
Volume 2, 3

Volume 2, Chapter 3

Part 1

The former Australia – Northern Territory.

It was a wasteland of red clay color that was once called Uluru Kata Tjuta national park.

There existed a rocky mountain standing calmly even now in that place where its vegetation had been burned to nothing by Typhon’s flame.

Ayers Rock.

The second largest slab of rock on the surface of earth.

Three days after the negotiation with the fairy. Receiving the sunlight of the sun that was setting down beyond the horizon, two shadows were stretching down on top of that rocky mountain which was shining like a ruby.

Those shadows were the <Evil God User> Kamishiro Homura, and his grimoire that was also his weapon, the avatar of <Liber Legis>.

“Uu―. Even so it’s really cold here...”

While sitting cross-legged on top of the rocky mountain, Homura’s body trembled from the blowing wind of the wasteland.

Looking at him like that, the avatar of <Liber Legis>, a girl that Homura called as Vel, gave him a candid advice.

“The southern hemisphere is right now in winter, it’s only natural to get that cold being on top of a rocky mountain in the middle of a wasteland where there is nothing like this. Master should be wearing thick clothes before coming here.”

“That’s okay. I’m gonna exercise anyway after this.”

“Will it even become an exercise?”

“...More or less. After all those three <Demon King class> named cotton or Evang○ion or something has far more powerful magic power compared to Typhon or Jambure just from seeing the image that Elfiena brought.”

“I think they are called <Gyges> <Kottos> <Aegaeon> though.”

“That’s it, yeah. That’s what I’m saying.”

The reason these two were here was only one.

It was in order to meet the <Giant Army>―the troops of the demon world that consisted of a million soldiers and three demon kings that Elfiena said would appear here.

While Homura imagined the sight of a demon army that was going to completely blanket this wasteland before long, he recalled the way to kill the three demon kings who led this <Giant Army> that he heard from Elfiena after that negotiation.

{The three demon kings that are commanding the <Giant Army>, <Gyges> <Kottos> <Aegaeon> are demon kings where even each one of them are possessing a great power, but they also have a unique trump card that other demon kings don’t have. That trump card is, [combination].

By using [combination], the three demon kings can change into an even more gigantic form, into a giant called <Hecatoncheires> with size that pierced the sky.

It can be said that this form is exactly their true form.

It is said that their strength jumps up by dozens of times compared to before they combined.

But, what is even more troublesome than their strength is their immortality where they can immediately regenerate from no matter what kind of attack. Those three demon kings when they are taking the form of <Hecatoncheires> will possess three hearts inside that giant body, but if even one of those three hearts still remained, they can recover their body to the original condition just in an instant. Of course, that recovery also includes the other damaged hearts.

In other words the way to defeat <Hecatoncheires> is to destroy the three hearts at the same time.

And then the essential location of the hearts, <Gyuges>’s heart is in the right chest. It seems that <Kottos>’s heart is in the left shoulder. But... even I don’t know about the position of the last heart of <Aegaeon>. In the first place this information was obtained by demon king Asmodeus of <Scripture of DarknessAvesta>, one of the four great forces. That demon king was the one who drove off the <Giant Army> from the demon world and discovered this information when he cornered <Hecatoncheires>, but before he could see through the last heart’s location <Hecatoncheires> managed to escape. ...Forgive me for being unable to be of any use.}

―The point was he needed to search for the location of the last heart by himself.

It was extremely troublesome.

“Master has figured out the location?”

“There is no way I know already. After all in the first place I never even seen what kind of guy this <Hecatoncheires> is. But well, we know the location of two hearts already, so it’ll work out somehow. There ain’t any life sphere in Australia, there is also no other magicians around so we can just move around anywhere.”

Just with that Homura’s freedom of battle had greatly changed.

It was a fact that was really a great help for Homura. Most of all,

“The compensation for that is Sumika and the others are now in a place where my eyes cannot reach, but... I’ve left the preparation for the worst case to Shiori, and that girl Sumika is also an S-rank magician anyway. Surely she will be fine even if a <Special Missionary> came out. Rather, she even said things like [surpassing me in one year], so she at least should be able to handle this much right.”

While making a mean smile, Homura turned to the direction of Japan and murmured.

But toward that murmur,

“Don’t expect anything from that woman.”

Suddenly, Vel who was at his side cut in with a piercing sharp tone.

“What d’you mean by that?”

Homura’s expression was a little surprised from Vel’s thorny words and asked back the concrete meaning of what she said.

On the other hand Vel answered with still the same tone that made him feel hostility towards Sumika from it.

“That woman was saying things like standing side by side with master, but there is no way she can do that. Sooner or later those girls will be left behind unable to follow. Because, there is no way a human exists that can accompany Master’s battle. That’s already something completely decided already when you held me in your hands after all. That’s why don’t believe those kind of words. It’s just nonsense of riffraff that can do nothing except being protected by master. Something like [comrade] will only hurt Master deeply again, they are nothing more than a nightmare.”

And then Vel brought her body near to Homura and affectionately kissed his cheek.

“The only one that can follow Master is only me. It’s fine to not expect anything from humans.”


So was it jealousy towards Sumika and the others?

Did she speak ill of Sumika’s determination due to that?

―That was not it.

Homura was not that foolish to make such a misunderstanding after looking at the sincere eyes of Vel right now.

The girl was worrying about him from the bottom of her heart. About Homura putting hope in Sumika.

The <Book Burning Corps> that once existed.

It was because she was the closest one who witnessed the sadness of Homura when he lost his comrades there.

Yes. Homura’s strength was abnormal, heretically so.

It was not in a domain where one could catch up just by thinking of wanting to catch up.

That was why, from the beginning it was an impossible talk. Something like obtaining an equal [comrade].

Someday everyone would be gone.

Unable to follow the level of battle of the world Homura lived in, they would die leaving Homura alone.

Because <Liber Legis> that bestowed strength to Homura knew that better than anyone, she felt apprehension for Homura holding expectations from Sumika’s words. She didn’t want him lamenting an unfulfilled dream for the second time.

―Homura guessed that feeling of Vel and stroked her head through the girl’s hat to relieve her.

“I told you don’t worry. I’m not expecting anything.”


“How no one can come close to me, the one who understands that the best is me after all.”

That was why there was no way he was holding expectations. He didn’t even think of wanting to hope. It was just―

“But, there is also something to be happy for. That feeling of Sumika who sympathizes with me. A human that seriously said they are going to try to reach me, until now there wasn’t even a single one like that. That’s why I’ll at least cheer her on. Even if she gonna give up someday, let her test herself until she can understand that result. ―For the time being, we are gonna crush those guys making a pass at this world.”

That was the minimal gratitude of Homura towards Sumika who said to him she was going to be his equal. Toward those words,

“...If it’s like that, then that’s good.”

Vel closed her eyes in relief and she leaned on Homura’s body.

She was letting Homura know that she was right beside him with her warmth snuggling up to him.

And then, feeling the deep affection of his partner like that for a while―


Suddenly, the sun sunk into the horizon and the sky darkened.

The burning red of twilight vanished away and the wasteland was enveloped in dim darkness.

The change visited exactly at that boundary of afternoon and night.

“――They came.”

A pronounced shadow spread on the wasteland before their eyes.

It blotted. It stained. Until beyond the horizon.

That shadow which was even blacker than the darkness of night was in a vague shape like a heat haze in the beginning, but in the blink of an eye its contour was becoming definite.

What materialized, was an army of demons armed in steel.

Goblin, orc, baphomet, dullahan, minotaurs―

From <Soldier class> until <General class>, various races were mixing in, they lined up from one end of the wasteland spreading in front of the eye until the other end, a large army of a million.

And then in the middle of the dusk, that army appearing before Homura’s eyes, without a single exception among them, all of them directed red eyes glaring with hostility towards Homura.

“...This is incredible huh. For this many to come, ain’t this a superb view even for hell.”

But, even receiving gazes filled with hostility from all one million demons, there was not even a speck of nervousness in Homura’s voice.

He talked like admiring the sight of a great view and then he averted his gaze from the army as if losing interest.

The destination of his gaze were the three conspicuously gigantic humanoids that stood in the center of the army.

Correct. Just against <General class> at best, for Homura it was no problem for him even if there were several millions of them.

They were nothing more than garbage mob.

The one who could possibly become his enemy were only three demons even among this large army―

The giant with a thin body of height that was conspicuous even among the three, that might reach a kilometer, <Gyges>.

The giant with a symmetrical body as if the statue of David was enlarged as it was, <Kottos>.

And then the giant whose stature was the shortest among the three yet possessing presence from its fatness that was like a barrel, <Aegaeon>.

Each of them was dressed like a gladiator of old, the three <Demon King class>.

