
Chapter 271 - Following Obediently

Chapter 271 – Following Obediently

Fan Xui charged into the house.

He spotted all the four trees Yue picked up at the end of the huge room. Three men stood around it trying to get into the crevices.

One man was squeezing in between the tree trunks shouting something.

He knew Yue was in there….

Rage filled his being. He couldn\'t control it. Like awakening a beast the other Fan Xui work up.

"Yue!" he dashed in without a thought.

He shot his electric bullets at the one close to him. That man was out in just a second. Seeing this, the other became quite cautious.

"hey! Shoot him down!!!"

They started to shoot at him rapidly.

Fan Xui did not even care to dodge, all he could think of was the unconciosious person right behind the tree trunk. He can only see his hand wiggling.

\'What have they done to him…..\'

"Fuck! Stop him! He\'s getting close to our merchandise!"

Fan Xui stopped running and glared at him. His stinky man dared to call his lover merchandise.

He shot them all with his electric bullets.

The kidnappers collapsed instantly.

"Yue… Yue baby.." he squeezed his hand through the gaps between the tree and held his hand. His pulse was normal. He gently shook his hand. "Yue baby…. Wake up… wake up…."

As he was doing so he noticed a small pouch of syringes and unknown vials laying nearby.

\'Fuck they drugged him.\' he carefully placed the drug vial in his pocket.

His lover did a good job keeping himself out of the kidnapper\'s reach with the tres.

It was a great defense.

But it worked too well.

He could not squeeze through the gaps and reach him.

He had no other way but to climb one of the nearby shorter tree. "Just stay right there. I\'m coming for you. Did they do anything to you….. Don\'t worry I\'m here. I\'ll take care of everything…" he whispered softly.

He saw Yue\'s finger move slightly through the gaps in the branches.

"yes, that\'s right Yue I\'m here. I\'m coming to get you. You don\'t have to be scared any longer. I\'m coming,"

As he was climbing, he suddenly felt something flying at him at a high speed.

He slightly tilted his head and something scrapped him under his chin hitting the tree trunk.

Startled, he peered at it.

It was not a bullet rather it was a tranquilizer shot with a little red feather at top.

\'Shots used for animals… they are treating me like a beast now… tsk tsk.\'

He peered out the window. He could not see anything except the bushes.

\'This was not a kidnapping rather a trap. Otherwise, why would they capture Yue and drug him here? Out in a place where anyone passing by could notice? These people don\'t want him, they want me…\'

Electricity seeped out of his pores and crackled in the air. 

The Fan Xui of his world did not learn how to utilize his powers properly yet. shocking a person with high voltage was fun. but there are other fun ways to use it as well.

First, his powers can be used to map out a building\'s structure

And in the same way, if he can spread his electricity in the air. Anything conductive that gets caught in its path can be stopped or at least shot down from its path.

{"you spread your electricity like a net?.. i didn\'t think about that."}

It was a great way of utilizing his powers.

Another tranquilizer bullet was shot his way.

He silently peered at it concentrating all his electricity on its path.

His blue electricity shot it and the bullet diverged from his initial target, his head.

\'These people are malicious.. Who would want to capture me alive… I don\'t think I have that many enemies…\'

{"yes you do…"} Fan Xui spoke softly in his mind. {"Xiaolin."}

"He\'s in jail," he climbed on top of the trees and hopped down right next to Yue. "i think he must have escaped out of jail by now….. i guess I missed the timeline last life,"

{"He\'s powerful? Careful, Yue is still in your hands,"}

"I can deal with him," he gently lifted his lover into his rams. Yue\'s hands were slightly cold. He kissed them gently and helped wear his gloves. "I still don\'t know what his powers are though. He kept it under lock and key. Maybe space? or something powerful? Can you guess something "

{"How would I know?"}

Fan Xui rolled his eyes. "aren\'t you supposed to be intelligent?"

{"Yeah at managing a company and making money. not at guessing who has what powers. Plus you are me, If you can\'t figure it out how can i.,"}

"Fair point, I never had a direct confrontation," Fan Xui nodded.

He picked up Yue in a princess carry and glanced around. the trees were indeed tightly placed together. He would not be able to squeeze through it with Yue in his arms.

"Hey can a space ability person use it when they are unconscious?"

