine watching you dumbies make fools of yourselves!" Glacia laughed but shut up when Kali glared at her.

Virdis nodded. "Agreed. We can\'t let our emotions dictate our actions. It\'s not just about physical strength but also emotional resilience."

Me\'Tal chimed in, "Kali is right. We need to focus on the bigger picture. These internal conflicts only distract us from the real challenges we\'re here to face."

As the women settled back into their seats, Kali joined them. They exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the need for unity. The challenges ahead were daunting, and they couldn\'t afford to let internal strife weaken their resolve.

"Where are the other Amazons?" Virdis asked after a very large mug of ale was brought over for Kali.

"They are all training still. Gaara is going to join me tomorrow morning, but Bobby Sue, and Gilesh want to wait till the next day," Kali explained, making Cherry set down her drink.

"You mean that none of them participated in today\'s games?" Cherry asked, but Kali shook her head.

"The other eight came with me for the first part of today, but I don\'t think that they are going to make it. Unlike most Amazons, Gilesh, Garra, and Bobby Sue spent time with Galio and understood what he wanted. The rest of the Amazons are... well, just as hardheaded as they have always been," Kali explained, and Cherry nodded, thinking about her own race.

"I can see that. It makes me wonder if doing this is really going to change anything?" Cherry asked, but then a portal opened beside them, startling not only the women at the table, but everyone else around as Galio, the Cat God stepped out.


"Are you sure it is a good idea?" Tallia asked as I prepared to open a new portal.

I turned and smiled. "I do. The girls are making some good points, and I would like to get in on this conversation. They are bringing up points that I too, are worried about. Since this is the end of the first day, I would like to hear people\'s opinions," I laughed, making Tallia roll her eyes.

"So much for not getting involved," Tallia groaned, but I shrugged.

"Hard for me to keep my nose out of. These are people that I am going to be putting in charge of entire races. Not only that, but I don\'t want to keep dealing with these problems of races fighting," I said, and Tallia sighed as I looked back at Breya and Grace. "I will be gone for quite a while, but I will be back at some point."

Breya smiled, her golden eyes looking into mine. "It\'s fine. I am just glad that you can even sit still for as long as you have, so I don\'t mind, but tomorrow you are in charge of watching over Grace."

"Why? What is wrong with Diablo?" I asked, grinning at Grace, who was trying to look anywhere by my face.

"Do you even have to ask? I am pretty sure it is Grace taking care of her, not the other way around. Also, Morgana has been putting her to work with the other monster women. Maybe you could go visit their village tomorrow?" Breya asked, and Tallia laughed.

"Just wait," Tallia giggled. "You are going to have two soon!"

"You both know that I am the god of this world, right? Do you not think I have enough going on with the goddess Games?!" I demanded, but Tallia just scoffed at me.

"Yes, so much to do that you are going for a drink to hang out with a bunch of women. Yes, I can see you are very busy!" She laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, fine! It\'s not like I mind, but I have to go!" I laughed, and then jumped through the portal, into the tavern.

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