
Chapter 86

Dry wind was blowing from the east.

Agares wasn’t trying to hide hismovements and everyone in the Free City realized that an army was approachingwith the easterly wind.

There were those that ran away from thecity.

However some acted like their usualselves, while others were showing willingness to fight.

It took two days.

The time that Agares’s army tookwalking through the desert was like an invisible hand choking the Free City’sneck.

“They’re almost here.”

Oros was on top of the gate and lookedinto the distance while putting a cigarette in his mouth. Even though it washis sixth one, no one stopped him.

Agares’s army was made up of about1,000 spirits.

While the Free City’s defensive forcesonly had about 500, so Agares had almost twice as much as them.

Oros rolled his eyes. It wasn’t easy tolook away from the army that was approaching to kill them, but he looked ateach and every one of their soldiers that were stationed on top of the gate.

He also saw Dargon’s large frame at theend of the eastern gate. The outlaws that were in his group were standingaround in an unorganized manner. He was far away, so he couldn’t tell, butDargon was nervous. Even though he fought in many battles, it seemed like warwas an unfamiliar thing to him.

Ophelia looked down at Agares’s armywith a cold expression while having her arms crossed. Even though she lookedcalm, her tail revealed that she was worried and anxious. Her slightly slouchedposition revealed her true feelings.

All three leaders of the Free City wereon top of the gate. But the House of Mammon’s owner wasn’t there. He wasn’teven in the Free City.

Two days ago.

The moment Ophelia picked-up Agares’smovement, Yong-Ho left the city.

He wasn’t running away. Theydesperately hoped he wasn’t, and he did say one thing before leaving.

‘When the war starts, I’m going tocause chaos at their base. Keep defending and once things become chaotic, openfire.’

They asked how he was going to do it,but Yong-Ho didn’t answer. They also asked how they would know when to openfire, and all he told them was that they would know once they saw it.

Oros gritted his teeth. The House ofMammon’s guard and the Skeleton Knight was standing right next to Ophelia,which helped calm Oros down.

The House of Mammons’ owner was theonly one that left.

According to Ophelia, the Dark Elfguard was the owner’s lover. If he planned on running away, then he wouldn’thave left his lover in the Free City.

Agares’s soldiers stopped in front ofthe various weapons that were installed outside of the gate. It seemed like hewas giving them a break before ordering them to attack.

There were a variety of differentspirits. While devouring the owners in the eastern region, he scouted theirspirits, so there were many different types.

There were Goblins, Orcs, Ogres andeven Trolls. Next to the group that looked like Lycanthropes, there were insecttype spirits in various sizes and next to them, there were siege weapons andGolems.

They were pressured by the fact thatthere were around a 1,000 of them.

Oros took a deep breath. He heardDargon’s voice through the close-range communication device that was in hisear.

“No news from the House of Mammon’sowner? Do you, do you think maybe he ran away?”

“There’s no way. He’s not the type todo that. He’s definitely going to come. You saw his eyes too. He’s not the typeto run away. He’s definitely going to fight with us.”

Oros answered right away. He said thatto reassure both Dargon and himself. They came this far, so they had no choicebut to believe in him.

Ophelia didn’t say anything. That’s whyOros was feeling more anxious. He tried recalling the look that Yong-Ho had.The Yong-Ho that he saw in the meeting room wasn’t the type to run away. If hewas going to run away, he wouldn’t have answered to their request in the firstplace.

More time passed. The wind that wasblowing stopped and Agares’s troops started advancing again. No, it was morelike they charged.

Screams and roars filled the desert.The sounds could even be considered to be weapons. The warriors in the FreeCity started trembling in fear when the screams and roars hit their walls.

“Prepare for battle!”

“Prepare for battle!”

They couldn’t wait any longer. They hadto fight now. Oros spat out the cigarette that was in his mouth and thenscreamed. Dargon also tightened his grip on his mace and prepared to commandthe warriors. The warriors were standing in front of the weapons and werewaiting for him to signal them.

The ground started shaking. Agares’stroops were getting closer. Oros waved his hand and ordered them to attack.

The Orcs’ roars hit the walls and thevarious weapons flew over Agares’s troops.

Oros erased the thought of Yong-Ho fromhis head. The spirits that were charging rushed through the incoming artilleryfire. The arrows that both sides released covered the sky and rocks and spellswere flying through the air.

More sounds filled their surroundings.Roars, cries and screams were coming from all over the place. But because ofthat, they were able to hear better. A small whisper ripped through the criesand entered Oros’s ear.


Ophelia wasn’t looking at Agares’stroops. Catalina, the Dark Elf guard that was standing next to her, turnedaround towards the southern region with a bright smile. The siege weapon hitthe walls. But Oros didn’t care. He followed Ophelia and Catalina and turnedaround. There was a loud sound behind them.