Presences that distorted their surrounding scenery, and magic powers that even Homura who was originally completely insensitive to it could clearly feel, made Homura’s expression tensed.


It was also to a phenomenal degree.

If compared to these three, even demon kings like Typhon and Jambure wouldn’t have a big difference with the riffraff crawling like worms under their feet.

“Certainly, this looks like it’ll be a good exercise.”


And then, it was not only Homura who recognized the threat of the enemy before the eyes.

The three demon kings were also sensing a definite threat from the human that was like a grain of rice sitting on top of the rocky mountain.


{ { {―――――――――――――} } }

The three demon kings yelled something simultaneously.

With voices that couldn’t be heard as anything but rumbles that a human like Homura couldn’t discern.

That voice, which might even reach the stars in the sky, moved the large army that was like a black carpet staining the earth.

That sight was even like a tsunami surging forward.

{Kill! Kill the human magician!}

{Idiot guy! Loitering alone like that, just die!}

{This world is ours from now on! Stand our glag on that mountain!}

Among the roars of several dozens of tens of thousands feet kicking the ground and several dozens of tens of thousands wings flapping, hoarse voices saying such things could be heard even in Homura’s ears.

“I see. Because there are various races of demon so they use [Concept Translation] to communicate intention. Thanks to that now I understand reaa―lly well just how much they’re spouting bullshit as they please.”

But on the other side the three Demon Kings didn’t move.

They were merely looking down fixedly on Homura in observation.

Were they just inciting the small fries in order to measure his strength?

Or else because they were thinking that they could crush him to death using the superiority in number?

No matter which one it was―

“They’re really looking down on me.”

It was stupid to take on all this riffraff one by one.

That was why Homura closed his eyes and chanted that spell.

It was the words exchanged towards the <Evil GodGreat Old One> that lurked at the abyss of the heart of all living beings―

Listen to my voice o the mockingly laughing person at the depth of all consciousness

The seething stars shine brilliantly in blasphemy informing thy the time of destiny

The teaching father of the other side of the wall o the person that tempt towards degeneration

Whisper to demon kidnap to immorality

Thy doctrine dig up and expose the truth of this world that is colored by this deceit

Inside the condensed instant, the ritual prayer was gently etched like singing praise.

The world distorted as if hailing that prayer.

The space behind Homura whirled like a vortex twisting and squashing flexibly.

And then from inside the vortex of colors that were mixing sloppily, a certain color was oozing out.

Muddy white.

It was a polluting white that painted out the curving scenery.

Before long the whirling space began to rotate in the reverse direction as if rewinding back.

And then the vortex whirled in reverse and when the scenery returned to usual,

―At Homura’s back, a humanoid that was not there before was standing.

It was a headless body of the stature around 5 meters, bloating softly and flabbily white completely like a drowned body.

That hard to describe shape that would make one hesitate to look straight at it was exactly―

“Invite from the back. ―<God of Corruption> Y’golonac.”

It was the figure of malice and hatred that lived in the hearts of all creation.

Part 2

Tokyo life sphere?the seventh administration district.

At the state guest house that was located in a conspicuously high building at the old Akasaka, the 101st platoon’s members except Homura were gathering.

Each of them were completely armed, with their bodies wrapped with their <Magi’s Jacket>.

The reason was of course, to protect the <Fairy Queen> Elfiena.

“Looks like it started.”

Onjouji Shiori, the <Operator> of the 101st that boasted enemy searching ability that was far removed from common sense whispered from the south-facing window of the room where Elfiena was confined while staring at the low hanging cloudy sky.

Nobody at that place needed to be told to understand what she meant by happening.

“I wonder if Master is okay...”

“Shiori-san. Do you understand the detail of the battle situation?”

Asked by Sumika, Shiori made a mean smile widely.

“First move, Y’golonac.”

She said it as if whispering into Sumika’s ear.

Sumika’s expression distorted from unpleasant feeling hearing the name of that <evil god>.

It was because she who was deeply knowledgeable about <evil god> knew really well just what kind of god it was.

“...He called out something unbelievable just because there is nobody around didn’t he?”

“Y’go, what? This is also the same <evil god> like the giant skeleton the other day?”

“Yes. It’s the same <Great Old One> like Ithaqua that Homura-san summoned that time at the battle with Jambure. Its power is not as great as Ithaqua, but if it’s about nastiness then this one is far above. Also it’s fine to not remember its name. Even if you remember it please don’t recklessly say out its name. If a human without any preparation said out its name then it won’t end well for them.”

“Eh, wh, what will happen?”

“After one thing or another they will die.”

“After one thing or another!?”

“The point is that each person will reach that end through different processes, but in the end everyone will be ruined all the same.”

“Sc, scary-“

“Those evil gods are mostly like that. It seems that Homura-san controls them with his extraordinary power and self-control, but they originally are not existences that are the allies of humanity.”

After Sumika warned Chikori who held an interest to the name of the <God of Corruption>, she then thought.

She was wondering just why did Homura summon Y’golonac.

Just as she explained to Chikori before, Y’golonac was not a god that possessed that powerful of a power.

As the first hand against a large army, wasn’t it a little insufficient in power.


(Wait. Large army? Come to think of it...)

“Say, Elfiena-san.”

Suddenly Sumika, who obtained a flash of inspiration, called out to Elfiena, who was sitting still on the sofa quietly with a nervous expression.

“Yes. What is it?”

“When you explained about the state of affairs of the demon world, you said that powerful clans in each territory repeatedly fought each other, weeding out and absorbing each other many times over, until it became four giant forces in the end, isn’t that right? Is the <Giant Army> also one of the clans that did something like that?”

“Yes. Just as you said. At the beginning the <Giant Army> was just like the name imlplied, they were an army of the giant race with <Gyges> <Kottos> <Aegaeon> as the head of the race, but currently, they had absorbed a great number of tribes and became a mixed army.”

“...I see.”

Hearing that answer, Sumika understood the reason why Homura summoned Y’golonac as his first move.

And then at the same time, she also admired Homura’s wisdom that wouldn’t overlook even the slightest information.

Certainly, it was the best possible first move.

(So it seems there is no need to worry about Homura-san.)

Rather than that, they should worry more about themselves.

And just when Sumika reconsidered so, it was right at that time.

“―Leader. It looks like our side will also start soon.”

Shiori informed her so with a serious expression.

The girl’s sensing had caught the enemy’s presence heading to this state guest house.

“Two large-type vehicles going up the hill in front of the state guest house. There are multiple magic power reactions from the inside.”

“So they came...! The number?”

“Wait. I am now counting.”

At the same time with those words, a mission map of the overhead view of one kilometer around this state guest house was displayed at the field of vision of Sumika and Chikori.

From the information of the structure detail of the building until the enemy’s accurate position, on top of that the magic power amount possessed by the enemy and even the rank of the magicians listed from the highest to the lowest, all of those were displayed. It was Shiori’s original work, a super high precision battle control sorcery ―<Oracle>.

Looking at the battlefield that was visualized by <Oracle>, certainly it was just like Shiori said, there were red light dots countlessly overlapping each other climbing the long hill road in front of the state guest house with fierce speed.

When the eyesight was focused at the overlapping markers, the map automatically displayed detailed numbers of the marker.

The number was 43 in total.

Magicians who was scarce in number even at the best of times wouldn’t take group action in this many a number meaninglessly.

There was no doubt, they were enemies aiming for Elfiena.

“Furthermore at the very least they are skilled B-rank magicians. Perhaps during these three days they were calling <Paladins> from their own country.”

And then, the markers of the enemies kept climbing the hill with fierce speed―

- GASHAAN!!!!*

Raising a loud voice, they broke through the barred gate of the state guest house right from the front.

“My, how bold. They drove into her altogether with the bus.”

“They are really confident to come right from the front without hiding.”

“I had shown my battle control system <Oracle> in the battle with Jambure, so I guess it made them give up on a surprise attack right from the start.”

“I see. Certainly if it’s like that then rather than poorly dividing their force, it’s better for them to charge in right from the front as a whole. So the other side is also not altogether stupid then.”

“...They are really, breaking the promise aren’t they?”

Suddenly, Elfiena whose face was gloomy all this time leaked out her voice talking to herself.


There was a deep dejection in that voice.

It was understandable. Even though she had fulfilled her promise to give the information of the demon kings and accepted the house arrest in the state guest house, but the human race’s side had broken the promise one-sidedly.

Sumika gave consoling words towards Elfiena who was feeling dejected like that.

