
Chapter 64 part1

2水涨船高: literally means when the tiderises, the boat floats high; means that someone has a high status because of his relationships with other

Chapter64 Insidious and Sinister

Li Chang Le frowned and revealed a hesitant expression: “In thepast ten days, we have thought of everything, but Father still wanted toimprison you for at least a month.”

“Impossible!” Li Min Fengloudly beamed, “I am Father’s most beloved son, how can he do this to me!” Heprobably didn’t know but his eyes became sharp with deep discomfort and he wasshaking like a leaf that was about to fall.

Li Chang Le said: “Da ge, Father is very angry, everyone has beendiscussing about this recently, Father has always valued reputation, what youdid was very unacceptable to Father.”

“No matter what youheard, I have to tell you that everything is a lie! It was obviously a corpse,how could it run to the plum tree and hang itself! It’s Li Wei Yang, thatbitch, who planned everything, I will settle this with her soon!”

He held onto Li Chang Le’s shoulder and shook her with all hisstrength and greatly shouted. His handsome and noble face had alreadydisappeared completely.

Li Chang Le was stunned, she felt an unusual fear; Li Min Feng’sface reminded her of a beast that was about to die, he had already lost hiscalm.

Da Furen rushed forward and then mercilessly slapped Li MinFeng: “I want you to sober up! If you are this impulsive, you will fall into LiWei Yang’s trap. She is definitely hiding in the dark right now, watching usfall on hard time and turn insane!”

Li Min Feng was taken aback and absentmindedly stared at Da Furenfor a while and then suddenly revealed a shameful expression. It was such ashame that he was a man; he often boasted himself as a talent but at this moment,his disposition was not as steadfast compared to a married woman who was raisedin a family harem.

Guilt and shames gradually revealed on his face and then hedejectedly loosened his hands.

Soon afterwards, he astonishingly discovered that Da Furenactually revealed signs of old age. Not only were there silver strands growingfrom the side of her hair, but there were also wrinkles at the corner of hereyes, eyes that showed unease.

His mother was actually capable of feeling anxious and he wasonce again astonished by this. A mere Li Wei Yang had force his mother intothis condition, what was going on?

Li Wei Yang’s face floated in his mind, causing him to rage infury and even to have the intention to kill. His eyes immediately turned dull,a helpless and resentful smile formed on his mouth: “Mother, how can I lose toa young yatou?”

Da Furen coldly said: “I’ve been urging you both again and againthat this Li Wei Yang is a ruthless bitch. We either not make a move or we makea move that delivers a killing blow. But you two, you never listen to me!” Shesaw intentions to kill in his eyes and uncontrollably sighed, “It’s also myfault for spoiling you both. Everything has been sailing smoothly for so long1, it has made you both unable to endure thewaves.”

“But she made me sufferthis bad!” Li Min Feng angrily said, his expression was like that of an injuredwild wolf. He saw himself as a man of great talents so he thought a littletrouble could’ve gotten rid of Li Wei Yang, but he could’ve never imagined thathe had gotten rid of himself.

Da Furen showed a slight smile, a smile that sent shivers downpeople’s backs: “At this moment, if you continue to stir up trouble to get out,it will make your father become more tired of you. Even more, the entirecapital is discussing this incident; if you leave, you will bring onhumiliation onto yourself, so might as well stay here and think about where didyou go wrong?!”

Li Min Feng exposed a hint of uncertainty in his expression.

Li Chang Le coldly said: “Da ge, your heart is too soft, if youdealt with Zi Yan earlier, this incident probably wouldn’t have occurred.”

Li Min Feng felt a bit ashamed, she was right, he indeed was alittle interested in Zi Yan, but she, as his younger sister, didn’t have theright to lecture him.

Da Furen gave Li Chang Le a glance: “If it wasn’t you whoinstigated your brother, how would a man like him bring himself into thesematter!”

Li Chang Le’s face paled, she couldn’t escape under Da Furen’sstrict expression: “Mother, if we were to be overpowered by Li Wei Yang, thiswouldn’t benefit Da ge at all.”

“You both! To deal withLi Wei Yang, we must slowly wait for an opportunity. She is now Anping Xianzhu,it is much more difficult to touch her now!” Da Furen coldly spoke.

“Mother, you’ve been sayingto wait for an opportunity, when exactly do we have to wait until!” Li Chang Lefrowned.

An inexplicable smile formed on Da Furen’s face: “Very soon.”

Li Min Feng and Li Chang Le both showed an expression ofuncertainty. Da Furen gave Li Min Feng a glimpse: “Ponder with a quiet mind, Iwill eventually think of a way to let you leave here. As for you Chang Le, don’tclash with that slut, Mother will very soon make her disappear for good!”

Leaving the ancestral hall, Li Chang Le couldn’t help but asked:“Mother, do you have a plan already?”

Da Furen furtively smiled but didn’t say anything.

Li Chang Le had utmost interest in the idea of Li Wei Yang’simpending death, she said: “Do you need daughter’s help?”

Da Furen gently looked at her and said: “You shouldn’t beconcerned, just simply look nice in front of others.”

Li Chang Le blushed and said: “Daughter has always beenattentive in this area.”

Da Furen smiled: “Whether Li Wei Yang is a Xianzhu or aprincess, it doesn’t matter, there is one thing she can’t rival with you. Didyou noticed that night at the banquet many titled gongzi were staring at you,especially that Fifth Prince, last night your father told me that the FifthPrince have the intention to seek your hand for marriage.”

Li Chang Le frowned: “Father has already agreed?”

Da Furen shook her head and said: “Fifth Prince’s mother MinImperial Concubine has been favored all these years, so the Fifth Princebenefited from this2, but your fathersaid, the ones with the biggest chance to ascend the throne are the CrownedPrince and the Emperor’s beloved Seventh Prince. As for the Fifth Prince, hestill lacks experience ---“

This meant that they had already decided on either siding withthe Crowned Prince or the Seventh Prince ...... Li Chang Le felt a bitdisappointed, she didn’t know why, Third Prince’s handsome face appeared in hermind.

Da Faren lightly tapped her hand: “You have to dress up nicelyand take advantage of this opportunity, do you understand?”

Ever since Da Furen visited Li Min Feng in the ancestral halland warned Li Chang Le once again, Li Wei Yang discovered that not only didnews regarding Da Shaoye not eating at the ancestral hall no longer spread, butalso Li Chang Le acted normal and became more well-behaved. Moreover, seeingthis Da Xiaojie again, she was more well-dressed than before. Li Wei Yangvaguely guessed that it was either because Da Furen was preparing to schemeagainst her or her older sister was using her beauty as a weapon to dosomething extraordinary.

After a month, Li Min Feng was released from the ancestral hall.A trace of anger towards Li Wei Yang couldn’t be seen on his face, not even aninkling. However, underneath the tranquil expression was definitely ragingtorrents of anger.

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