
Chapter 81 part2

Da Furen had left the best room in Fu RuiCourtyard to Li Wei Yang. Li Chang Xi was rather unhappy and despite Li ChangXiao’s attempts to stop her, she rushed over to voice her complaints. Then, shesaw Du mama reminding a group of Yatous: “Si Xiaojie and Wu Xiaojie aside,Furen said to serve San Xiaojie with care!”

Li Chang Xi heard this, and she was furiousand fuming.

Hearing Du mama talk about how Li Wei Yang wasfavored by Lao Furen and given such luxuries, the flames of anger burnedbrighter for Li Chang Xi. In the past, she may not have been Li Chang Le’sequal, but she still had greater status than Li Wei Yang, and yet, now Li WeiYang had stumbled across such luck and surpassed her in status.

Du mama continued: “Of the unmarried shuXiaojies in the house, with a lovely face and grace, is there anyone who cancompare to San Xiaojie, noble and prestigious in everyone’s eyes, with suchwealth and even more so in the future!”

These words made Li Chang Xi even moreuncomfortable.

“Earlier, Furen had me prepare a newgold-embroidered quilt for San Xiaojie, yet she did not mention the other twoXiaojies, it seems San Xiaojie has the highest status in Furen’s eyes.”

Everyone was listening closely when a voicesuddenly rang out behind the crowd: “Du mama!”

Du mama turned, surprised: “Ah, Wu Xiaojie!”She immediately fell silent.

Li Chang Xi’s face was particularlyunpleasant, she scoffed coldly. Li Chang Xiao pulled at her sleeve, Li Chang Xitried to hold back her anger as she said: “Du mama, I have moved my belongingsover, now I want to see Mother.”

Du mama smiled and said: “Furen said to waitfor San Xiaojie first.”

Li Chang Xi’s face grew even uglier.

Two Yatous dragged a small sack into thecourtyard. Du mama quickly stopped them: “Have you brought the ingredients?”

One of them, a clever-looking Yatou responded:“Yes, they will be immediately sent to kitchen.”

Something rustled within the sack, makingothers nervous. Li Chang Xi furrowed her eyebrows: “What is this?”

Du mama responded: “The physician said Furen’scondition is severe, so scorpion tail soup is necessary to nurse her back tohealth. These scorpions must be the most venomous kind and thoroughly cooked inorder to be most effective as a soup. Aiya, that’s right, Wu Xiaojie, Xiaojieshould stay away, if they happen to sting you, it will be a matter ofjiǔsǐyīshēng.” She then ordered the two Yatous to take the sack to the kitchen.

Li Chang Xi stood rooted to the spot as shelistened until Li Chang Xi nudged her, breaking her out of her trance: “Mei,what is wrong, why were you in a daze?”

Suddenly Li Chang Xi laughed, Li Chang Xiaosaw this and felt that it was a bit strange. Li Chang Xi looked over at herjiejie and closed her mouth, refusing to say a word. Si jie was too weak andlacking, telling her would not be a good thing. Once she had dealt with Li WeiYang, she would tell Si jie. Li Chang Xi felt a hint of rising anticipation.

Li Wei Yang had moved everything in when shesaw the two jiemei Li Chang Xi step into her room: “Aiya, the lighting is Sanjie is so nice, Mother can be so unfair!” Li Chang Xi giggled as she said this,there was no other emotion that stood out on her face.

Li Wei Yang heard her words, which wereneither bitter nor lighthearted, and faintly smiled, ignoring her words.

“San jie, we should go see Mother.” Li ChangXi approached Li Wei Yang, intending to pull her along, not a trace of anger onher face.

Zhao Yue stopped her: “Wu Xiaojie, our Xiaojiedoesn’t like being pulled along.”

Li Chang Xi felt a cold hand on her shoulder,and as if struck by lightning, she quickly withdrew her hand. She was about torebuke at Zhao Yue when she remembered Si Yiniang had said that Li Wei Yang hada Yatou skilled in martial arts by her side and changed her attitude: “SorrySan jie, mei is really happy to see jie these days, let’s go, Mother must bewaiting!”

Li Wei Yang looked to Li Chang Xi. Somethingmust be wrong for Li Chang Xi to treat her so sincerely. Perhaps it was not agood thing, but she smiled: “Wu mei, please, go ahead.”

