
Chapter 1598 - The Deeper Meaning Of The Thesis

Chapter 1598: The Deeper Meaning Of The Thesis

Yu Fei was very happy when he first heard this news. However, he soon looked depressed again.

“That’s not right, right? This thesis might not be able to change public opinion. It might even have the opposite effect.”

“Handong University must have good intentions, but this might be used by the anti-Tengda Alliance.”

Puzzled, Cui Geng asked, “Why do you say that?”

Yu Fei explained, “There are not many requirements for undergraduates’ graduation thesis. No matter how high-level it is, can the outstanding thesis be written well?”

“What would ordinary people understand about PhD or even post-graduate thesis, let alone undergraduates’ graduation thesis? They would still have to nitpick.”

“As long as we find a few experts and scholars to pick on the problems in Boss Pei’s thesis, we will be able to find some breakthrough points with the magnifying glass.”

“Then, they could use these flaws to continue attacking Boss Pei’s academic level logically. They could even attack the fairness and reason behind Handong University’s selection of outstanding graduation thesis.”

“In other words, Boss Pei’s thesis is only at the level of an outstanding undergraduate. That’s not enough.”

“Previously, the anti-Tengda Alliance had many attacks on Boss Pei, but they only seized the opportunity to float past Boss Pei’s passing marks for most examinations. These might have some impact, but the impact would not be huge. After all, everyone knew that Boss Pei was busy with work. It would not affect Boss Pei’s image to pass unimportant examinations.”

“However, the thesis is different. The graduation thesis is a materialization of the thoughts of a graduate. If we expose something in this area and the other party finds out, it would be difficult!”

Cui Geng smiled. “So that’s what you were worried about?”

“Your worries make sense, but don’t worry. After reading this thesis, you will know that your worries are unnecessary!”

“It would be very difficult for people with ulterior motives to find fault with this thesis.”

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“Don’t belittle the professor of Handong University. Who is Prof Kong? He’s an academic expert! Would a thesis that he approved be a mediocre thesis?”

Yu Fei was even more curious now. What kind of thesis was so difficult for the haters to find fault with?

Yu Fei looked like he had to achieve three conditions to achieve this.

First, this thesis could not be too profound or difficult to understand. Ordinary people had to be able to understand it. Otherwise, they would naturally fall into a high and low situation. They would also fall into the predicament of arguing complicated theories with some scholars with ulterior motives.

There would only be a wide popular foundation if ordinary people could understand it.

Second, he had to be very constructive and deep. He had to raise a concept that no one else had raised so that everyone’s eyes would shine.

Otherwise, someone would definitely say that this thesis was picking up people’s wisdom and replicating the experience of their predecessors. More serious people might directly accuse it of imitation and plagiarism.

Third, this thesis had to have a lot of physical evidence. Facts would make those who wanted to nitpick unable to speak.

A theory without physical evidence was just an empty building. Many humanities theories were reasonable what you said, and what I said was reasonable. No one could convince anyone. Once they entered this state, they would not have any advantage.

On the other hand, if one side had a very successful example to support their argument, the situation would be completely different.

However, Yu Fei knew that this requirement was too high. An ordinary undergraduate could not achieve it.

The first two points were contradictory. How could the thesis be understood by ordinary people and be constructive and deep? It was not so easy to appreciate it together.

The third point was even more difficult. The theoretical research and practical results had to be combined. That was to reach the stage of unity of knowledge.

For ordinary undergraduates, this was an impossible task! However, there might be hope if this person was Boss Pei.

Yu Fei could not help but look forward to it. He immediately clicked on Boss Pei’s thesis.

The title of this article was’ The Creation and transmission Theory of popular literary works in the online age ‘.

Yu Fei could not help but gasp when he saw this title.

The questions were too big.

Boss Pei was indeed Boss Pei. He was in a strategically advantageous position. He had written such a huge title from the beginning. A strong sense of confidence overwhelmed him.

The structure of the article was very clear. There was not much foreshadowing. The opening article entered the main topic directly after the abstract and keywords.

The first part of the article was to analyze the difficulties faced by popular literary works in the online age.

There were three main difficulties: the division between traditional artistic works and ordinary people, the invasion of Western cultural works, and the impact of fast food culture and placebo entertainment model.

The so-called popular artistic works had to face ordinary people. It had to meet the demands of ordinary people and express the hearts of ordinary people. At the very least, it should be a work that ordinary people would like to see but would pass on simple and outstanding values to the low-level people.