“Elfiena-san. Just like there are various kinds of demons that exist in the demon world, there are also various kinds of humans. That’s why... please don’t think that all humans are like them. Besides, even if the <Holy Path Church> and the <United World Government> break their promises, since Homura-san who is none other than the <Evil God User> had said that he will protect you, he will without fail protect not just Elfiena-san, but also all the fairies that will come later on. That’s why please be relieved.”

Her words were filled with a strong conviction.

That was because Sumika knew, that the biggest reason the <United World Government> could stand in superior position against the <Evil God User>, the <Aureole> was only a rusted chain that Homura could tear apart anytime he felt like it.

Hearing those words, although there was still a little shadow left in her expression, but it made Elfiena recover her smiling face.

“Yes. I understand. ...Besides it’s not only <Evil God User>-sama, but Sumika-san and Chikori-san and others are also protecting me right now like this. I’m not going to come to hate all of you humans from this.”

“Hearing that makes it worth it for us to do our best like this.”

She returned a smile at Elfiena’s words which was filled with gratitude, then Sumika once again took a look at the mission map.

After the enemy broke through the barred gate, the bus stopped at the garden of the state guest house and they began to form their ranks.

It was only a matter of time before they charged.

(...Right, if Homura-san can just return back, Elfiena-san and the others will be absolutely safe then.)

Then Sumika felt the problem was rather in this moment right now.

The reason was that Homura right now was in the southern hemisphere. He was right at the other side of the earth.

Of course, they couldn’t expect reinforcements or the like. They had to protect Elfiena from the approaching hostility only with the power of the 101st platoon.

The enemy was a <Special Missionary> that was famous even as the greatest battle strength of the <Holy Path Church>.

Among the enemy battle force that was displayed in <Oracle>, the marker that emitted a conspicuously strong light was indicating [A-rank].

If only talking about rank, Sumika was the superior one, but she too had heard a rumor regarding the <Special Missionary>.

Demon hunters under direct control of the <Holy Path Church>.

There was a high possibility that they were in possession of a trump card that normal magicians didn’t have.

She could easily imagine this would be a harsh battle.

(―But, even so I’ll show that I can do this. ...Because)

If she couldn’t protect this single weak woman, who didn’t have any power or weapon yet still crossed over to the human world with the preparedness to die for the sake of her comrades, there was no way she could catch up to Homura.

“So, what should we do Leader?”

“For the time being, we are hiding until the enemy detects us.”

The state guest house was spacious, there were also countless rooms here.

Furthermore, anticipating an attack, Sumika had twisted the space everywhere in the building, reconstructing the internal structure like a labyrinth. As long as the enemy didn’t have a super precise skill for searching enemies, then it should take more than half a day just to reach this room.

“But, what will we do in the case we are detected?”

“At that time of course we will make our resistance to the bitter end. However―”

Sumika met Shiori’s eyes and talked while returning answer to the question.

“Chikori-san and I have determined our hearts, but we don’t have any intention to force Shiori-san to go along with it. I’m thankful to you for just helping us in enemy searching, so it’s fine even if Shiori-san withdraws from here while you still can. Rather, I think that if you are going to escape, then now is the last chance.”

This was something that she had to say as the leader of the 101st.

Because this battle was not a legitimate duty of a trainee platoon.

However Shiori shook her head towards this recommendation of Sumika.

“Fufu. ...Well, certainly, I’m not as motivated as much as you two. But it’s fine. I will also remain here. Because I have been asked by Homura-kun to help everyone.”

“Is it fine?”

“Rejecting the request of the man that you love is not what a good woman does.”

“Waa...! Shiori-san, how adult......!”

“My my-. So <Evil God User>-sama and Shiori-sama are lovers?”

“No. Unfortunately this is just a one-sided feeling. It’s just something from far in the past.”

Chikori and Elfiena had their cheeks reddened from Shiori’s bold statement.

Making a sidelong glance to the two who were like that, Sumika recalled that in the end she couldn’t ask about the past of Homura and Shiori because of the various commotions since that day at the sea.

But this was not a topic that should be talked about right now.

Sumika decided in her heart to try to ask once more when this battle ended,

“Understood. If Shiori-san is going to back us up then it’s really reassurin―”

Right at that moment when she was going to welcome Shiori’s participation.

A chill.

The chill that suddenly ran through her spine made Sumika’s heart leap.

Sumika knew well of that sensation.

It was the danger signal brought about by the Hero Skill of the <Gun Saint> Billy the Kid that she was contracted with, the <Back Sniper> which foresighted the cause and effect and detected attacks coming from blind spots with 100% accuracy.

“Everyone get downnnnn!!!!”

“ “ “–―......!?” ” ”

Even while the three who were in that place felt surprise from Sumika’s sudden yell, they immediately understood about the danger that was approaching them.

Less than a second after Sumika’s <Back Sniper> activation.

<Oracle> detected magic power attack stretching out straightforwardly piercing through the wall of the state guest house, heading to the room they were in from the enemy formation.

But, Sumika’s movement was faster than the arrival of that attack because of the foresight of the cause and effect.

She wasted no time to warn the other three and leaped in front of the wall of the room where she guessed [that] would come, before she deployed <Magic BarrierProtection>.

And then, the next instant, the wall was pierced through and a magic power bombardment that shined scarlet crashed into the barrier that Sumika deployed, everything was just like what her instincts had told her.

The scarlet flash that was filled with a definite intent to kill made the barrier creak with tremendous power.

However, the one who deployed this barrier was Hoshikawa Sumika.

A magician of the highest class where there were only ten among the human race.

It was not something that would break so quickly, the flash was blocked by the barrier, it was sliding on the surface of the barrier and got scattered to the side.

Even though the flash gouged and destroyed everything all over the room, but it couldn’t bring a single harm to the target that was Elfiena and vanished before long.

“As expected from Leader. To detect the attack even faster than me like that. But I wonder how can they know our location here. I cannot imagine that the other side has an <Operator> at the same level as me but...”

Even though they should not be detected, but an attack accurately came to their position.

Shiori expressed her doubt just how that could happen.

But, her voice didn’t enter Sumika’s ear.

The reason was―

(The technique just now... don’t tell me......-!)

The worst premonition filled Sumika’s thought completely.

“Strategy change! Since we became unable to hole ourselves here, we can only repel the enemy! Chikori-san, please come together with me! Shiori-san, I ask you to stay here as Elfiena-san’s guard-!”

“Le, Leader!?”

Giving that order without even hearing back the reply, Sumika then leaped out from the hole that was gouged in the room.

And then she passed straight through the tunnel that was made from the piercing crimson flash and came outside.

There, Sumika knew that her worst premonition was right on the mark.

“...As I thought.”

An accurate attack even without searching the enemy beforehand.

Such thing was normally impossible.

But it was possible if an abnormal power was used.

For example, a demonic lance that would pierce the enemy without fail just by thrusting it.

If such thing could be used, then no matter how much distance there was or how the figure of the enemy was unseen, none would matter.

After all that lance piercing the enemy was already an established destiny.

And then Sumika knew one person that was like that.

A person that was bestowed with the divine protection of a hero wielding a demonic lance that would pierce even the whole army.

“...I never thought that you will come, Lily.”

Among the group armored with present day armor and helmets, lining up with their backs towards the setting sun―

A sister of familiar red hair that Sumika knew really well, standing with an <Arms> of lance-type in hand.

With an awful face as if she had been crying throughout the night.

Part 3

Sumika had come out into the open space in front of the state guest house from the hole that was gouged by <Gae Bolg>.

Seeing the figure of that girl, the heart of Lily Hoegaarden was enveloped in pain as if it was being squeezed.

“...I never thought, for you of all people to conspire with demons...”

Three days before, she was suddenly summoned by Alfaro and told that her best friend was hiding a demon. All this time she had told herself that it was all lies, that Sumika wouldn’t do something like that.

That Sumika, her best friend, she wouldn’t sell her soul to demons.

Despite so―


She wanted this to be just a bad dream.

She was going to fall to her knees on the spot from great despair.

But, even so Lily gritted her teeth, she endured the weeping that was going to leaked out from her opened mouth, and asked Alfaro who was standing behind her.

“...Father. You remember the promise right?”

Listening to Lily’s question, Alfaro nodded with a smile that was like a kind Buddha.

“Of course. Naturally I remember, Sister Lily. If you suppress that girl, then putting the name of <Special Missionary> on the line, I will once more grant a chance for her to explain herself in front of god. God, too, doesn’t wish to lose an excellent magician like her. Besides... the child is mistaken. If she reflected on her wrongdoings and repents, then surely god will forgive her without fail.

The one who has to be blamed is not your best friend.

But the <Evil God User> and the demons that are deceiving her.”

(―Yes. Exactly. Sumika is just being deceived.)

That <Evil God User> was taking advantage of Sumika’s heart that was exhausted due to the tragedy of <Walpurgis Night> to curry favor to her.