The three of them went to Da Furen’s place topay their respects. Da Furen seemed to be in a good mood and arranged for themto dine together in the room. The atmosphere was surprisingly peaceful andharmonious, Li Chang Xi would recount gossip of other households to Da Furen,occasionally making her laugh and smile while the other two focused on theirfood, not joining the conversation as they listened and smiled.

Li Chang Xi suddenly looked up at Da Furen andsaid: “Mother, after this, let nu er massage your shoulders, so to relieve anysore muscles. Nu er is familiar with acupuncture points, butnu er does not have enough strength and fearsit will not be as effective.”

Da Furen smiled and said: “Then find a strongYatou, tell the Yatou, and the Yatou can follow your instructions, my legs aresore, you can help with that.”

Li Chang Xi looked around for a moment: “Thenhave her do it!” She pointed directly at Zhao Yue, who was standing behind LiWei Yang.

Da Furen glanced up and smiled: “This is not agood idea, that is Wei Yang’s Yatou.”

“But she knows martial arts, her strength willnot be as heavy-handed as the Yatous who do manual labor. Besides, she willonly be here for two shichen, it’s not as if we won’t return her to San jie.Jie certainly will not mind, this is filial piety!” Li Chang Xi raised hervoice, implying that if Li Wei Yang did not agree, she would be rejecting herfilial duties.

Everyone’s eyes were on Li Wei Yang, in amoment, the room had become frighteningly tense.

Li Wei Yang took a sip of tea and slowly said:“Wu mei must be joking, if Mother wants a Yatou, then that is not an issue,only that Yatou is a bit heavy-handed, I’m afraid she will hurt Mother, thenthat will not be good, it would be best if nu er attends to Mother!”

Li Chang Xi quickly said: “No need, no need!”

Li Wei Yang looked to her and smiled thinly.

Li Chang Xi’s heart raced but she continued toact natural and forced a smile: “San jie must have been troubled enough today,Mother has mei, and that is enough!”

It was as if she was afraid someone wouldsteal her efforts. Li Wei Yang smiled, her acting was not that bad at all. Butthat Yatou wanted an excuse to keep Zhao Yue, what for?

Li Chang Xi quickly glanced over at Li ChangXiao, although Li Chang Xiao did not understand what was going on, she gentlyadvised: “Since it is this way, San jie should return and rest.”

Li Wei Yang smiled, as if she were agreeing,she looked over and saw Li Chang Xi sigh softly and smiled coldly. This Yatoudared to arrange such a performance in front of Da Furen?

Zhao Yue seemed reluctant. Li Wei Yang glancedat her, Zhao Yue immediately understood and gave a small nod.

Li Wei Yang had just left when Li Chang Xiaocaught up to her, smiled and said: “San jie, Wu mei doesn’t understand, pleasedon’t take it to heart!”

Li Wei Yang saw Li Chang Xiao’s unease andsmiled: “Si mei should not worry, if Wu mei does not cause trouble, then Iwon’t provoke her.” In other words, she was not promising anything.

Li Wei Yang left with Bai Zhi. Li Chang Xiaolooked after her retreating figure, not knowing why a bad feeling surfaced inher heart.

A shichen later, Bai Zhi said: “Xiaojie, it’stime to bathe, Nubi will prepare warm water.”

Li Wei Yang nodded, turning a page in the bookin her hands: “Go.”

A while later, Bai Zhi returned, “Nubiwent to the water room, saying Xiaojie neededwater. After that, a mama sent word that Furen said, three Xiaojies can use thefragrant hot spring in the courtyard, no need to go through the trouble ofgetting water.”

There was indeed a fragrant hot spring in DaFuren’s courtyard, but very few could use it.

“Nubi already went ahead to inspect, SiXiaojie had just bathed, seems there is nothing wrong.”

Nothing wrong was, in fact, what was wrongwith it. Li Wei Yang nodded and thought about it as she slowly went over to thefragrant hot spring in the Fu Rui Courtyard. Unlike other hot springs, this onehad a variety of spices and herbs in the water. It was a pity that aside fromDa Furen and Li Chang Le, no one else had the right to use it. In the past, ErFuren had held a grudge against Da Furen, partly because of this courtyard andfragrant hot spring.

The fragrant hot spring was peaceful with onlythe sound of water and a gentle fragrance encircling them.

Li Wei Yang put her hand into the water. Steamslowly rose up and shrouded her in a thick, opaque mist.

Mo Zhu stood watch outside while Bai Zhi wentinside to serve her.