There was a fiery path in the distanceand it split the sky. Oros had seen it before, so he knew. It was Yong-Ho. Oroswas sure that he had returned.

Yong-Ho wasn’t the only one thatreturned.

The ground was shaking. The spiritsnear realized it. It wasn’t because Agares’s troops were charging, and it alsowasn’t because their weapons were hitting the walls and ground.

Oros knew what this shaking was. Heexperienced it several times while living in the southern region.

That’s why he almost couldn’t believeit.

He almost doubted it. Before he couldsay it, the thing that he was imagining appeared in front of him.


It shot out of the ground whileroaring. It was a large Land Worm. On top of that, there were three of them.

“Land Worm! Is he really controlling aLand Worm?”

Dargon was shocked. Oros shook hishead. He realized what was happening after seeing the Land Worm and fire movingfaster than Agares’s troops.

“He’s being chased. He’s being chased!He’s brought the Land Worms here!”

The Land Worm’s roar was louder thanOros’s scream. Agares’s troops stopped moving during that moment.

Both sides were attacking each othernonstop, but now both sides had stopped at the same time.

Everyone looked at one area. AndYong-Ho gave his order while everyone was looking at him. Salami flapped hisfiery wings once more.


He soared into the air. The fireprovoked the Land Worms and Salami started descending while feeling thrilledand excited. Salami descended as low as possible.

Yong-Ho focused. He gathered the manathat was contained in the bracelet on his left arm. It was the reward he earnedfrom clearing the third floor. It was the same bracelet that Kaiwan had andmana was contained within it.

Two days.

That’s how long it took Yong-Ho to findthe Land Worms. And he was even able to gather three of them. He was extremelylucky with the timing.

Salami charged through Agares’s troops.His troops couldn’t even touch the fire because it was charging at an extremelyfast rate. The moment Salami descended to the lowest point, Yong-Ho releasedall the mana that was inside the bracelet.

The mana exploded. While thegray-colored mana was moving violently, Yong-Ho grabbed the handle that was onSalami’s back. He ordered Salami again.


Salami’s fiery wings were flapping inthe air. Salami felt like his body was going to break, so he used gravity tohelp him fly. He soared vertically. Salami was able to fly faster thanks to thewind and the fire that flew all over the place.

It’s only been a few seconds since hereleased his mana.

A black shadow appeared above Agares’stroops’ heads. The shadow covered the skies and they believed that it was adisaster they couldn’t escape.

The Land Worms were no longer chasingYong-Ho. They instead started to attack Agares’s troops as if they were drunkby the mana that was floating in the air. The ground started shaking andscreams and cries filled the air. The result of the smaller Land Worms’movements were terrible.

The roars were louder than the screams.Bones and flesh had been crushed and within moments, many spirits had losttheir lives. What made it worse was that the Land Worms weren’t planning onstopping. This was just the start of the disaster.

The ones that were on top of the gatewere at a loss for words.

Oros looked shocked.

What happened?

How did Yong-Ho bring those Land Wormshere?

Do they just watch?


Even though the Land Worms were largeand strong, they couldn’t kill 1,000 spirits. Even though Agares’s troops werein a chaotic state, they weren’t just going to be killed by the Land Worms.

Yong-Ho only gave one order. And therewere those on top of the gate that didn’t forget.

“Attack! Attack with everything yougot!”

Opehlia ordered. The Free City’swarriors felt overwhelmed, but they soon came to a realization. This was thetime for them to attack. The Land Worms and the Free City weren’t allies. Therewas no need for them to distinguish between allies and foes.



They attacked both the Land Worms andAgares’s troops. And then there was another order.


The gates opened.

A black vehicle left the Free City likean arrow that had been shot. Behind them, monsters that were carrying theSkeletons charged forward. Ophelia’s elite troops also followed behind.

Skull went around the battlefield. TheLand Worms were rampaging in the middle of Agares’s troops. The area was bigand soldiers were standing around where the Land Worms were. Even though theydidn’t die from the Land Worms’ attacks, they were still in a chaotic state.

Skull and the elite soldiers werecharging towards them. Thunder was released from Skull’s hammer and theSkeletons and elite soldiers attacked Agares’s troops with their lances. Italmost looked like a very strong black wind.

Fire appeared in the sky. Yong-Horolled his eyes after watching the fight while riding on Salami. He sawCatalina releasing black mana from the top of the gate. Even though she was faraway, he assumed she felt him watching. He thought he had even heard her voice.

Yong-Ho smiled. He raised his right armand grabbed the lance that was created from the fire.

He wasn’t just going to watch. This warwas Yong-Ho’s.

Salami roared and flew down again.

The left side of the battle.

Skull and the elite soldiers werefighting on that side, so Yong-Ho and Salami also headed in that direction.

Yong-Ho’s lance then transformed into afiery one.

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