However, many authors of traditional artistic works had been cut off from the social trends for a long time. It was very difficult for them to understand ordinary people, especially young people’s true cultural demands. Their content was still in the past. To a certain extent, they even showed signs of leaving the people.

Many intellectuals thought that they were superior to others. They thought that ordinary people were ignorant and difficult to teach. Art was elegant and aloof.

Thus, these traditional works became more and more separated from the demands of ordinary people.

At the same time, the invasion of Western cultural works caused more and more ordinary people to be influenced by Western values and gradually deviate from traditional Chinese culture.

The Western world had relied on its strong cultural and industrial production ability to create many outstanding works. However, must the values contained in these outstanding works be correct? Must they be perfect? Not necessarily.

In recent years, more and more people had realized that the values contained in the so-called Western blockbusters were becoming more and more twisted. They were becoming more and more deviated from the simple and real emotions of humans, especially the traditional cultural heritage that was passed down through the bloodlines of the Chinese.

These values often had some unspeakable secrets.

In addition, the impact of fast food culture and placebo entertainment model also posed a huge obstacle to the development and transmission of popular literary works in the online age.

The so-called fast food culture was originally a neutral term. People had to eat nutrition, but fast food could also provide convenience and cheap satisfaction to people. It was a very normal cultural phenomenon.

However, when fast food culture developed too much, it became an unhealthy state.

It was just like how people would eat fast food once in a while when they were sick of home-cooked meals. However, if they were to completely replace daily food and eat fast food for every meal, then all sorts of diseases would come to them sooner or later.

It was the same for the cultural industry. It was naturally not a problem to obtain some simple past time by looking at fast food culture occasionally. However, if a person’s spiritual life only had fast food culture and did not have deep thoughts, his mental world must be poor. As time went by, his thoughts would definitely have problems.

What was even scarier was that the fast food culture was constantly developing into a placebo model!

The makers and producers of these placebo culture fill people’s lives with recreational and sensory stimulation products. They use direct and cheap entertainment models to divert their attention and dissatisfaction, making them unable to extricate themselves from low-level happiness. They gradually lost their ability to think about real problems, and even completely lost their ability to learn and plan in the long term!

These three situations were obviously content that had to be avoided and resisted during the creation of popular literary works in the online age.

If he did not solve this series of problems, the cultural field would definitely become bigger and bigger.

Literary and artistic creators began to separate from the masses. The content of their creation only played a small role in their spiritual lives. It could not have a positive impact on this world and society.

As Western values continued to invade, traditional values were overturned. Those who protected traditional values and those who accepted Western values began to become more and more incompatible.

There would even be intense friction in many fields. Thought conflict would evolve into real conflict.

On the other hand, the entertainment of those low-level entertainment and placebo models would gradually sweep the entire bottom-level cultural and entertainment market, causing the people at the bottom level to lose their motivation to think and rise.

That way, different people would become increasingly divided by classes, environment, values, and other factors, turning into groups that could not understand each other. That would strengthen the information cocoon house effect.

This would obviously induce very serious and terrifying consequences.

Thus, based on this dilemma, the thesis immediately proposed the internet age, the necessary factors for the creation and transmission of popular artistic works.

First, it was the connotation of traditional cultural foundation and ordinary people’s cultural demands.

In the online age, common literary and artistic works could not be completely separated from the traditional cultural foundation, nor could they be separated from the cultural demands of the people. They had to always create from the perspective of the ordinary people. They could not fall into the predicament of being high and low, blindly high, or become the culprit of the invasion of Western values and cutting off the traditional cultural heritage.

Only by satisfying the requirements of the times and the demands of ordinary people would he be able to complete the mission given by the times.

Secondly, the work had to be modern, trendy, and even foreseeable.

It was not enough to just reflect the times. Outstanding artistic works had to have a certain new trend, even foresee, foresee possible problems in the future and make warnings.

This was not groundless worries, but preparation!

Lastly, these works had to be compact and eye-catching enough in terms of performance.

The reason why many artistic works with deep connotations found it difficult to have a wide influence was because the expression of emotions was long and difficult. It was difficult to arouse the interest of ordinary people. It was even difficult to pay attention.

If a work could not attract as many people as possible, how would its influence improve?

Of course, this was not a problem for serious works. That was because serious works were naturally good at writing. If you wanted to understand them, you had to have a high literary attainment.

However, if they could not do this in the current online age’s common literary and artistic works, they would not be considered outstanding works.

That was because the mission of the popular artistic works in the online age was to spread positive value to ordinary people. How could you complete such a mission if the people did not want to listen?

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