
Chapter 11 - Shock and Awe

Chapter 11: Shock and Awe

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio



Another shot rang out from the M110. Naturally, the target for Feng Luo’s shot was the Machine Gunner protected by the two Heavy Armor Warriors. However, due to the cautious movements of the Heavy Armor Warriors, the shot that was originally supposed to be a rare opportunity had failed. It only hit one of the Heavy Armor Warriors, and the damage was just over 300.

As the profession with the highest defense in War, the Heavy Armor Warrior’s nickname of being the “worst enemy of Gunners” was not in vain. Before Feng Luo had destroyed the defense capabilities of the opponent’s equipment, his “Lethal” talent could not show its strength.

Moreover, at that time, the enemy had finally confirmed his direction.

The Light Armor Warriors came from two sides and rushed toward the mountain. As for the two Heavy Armor Warriors, they took out their alloy shields. One of them stood in place and continued to protect the Machine Gunner, who was still setting up his machine gun, while the other protected the three Manipulators with their energy shield covering their bodies and moving behind the Light Armor Warrior toward Feng Luo’s position.

The path that the two Light Armor Warriors chose was a pincer attack from the left and the right. As they ran, they even had the awareness to use an S-shaped path, relying on the uneven geography of the mountain mine and pits and holes as cover. Clearly, these two players had experience dealing with Snipers.

A normal Gunner faced with this situation would have had to immediately retreat because there would be only death waiting for a Sniper facing two Light Armor Warriors at close range. However, Feng Luo did not plan to retreat. That was because the shrub he had chosen was around 500 meters away from his opponents. This distance greatly weakened the damage of machine guns, and the attacks of Manipulators could not reach him. Even if the two Light Armor Warriors were to cast Charge, they would need at least half a minute to get to him.

He had at least ten more seconds!

To a Manipulator, ten seconds was probably only enough to cast two fireballs or create a wind blade. But for a Sniper, it was enough to kill a person.

The muzzle of the M110 moved quickly. The crosshair locked directly on the gray-armored Light Armor Warrior. Feng Luo quickly calculated his trajectory in his mind. And then, after a second, he fired a shot!



Just as the gray-armored warrior moved passed a covered pile of gravel and ran towards the mine shaft to the side, his body suddenly shook as his left leg was hit. Although it did not deal weak-point damage, the gray-armored warrior did not have high defense, which allowed Feng Luo to inflict almost 800 damage. The only drawback was that it hit the player’s armor, so the burning effect did not trigger.

For damage at this level, a Level-40 Light Armor Warriors with an average HP of around 7,000 like the gray-armored warrior should have been able to take seven or eight shots. If he were to use blood tonics in between those shots, then it would probably take another one or two hits.

Of course, this was under normal circumstances. For Feng Luo, if he destroyed the opponent’s defenses, he might only need to deliver a single lethal blow to drain the HP of the opponent completely.

The gray-armored warrior had no way of knowing this. So after he was shot once, he calculated how many shots he could take and flashed a mocking smile. He no longer took cover and exposed his body before rushing toward Feng Luo’s location.

Similarly, Feng Luo’s lips curled upward as his right index finger pulled the M110 trigger yet again. This is exactly what I want!



Yellow damage numbers!

With around 350 meters between them, the shot once again accurately hit the left leg of the gray-armored warrior, which was continually shaking due to moving at high speed. The row of yellow damage numbers proved that this shot had hit practically the same spot as the previous shot hit. The previous bullet had already damaged this area’s defense by more than 50 percent. As such, the second shot achieved a weak-point damage effect! This shot also completely destroyed the defense of that area of the warrior’s leg, and the impact of the sniper rifle bullet also triggered an “attack special effect.”

The gray-armored warrior felt as if his leg had been hit by a heavy hammer. His body, which had been running at full speed, fell immediately. After that, he continued to roll on the ground several times due to unstoppable momentum.

F*ck! the gray-armored warrior cried out in his mind.

The Heavy Armor Warrior captain protecting the three Manipulators with his shield was also in disbelief to witness the point of impact of the shot and the damage value that appeared in his team’s party channel.

Naturally, the damage was considered high. With one shot, around one-third of the gray-armored warrior’s HP was gone. However, this was not what really shocked the captain. What made his heart tremble was the accuracy of the shot!

