
Chapter 101 part2

Li WeiYang smiled and said: “Mother, it is not a major matter, don’t you worry.”

Tan Shismiled. Her voice was very soft: “Silly child, you are my child, I am able totell when you are unhappy. Although Mother is not of much use and can’t helpyou resolve any issues, but Mother can listen to you, and many things can besolved when discussed about.”

Li WeiYang responded with a smile, her pair of jet black eyes falling onto Min Zhi.

Tan shifollowed her glance and then involuntarily frowned: “Is it related to Min Zhi?”

Li WeiYang nodded: “According to what I know, from the past three months, Fuqin hasbeen staying over at the new Furen’s courtyard, it’s evident that he dotes onher highly.”

Tan Shinodded and said: “It’s like that, Jiu Yiniang occasionally gets a visit once ina while, but Si Yiniang and others can’t even get a glimpse of Lao Ye.”

Li WeiYang noticed the indifferent tone that Tan Shi had when she spoke about this,so she knew that Tan Shi didn’t care too much andfurtively nodded.

Tan Shithen spoke: “I know the new Furen is heavily favored so I’ve been alerting mypeople to not stir up anything and bring trouble onto you.”

Li WeiYang couldn’t help but smile: “Sometimes, we do not seek trouble uponourselves, but instead, it’s initiated by others.”

Tan Shicarefully chose her words: “The new Furen bullied you?”

Li WeiYang slowly said: “No, nothing has happened.” Jiang Yuelan had just arrived,and for the past three months she had been trying to win over Li Xiaoran’sheart, so where could she find time to seek trouble with her? “It’s just that......”

Li Wei Yangstopped in mid sentence, as if she couldn’t bring herself to speak out. Afterall their time together, Tan Shi understood and said: “Whatever you have tosay, you say it. There are no outsiders here.”

Li WeiYang glanced over Min Zhi, who was happily looking at her, and then sighed:“I’ve already thought about this, but I didn’t know this would quickly becometrue. I’ve heard that Grandmother had caught a cold, so I went over to hercourtyard to visit her. Who would have known after arriving there, Lao Furentold me Jiang Yuelan wanted to raise Si Di under her care.”

Bangssuddenly rang through Tan Shi’s brain, she muttered: “Send him to her?”

The darkfog within Li Weiyang’s eyes were like overcast clouds, becoming more and moresecretive: “Children born from yiniangs would, of course, be raised by the DiMu. When Da Furen was still alive, she had Li Minfeng and Li Changle, so shedid not want to bother with the responsibility to take care of others.Therefore, she didn’t ask for Si Yiniang’s Changxiao and Changxi to be sentover and be raised at her side. As for me, she hated me so much that sheexpelled me from the residence. Now the situation is entirely different as thenew Furen doesn’t have any children. As long as she is willing, she can ask toraise Si Di. Whether it’s Fuqin or Lao Furen, none of them would disapprove.”

Tan Shiheld back her tears; she certainly knew about this. As a Yiniang, she shouldn’tview her own flesh and blood as as her own children, but instead see them asthe children belonging to the Di Mu. And as for Min Zhi, he wouldn’t see her -the birth mother- as his Muqin but as a concubine of his Fuqin. This situation wasequivalent to how she had to refer to Wei Yang as San Xiaojie in front ofothers. It was a truth that no one could change. This was the reason why sheserved Da Furen at the start; she only wished to be married off to a steward,or even a lowly servant, because then she would be the only wife, instead ofbeing trapped in such a miserable condition.

Li WeiYang looked at Tan Shi’s face and knew exactly what she was thinking about. Onthis matter, Li Wei Yang believed the primary criminal is Li Xiaoran. If itwasn’t him who took an interest in Tan Shi, Da Furen wouldn’t have made use ofTan Shi to reap benefits for herself and then kick her aside afterwards. Fromothers’ perspective, a concubine should not harbour any hatred from beingdiscriminated, and moreover, should never transfer this hate onto her children.On the other hand, she should know her position and be a good servant. Thechildren born from a Yiniang should also believe that they are not treateddifferently compared to the children born from the Di Mu, and shouldwholeheartedly gain benefits for the family; this is an exemplary model of howa virtuous person should behave. The Li Wei Yang of the past had originallybelieved in this; she had thought she and Li Chang Le were both Xiaojies of theLi family, so there was no difference as they were both blood sisters, whoshould bring glory to the Li family! In the end, how did she end up? So, thesewords were all rubbish to her!