Just as she thought, she had to lead her friend back even if she had to use force.


Lily recalled the battle with Jambure.

What she had seen there... the figure of a grotesque god splitting the sky.

(A man that is obeyed by such an ugly monster, there is no way that such a person can be someone respectable!)

And then sure enough, the <Evil God User> finally revealed his true colors. He was trying to migrate demons of all things onto this star where the children of god, mankind, were living.

Furthermore, he made her best friend to help him.

It was something unforgivable.

She would absolutely never forgive this.

“My deepest gratitude for this generous consideration.”

She would save Sumika without fail.

With that determination in her chest, Lily gripped her demonic spear tightly. [1]

Alfaro nodded in satisfaction from seeing that appearance of Lily.

“Now! Prepare your weapons, o the devout vanguards of god!

The only people in this place are the demon and the renegades that guides that demon!

There is no need for any mercy!

The scheme of the demons who are trying to stain this holy star, will be crushed by us the faithful!

Divine Punishment?execute――–!!!!”


Along with those war cries, the self-proclaimed vanguards of god, the <Paladins>, faced the state guest house that was protected by the 101st platoon all at once, and charged.

Part 4

Homura’s and Sumika and others’ battles started at almost the same time.

During that time, the side where something big happened first was Homura’s side.

Responding to Homura’s summon and appearing from the abyss, was a whitely bloated body without the neck of a giant.

The <God of Corruption> Y’golonac slowly lifted up its fat arms, and directed its palms towards the black tsunami that even now was going to swallow Homura altogether with Ayers Rock.

Looking carefully, there was a mouth lined up disorderedly with teeth on both opened palms.

{█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █}

Those mouths raised sticky voices crunchingly while beginning to open and close restlessly.

As if they were cursing. As if they were laughing mockingly.

Perhaps because those mouths didn’t have vocal cords, the voice was nothing like sound.

However, even so the voice of that person was audible to everything that was in that place.

And then―a change immediately came.



{Shut up! Just because you are the leader, you are always, always just acting big from the safe place! I’ll kill trash like you!}

Suddenly, voices of dispute could be heard from inside the approaching black tsunami, and then friendly fire was starting.

But it didn’t stop in just one place.

{Just why do I have to fight together with the bunch that destroyed my country!}

{You think I don’t know! You bastards insulted me behind my back!}

{I want to vomit when I look at you! Your ugly face makes me vomit!}

{Your breath stinks, die you lizard asshole!}

Quarrels was spreading through the whole army that was cramming the land until the end of the earth in the blink of an eye.

It was as if everyone was forgetting about Homura, they stopped their charge and killed each other with the comrades in front of them.

Before long they finally,

{Besides just why do we have to come here to the human world! Even though I didn’t want to leave from the demon world!}

{Everything is the fault of <Hecatoncheires> that dare to return nonchalantly like that even though he lost to <Asmodeus>!}

{Even though he is just a loser dog, he keeps acting big!}

{That’s right, everything is because of <Hecathoncheires>!}

{Just who is going to follow a failure that lost and escaped from the demon world! Kill him right here, I’ll be the king!}


The black tsunami went away from Homura like a pulling back tide, and then of all things they revolted against the three demon kings that were leading them.

Perhaps the demon kings were confused from the sudden happening, they were raising voices that seemed to try to regain control, however the momentum of the army didn’t weaken even for a little.

But it was only natural.

This was exactly the disgusting power of the <Great Old One> Y’golonac that Sumika said.

Driving up malice, fanning hatred, a god of corruption that guided people to destruction.

People, whose ears were whispered to by this person, as long as they didn’t have a considerable self-restraint, they would become unable to control the hatred inside them and their reasoning would crumble. And then they would transform into a rampaging existence following their malice.

Of course, now that it had become like this there was no way to take command of the demons.

And then it was even truer for something like the <Giant Army> that grew large by absorbing a great number of tribes and was united by strength.

Just with his first move, Homura completely overturned the superiority of numbers on this battlefield.

He didn’t reduce the number by killing, but turned the enemy troops mad without leaving a single one sane.

The demons were already unable to hear even the voices of their masters.

They were just merely attacking their masters following the intense emotion inside themselves, they bit at the demon kings and covered them completely.

With number and weight, the demons crept up from the feet of the gigantic demon lords, little by little.

Before long the black army completely covered the demon lords until their heads, making the three giant bodies fall to the ground in a heap.

And then the demon kings that fell down on the ground were further crowded by the innumerable demons.

All the surface of the bodies of the demon kings were already completely covered by the wriggling black dots, they were lost from Homura’s sight.

The sight was like ants gathering on a corpse.


“Are they dead?”

“If that’s the case then that’s great. ―Well, as expected, it won’t be that easy though.”

Homura narrowed his eyes while quietly putting his right hand forward, then he deployed a barrier of <Ancient MarkElder Sign> to protect himself and Vel.

Instantly, explosion came from the demon kings’ bodies that were turned into small black mountains.

The explosion was made from blood and flesh.

Hundreds of thousands of demons that swarmed the demon lords’ bodies were blown away to pieces like scrap rags.

The force and fierceness made a rain of flesh bits and blood drops pour even until the place where Homura was, several dozen kilometers from the demon kings, staining Homura’s barrier and Ayers Rock with blood.

And then inside that oppressive bloody mist ―that, was standing.

Slowly, from the center of the explosion of flesh and blood.

Was that the three demon kings?


The standing up giant shadow, was several times larger than them.

That form, was exactly far larger than even the highest peak of earth, Mount Everest... an ogre.

“Awesome. If it’s just the size then it’s bigger then even Ithaqua. The head looks blurred from here see...”

Matching the three overlapping pulsations that shook the atmosphere, a gold-copper skin that faintly shined from the twilight.

The big frame of the upper body that would pierce the clouds if there were any in the sky had countless arms growing from it, then there were several faces that looked enraged from its neck till the chest.

And then on the neck there was a head with a noticeably giant horn growing from it, both the eyeballs in it looked exactly like stars of the sky from its height that looked hazy from the ground. The eyes were looking down on its own army that was crawling on the ground.

Correct. This was exactly the demon king that battled for hegemony in the demon world leading the <Giant Army>, the army that brought together the [Giant race] which was one of the best battle races in the demon world. The true form of <Hecatoncheires>, the giant with fifty faces and a hundred arms.


<Hecatoncheires> that showed its true appearance raised a voice that was like the howl of the wind.

That howling voice had an indignation that could be understood even without [Concept Translation].

It was its rage towards its own army that revolted against it.

And then, it didn’t have any reason to endure that rage.

The giant demon king moved following that rage.

It slowly raised its giant leg.

And then it advanced half a step forward, and with that trifling act―

<Hecatoncheires> crushed thirty percent of the million troops that were crawling on the ground.

A bloody footstep was carved on the wasteland.

That overwhelming violence made even the army that was taken by Y’golonac’s madness shrink in fear.

The demons started to run away in all directions like baby spiders.

But <Hecatoncheires> didn’t even glance at those rabbles anymore.

The giant demon king’s glowing red eyes in the sky shined ominously like evil stars and straightforwardly―stared at Homura.

And then―


The fifty heads howled all at once.

It was a scream of rage that split the earth just from the sound pressure.

And then it swung. It grasped tightly one of the right arms that looked noticeably bigger, and pulled out a boorish giant sword that looked as if it was made out of a split mountain.


“I know.”

The blade was swung down while literally splitting the sky into two.

It was a strong sword that would pulverize the human body into dust just from the wind pressure that was raised from it.

Even Homura was not an exception against that.

But facing that overwhelming violence, he didn’t show any nervousness or hesitation at all.

He calmly embraced Vel beside him in his arm and used <Teleport>, instantly moving from to the sky from atop Ayers Rock.

He slipped through the slash just in time.

Yes. Homura was not an exception only if it hit.

No matter how much power it had, it was meaningless if it didn’t hit.

It was meaningless, but――


The next moment, a fatal sound of destruction right from below that they never heard until now stole the gaze of even Homura.

Of all thing, <Hecatoncheires>’ strong sword split into two the Ayers Rock where Homura stood before and also Y’golonac that he summoned, and it didn’t stop there ―with just one blade, the land of the Australian continent was smashed open until far beyond the horizon.

“The, the continent is, splitting-!?”

Vel that was floating beside Homura opened her eyes wide from the much too abnormal destructive power.

It was understandable.

After all the number of people that possessed this much destructive power could be counted by hand even among the existences of the <Evil Gods>.

She surely felt it.

That <Hecatoncheires> was a powerful demon king that couldn’t even be compared against Typhon or Jambure.


“Don’t get distracted. The next one is coming!”