At several meters apart, hitting a warrior running at high speed twice in a row was not easy, but it was also not impossible. Among the Snipers he knew, there were more than one who could achieve this. But these two shots had to hit the exact same spot. Among the Snipers he knew, there was absolutely no one who could do such a thing! In fact, if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would not have even believed that there were players who could do it!

Oh f*ck! The Heavy Armor Warrior captain looked despondent. Lonely Gunner, you idiot! Just who did you mess with?

However, what he did not know was that hitting the same spot and achieving a weak-point effect was also quite shocking to Feng Luo. His objective in taking the shots had been to hopefully, by continuously hit the leg, use the impact of the bullet to slow the progression of the enemy. He hadn’t thought that the shot would happen to hit the same spot as the previous one, even triggering a rare special effect. So, in truth, there was a lot of luck involved in this shot!

Unfortunately, the damage of the shot was not high enough; otherwise, it might have been possible for a special effect like “Leg Break” to appear. In that case, the Light Armor Warrior would have become a sitting duck with no choice but to await his fate.

However, based on the current situation, the Light Armor Warrior who had fallen to the ground—and had not yet stood up—still made a nice target. It was way too easy to take him out.

Feng Luo raised his M110 in preparation to finish off this gray-armored warrior—

Pow! Pow! Pow!

At that moment, a cacophony of gunfire rang out. The Machine Gunner on the opposing side had completed assembling his weapon: a metallic Level-40, six-barreled “Hydra” Heavy Machine Gun. Six alloy gun barrels rotated at high-speed as tons of bullets sprayed toward Feng Luo.

The entire forest of shrubs trembled as if a strong gale had blown past. Trees exploded one by one, and bullet holes appeared one after another on the ground. The smoke and debris that rose into the air also blocked Feng Luo’s field of vision and made him completely lose his accuracy from his previous shot. Apart from that, three rows of damage numbers also appeared consecutively over his head.




The machine gun was 450 meters away, and its damage was weakened considerably. Due to the long distance and the poor stability of the shots, the bullets deviated from their trajectory significantly, so only three bullets hit Feng Luo. However, it still reduced around one-third of his HP.

The explosiveness of a Machine Gunner was too much! Plus, this explosive strength could continue until the entire 1,000-round cartridge belt was emptied entirely.

Pow! Pow!

The crazy wave of over a dozen bullets per second forced Feng Luo to press his head down. He could only take cover. He did not even have the opportunity to use M110 to fire a shot.

As for the uninjured silver-armored warrior, he had already taken the opportunity to cast Charge and rush straight at Feng Luo.

As he crouched down to hide from the onslaught of the machine gun, Feng Luo could not see the movements of the opponent, but he could guess them. It was a good thing he had long been prepared for this sort of situation.

The location he had chosen to hide in was not a pure shrub forest. In reality, it was an abandoned mine shaft that had been excavated. As long as one remained hidden, one could avoid being seen while changing locations. Moreover, he had also prepared a little something in the mine shaft. If the Light Armor Warrior got that far, perhaps it could be used.

While crouched down, Feng Luo picked up the M110 and crawled ten meters to another position, simultaneously removing the deflagration armor-piercing bullets cartridge and switching to another new cartridge of bullets.

After quietly switching positions to the back of the shrub, Feng Luo quietly peeked his head out. He set up his sniper rifle, aimed at the head of the heavy Machine Gunner, and quickly adjusted the shooting parameters.

Machine Gunners had crazy firepower and had the frightening ability to put pressure on opponents. However, their weaknesses were also pronounced; their bullets were depleted too quickly. A box of shells could be emptied in no time, and the moment the Machine Gunner reloaded, there would be gaps that their opponents could exploit.

In addition, as soon as a heavy machine gun was assembled, it was hard to move or dodge, which meant that they lost the mobility that Scouts and Snipers possessed. Faced against a strike, they were practically live targets. So although Machine Gunners were the nemesis of Snipers, Snipers were also the nemesis of Machine Gunners!

In just three seconds, Feng Luo pulled the trigger.




7.62mm armor-piercing bullets flew over 400 meters and hit the Machine Gunner in the head. The high-speed, rotating, armor-piercing bullets tore through the transparent safety mask of on the head of the opponent and accurately hit the bridge of his nose, exploding into a fountain of blood. This shot invoked the “Heavily Injured” condition on the Machine Gunner instantly!

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