Tan Shididn’t cry and instead smiled: “The new Furen has just married into the family,if she takes good care of Si Shaoye, Lao Ye and Lao Furen would love her andhold her in high regard. I believe she wouldn’t do anything to my child.”

Li WeiYang froze, she thought Tan Shi would beg her to think of whatever ways to letMin Zhi remain in her care.

Tan Shiwas a little worried: “Everyone thinks you are being heavily favored, but basedon my opinion, you are in danger with every step you take, so you shouldn’tstir up trouble with the new Furen just for Min Zhi. If she wants the child,then let her have him...” Her voice faltered slightly, “I can go every day topay my respects to Furen, then I can still...”

Li WeiYang showed a trace ofexpression on herface. Tan Shi’s sacrifice is entirely for her sake. She warmly interjected:“There is something we can do..”

Tan Shionly considered her words as a consolation: “You must stay alert all the timeto avoid making any mistakes. If you cause discord between you and the newFuren for Min Zhi and went against Lao Ye and Lao Furen’s decision, would theystill protect you? Silly child, don’t be stubborn.”

Li WeiYang smiled; she was about to tell Tan Shi that she already had a plan when sheheard a ruckus outside. Tan Shi was so startled that she jumped up from herseat. Li Wei Yang frowned and saw Bai Zhi quickly walking in: “Xiaojie, JiuYiniang is attempting to trespass!”

WithZhao Yue here, Jiu Yiniang wouldn’t be able to enter, but it seemed like shewas quite determined to enter, putting her life on the line. If it was in thepast, Zhao Yue would have gotten rid of her with a single stroke of her sword.Since Zhao Yue had already served Li Wei Yang for this long, she knew thiswasn’t a move to make, so she froze at the situation outside.

TanShi’s face exposed a trace of concern and looked at Li Weiyang.

Li WeiYang casually waved her hand and said: “Let her enter.”

“Yes.”Bai Zhi quickly strolled out and within seconds, Jiu Yiniang rushed in with aface full of tears. With one glimpse, Li Wei Yang saw that Jiu Yiniang had noidea she’d lost one of her shoes; it was evident that she was extremelyflustered. She coldly said: “How do you all do your duties?! How could you letYiniang run out here all by herself?!”

JiuYiniang did not care and pushed away the yatou on her side. “Xianzhu! You haveto save my daughter!”

Li WeiYang looked at her with a cold calmness. Jiu Yiniang originally wanted to causea ruckus, but at seeing Li Weiyang’s face, she suddenly felt fear. For amoment, she wanted to retreat, but with her daughter on her mind, she boldlyspoke: “Just now, Furen sent people over and brought Jing’er away!”

QiYiniang was very astonished, then consciously looked at Min Zhi and feltanxious. This was actually not unexpected, as Li Minzhi is Li Weiyang’sbrother, and with a Xianzhu as his sister, Jiang Yuelan wouldn’t take the childaway directly. But for Jiu Yiniang, she wouldn’t be as well-mannered!

JiuYiniang’s face became pale; it was as white as porcelain and she seemed to onlyhave the energy to cry, her tears flowing down like a waterfall. She dropped ontoher knees in front of Li Wei Yang and tearfully pleaded: “Xianzhu, previouslyit was my fault, I was led astray, which is why I did not know what I should doand what I should not do! I even dared to cause you trouble! I am wrong, Ialready know I am wrong, I beg you to think of a way to help me, let me bringJing’er back! She is my blood and flesh, she’s so young but has to be sent overto Furen, how could I stay calm?! I beg you, help me plead with Lao Furen,please beg this of her!”

Li WeiYang’s expressions continued to remain cold, shooting Zhao Yue a glance. ZhaoYue immediately came forth, half holding and half dragging Jiu Yiniang into tothe chair on the side.

