
Chapter 114

Chapter 114: <Chapter 114>

I heard something being cut and the dowager empress’ scream.


The knight wiped the bloody ring with his cloak and tried to hand it to Lucretius, who shook his head.

“I gave it to my wife for safekeeping, so it should be my wife who returns it to me.”

The knight bowed deeply and offered the ring to me. I reached out and took it as Lucretius gave me his hand.

I teasingly turned his hand around so I could see the back of it. His right hand was covered in dry blood and cuts. All of his fingernails were broken badly.

I knew it would have been hard three days for him but seeing the proof of it made my heart ache.

I put on the ring on his finger, making sure not to touch the broken fingernail. It shined beautifully on his hand. This was where it was supposed to be.

Lucretius smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

He pulled me close and announced, “We will hold a trial for the dowager empress and her men here. As the ruler and protector of this kingdom, this is my right and responsibility to carry this out. No one will dare to deny me this!”

This was happening very fast.


Suddenly, my execution turned into the trial for the dowager empress and her followers. It took only an hour to arrest them from all over the castle and brought to this place. Many of them were killed in the process and some of them escaped.

The three leaders, dowager empress, Marquises Toruka and Galisia, kneeled on the very floor where I was placed to be executed. I was now sitting where they were only an hour ago.

Both Lucretius and I didn’t have the time to get dressed properly, but it didn’t matter. The strange thing was that Lucretius was sitting on the emperor’s throne and me on the empress’ throne. It seemed so natural for me to be sitting here. No one protested, not even me.

The Senate members who were held as hostages were rescued by Lucretius’ men. They attended this trial as witnesses.

The dowager empress was holding her bloody hand in silence.

The emperor started the trial with an announcement, “I begin this trial as Lucretius le Cransia. The traitors are the dowager empress Katleyanira le Cransia, Marquis Galisia, and Marquis Toruka.”

The chancellor answered, “We are honored to carry out your order, your highness, the ruler of Krugadia, Orlen, and North Santus, and the 15th emperor of great kingdom Cransia.”

All the noblemen kneeled in front of Lucretius to show respect.

Lucretius wasn’t wearing a priceless crown or silk clothes. He was only wearing a simple knight’s armor and nothing more.

However, sitting proudly on the high throne, he had never looked more regal. No one could deny who he was.

He was the emperor of the greatest kingdom in this world.

He looked grand, but I worried about his injury. It was possible he was hurt very badly from the battle. He looked unusually pale.

I considered calling for the royal doctor, but I knew why Lucretius pushed to have this trial right away.

We barely made it against the dowager empress. We needed to get rid of her permanently when we have the chance.

We have worked so hard for this very moment. We took risks and almost lost everything. I was worried about Lucretius, but I couldn’t let my feeling ruin this opportunity.

Thankfully, the trial progressed easily and quickly.

The dowager empress’ plot was revealed through the captured knights and soldiers. It was the dowager empress who convinced Marquis Galisia to fight for her. Marquis Galisia was a talented general who had a huge influence and power over the southern province and its military force. The law stated that a nobleman couldn’t own a personal army. However, since Marquis Galisia worked as a general for a very long time, many of the southern soldiers were willing to follow him.

The dowager empress enticed him by offering him her young royal princess Liliana. If the rebellion worked, he could have become the next emperor.

The chancellor summarized the crimes.

“She has stolen and abused the military that belongs to the emperor and the kingdom. She has attempted to assassinate his highness. She forcibly took over the Senate and tried to frame her highness, the emperor’s wife. She also tried to execute her highness...”

Her crimes were never-ending and clear. The proof was this very situation.

The witnesses were all gathered here.

The emperor who survived the rebels’ attack.

His wife who was just about to be executed.

The chancellor who was held hostage.

Lucretius raised his voice and proclaimed, “The stated crimes are beyond forgivable. Even the sentence of death will not be enough.”

The chancellor looked excited. After all, the dowager empress was the one who murdered his beloved granddaughter.

“She needs to be executed!”

All the other noblemen agreed.


“Please order her execution!”

Lucretius raised his hand and declared.

“Dowager empress Katleyanira le Cransia is from now on no longer a royal member. She will be executed.”

Katleyanira laughed silently.

Lucretius continued without hesitation.

“Her head will be displayed for the public to witness. Her execution will be carried out immediately.”


The order of execution was decided quickly. It would be Marquis Galisia, Marquis Toruka, and the dowager empress last. I thought I could guess the reason. The fear she will feel as she watched the men lose their heads... As she waited for her turn...

The execution couldn’t take place right away, however. The executioner who was brought for me was killed during the fight. We had to find another one.

I heard Lucretius asked the chancellor to find a horrible executioner with minimal experience. I didn’t say anything as I didn’t feel the need. These two men were victims of the dowager empress. They lost their family members because of her. This was their justice and revenge.

While we waited, Lucretius asked me.

“This won’t be pretty, so if you want, you can return to your chamber.”

I shook my head. “No, I will stay till the end.”

I then turned towards the dowager empress, who was kneeling on the floor glaring at me. I looked into her eyes and didn’t look away.

I had to witness her death with my own eyes.

Lucretius nodded.

After a little while, a new executioner arrived.

A royal guard was ordered to escort Marquis Galisia. It was, in a way, an honor to be escorted by the emperor’s personal royal guard, but the marquis was in no position to notice it.

“Please...! Please let me live! I only did what I was told to do! Your highness!”

Marquis Galisia’s excuse was pathetic and meaningless. The knights pushed him down onto the block and he died with a single swing.

However, his neck wasn’t completely severed and so the executioner had to swing the second time.

I couldn’t help closing my eyes when the ax hit his neck, but I did see the blood and the head rolling onto the floor.

Next was Marquis Toruka. After seeing Marquis Galisia’s gruesome death, his hands were shaking visibly. However, he didn’t scream or make an excuse like Marquis Galisia.

He pretended to look calm, but unlike Marquis Galisia, he didn’t get an immediate death. The first swing didn’t kill him because the ax was too dull. It took another swing for him to finally die.

The dowager empress didn’t say anything as she saw her brother’s head being cut off. She turned towards us again and glared without any signs of fear.

When she was about to be dragged to the execution block, Lucretius stopped it.

“There is something I want to tell her. Bring the prisoner here.”

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