
Chapter 656 - September Night Rain’s Hate

Chapter 656: September Night Rain’s Hate

As the system update notification appeared, outside the abandoned ruin, a group of players wearing the September Guild badge on their chest exclaimed, “What the hell, the system is actually making the update right now?” They were hiding in a forest right outside the entrance of the abandoned ruin.

“If they don’t get out of the abandoned ruin in three hours, doesn’t that mean that we’ll never know how long we’ll have to wait? F*cking sh*t, they could have run the update any time, why did they have to do it now?!” A curly white-haired player whose guild badge was gold in color, which signified that he was a core member, asked these questions with a grimace. He was a Machine Gunner equipped with a full set of Rare Grade gears. He stood behind an eight-barreled heavy machine gun set up and aimed at the abandoned ruin.

“Young Master Sun, don’t worry! The information I found said that this is only a small-scale abandoned ruin. Quite a bit of time has passed since they entered the place. Therefore, they will definitely exit from there within three hours!” said an elite Scout player standing beside him with a smile. He was wearing a silver September Guild badge on his chest.

The Machine Gunner, referred to as “Young Master Sun,” seemed quite irritated. He turned around and glared at a few of the September Guild elite players and said, “They will definitely exit the ruin in three hours? I must say, are you even sure about that? Did they really get the Sniper that you guys encountered last time to work with them?”

“Yes, we are certain, Young Master Sun! I am absolutely certain that he is the Sniper! I will never forget that face of his!” said a manipulator player through gritted teeth as an angry expression appeared on his face.

If Feng Luo were here right now, he would know that this manipulator player was the one who intentionally provoked his group during a past ruin exploration operation and was dealt with in one shot!

Apart from this manipulator player, in the previous abandoned ruin exploration operation, the other two September Guild players who went with Lu Conglomerate’s people from the headquarters were also among the players in this group.

“However, the person called Feng Zhi Luo Ye isn’t your average player. Didn’t the people on the forum say that he has already awakened the Force? Moreover, I heard that his damage power is crazy high. I heard that he could even kill people with just one shot. He also seems to own a ridiculously powerful summon-type pet. Can we even deal with him?” asked a warrior player with a worried expression.

“What are you afraid of? So what if his attack power is ridiculously high? Snipers don’t have a lot of HP. You can’t beat four hands with only two fists. So, we have the numerical advantage as well as the initiative from the ambush. We only need one round of focus fire to get rid of him instantly.”

“Moreover, we also have God Night Rain with us!”

The manipulator player turned around and looked at a Wind Manipulator player, who seemed to be surrounded by flowing air, standing in the middle of the squad in admiration.

At the center of the group, September Night Rain was holding a half Legendary Grade energy converter in his hands while staring at the entrance of the abandoned ruin. Like Young Master Sun, he was protected by a few Heavy Armor Warriors.

Even as the ex-poster superstar player of the September Guild, September Night Rain was sent to this location a few days ago and was tasked to deal with some battle-related stuff associated with the Lu Conglomerate’s city.

However, saying that he was “tasked” might not be accurate. In truth, he was simply dispatched to this location.

He was dispatched rather than tasked to this location because his name was no longer on the list that the September Guild had obtained, which had the names of the top players of Storm City.

One of the reasons why his name was not amongst the top players was due to the new signature superstar player of the September Guild known as Invikill.

September Night Rain did not get along well with Invikill. To be more precise, it should be noted that September Night Rain has had a history in which he did not get along with most of the other expert players in the guild!

As an ex-star player who was also the only player from September Guild to enter the top 10 rankings of Storm City, as well as the top 150 superstar players in War, September Night Rain had always been prideful. Apart from the few September Guild leadership team members who held genuine authority, he looked down on everyone else.

Naturally, this attitude of his made him a good number of enemies.

However, since he had maintained his number one position in power and popularity in the September Guild, even if the others were pissed off or annoyed at him, he would ignore them.

However, after Invikill “awakened the Force” and was chosen by the September Guild as the person they were going to groom as “War’s Number One Sniper,” his position in the guild dropped drastically.

The people who used to call him “God Rain” or “Brother Rain” in front of him had begun to talk behind his back now.

As for Invikill, he became the newly recognized number one expert in the September Guild. His popularity shot into the top 20, which was even higher than September Night Rain during his peak!

It was simply unacceptable to September Night Rain!

Furthermore, the guild wanted Invikill to display his absolute strength throughout the abandoned ruins mission and to outshine a bunch of other top-class players. By doing this successfully, Invikill could push his popularity into the top 10 and become a mega expert who could contend with Sword Ki Long River!

The people whom they assigned to the exploration mission were those who had a good relationship with Invikill. They even tried to find people who could specifically complement Invikill’s strength!

Even though his feud and conflict with Invikill escalated, using the excuse of needing him to stabilize the Lu Conglomerate City, he was sent over to this location by the guild, and he did not even get a spot to take part in the ruin exploration mission.

This had angered September Night Rain so much that it made him smash a bunch of things in his luxurious mansion.

The good thing, however, was that the result of Invikill’s expedition was completely different from the guild’s initial plan.

Invikill failed, and he was completely suppressed by another Sniper player whose name none of them had even heard of before!

Not only did the person also awaken the Force, dimming the spotlight on Invikill, but they were both Snipers. Some had begun to doubt if the title of “War’s Number One Sniper” should even belong to Invikill.

To September Night Rain, this situation was definitely a good thing. Invikill’s massive failure made September Night Rain feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable. He was even secretly jeering about it.

However, after he saw the ID of the Sniper who killed Invikill, September felt a disgust rise from within his heart as if he had just eaten flies.

“Feng Zhi Luo Ye!”

If one were to say September Night Rain’s feelings for Invikill were grounded in jealousy, then his feelings for Feng Zhi Luo Ye would be grounded in pure hate!

Feng Zhi Luo Ye was one of the main reasons why he was in his current situation.

If he had not died by Feng Zhi Luo Ye’s hands during a past mission and dropped all of his gears after dying, not to mention repurchasing his items after Feng Zhi Luo Ye went and auctioned them, his popularity wouldn’t have gone down so much.

Furthermore, his black history would also not have been discovered. This discovery had led the guild to push him aside and choose to groom Invikill as their new star player.

Also, it would have widened the power difference between him and the person who took his place, Invikill, which ultimately led to him being sent to this Lu Conglomerate City to become the “expert to stabilize the city.”

The “expert to stabilize the city”? Only the name sounded fancy! In truth, he was simply sent away!

However, unexpectedly in the Lu Conglomerate City, September Night Rain managed to learn something from a partner that the September Guild did not really prioritize or pay attention to.

He learned that Feng Zhi Luo Ye’s real-world identity was actually closely associated with a night club that was exiled from the Lu Conglomerate.

The night club also had disagreements with people from the September Guild.

Staring at the entrance of the abandoned ruin with no other access points, the hate in September Night Rain’s eyes gradually turned into indifference.

“Feng Zhi Luo Ye, today, we’ll see how you die!”

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