Tan Shiwatched her cries of anguish and could understand her pain, so tried to comforther: “Jiu Yiniang, don’t cry, our Si Shaoye is going to be sent over to Furenas well. You came here to beg Xianzhu, but there isn’t anything she can do!”

JiuYiniang’s cries suddenly stopped and couldn’t help but look at Li Wei Yangincredulously. From her perspective, how could Li Wei Yang easily acquiesce?!

Li WeiYang observed Jiu Yiniang, who had tears smearing her face and did not seemcare about about her usually beautiful image. She sighed and said: “JiuYiniang, you’ve already heard, Min Zhi will also be sent over to Furen. Youcame here to beg me to help you, so I’m sure that you’re at your wits’ end. Youmust have already gone and pleaded with Fuqin and Lao Furen just now, but theydidn’t respond to you, right?”

JiuYiniang was startled and didn’t know what to say. She had already kneeled infront of Li Xiaoran’s study and Lao Furen’s He Xiang Courtyard but neither ofthem would allow it and scolded her for not understanding rules.

Li WeiYang smiled and said: “Jiu Yiniang, children from a Yiniang should be rightlyraised by the Di Mu. This point, you might not know, so I will not blame you.However, I need to warn you that you have not only made a mistake today, but itis a grievous one. You have brought harm upon Liu Meimei.”

Jiu Yiniangwas completely muddled and desperately looked over towards Qi Yiniang, noticingher sympathetic expression.

Li WeiYang slowly said: “First, if the Di Mu wants to take care of your child, it isa blessing that you must accept. Second, Lao Furen and Fuqin are both doingthis for Meimei’s future, yet you don’t understand the deep meaning behindthis, and instead caused a scene; this is going overboard. Third, you cryingand running over to my courtyard is against etiquette; others might think you andI have collaborated to plot against the new Furen; this is disrespect.”

JiuYiniang opened her eyes wide in surprise, not daring to let a tear escape.

Tan Shihad wanted to speak, but upon seeing Wei Yang’s austere expression, she feltthat Jiu Yiniang was after all, originally an outsider and had enjoyed too muchfavor to understand the rules within a large and powerful family. Letting herunderstand this time is a good thing, and thus, she handed her a handkerchief.At a loss, Jiu Yiniang did not know what to do and only looked at Li Wei Yangwith an unstable expression, not taking the handkerchief.

Li WeiYang’s voice became warmer and said: “Fourth, you causing a ruckus now wouldcause Furen to dislike Liu Meimei. If someone did not take good care of her,Furen will just say it’s Liu Xiaojie who was mischievous and inherited hermother’s character; this is not knowing the depth of this matter. You might notcare about your manners, but you should consider how it would reflect on LiuMeimei! Do you understand?”

With asway of her body, it seemed like Jiu Yiniang was about to faint. Tan Shiexclaimed hurriedly: “Quick, help your Yiniang up!” Two yatous immediatelyrushed forth to hold her. Jiu Yiniang bowed her head and cried as tears soundlydropped onto her clothing, making it seem like the entire room would be floodedby her tears.

Tan Shisoftly consoled: “Jiu Yiniang, Furen still doesn’t have any children. Lao Furenand Lao Ye are handing Si Shaoye and Liu Xiaojie over to her, so she must takegood care of them and will not abuse the children, and this is our blessing.”As she spoke, she actually felt chills because she continued to feel depressed,since she greatly understood the pain Jiu Yiniang was in now. However, she hadbeen here longer than Jiu Yiniang and she knew very well what rules theycouldn’t break.

JiuYiniang’s eyes were swollen. Li Wei Yang spoke: “Si Yiniang urged you to comehere, right? She must have told you that I am an intelligent person, and musthave a way to reverse the situation, is that correct?”

JiuYiniang froze with her eyes filled with tears; she lifted her head up andeventually nodded.

Li WeiYang coldly smiled and said: “She has always been anxious to see the world indisorder, Jiu Yiniang, I urge you to stop listening to those people. If youcontinue to cause trouble, not only will you affect Liu Meimei, but you wouldalso make Fuqin aloof towards you.”