Li Wei Yang closed her eyes as if she wereexhausted.

At that moment, there was a small, distinctsound outside the window. Li Wei Yang opened her eyes and turned around to seesomething black crawl into the window.

“What is that?” Li Wei Yang’s voice was cold.

Bai Zhi looked over, and in the blink of aneye, her heart almost stopped!

When she glanced over, she saw a scorpion witha red mark on its back, slowly crawling towards the hot spring!

“Scorpion! Scorpion!” Bai Zhi cried out infear, her face pale as a sheet, she reached for the clothes on the screenpartition, only to find another scorpion on them, unable to retrieve them, BaiZhi quickly withdrew her hands.

Outside the window, a Yatou opened up themouth of the sack, allowing the scorpions to crawl out. She took three stepsback to Li Chang Xi’s side and quietly said: “Wu Xiaojie, will this tactic besuccessful?”

Li Chang Xi scoffed: “Hu, it’d be best if thosevenomous scorpions killed her! Even if she doesn’t die, I have other thingswaiting for her!” As long as Li Wei Yang cried out for help, the guards shestationed outside would burst in, then Li Wei Yang would be seen, in all herglory. Even if she could escape the scorpions, her reputation would be ruined!

Bai Zhi had just screamed when the scorpionscame at them, clearly moving faster than before. A terrifying sound grew louderin the peaceful chamber.

Bai Zhi fearfully asked: “Xiaojie, what do wedo now?” Swallowing uneasily, Bai Zhi looked at the scorpions and said: “Nubiwill hold them off, Xiaojie, quickly run away.”

“I can’t.”

In a moment, Li Wei Yang had understood heropponent’s intentions. Perhaps there were countless people already waiting,waiting to see lose face and lose everything, humiliated and her reputationdestroyed! “Xiaojie! Nubi is afraid!” Bai Zhi blurted out.

Li Wei Yang lowered her voice: “Take off yourouter robe and give it to me.”

Bai Zhi was surprised for a moment, then sheremembered LI Wei Yang was not wearing anything. She quickly took off her outerrobe. Li Wei Yang quickly climbed out of the hot spring and slipped into therobe. Bai Zhi was left in her white garments, panicking as she stared at thewindow: “Xiaojie, there are too many! Too many!”

Four, five bigger scorpions climbed in throughthe window, Bai Zhi was too afraid, unable to speak clearly. She was about todrag Li Wei Yang to run outside when Li Wei Yang stopped her: “With our stateof dress right now, we will not be able to explain ourselves if anythinghappens! Is this still not clear?”

Bai Zhi tightly gripped her sleeve, feargrappling her heart in a way that it never had before. At that moment, Li WeiYang gently grabbed her hand, “Don’t make a sound, I have a way!”

Bai Zhi did not know what Li Wei Yang had inmind, but to her, there seemed to be no way out of this situation.

Li Wei Yang had thought it through beforehandbecause she knew Zhao Nan was nearby, in the shadows somewhere, protecting her.She only needed to blow the golden whistle she always wore around her neck, andshe would be safe and sound. But doing so would quickly expose her strength,allowing Da Furen to grasp her strengths and weaknesses! Da Furen was a guardedindividual, she would not waste a single person!

Countless scorpions had closed in one them,holding onto the golden whistle, her mind racing, but Li Wei Yang’s movementswere slow as if she were waiting for something! Then, someone burst in, holdinga torch in hand, and quickly warded the scorpions away. The scorpions recededat the sight of the torch, two, three fell into the hot spring, one afteranother, and resurfaced moments later, bloated as they floated on their backs.It was a disturbing sight.

The person holding the torch sincerely asked:“Xianzhu, are you alright?”

Li Wei Yang looked at her, clenching thegolden whistle in her hand before letting go: “I am, thanks to you, Du mama.”

Du mama smiled clearly: “Why would you saythat, Nubi has only fulfilled rightful responsibilities. Once Nubi heard thescorpions escaped, Nubi quickly realized that scorpions like places with warmwater and quickly came to protect Xiaojie.”

Bai Zhi had not calmed down yet, she pattedher chest in relief: “Thank you, Du mama!” She always suspected Du mama, butnow that her life was spared from the scorpions, she felt that Xiaojie wasright, in this world, there was not one person who could not be bribed. Oneonly needs money, and someone who was once an enemy would aid them.

