
Chapter 80: Only Kids Have to Choose

Chapter 80: Only Kids Have to Choose

Chen Chen pressed [ctrl+v].

As the progress bar flashed, a file named [2011 Newest Chronicle (Director’s Cut Extended Edition) 1280p.BD with Chinese and English subtitles.mp4] appeared in the USB drive.

Seeing that the movie Chronicle had appeared successfully in the USB drive, Chen Chen sighed in relief.

Fortunately, the USB drive could accommodate the movie.

Although the energy in the USB drive was still not enough to extract that crystal, at least he had a subsequent goal.

As he thought of this, Chen Chen stopped worrying about superpowers and instead thought about what he wanted to obtain next.

Since he could not acquire superpowers for now, he could only go for the next best thing. He would look for some defensive technological equipment to improve his chances of survival in the face of danger.

In that case, this piece of equipment would need to fulfill the following requirements:

It must have a certain defensive ability, bulletproof at least. Plus, it must be portable and suitable for daily use.

Its portability meant that he could carry this equipment with him anywhere he went, without having to worry about not having it at a critical moment.

As for its suitability for daily use, it meant that Chen Chen should still be able to move swiftly and it should be lightweight as well.

According to these criteria, the one which best fulfilled Chen Chen’s desires was naturally Tony Stark’s Mark V that could be folded into a suitcase.

Mark V: 10 points for defense, 10 points for combat power, 10 points for endurance, 10 points for portability, and 10 points for daily use.

This was the score that Chen Chen had assigned. If the USB drive could take in Marvel movies such as Iron Man, not only would the equipment issue be resolved but also the energy issue would be settled.

After all, if Chen Chen could extract the ARC fusion reactor from the movie, he would be set for life.

Too bad this USB drive was like a stubborn blockhead. Chen Chen had tried to sneak Avengers into the USB drive but it could not be copied in. Even the other movies like Iron Man, X-Men, Captain America, Black Panther, and so on could not be placed inside the USB drive.

It looked like the USB drive did not just reject Avengers but the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe...

The same happened with the DC Universe.

Since that was the case, Chen Chen could only give up and go for the next option.

With this in mind, Chen Chen picked up a pen from the table and wrote a row of alternatives on a piece of paper —

Accelerator Suit, ExoSuit, the nerve exoskeleton, Predator Killer, and Gantz Suit.

The Accelerator Suit from the 2009 movie, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, weighed about 50kg. It would withstand the collision of bullets and cars without being damaged.

At the same time, the armor could be equipped with kinetic energy weapons on the wrist and the back of the hands could be fitted with micro missiles. Upon wearing it, one could move at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour. The kinetic energy it had when running could easily penetrate a wall.

Taking Iron Man’s armor as the standard, the Accelerator Suit was roughly rated as: 5 points for defense, 3 points for combat power, 3 points for endurance, 1 point for portability, and 1 point for daily use.

To put it simply, the defensive power of this Accelerator Suit had met Chen Chen’s needs and Chen Chen did not require high combat power. The only issue was its portability and suitability for daily use.

It was lacking in portability and even more so in terms of daily use. Chen Chen could not possibly swagger around wearing this every day.

Although it was decent in terms of its personal arsenal, it did not fulfill Chen Chen’s requirements.


The ExoSuit came from the 2016 movie, Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise. The ExoSuit was a standard exoskeleton mecha in the movie.

This mecha was large and clunky but possessed astonishing mobility such as strength enhancement and powered jumps. The weapon system was similar to the Accelerator Suit — with a machine gun and micro missiles.

According to the movie data, it weighed 40kg and might reach up to 60kg after the weapons were installed.

The rating Chen Chen gave it was: 2 points for defense, 3 points for combat effectiveness, 3 points for endurance, 1 point for portability, and 1 point for daily use.


It was not even as good as the Accelerator Suit.


The nerve exoskeleton from the 2013 movie, Elysium, consisted of leg and back supports. Motors were installed at the knees and the hips, so it had full mobility.

However, the exoskeleton in the movie was not simply a mechanical structure but a set of mechanisms controlled by the brain. By implanting biochips into the brain, the movement of the mechanical exoskeleton was controlled by nerve conductors.

In simple terms, once this equipment was put on, it was difficult to take off. Although it was more hidden, it was still inadequate.

There was no need to rate this one. Pass, right away.

Predator Killer came from the movie, The Predator (2018). This armor appeared at the end of the movie, kept in the escape pod by the Fugitive Predator. The human doctor in the story said that this was a weapon the Fugitive Predator gave to humans.

Nonetheless, some interpreted that this armor was originally used by the Fugitive Predator itself, only its ship was destroyed and fell to Earth.

Still, the name Predator Killer gave a clear indication of its function, which seemed to fit the first interpretation.

This suit of armor was usually just a glossy, black armguard but once activated, it would quickly cover the user’s body just like Iron Man’s Mark V, becoming a fully protective defensive armor.

Although the audience only got a glimpse of it in the movie, anyone could sense the massive destructive power of this suit.

Chen Chen considered all this and wrote below Predator Killer: defense unknown, combat power unknown, endurance unknown, 10 points for portability, and 10 points for daily use.

Whether in terms of portability or daily use, it got full marks.

Very good. This could be a possible alternative.

Chen Chen nodded and looked at the last option.

Gantz Suit was from the 2011 Japanese movie, Gantz, a combat suit worn by the movie’s characters. However, unlike the other armors, it was one without any metal structures at all.

To Chen Chen’s understanding, the operating principle of Gantz Suit was likely similar to the “shear thickening fluid” in bulletproof vests.

This shear thickening fluid was a nanoparticle solvent in a solid-liquid mixed state. It was usually in liquid form but upon any form of impact, it would quickly become incomparably solid.

To put it simply, the shear thickening fluid was usually in a state where the particles did not interfere with each other. However, once it was impacted, it would cause the particles to collide violently and become solid for a short time. Furthermore, it was able to spread the impact force to its surroundings and reduce the damage to the lowest point.

After Gantz Suit suffered a blow that exceeded its limit, a lot of liquid would flow out. This undoubtedly mirrored the characteristics of “shear thickening fluid”. Even so, the liquid in Gantz Suit was much more advanced than shear thickening fluid.

This was because Gantz Suit not only provided resistance to attacks but they also increased the physical fitness of the wearer.

3 points for defense, 2 points for combat power, 10 points for endurance, 10 points for portability, and 10 points for daily use.

After thinking about it, Chen Chen added another sentence at the end – PS: 10 points for concealment, could be worn at any time, regardless of time and place.

This final point was the most vital.

However, Chen Chen seemed to recall that the combat suit in Gantz could only be worn by a specific individual. He did not know how that worked or whether it could be bypassed.

The above items were all protective armors that Chen Chen had estimated to be below 100kg in weight. Of course, others were over 100kg such as the AMP Suit in Avatar, the Jaeger in Pacific Rim plus District 9, Real Steel, and so on.

However, all these either had energy limits or were too large, so they did not meet Chen Chen’s requirements.

Having considered all this, Chen Chen could not help making a thoughtful expression:

Predator Killer and Gantz Suit — which one should he choose?

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