The fierce attack of <Hecatoncheires> was not stopping there.

In no time after the sword miss the target, the fifty mouths opened―


Along with a piercing cry that tore the ear, beams made up from magic power energy were fired.

Flashes like white lightning rained down. Homura grasped the scruff of the neck of the dumbfounded Vel and soared right and left in the sky, evading the beams as if weaving through them.

The fifty beams fell to the ground without even grazing Homura, twinkling explosions were produced in the darkness and transfigured the continent below Homura’s eyes including Ayers Rock into bright red lava from the heat.


Homura clicked his tongue from looking at the state of the desolated wasteland that was trampled down by strength back into the primeval earth.

“Just because this is not the hometown of you bastard ain’t you rampaging too much here. Are you a yankee that goes wild on a field trip! ―Vel!”


Vel whose name was called took action just as Homura wished without being told.

Her human form crumbled into pieces of paper and danced in the wind.

And then the pieces of paper gathered in Homura’s both hands as if being sucked―

The shape transformed into two black handguns.

Homura clutched the <Liber Legis> that transformed into two handguns and put his fingers on the triggers,

“The power of the sparkling golden sun exercise authority and destroy the impurity with the world destroying conflagration of light”

While chanting the spell, he aimed at the giant demon that was so big the tips of its head was blurred and fired rapidly.

The aim was of course, the weak points that Elfiena told him.

The right chest and left shoulder where the hearts were located.

Homura couldn’t handle a gun as skilled as Sumika, but with a target this big there was no way he could miss.

But, would a large mountain shake just by driving a stake into it?


The giant <Hecatoncheires> was also the same.

With a bullet that was fired from the gun of the size that a human hand could hold, it wouldn’t even pierce through its skin.

Even in the case that the bullet pierced through, it was just like being stung by a fly.

Surely it wouldn’t feel any pain.

Correct, that was―if the bullet didn’t come from the <Evil God User> Kamishiro Homura.

{OOoo... O!?}

Instantly, <Hecatoncheires> that was proud of its body and didn’t even try to evade Homura’s bullets, trembled as if being struck by lightning.

At the same time from the left shoulder and right chest that Homura shot with his bullets, blinding light scorching twilight began to leak out.

That was the light of fire element fifth grade sorcery <Flame of OriginAncient Zero> that Homura shot along with the bullets.

Ancient Zero―energy that rivaled the sun was created inside <Hecatoncheires>’ flesh and dissolved its flesh and blood. Expression of agony appeared on all fifty of its faces without exception, before long―


Just when it raised a remarkably loud shriek, the energy that couldn’t be stored inside the flesh anymore finally broke through the skin surface and caused heat explosions at the shoulder and chest.

Wind hole was opened from its right chest that reached until its stomach, while the left shoulder was blown away from its base and its arms tore apart like trash.

Squall of blood and flesh rained down onto the ground.

But, inside that storm there was not even a flicker of flame.

The reason was―


While the bloody mist hadn’t even cleared yet, rust-colored granulation tissue gushed out like bubbles from the cross section of <Hecatoncheires>’ torn shoulder and the hole of its chest, filling out the wound in the blink of an eye, new giant arms that had no difference at all from the ones before were growing from the blown off shoulder.

The damage from <Ancient Zero> didn’t remain at all.

As expected, what Elfiena said was not a lie.

Certainly it was an absurd regeneration power.

“I might get worried if I got shown this without any information at all beforehand.”

However, Homura right now understood where the source of that regeneration power came from.

It was from the last heart.


“When it’s regenerating, the blood and magic power should be flowing from its last heart towards the damaged part. ―Vel. Can you search for it?”

Vel whose form was transformed into two handguns returned an affirmative through <mind communication> for Homura’s question.

“Somehow or other. Even now, certainly, there is magic power flowing from somewhere in its body. There is no mistake that this abnormal regeneration power is a certain [divine protection] that has its origin in magic power. If Master can destroy the hearts two more times, I think I can understand it.”

“Then I’ll leave that to you. After all, I’m bad at searching for things like that.”


After determining their battle plan like that, Homura newly created bullets of <Ancient Zero> with alchemy and loaded it into Vel’s magazine.

But, at the same time,

{......I see now. As expected you are the <Evil God User> huh...}


A low voice that was similar with basso continuo reverberating from the deep bottom of the abyss entered his earlobe.

It was a [Concept Translation] from <Hecatoncheires> that until now had never tried to exchange words with him.

{The power that defeated Typhon and Jambure... it seems that it’s not wholly a foolish rumor. ...It’s something considerable with a body that small. ...It surprised me a little.}

“...Even I’m surprised here. You can talk huh. I thought that you cannot say anything other than ‘uooouooo’.”

{I don’t feel any necessity to converse with a lower race. Even without understanding words it’s fine to just make them obey with force. ...But, ...it’s fine to even exchange words if it’s with you.}

“What’s with that? A friendship that grows from punching each other?”

{In the first place... my arrival in the human world is because of you as my objective.}


Homura’s eyes opened wide from these unexpected words of <Hecatoncheires>.

“What d’you mean by that?”

<Hecatoncheires> answered Homura’s questioning back.

The true motive of it marching to the human world. That was―

{I have no interest in a world this small... The one that holds my interest in this world is only one. The human magician that had been showed able to defeat even two demon kings of the demon world. ...You have shown me your power enough. You pass. I have no more need for an army that is only numbers... <Evil God User>. Come to the demon world as my subordinate......! And then, together with me, how about trying to control the whole demon world......!}

Correct, the reason was none other than this.

<Hecatoncheires> was not coming her to rule the human world.

In order to participate once more in the conflict for hegemony of the demon world, it came to headhunt the hero of the humans whose name resounded wide even in the demon world―the <Evil God User> Kamishiro Homura.

Hearing this even Homura was dumbfounded from a great shock,

“――...hahahaha-! Oi, oi, you serious there?”

After a while, Homura burst out laughing.

“Never thought a demon is gonna headhunt me. As expected, I never expected this development at all.”

Homura clapped and laugh from the amusing event that he couldn’t endure.

Really, it was truly a laughable story.

Even though Homura fought for humanity’s sake, even though he exorcised demons for humanity’s sake, yet despite so―

Whether it was Elfiena or <Hecatoncheires>, the evaluation of him socially was higher in the demon world than in the human world.

There was no funnier story in the world than this.


“...Well, I gotta decline though.”

Homura bluntly refused <Hecatoncheires>’ invitation.

{Why......? This world... is too cramped for you. You should know that.}

“Certainly that’s true, ...but you, you got no eyes at all. To call out to me of all things, that’s a no no, yeah. Really.”

{What are you saying... The only one who possesses power fitting for the demon world on this small planet is only you... Stop your clumsy modesty... I have properly evaluated you―}

“That ain’t my meaning, idiot.”


<Hecatoncheires>’ eyes quietly narrowed from that sudden scorn directed to it.

But Homura didn’t pay it any mind,

“A strong fellow won’t obey any fellow except one that is stronger than him. Then... there ain’t any way me that is stronger than you bastard will obey you, get it. The time when you cannot understand that already told me just what kind of decoration you have as eyes. Besides... haha-, come to the demon world? Control the demon world? That’s a laugh. You idiot cannot even see the situation. Y’think there is any way you can return back to the demon world or anywhere?

―After all, you are gonna get killed by me right here, right now.”

He replied with the greatest provocation.

Naturally <Hecatoncheires>’ voice trembled with rage from this behavior of Homura.

{............Now you said it. ......An existence that is just a speck of dust at best... saying that he is going to kill this king of the [Giant race] <Hecatoncheires>....... Don’t get conceited human......-! I don’t know how you can know about my heart somehow but......, to try to oppose me alone with that tiny body, ...know your place......-!}

<Hecatoncheires> who announced that suddenly threw away the giant rock sword that it held.


It threw away its weapon in front of the enemy.

Homura tilted his head towards this action that was in reverse from its words.

But, he soon understood what <Hecatoncheires> was going to do.

<Hecatoncheires> bended that gigantic body and thrust its giant arms and several of its additional arms to the ground.

“Don’t tell me......-“

Vel leaked out a stiff voice from the worst premonition.

And it was exactly like her premonition.


<Hecatoncheires>’ muscles in its whole body were projected out and exhibited its whole physical strength.

Instantly, together with a sound of destruction that was hard to describe ―the earth crust was torn and lifted off.

The earth crust was lifted highly above <Hecatoncheires>’ head, it was a mass of rock that was a little bigger than even an island that might reach a diameter of 10 kilometers. The <Giant Army> remnants that still barely survived even after receiving the shockwaves from the battle of Homura and <Hecatoncheires> were thrown off into the air from the momentum of being lifted up and scattered like dust.