JiuYiniang thought of Li Xiao Ran’s icy expression and remained still. Ever sinceshe gave birth, she placed all her attention on her daughter, so she never hada chance to think about this... she looked at Li Wei Yang and said: “Then..what should I do..”

Li WeiYang slowly said: “Clean yourself up, and after you are done, go look forFuqin. Let him know you were thinking incorrectly before, which is why you didsuch a dumb thing. Now that you have thought it through, you understand theimportance and only hope that Liu Meimei will have a better future under thecare of Furen.”

JiuYiniang was not stupid; upon hearing those words, she immediately understoodand slowly said: “But ---”

Li WeiYang interrupted: “There are no buts! Someone escort Jiu Yiniang out!”

JiuYiniang’s yatou held her as they walked out. Tan Shi irresolutely said: “This--- Wei Yang, your words were a little too harsh!”

Li WeiYang coldly smiled: “If she really lost her shoe amidst her panic, how couldher foot not have any dirt! It’s obvious she took it off when she arrived inorder to urge me to help her!”

In theeyes of an ordinary person, Yiniangs are production tools for offspring. Aftergiving birth, this child belongs to the family, taking on the responsibility ofsucceeding and bringing prosperity to the family. So children of a concubineare also the children of the Di Mu. As long as Jiang Yue Lan wants to, then thechild must be handed over to be raised by her, this is decorum, the rules! Evenif this issue was brought up to the emperor, it would still be rational!However, Jiu Yiniang had made a scene, hoping that she would help her fight,with the hidden intention of stirring up trouble as well. So naturally, Li WeiYang wouldn’t bother stepping in.

Extremely astonished, Tan Shi looked at ZhaoYue and noticed her nodding. She couldn’t help but sigh, and walked over to MinZhi’s cot. Unwilling to part, she said: “We shall send Min Zhi over to Furen,first thing tomorrow morning.”

Li WeiYang watched Tan Shi, who was holding back her tears. She lightly smiled andsaid: “Mother, be rest assured, within ten days, I will ensure that Jiang YueLan voluntarily sends the child back!”

Tan Shiwatched Li Wei Yang with shock, since she did not know what her thoughts were.Soon after, Li Wei Yang smiled, stood up and walked towards Li Min Zhi. Shegently poked his white cheeks and said: “Little one, behave yourself, Jiejiewill pick you up soon.”

Min Zhiwas surrounded by her fragrance, and ecstatically burped. He slept on his backwith his belly facing upwards. It was obvious that he did not really care abouther words. Li Wei Yang could not refrain from laughing.

The nextmorning, Qi Yiniang carried Min Zhi as she went over to Lao Furen’s. Based onher instructions, she should have directly sent him over to Furen’s courtyard,but Li Wei Yang had other plans; she wanted Jiang Yue Lan to personally come toHe Xiang Courtyard to pick up the child.

Li WeiYang’s status as a Xianzhu gave her the guts to suggest such an idea. JiuYiniang stood to the side, brewing envy and hatred deep within her heart, yetshe did not dare to speak a word.

“Thischild looks more and more like your father when he was young.” Lao Furencouldn’t hold back her laughter once she saw Min Zhi.

Li WeiYang gave Min Zhi a glimpse, raised her brows, and thought otherwise. Her ownbrother looked more like Tan Shi; however, if he took after Li Xiao Ran, hewould be a beautiful young man when he grows up.

LaoFuren reached out, wanting to carry the baby.

MinZhi’s complexion was snow white, his dark big eyes were rounded, and his smalllips were flapping as he gurgled words incomprehensible to the adults.

“Ai-ya-ya,he is smiling at me!” Lao Furen held onto his small butt.

Li WeiYang only showed a slight smile. My brother smiles towards whomever he sees,Lao Furen, you are thinking too much.

“SiShaoye loves to smile, you’d rarely hear him cry!” Luo Mama joined in.

“He hasyou since childhood, he’s a blessed child!”

“He willhave a promising future!” Seeing how happy Lao Furen was, all the yatous tookto chattering praise.

