
Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Grade B or Grade A (1)

“Check the time.”

[The current time is 11:24 PM.]

I felt like it was a bit awkward to run to my sister’s room right away and talk about it.

So, I hurried to the swamp. To achieve Level 200 in 3 days, I could not afford to waste time.

So, I laid Ice Fields here and there in the swept area and focused on hunting past 1 PM.

The next morning my whole family sat around the table and had breakfast.

After seeing my father and brother off to go to the office, I sat down with my sister in the living room.

“By the way, Daddy asked you to come with her to the office. Why didn’t you go?”

Of course, my father didn’t want to take her for anything like on-the-job training. What he wanted was for her to come to the office and learn from General Manager Insu Sok, who was in charge of the Revival Legend team.

“Tut, tut. Work is waiting for me if I go with him. I would rather stay home and hunt another monster. That’s why he has your brother in the office. So, be thankful to your brother. Otherwise, we would have been as busy as him.”

I really could not understand her state of mind, but I just ignored it and asked about what I experienced yesterday.

“Have you heard about Pioneers’ City?”

“Pioneers’ City? I don’t know.”

In fact, the world of Revival Legend was very vast. So I didn’t think her reply was strange.

I asked her a different question. “Then how about the Kahwa Guild?”

“I’ve never heard about it. Why? What’s going on? Well, obviously you have run into trouble in Pioneers’ City because of the Kahwa Guild, right?”

“No, not yet.” Yes, not yet. But it will happen soon.

“Then, is it true that NPCs can make the users fight each other?”

Actually, I was most curious about this.

Straightening up after vegging out on the sofa, she asked, “Oh, you received the quest, right?”

“Yeah, sort of.”

I didn’t intend to hide it from my sister to quench my curiosity, so I replied immediately.

“Wow, it seems you’re being recognized for your abilities! It’s really hard to get the quest that involves fighting between users.”

According to her, I think I received the quest. But I took it as a PvP because I misunderstood her. Obviously Kihanna asked me to fight against the group called the Kahwa Guild.

“Go for it unconditionally. Is there any condition that you have to fight with the users one on one without any outsider help? If not, I can help you out,” she said.

“Not yet. But is it possible?”

During the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd closed betas, NPCs had no roles at all. They were just negligible presences. When I went into the blacksmith for example, messages rang automatically, which was the same with the auction house.

“Well, isn’t it amazing? NPCs come out with the quest to suit the situation. At first, I wondered if the recipient was the NPC themselves, but…”

“But?” I demanded a continuation because she abruptly stopped talking any further with a humorous expression on her face.

“I don’t know. How do we know? We don’t even know who is running Revival Legend.”

I was disappointed at her bland answer.

Then she stood up and said, “Anyway, I think you seem to have received a quest to fight against someone from the place called Kahwa Guild. Okay. I’ll find out who Kahwa Guild is.”

“Okay, thanks.”

After confirming she moved to her room upstairs, and I also went up to the 2nd floor to pack my luggage. I took a lot of the side dishes that my mom had prepared for me and left the house. Of course, watching me, my mom and sister lightly reproached me, questioning why I should go through the trouble of having a hard time outside home. But I just smiled at them without replying because I felt more comfortable about being alone when I devoted all my time to playing games.


“Pouring Hailstones!”

Like I did recently, I used Pouring Hailstones towards the swamp monsters on the Ice Field. And I fired Multiple Ice Arrows, Ice Balls, and Ice Bolts at several swamp monsters that barely survived. That’s it. I didn’t need any further attacks.

What did I do after all that? Of course, I used “Ice Field.”

Laying the new Ice Fields everywhere, other swamp monsters attacked me. My Physical Strength was too high for me to get tired after only two or three hours of continued hunting, and I maintained 80% of mana always, although I spammed the skills.

Then somebody whispered into my ear. It was my sister, the only one who knows my ID.

[Super beauty: Brother, can I talk with you now?]

[lumen: Sure.]

Of course, some swamp monsters were rushing at me on the Ice Field.

So, I used another skill.

“Ice Weapon.”

[You have used Level 2 Ice Weapon.

-The cold ice energy is present in your enhancement 3 sturdy longsword.]

I didn’t mean to use Power and Agility. However, since I successively earned titles, all stat points began to accumulate by 100 or 200. Besides, thanks to the fact that I was wearing my enhancement 3 items like the Scorpion King’s rings and earrings, my Power and Agility finally reached 870 each. Of course, it was still lower than other professional physics-type skills.

However, Level 2 Ice Weapons with 870 Power and Agility, based on over 5,000 Intellectual Power, were enough to beat the swamp monsters’ heads.

[Super beauty: What’s up? Are you hunting?]

[lumen: No, you can talk.]

[Super beauty: Okay, I checked out the Kahwa Guild. Like you said, they currently occupy Pioneers’ City.]

[lumen: How strong are they?]

Of course, I guessed their force was not big because everybody would recognize it immediately if they were big.

[Super beauty: Not that big. Just a small guild.]

[lumen: But how come it can control the whole area?]

[Super beauty: It’s because Pioneers’ City is located in a very remote area. I just wonder why you went that far. I noticed some other unpopular hunting grounds nearby.]

Well, that’s why I went there. There were few people, nor was it attractive, but it had lots of monsters. Since I couldn’t tell her the truth, however, I beat around the bush.

[lumen: Well, I came as far as here without knowing where I was.]

[Super beauty: Really? Anyway, you’re lucky to have received the quest in an unexpected hunting ground. By the way, do you want me to put some pressure on the Kahawa Guild? If I show them my name card with Myongjin Group on it, I can disband them right away.]

[lumen: No, later. I’ll contact you again if I think it’s hard to fight them.]

[Super beauty: Okay. Then I’ll leave. Be sure to tell me what happens later.]

[lumen: Alright.]

I was done talking to her in a low voice.

“Hmm. There is nothing particular about the Kahwa Guild.”

Honestly, I thought it didn’t matter even if the guild had nothing particular because my strong supporter, Myongjin, was more powerful anyway.

But I was worried about the possibility that the Kahwa Guild might be a subsidiary or an ally of Daesung or Kusan or other powerful guilds, for it would complicate things in that case. So I felt relieved to hear my sister’s reply.

“Good. Alright, I think I have to achieve Level 200 first.”

Of course, I had no intention of accepting the quest blindly. I was going to act after checking out the reward. Although my sister told me to go for it unconditionally, I had no intention of getting involved in the fight instigated by the NPC in return for a small reward.

Puk! Puk!

I used a +3 sturdy longsword equipped with a Level 2 Ice Weapon.



The swamp monsters flopped up and down in the swamps, moaning, every time I wielded the sword.

Watching the scene, I thought that the Ice Weapon was more powerful than I thought.

Of course, my main specialty is ranged magic. I sometimes found myself attacked by those swamp monsters that approached me in melee range.

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