But the demon king of giants didn’t even pay any mind towards those demons who were once its underlings.


The lifted up earth crust was thrown just like that to Homura.

Just like the legend from the time of Titanomachia, that was told in generation on the earth without titans, where a rock so gigantic to the degree it shook the earth was thrown by titans, it must have looked exactly like this.

Looking at it from the point of view of the small Homura, it was a sight that even looked like a planet falling at him.

Against this overwhelming destructive power that came from pure mass,


As expected even Homura had his expression tensed from it.

Part 5

On the other side. In front of the state guest house of the <Tokyo life sphere>.

“Open the path you renegade!”

“You think god will forgive something like this huh!”

“I, I’m stupid so I don’t understand difficult things at all...-! And I don’t want to be told that by people that can still look unconcerned even after breaking a promise!”


The straightforward hole made by sister Lily Hoegaarden’s <Gae Bolg> that went straight to the target Elfiena.

There Chikori pushed back the <Paladins> that were rushing in by herself.

The knights that entered the hole one after another were indiscriminately hit flying by Chikori to outside.

However her opponents were also <Paladins>.

They wouldn’t go down quietly just by one hit.

“You little girlll......-!”

“Doing something like this to the vanguard of god, the <Paladins>, don’t think that this is going to end well for you.”

“We will beat up our fearsomeness onto that small body...”

They woke up with bloodshot eyes and decisively charged no matter how many times.

Right now Chikori was obeying Sumika’s instruction that came from <Mind Transmission> which told her to [fight in a narrow place], she somehow fought hard by nullifying the disadvantage in numbers, but―while this tactic removed the disadvantage in numbers, the decrease of the number of enemies was slow in contrast. If her stamina ran out there would be a high possibility that Chikori would be pushed back.

Even for Sumika who was watching that situation from the side, she wanted to head there to help even for a second sooner but,

“<Gae Bolg>――–!”

The sister in front of her didn’t allow her to do that.

The spear of certain kill clad in demonic light was thrust at her.

Sumika sidestepped the thrust to evade but―

The tips of the spear instantly drew an impossible trajectory and bended in pursuit of Sumika who moved to the side.


Sumika narrowly deployed a barrier and avoided direct hit, ...however this was a feat that Sumika could do only because of her <Back Sniper>.

The <Gae Bolg> that Lily had was a power to overwrite cause and effect with its concept of certain kill.

A lance that would pierce the enemy without fail no matter where it was thrust at.

For that reason, it couldn’t be dealt with except by <Back Sniper> which foresighted that cause and effect.

Therefore until Sumika could subdue Lily, there was no way she could rush to Chikori.


“<Quick Draw>!”


She also really couldn’t manage that.

The bullet that linked cause and effect the moment it was shot, the bullet of the Hero Skill <Quick Draw> that would absolutely hit, was shot down by Lily too with her spear that was similarly driving cause and effect.

Both of them that possessed similar power were equally lacking in a decisive hand and this deadlocked situation was continuing.

“Lily, stop it already! You are being deceived! Homura-san is not an inhuman person like what you are thinking! He is always being considerate to the heart of the weak and fight for the sake of the weak! <Evil God User> being a traitor is nothing more than a false rumor spread by dirty adults in order to protect their own authority and power!”

“The one who is being deceived is you Sumika! There is no way that Father and the Pope who are the believers of god will spout out such lie! Besides, most damning of all, right now that man is really conspiring with a demon isn’t he!”

“Tha, that’s......-!”

It was also a sore point for Sumika.

Of course, she didn’t think that Elfiena was an unscrupulous demon or anything.

She was even thinking of wanting to protect her.

But, it was hard to convey this feeling to a human who didn’t know anything about Elfiena personally.

Elfiena’s courage that desperately resisted the cruel fate for the sake of her comrades, wouldn’t be understood except by the people who knew her.

“The repetitious talk is too much already. I won’t listen to Sumika’s opinion anymore. I will drag you back even by force! I don’t mind even if you hate or resent me. After all that’s the only thing that I as your best friend can give you!”

That was why Lily was naturally unstoppable.

She thrust her spear in even more fierceness, making sparks scatter between the two sides.

(She is hard to fight...-)

This was because Lily was acting with 100% good will.

She worried about Sumika from the bottom of her heart and so she tried to remonstrate her.

In reality, many of the people in the lowest rank of the <Holy Path Church> were like this girl, kind and compassionate people.

That was only natural. In this kind of ruined world, they still volunteered themselves to strive for the sake of other people, it was not something that they would do if they were not really good-natured people.

They truly believed in god with all their heart and entrusted their bodies to the church, and then because they had faith that they considered Homura hostilely just as they were told by the <Holy Path Church>.

Sumika who in the past was affiliated with the church knew that well.


Sumika had realized that the pang of conscience that Lily was currently feeling was exactly the enemy’s aim.

The reason was that the <Special Missionary> Alfaro who was the general of the enemy was making a wide vulgar smile on that face, which looked similar to a Buddha, since a while ago from watching her fight with Lily.

One could understand from looking at that smile.

He instigated her friend and stole a trump card from Sumika.

That trump card was of course the <Grim Bullet>.

<Grim Bullet> was the ace up Sumika’s sleeve where she reproduced a part of <Evil God>’s power using a representative object, that was a <Grimoire> originating from <Evil God>.

And then, although the <Evil God>’s power she used was only an extremely small part, it was not something that she could point at a friend.

Because it was a power that she hesitated too much to use even against Chikori at the mock battle before when they were doing it inside a barrier of the training field where no damage would remain afterwards because it replaced [dream] and [reality].

There was no doubt that Alfaro took notice of that and went as far as making her clash with Lily.

(But that’s naïve. He doesn’t understand the diversity of the existences called <evil god>.)

There existed among the <evil gods>.

An existence that left no damage physically at all and drove the enemy to be unable to battle.

Although, even though it left no wound but the one afflicted would become unable to move for around two weeks,

(―However, I’ve made my choice.)

She couldn’t save any single thing just by praying to god.

Then, she had to protect the things she wanted to protect with her own hands, with her own power.

Right. Just like that day, where Homura destroyed Typhon in the burning sky.

That was why―


“―-! Yaaa-!”

Sumika shot all the bullets inside her <Arms> with <Quick Draw> and jumped far away from Lily.

And then she put herself in a spot where Lily and Alfaro were in her line of fire,

“Lily. I’m sorry.”

She summoned the red binder that was the compilation of written copies of <grimoire> that she copied by herself from the other dimension.


Immediately golden wind surged out from Sumika.

The wind filled with thick magic power that could be seen by eye made Lily’s face go pale.

She understood what it was that her friend was going to do.

If she let her finished that, she was going to be defeated, she understood that too.

“I won’t let you-!”

But for Lily, she mustn’t be defeated.

In order to quickly crush Sumika’s plan, she unleashed <Gae Bolg> that had pierced the state guest house before.

But― the flash thrust that elongated out from the tip of the spear dispersed before it hit Sumika.

“Kuh-, <Protection>...! Since when!”

Sumika had the self-awareness that the moment she shot <Grim Bullet> was her biggest opening.

That was why there was no way she would shirk her preparation at that timing.

And then the match was decided in this moment. Sumika opened the binder, then without hesitation she grasped a certain ancient scripture of esoteric teachings from among the several hundred sheets of loose-leaves―

Sumika’s view was dyed red.


Flowers of blood spots suddenly bloomed in front of her eyes. Sumika stiffened from great shock.

That red burst out from the body of Lily in front of her eyes.

“――Li, Lily...?”

Countless spear of white light stuck out from Lily’s chest.

Sumika lost herself for an instant from witnessing the figure of her friend that was turned into a cruel artwork.


It became a fatal instant.

In that opening of an instant where all her thought was frozen at Lily’s condition, Alfaro who was standing behind Lily threw a lance of magic power that shined white, where it pierced the binder that was held in Sumika’s left hand.

Part 6

“Hohohoho! Hohohohohoho! I got you, I got you. That’s so easy, good heavens, how simple!”

Lily crumbled down.

Behind her Alfaro clapped his hand loudly and laughed.

Correct, from the start this was his aim.

The greatest weakness of Sumika’s greatest weapon the <Grim Bullet> was the process of manufacturing the bullet.

One should aim at that process if they wanted to destroy this trump card.

However, Sumika also understood that and naturally she had prepared countermeasure.

In the case this time she had <Protection> for that.

While she was invoking the technique, she was protected by an impregnable fortress that shut out attack from all directions.

Normally her binder couldn’t be aimed at.

―But. What if there was an [abnormality]?

For example, right, what if suddenly the friend in front of her eyes became bathed in blood and collapsed?