Li WeiYang watched little Min Zhi, who was dumbfounded and happy. She really doubtedtheir judgement; no matter how she looked, the child didn’t look too bright!

As theywere speaking, Jiang Yue Lan entered. Once she saw Min Zhi, she immediatelyshowed a smile. Lao Furen glanced at her and handed the child over to her. Justwhen the baby was passed to her, Min Zhi suddenly began to cry. Jiang Yue Lanactually did not become anxious and immediately tried to console him, making itseem like she was very experienced at taking care of children. Li Wei Yangremembered that in her family, her stepmother alone had given birth to fourchildren. Not counting the children of Yiniangs, it was easy to figure outwhere her experience came from.

However,no matter how experienced Jiang Yue Lan was, she couldn’t fend off Min Zhi’sresentment towards her. Irregardless of how she tried to appease him, Min Zhididn’t stop crying, tears continuing to flow down. Tan Shi’s heart pained inresponse, and subconsciously wanted to walk over, but Li Wei Yang took a stepto block her. Tan Shi was startled back into reality, and thought about whather daughter said last night. She recalled Wei Yang telling her, a littleimpatience could spoil great plans; she could not ruin it! Thus, she firmlyhalted her desire!

“Thischild, why is he crying all of a sudden? Is he feeling discomfort?” Lao Furencaressed Min Zhi who was crying uncontrollably in Jiang Yue Lan’s arms, butcould not find any symptoms of fever.

“Hisforehead is not hot!” Lao Furen oddly questioned.

JiangYue Lan mindlessly smiled: “Perhaps he’s not familiar with me. After a few moredays, I’m afraid he will cry when he is not with me!”

LaoFuren nervously gave Min Zhi a glimpse and said no more.

Li WeiYang’s face still maintained a smile. Li Chang Le suddenly said: “Is San Meinot upset?”

Withoutbreaking her smile, Li Wei Yang said: “With Muqin’s love, Min Zhi willcertainly live well. What is there for me to be upset about; moreover, duringmorning greetings, I am sure Muqin will allow me to see Si Di!”

JiangYue Lan was stunned and then smiled: “Of course.”

LaoFuren nodded: “Seeing the both of you living harmoniously, I am verydelighted.”

As MinZhi was being carried away, he was sobbing intermittently and glanced towardsLi Wei Yang and Tan Shi’s direction. The child could not distinguish peoplevisually yet; it was obvious he was identifying people by scent.

Li WeiYang looked back and noticed Tan Shi’s eyes were watery, and shook her head.Don’t blame her for being cruel; in order for her Si Di to be raised by hisbirth mother in the future, she must have a solid and sufficient reason! Theymust have patience and endurance!

Theyatous escorted Qi Yiniang back. As she was leaving, her legs were weak and shecouldn’t even stand straight, which revealed how much pain she was in, yet sheheld back. Li Wei Yang bid Lao Furen farewell and walked out the door. Li ChangLe was waiting on the step.

Li WeiYang raised her brows towards her and Li Chang Le gently smiled and said: “Sucha test of emotions and strength, San Meimei is truly out of the ordinary.”

Li WeiYang just smiled and replied: “Dajie is too kind.” She spoke without a changeof expression, as she strolled past her.

Li ChangLe glared at her back and showed a slight smile. She turned towards Tan Xiangand ordered: “Let’s go, we’ll go to Fu Rui Courtyard.”

Eversince the wedding had been arranged, Li Xiao Ran had ordered servants to tidyup Fu Rui Courtyard. Once the new Furen had entered the family, she reorganizedeverything the way she wanted.

Cominghere again, Li Chang Le noticed the trees grown in the courtyard. In front ofthe main hall, there were a few red berry trees, with scarlet flowers bloomingon the branches. On the east side, there were Chinese wisteria vines. On thewest, there were jasmine, begonias, touch-me-nots, and petunias. The wholeplace was populated by trees and flowers, making it elegant and welcoming. Shesuddenly felt emotional, reminiscing her mother who only liked valuable itemsand would have absolutely not cared about these ordinary flowers.

