
Chapter 78

Chapter 78: <Chapter 78>

I asked calmly, “Has the punishment taken place already?”

“Not yet. The trial happened only yesterday, and the ball will be taking place soon. I decided it would be best to carry out the sentence after the ball.”

I couldn’t help but sigh.

I asked another question hesitantly, “What happened to... Bella?”

Lucretius darkened, “... She hurt her leg while jumping. It’s best to put them to sleep when a horse is hurt like that.”

“I see.”

I knew the answer even before he gave it to me, but I still felt my heart sink.

I knew any animals that harm a human was killed on the spot even if it wasn’t the animal’s fault.

Bella was dead, huh?

I remembered her beautiful white hair. I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with her. If she wasn’t my horse, she wouldn’t have died.

It was disturbing to know that I felt sadder about the horse’s death than the execution of two women.

I asked Lucretius, “Before the execution, I would like to see her.”

He frowned. “Why do you want to see that bitch?”

I smiled. “So that I get a chance to salvage the original plan for bringing in Lisbeth. I will make her give a statement that the dowager empress made her do it.”

“Bina...” He couldn’t hide his worries.

I smiled confidently to make him feel better, “Don’t worry about it. I won’t go with her alone. Give me one or two royal guards to accompany me. If Lisbeth refuses to do what I ask, I will threaten the Duke and the Duchess as well. I will get them to make their daughter do it. This will be the only way for Lisbeth to live.”

Lucretius didn’t answer me right away.

I grinned again and added, “I can’t let Bella’s death be for nothing.”


Lisbeth and Orlean were prisoned at the top of the nearby wing. Usually, the prisoners were sent to the dungeon, but because of the murder of Marchioness Toruka during her imprisonment, it was decided the dungeon was not a safe place.

I walked up to the stairs with help from Agnes and Samantha. Two royal guards from Lucretius’ personal unit followed us.

I walked into the room.

Inside were more crowded than I expected. There were Orlean and Lisbeth, and the Duke and the Duchess who apparently insisted on coming in as well.

A guard brought in a clean chair and a cushion for me. They must have also heard about my accident. I appreciated the gesture since I was feeling a bit dizzy.

Until I sat down, no one said a word. All I could feel were deathly glares from the prisoners.

After a long tense silence, Lisbeth said to me dryly, “Did you come here to laugh at me?”

Oddly, she wasn’t crying. Her blue eyes looked angry.

She must have realized that there was no one here who would sympathize even if she showed tears.

I smiled lightly and replied, “No. I don’t have that kind of time to waste.”

The Duchess screamed, “You ungrateful bitch!”

Normally, I would have replied sarcastically, but I didn’t feel patient now. I was tired both physically and mentally. I skipped to the point.

“I came here for one reason only. I have an offer for you.”

“... offer?”

The Duke’s edgy voice rang throughout the room.

I nodded and continued, “Yes. An offer. You can consider it your last chance.”

“Last chance for what?” Lisbeth’s fuming voice asked. Her voice was so annoying it made my headache worse.

I replied with a frown, “A chance to live.”

Her blue eyes widened.

“You... will let me live?”

The Bonafit family looked hopeful, which made me furious.

What the Duchess said next made it even worse, “Y, yes, of course, so you remember your debt to us...”

I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Shut up!”

This was the first time I had ever swore like this, especially in front of them. They seemed shocked.

The Duke asked nervously, “W, what did you...?”

My headache worsened.

Who did they think they were? I couldn’t contain my anger. I remembered the beautiful Bella.

“I said you need to shut up, or think before you speak.”

“How rude...!”

“You tried to kill me, yet you are shocked at me swearing at you?”

Lisbeth yelled, “I, I didn’t do it!”

Her shrill voice stressed me out.

I replied, “Gosh, I know you wanted to kill me, and you tried your best. Yet, I am here to give you another chance! [What an idiot I am!]”

I was so frustrated I used my mother tongue. They appeared to be confused.

I shook my head and asked, “You people obviously didn’t make that saddle yourselves. Where did you get it?”

“...” They looked at each other silently.

I continued, “I already know who gave it to you. Luc... I mean the emperor is already looking for the person who made it. We will find out sooner or later, but if you tell me now, you may live.”


“Now, tell me. Who gave it to you? Who told you to kill me?”

The Duke’s family couldn’t answer. They looked fearful.

I gritted my teeth. “I already know who it was. I just need to hear the name from your lips. Listen, I am being generous here. You should be thankful.”

Their faces looked pale. I could see they were scared of the dowager empress.

I ordered the guards to take out their swords. I wasn’t going to kill them right now, but I hoped this was enough to pressure them.

The Duchess hid Lisbeth behind her back and asked, “Y, you don’t mean to kills us here, right?”

I answered coldly, “If you are no use to me, what’s the point of keeping you alive?”

“You cold bitch!”

This was taking too long. I said to them directly, “I know it was dowager empress Katleyanira.”


They didn’t answer, but I was sure.

I continued, “It doesn’t matter even if you say no. I don’t care if it’s true or not. All I need is for either Lisbeth, Orlean, or the Duchess to testify the dowager empress ordered to kill me. You need to make a formal statement at the privy council. You need to tell them you were also told to assassinate the emperor.”

The royal guards that followed me could be trusted according to Lucretius. They would never reveal what was said in this room today.

Even if the Bonafit family let people know of what I said here, no one would believe them. It would look like they were making things up to save themselves.

The Duke became pale and yelled, “If we say something like that, the dowager empress will kill us!”

“You will die anyway if you don’t say anything.”

It wasn’t a threat. This was the truth.

I continued, “If you don’t do anything, Orlean will be executed and Lisbeth will die as well. You and your wife will be kicked out of this country unless, of course, you get murdered before that.”

“W, what?”

I smiled. “The dowager empress is a woman who killed her own sister-in-law to shut her up. I know she gave you the saddle, which means she will do her best to kill you, so you can’t testify against her.”

This was a very likely scenario.

I continued, “Without me and the emperor’s protection, you will not survive, but if you don’t testify against her, you people are useless to me. You better think carefully if you want to live.”

I was getting too tired for this. I was starting to sweat. I had to return to my room.

I had to recover soon. The ball was only a few days away, and I couldn’t miss it.

I was about to stand up with the help from Agnes when Lisbeth’s voice stopped me.

“... if I say what you want, what will you give me?”

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