Obviously, Sumika’s mental condition wouldn’t be able to stay normal.

If her mind was disordered, her <Protection> would be disordered.

Alfaro decided to aim for exactly that instant, and then Sumika’s <Grim Bullet> was destroyed just as he planned.

The binder that stored the grimoire for the sake of <Grim Bullet> was pierced by the spear of light and when it fell to the ground, white flame enveloped it.

It was not a normal flame.

It was the <Holy Art?Megiddo Flame> that only clergyman could handle.

Once something caught fire of that flame of god, the fire wouldn’t extinguish until the target was burned to nothing.

“If the media that is the written copy is gone, you cannot use <Grim Bullet>. With this now you are nothing more than a magician of relatively good quality. There is nothing to be feared from you anymore. Next I alone am enough.”

He said that while the corner of his mouth grinned, then Alfaro slowly walked towards Sumika.

But Sumika didn’t look at him.

She just lifted Lily’s body in her arms and stared at the girl’s face.

She stared at that face which distorted from chagrin and sorrow.

“*Cough*...... Fa, ther......why, did......-“

‘Even though you promised’, while coughing out those words and blood, Lily lost consciousness in Sumika’s arms.

Slowly a glob of tear formed at the corner of Lily’s eyes and dropped down through her cheek.


Seeing the glistening of that tear, the expression of regret of Lily, Sumika’s chest grew hot as if she was swallowing fire.

Of course, that heat was rage.

Sumika laid down Lily on that spot and asked the approaching Alfaro with her back still turned on him.

“...This strategy, did Lily know anything about it?”

In response, Alfaro answered without any guilt in him.

“No way. Of course I didn’t tell her anything. After all I don’t think that sister Lily is that much of an actress. It will only make all of this come to nothing using only ham acting.”

“...Lily really believed. To you. To the church. To betray that kind of girl, don’t you have any pang in your conscience?”

“Hohoho. What a strange thing to say. Where is the need to feel pain in my conscience from this? A person that covered for a renegade who turned their back to god is also a renegade. There is no way I who am a <Special Missionary> can forgive such a foolish person. There is no doubt of the fate of the demon and all of you who protected that demon, but I led sister Lily here intending for her to die in this place from the start. Well, the girl didn’t have even a drop of doubt about such―”


Suddenly, Sumika interrupted Alfaro from continuing his words with a low voice.

“―? What are you saying just now?”

“I’m saying to not open that filthy mouth! You heretic–!”

Expressing her exploding rage, Sumika turned to Alfaro.

Right now the girl understood completely.

That the man in front of her eyes was a heretic that had no difference at all with Typhon and the like.

That he was an evil who stole from other people without any hesitation whatsoever from the utmost selfishness.

“I’ll kill you...! You demon wearing human skin......-!”

Sumika reloaded bullet into the two silver revolvers while grinding her teeth so hard it could break.

Even with <Grim Bullet> destroyed, Sumika was an S-rank magician.

There were many ways she could fight with.

She would immediately take care of this evil in front of her and heal Lily.

Deciding in her heart what she should do, Sumika turned the gun’s nuzzle at Alfaro.


“――Heretic you said?”

Alfaro suddenly stopped his walk in front of such Sumika.

And then, all expression vanished from his inferior Buddha face that kept smiling vulgarly until just now,

“Toward this me that worked his body to the bone for god, this Alfaro who is a <Special Missionary>, the likes of a renegade that conspire with a demon dare to......call me a heretic?”

He whispered with a low voice to himself while his shoulders were trembling,

Then suddenly―


Along with a raging roar that was like a cannon, white light surged out from Alfaro’s body.


A flash that painted over the whole world with white.

Inside that brightness where there was only radiance, Alfaro’s hair wriggled and his shape changed.

Alfaro’s shadow grew bigger until twice his original size bloatedly.

In proportion with that change, Alfaro’s magic power jumped up to the degree that couldn’t be compared with until now.

Before long when the light stopped, in front of Sumika’s eyes―

“This, is......-“

A body height of around 5 meters, not a human shape but something strange-looking was standing there.

The head was crowned by a ring that shined silver, a large body with a pair of wings at its back.

That form of Alfaro sported a look of rage that made one think that was how Acala must look like, that form was exactly like an angel from inside the legend―in reality, it was a transformation by means of the power of the people that were called angel.

{Witness this divine appearance! This is exactly the power that is only possessed by us, the <Special Missionary>! Our status just cannot be compared to the like of you magicians who can only be possessed by a heroic spirit that was only human in the first place. This holy art where we are possessed by an angel that is the messenger of god, is the greatest proof that we have obtained the acknowledgement of god! Correct, all our actions is by the will of god! Therefore, we, the <Holy Path Church>, are exactly god ourselves! Nevertheless, for the like of a renegade that is supporting a demon to curse us as heretic ―HOW RIDICULOUSSSS!}

Correct. Alfaro was truly possessed by an angel.

Just like how Sumika and other magicians were possessed by heroic spirits.

The executor that moved to execute god’s law and wiped out the insults towards god―

The <Exousiai Power>.

This was exactly the cause why the <Special Missionary> was special, the biggest reason why Homura was alerted by this man.

{The sin of insulting us the agent of god is costly, you little girl. You will not die easily...-! I’ll snap your four limbs one by one, twist them, I’ll grant you every possible kind of pain before killing you...!}


The large body shook and Alfaro approached Sumika.

On the other hand Sumika was also not just staying quiet and watched.

She wasted no time to return fire with the sorcery of absolute hit, <Quick Draw>. ―But,

All the bullets were slipping through Alfaro’s body.

{Hohoho! Useless, useless-! Cause and effect of absolute hit or whatever you do, it’s only a power of a human in the first place. The <Exousiai Power> that is residing in me is just too different in status compared to that from the start! Just a power of a human cannot even touch the current me-!}

“...-, if that’s so then――-!”

If physical attacks didn’t have any effect, she just needed to use sorcery.

Sumika reprimanded herself and chanted soul of language of spell to compose a sorcery.

“Greedy fang coarse bloodstained claw become jet black wind and come here

The falling sky is above thy the desolate battlefield is for thy sake

Howl growl despise madness and avarice that group of storm surging as they are

The hungry jaw swallowed whole even the far away sun!”

That soul of language distorted the truth of the world.

Storm blew around the stepping forward Alfaro and cloud of sand danced in the air.

That wind whirled in the blink of an eye, turning into a spiral, rampaging and swallowing Alfaro.

The enemy was carved apart into little pieces by the storm of vacuum that reached until the cloudy sky.

It was a grand technique that could only be chanted by two people among the S-rank magicians, including Sumika.

Wind element fifth rank sorcery―

“<Black Dragon’s Sword Wing StormEvil Tempest>!!!!”


But, that storm of vacuum was torn apart by the gale that Alfaro’s wings caused.


Sumika was taken aback by the absolute strength of the angel.

Alfaro didn’t overlook that opening of an instant.

He wasted no time to reached out his right arm that had been enlarged by the power of an angel and captured Sumika’s body.


{Hohoho, caught you. You are caught now. Hohohohohoho!}

“U, AAaaAAA!”

Sumika was grasped from her chest until her waist and lifted up from the ground.

She rapidly fired <Quick Draw> with both her hands that were the only parts of her body that were still free, she kept resisting but―

{I told you it’s pointless already. By the time you lost the power of <Evil God>, you have no chance to win anymore. And then, now that you are in this situation, you understand what will happen to you right?}

- GUI-*

With his thumb and index finger, Alfaro clutched the right arm of Sumika who was captured in his right hand.

And then, with a careless movement as if playing with a doll,

{First, starting from this annoying right arm――}

With his index finger at the back elbow of Sumika’s thin arm, and the thumb touching the wrist, he put strength in each finger.

Slowly, slowly, in order for tormenting.


Sumika’s elbow that was becoming the fulcrum of the leverage in that position screamed creakingly.

With a frantic look drenched with sweat on her forehead, Sumika fired wildly with the gun in her remaining left hand, yet as expected it was meaningless―the next moment,


A dry sound was audible from the breaking of Sumika’s joint. The arm was broken backwards.


{Hohohohoho-! That’s good! It’s truly a pleasant sound just now-!}


As if to enjoy the texture of a broken bone by grinding it repeatedly, Alfaro pinched the broken joint and kneaded it with the ball of his finger.

Sumika’s mouth opened until it couldn’t open any further from this cruel act and screamed.

“Le, Leader–!”

It was really a sight that one couldn’t bear to see.

Chikori immediately tried to rush to Sumika and dropped down, but―


It was none other than Sumika that warned her with a voice even louder than her previous scream.