ThisFuren clearly thought otherwise, but her arrangement was to Li Xiao Ran’sscholarly liking, with a sense of sophistication. It was not hard tosee that ever since the Furen entered thefamily, Jiu Yiniang, who was greatly favored by Li Xiao Ran, had lost hisfavor. After all, it was a well-known fact that Jiu Yiniang was only aperformer. She could sing to make him happy, dance to please him; but tocomplement his thoughts and help him share his burdens? She did not qualify. Inthe end, she was simply just a toy.

Li ChangLe stepped into the room and spotted Jiang Yue Lan still carrying Li Min Zhiand trying to console him. With one glance, Li Chang Le spoke: “Muqin.”

Seeingthat she has arrived, Jiang Yue Lan handed Min Zhi to a wet nurse. “I don’tknow what is with this child. The last time I carried him, he couldn’t stoplaughing; but today, he cries no matter whoever carries him.”

Li ChangLe waved her hand, signaling the wet nurse to leave with Min Zhi, whose eyeswere red-rimmed with tears. Soon after, she gently remarked: “He is anoutsider, and not worth our time.”

JiangYue Lan only replied with a smile, yet she didn’t respond.

Realizingthat she couldn’t provoke her, Li Chang Le continued: “This wet nurse looksunfamiliar, she’s not from our residence?”

JiangYue Lan smiling said: “Lao Ye is afraid that I won’t be able to take good careof him, so he specifically hired her, noting that this wet nurse will ensurethat he is in good shape and her meticulous care will benefit him.”

Li ChangLe sighed and said: “Fuqin is doting a lot on this child. Once he was born, hewas gifted with a quality set of ink and paper, hoping that he will besuccessful in the future and bring honor to the family name.”

Jiang YueLan smiled: “This is expected, as we only have one son in the family!”

Li ChangLe couldn’t help but say: “As the child of a Yiniang, he is being treated sograciously, how I pity my Da Ge ---“

JiangYue Lan smiled, “Da Shaoye will definitely be able to return safely, Chang Le,you need to relax.”

JiangYue Lan and Li Chang Le both had a tacit understanding that Li Min Feng wascurrently under Jiang Dan’s care. Li Chang Le lightly smiled and then said: “Iwill tell grandmother that Muqin is doing very well. I am very satisfied,watching this child being taken away from Qi Yiniang. Why should we be indistress, while they are happily living their days? I can’t stand that sight.”

JiangYue Lan only sipped her tea, slightly parting her lips but yet did not speak.

Li ChangLe looked at her expression and tested the waters: “Now that Min Zhi is in ourhands, Li Wei Yang will soon be in trouble. Muqin, other than Lao Furen, youare the real Furen in this family. Everything is in your grasp, if you want allthose stepchildren to kneel, they wouldn’t dare to stand! Min Zhi, he ---“ Shewanted to suggest that they should find a reason and kill this child, but JiangYue Lan unhurriedly spoke.

“It’sprecisely because Lao Furen and Lao Ye trust me, so they gave the child to me.I will certainly treat him well, love him, and spoil him. In the future, hewould call me Muqin. If he is successful, then it would be my honor.” This waswhat she said.

Hearingthis, Li Chang Le was initially unhappy, but she quickly grasped the actualintention and clapped: “Muqin is right. From now on, he is Muqin’s son and wecan raise him however we want. The best scenario is for this child to grow upand not acknowledge those bitches, then Li Wei Yang would be really pissedoff.” As she spoke, she could imagine Li Wei Yang’s angry expression, unveilinga jubilant smile at the thought.

Momentsafter Li Chang Le left, Rong Mama, who had remained by Jiang Yue Lan’s side,whispered: “Furen, don’t be influenced by Da Xiaojie, we shouldn’t do such foolishthings.”

JiangYue Lan smilingly said: “Of course, Min Zhi is lovable, I will take good careof him. Rong Mama, instruct everyone that they must take good care of SiShaoye; let him have whatever he wants, and spoil him with love.”

RongMama immediately understood Jiang Yue Lan’s intention and nodded with a smile:“Nubi understands.”



Editor:Jaslynn & S J


Next:Chapter 102 Part 1


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