{"Don\'t know."}

"It\'s worth a try,"

When he was carrying Yue he made sure not to touch his hands. Yue still had his space ability now.

He held his wrist and made sure Yue\'s hand touched the tree trunk.

Nothing happened.

"Well, it was worth a try,"

He had no other go but to climb the tree with Yue in his arms.

He swiftly removed his shirt and tied Yue to his back. he tugged at the knot to make sure it was safe before starting his climb.

"You really did come for him… I knew it.. I knew you would have come…" a short voice came from the doorway.

Half expecting his annoying cousin, he glanced back.

But to his surprise, a shorter slumped man stood there with a huge grin on his face.

"My bait worked… you are just as he described. Body surging with power.. oh I love it~"

Fan Xui really didn\'t wish to hear his shirt anymore. He shot at him with a lightning bullet.

The man was shot right in his chest. He collapsed to the ground.

Fan Xui carefully climbed down the tree. Yue was still unconscious and he did not wish to put him in dangers way.

"Wow! Amazing! Simply amazing!"

Fan Xui looked back with interest. The man was still alive! Even after being shot at by his lightning bullets!


The shorter man simply pulled up his shirt exposing a metal mesh-like structure. "Ah it\'s all charged up. You are the perfect subject I have been waiting for so long!!!"

That metal mesh-like suit really caught his interest. He carefully shielded Yue on his back before facing that man.

"What is that?"

"This? I was hoping you would ask! This is my newest invention just so I could defeat you! haha.. Isn\'t it amazing? There is a layer of nonconductor right behind keeping me safe from your attacks and the metal absorbs your electric charges and stores it in a battery,"

It was some iron man shit. Fan Xui calmed down a little.

This suit this man was wearing was not lightning-proof.

"Now you. Come with me obediently and meet our boss." The man held up a small hose-like structure. "Oh I forgot to introduce me stun gun, right? It\'s charged with your powers,"

Fan Xui sighed loudly. "You want me to follow you? Just that?"

"yeah." The man confusedly scratched his head. "or else ill shoot you,"

"I\'ll come with you. One request. I\'ll send him off to his home. Do we have a deal?"

The man glanced out and gestured to someone hiding in the bush.

The person just held out a hand and gestured something with his fingers.

"Yeah we have a deal."

"Good," Fan Xui really was curious about who was behind this gang. if it was indeed xiaolin…. he was going to have a hell of a time torturing him.

But he had a small feeling that Xiaolin was not the one leading these men.

there must be another master mind behind him… all his past life he could not meet him this elusive head of the gang.. this was his one chance, if he could eliminate this danger then Yue will be completely safe.

{"He is the bad guy!!"}

  "Follow me," the shorter man gestured for him to come out of the house.

Fan Xui followed after him with his hand held up high. "I\'ll send Yue home."

"You don\'t wish to fight us?"

"Well, you have that amazing tech. how can I even fight against you? I just want my lover safe. If your boss wants me, then its better I go to him obediently,"

The man scratched his head. "Boring… why didn\'t anyone tell me this guy was boring as fuck. Everyone said he was a very dangerous person, huh! I even made an invention for him!"

"Too bad," Fan Xui walked out of the house with Yue in his arms. He carefully shielded Yue from any harm.

As of now, sending him home was vital. He was drugged and complexly unable to defend himself if those boss person wanted to harm him he would not be able to protect him well.

{"Don\'t show your back to him!"}

The other Fan Xui shouted from the inside.

\'It\'s okay. I can defend myself with my powers.\'

{"Idiot! Don\'t be overconfident! Let me out!"}


"What did you say? Repeat man, what did you just say?"

"I was not talking to you…"

{"Stupid. How are you me?! You are stupid enough to show your back to them! Your powers are not omnipotent! You can die, you idiot! Yue can die!"}

Fan Xui frowned. he was pissed, and he did want to hurt this man for kidnapping Yue.

If he acted, he will be shot in all directions.

The other Fan Xui did not know this but he was surrounded in all directions. There were at least twenty people hiding nearby with guns ready

He can stop a few bullets but not all.

{\'Let me out!"}

"Fine. I\'ll let you out after all this is over."

"Let who out. Hey, I think he became crazy?"

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