Du mama smiled and said: “Bai Zhi guniang,this is Nubi’s responsibility!”

Mo Zhu had burst in at the same time as Dumama, frightened, she stood watch outside the entire time until Du mamasuddenly came with a torch in hand and told her the scorpions had escaped. Shethought it was just another scheme to harm Xiaojie somehow, but Du mama hadpushed her aside and rushed in. She ran in after Du mama only to see scorpionseverywhere on the ground.

Du mama seized the clothes full of scorpions,shook them off and handed them to Li Wei Yang: “Xianzhu, quickly put these on,as not to catch a cold.”

Bai Zhi asked: “Where did these scorpions comefrom then?”

Du mama said: “All of them are for Furen’smedication, aiya, Nubi remembered, earlier the Yatou in the kitchen said shesaw Wu Xiaojie’s Yatous come——”

Li Wei Yang looked at Du mama: “Mama thinks Wumei wants to harm me?”

Du mama sighed: “It ‘s possible to knowsomeone and their face but not know their heart, who would have thought WuXiaojie was this kind of person!”

Li Wei Yang calmly said: “Du mama, do notspeak carelessly, earlier, Wu mei was still with Mother, how could she orderYatous to steal the scorpions and release them?”

Du mama said: “Haiz, Nubi would not lie, WuXiaojie only gave instructions for acupuncture points and said she had aheadache and left. Furen is still frustrated, if it wasn’t time to take hermedicine, Nubi would not have found out about this!”

Li Wei Yang saw her rambling and waved herhand: “Alright Du mama, Mother is still waiting for you to serve her, if Motherdiscovers you here with me——”

Du mama fell silent and lowered her voice:“Then Nubi will leave first, Xianzhu only needs to know that Nubi is dedicatedto serving Xianzhu! Everything else does not need to be rushed!” After that,she glanced at Li Wei Yang, as if waiting to be rewarded.

There truly is no end to one’s greed, Bai Zhithought to herself, although still smiling: “Du mama should go ahead, Nubi willhelp Xiaojie change, then Nubi will send it over to Du mama.”

Du mama handed the torch to Mo Zhu, smiled andleft.

Li Wei Yang calmly changed into her clothes.Mo Zhu was still burning the remaining scorpions. Suddenly, Li Wei Yang tookout her golden whistle and gently blew it once, and it let out an unusualsound. Then, a tall, young man flew in through the window at an astonishingspeed.

Li Wei Yang asked: “Did you seeclearly?”

“Yes, shu xia saw the peoplereleasing the scorpions outside.”

“Bring them here.”

“Yes.” Zhao Nan solemnly said,then he quickly disappeared from sight.

Some time later, Zhao Nan jumpedinto the room, dragging two people along.

His feet had just touched theground when he immediately threw them down like he would with a dead dog, thetwo rolled once before stopping.

“Xiaojie, Nucai has sealed theiracupuncture points.” Zhao Nan said.

Li Wei Yang nodded, she lifted aface with a hideous scar to further examine, a face full of fear and confusion.

Li Wei Yang’s slender nailsgently grazed over Li Chang Xi’s face, the tip of her nail sharp and cold,making Li Chang Xi tremble from head-to-toe. Li Wei Yang smiled blankly andsaid: “Wu mei, are scorpions that fun to play with?”

Li Wei Yang’s face was bright asmoonlight and clear as the river, yet there was a cold, cruel light in hereyes. Li Chang Xi suddenly realized how terrifying the person before her was.She didn’t know why things turned out this way. She had just released thescorpions and quickly led the Yatou away, afraid someone would discover them.She had thought that no evidence was left behind... Who would have thought themoment she returned to her room, a man had stopped her and forcefully broughther here!

Li Wei Yang laughed lightly asshe said: “Wu mei has suffered quite a bit, yet Wu mei still has not learnedwhat to do and not do!”

Zhao Nan released theacupuncture points for Li Chang Xi and placed his sword on her neck, Li ChangXi’s voice trembled: “I... I really don’t understand what you’re saying.”

Li Wei Yang smiled dryly andcoldly said: “Could this be a misunderstanding?”

Li Chang Xi hurriedly said: “Ofcourse it’s just a misunderstanding, I don’t know anything!”

Li Wei Yang said: “Find a livescorpion and bring it here.” Since you did not spare me a second thought, Iwill not spare you this time!


Translator: Chau

Editor: Panisa (In Progress)


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