“Right now, Chikori-san must not... leave that spot! The enemy will rush in to Elfiena-san’s location...-!”

“Le, Leader, bu, but-......!”

“Shiori-san is an excellent <Operator>, but her fighting strength is not that high... You really are the last fort protecting them! You cannot come here! This is an order-!”

Sumika ordered so to Chikori even with her face distorted in pain that was difficult to endure.

“...I’m fine. I’ll do something, about this man......!”

She glared at Alfaro.

In that eye, there was not even the slightest fear.

Even in front of the overwhelming power of an angel, Sumika still hadn’t given up yet.

She didn’t have any intention to submit.

Even right now in this moment, she was thinking how to cut her way through this hopeless situation.

Such clear light of courage and intelligence was remaining in her eyes.

(What unpleasant eyes these are-)

Alfaro’s expression changed from looking at that light in Sumika’s eyes.

From joyful expression of tormenting a renegade, into an expression of clear precaution.

He was also a veteran that had been through many adversities in battle, a <Special Missionary>.

Therefore he understood. The fearsomeness of a human with this kind of eyes.

(This girl, if she is let to live here, in the not far away future she will reach the level where my hands cannot reach. She might even possibly become a threat to the <Holy Path Church> like the <Evil God User>...)

It was dangerous. Those eyes were dangerous. That was why―

{I changed my mind.}

―Right here right now, while he could still kill her he had to stop her breath with certainty.

That premonition stopped Alfaro from the tormenting any further,

{After this will also be very busy, so let’s finish this quickly.}

- GUI*, the right hand that grasped Sumika’s body was further enveloped by the left hand, both hands were filled with strength in order to crush Sumika to death.

“Gu, aa......-, AAAAAAAaAAAAAAA......-!”

Even with Sumika also resisting by using the sorcery of <Flesh Hardening> on herself, however in front of the arm strength of <Exousiai Power> that boasted their remarkably strong physical strength even among the angels, it was nothing more than a useless struggle, Sumika’s body squeaked creakingly and cries of pain gradually spilled out,

“STOP IT!!!!”


But in the next moment, a voice that sharply resounded in the twilight stopped the pressure.

The owner of the voice that stole Alfaro’s gaze could only be one person. Knowing about the dilemma of Sumika and Chikori from Shiori’s battle control, she rushed to this place, the <Fairy Queen> Elfiena.

Part 7


Sumika’s eyes opened wide from how Elfiena that they should protect exposed herself to the enemy.

“Wh, why..., did you come out......-!”

Elfiena answered Sumika who leaked out impatience with a quite voice.

“I’m sorry. But, it’s fine already.”

“Fine... you said, what do you...”

“It’s an unreasonable story in the first place. Something like a harmony between humans and fairies. ...Even though I know that, I forced that unreasonableness to all of you humans for the convenience of us the [Fairy race]. ...Yet despite so, Sumika-san risked your life until this far to protect me who is so selfish like that. Now... that feeling is more than enough already.”


Sumika comprehended from those words.

What Elfiena was going to do coming to this place.

“Before coming to the human world, I was trembling in fear. There is no way that the humans who had been so thoroughly trampled by demons until now will willingly welcome me. Just what kind of terrifying experience I will meet, I kept feeling uneasy and always cried in the place where there was no one who can find me.

But... right now I am convinced.

Even though it’s impossible right now or in the near future, someday humans and fairies can surely understand each other.

Because, there are kind people that risked their lives for someone like me among the humans. I don’t know how many years, how many tens of years it will take in the future, but such a day will surely come.

―That’s why in order to greet the day that will come someday with a smile, I want to protect, the important friends of the [Fairy race]. As the leader of the [Fairy race]. And then, most of all― as I myself.”

Correct, the girl was... intending to surrender herself.

To the people who were coming intending to kill her.

Everything, was for the sake of protecting Sumika and the others.


Sumika tried to yell in attempt to stop her, but her voice couldn’t turn into words.

Her lung was squashed, there was no air left even just for letting her voice out.

And then while Sumika was yelling with garbled voice,

“I surrender to all of you. There is no need for fighting anymore. Please let go of Sumika-san...!”

Elfiena finally said out the fatal sentence.

Suddenly, a sense of powerlessness that couldn’t be described by words seeped into Sumika and Chikori’s hearts.

But―the reality was even more callous.

{――Hoho. Ohohohohoho, hohohohohhohoh!!!!}

Elfiena words made Alafaro’s body that was enlarged with the power of an angel shake, he returned back a guffawing laugh filled with mockery.

“Wh, what is it?”

{Who will not laugh from something like this? Just because you who don’t know anything is surrendering then I will let them go... hohoho. Stuu―pid. Just who will do that.}

“Wh, why are you......-!”

{Why? Why you asked? That’s obvious isn’t it. I’m an agent of divine punishment, a <Special Missionary> you know. It’s only natural to kill a demon like you. And then, killing the renegades who lend their hand to demons is also only natural. There is no way we will let even a single one live and return back.}


Correct. In the first place Elfiena was making a misunderstanding.

They were not coming here to kill Elfiena.

They were coming to this place to massacre everyone that was here.

Just by offering the life of a person among those targets wouldn’t become a valid reason to save the other people.

That was why,

{Of course I will also kill you. Right after I kill this little girl-!}

Alfaro wouldn’t stop.

Ignoring the words of Elfiena,

{Divine Punishment?execute――}

In order to crush Sumika who was inside his palms, he put in even more strength――

Part 8

The torn out earth crust was thrown and approached him right before his eyes.

It covered the whole sky, the violence of pure mass coming from something like a whole island was not something that could be taken even if it was Homura.

Yet despite so,

Homura still hovered in the air and didn’t move with his face tensed.

“Master! Dodge!”

Vel yelled from feeling the danger.

Homura’s reply towards that was―

“Vel. Change of plan.”

He whispered with a voice that was completely calm and ordered Vel to change her shape into a [sword].

He changed the shape of Vel who was taking the shape of two handguns into a [sword] with his magic power.

- HYUN* He swung it at the land falling at him.

Just by that, the earth crust that was going to crush Homura right about now was split right into two. And then Homura went through between the gap of the earth crust and earth crust that he cut open with a speed incomparable with until now, he soared aiming at <Hecatoncheires>.


<Hecatoncheires> responded by firing beams from its fifty mouths towards Homura who bisected the cannonball of earth crust and flew nearing it from diagonally below.

But the fired beams, all of it bended flexibly as if all of it were running away from Homura who was flying fast in the air. That was not a defense from sorcery. Nothing like that. It was purely because the force of Homura’s ascending was too strong, that whether it was air or heat or even light, everything was brushed aside.

And then finally Homura reached the altitude of 9 kilometers above the surface at the main head that existed on the topmost of <Hecatoncheires>. He ascended until above the horn that was growing there and told Vel.

“An SOS came from Shiori. The other side is going bad. If thinking about the situation between humans and fairies after this, I wanted to defeat this big thing using Elfiena’s information, but―time’s up.”

Correct. Homura’s face tensed when the earth crust cannonball was falling at him before, was not because he feared the power of <Hecatoncheires>.

It was because Shiori’s voice seeking help was entering his mind through <mind transmission>.

He had requested a favor from Shiori beforehand.

At the time where the situation really had become hopeless, she had to absolutely contact him.

And then, right now such contact had really came.

Then―he couldn’t choose his methods anymore.

“We’re gonna finish the whole thing with one attack.”

Saying that, Homura chanted.

The sea of another dimension. With the soul of language that connected to that abyss―

Hear my voice o the person drifting about the sea of another world

The seething star shines brilliantly in blasphemy informing thy time of destiny

The hunter of soul o the pulsing blue impurity

The water gate of the strange sea was opened follow the rotation and come here

Tonight if the distant land becomes a good hunting spot for thee

Obeying thine unsatisfied insatiability still hunt the fool who knows not of fear

A blasphemous rhythm that was etched during an instant.

As if to hail that poem which defiled all life in that distant land, the space(sky) distorted.

The blue of another world dazzlingly oozed out at the jet black starry sky without a single cloud.

That blue light matched the prayer that Homura etched and spread throughout the whole sky swallowing the moonlight.

And then, from the center of the space that was like a sea that shone madly,

“Pillage. ―<The Shining Pursuer> ”

―That, appeared.

Raising a sound of water like waterfall, a grotesque shape showed its appearance from the upside down sea surface.

At a glance, it looked like a large ominous bird.

But it was by no means anything like a bird.

On that face were compound eyes that shrewdly examined the surroundings.

Rope shaped tentacles like tail and feathers were writhing in the air looking for prey.

The blue pulsing transparent flesh was wrapped in luster and sliminess, it was just like an aggregation of minerals, its composition that was a messed mixing of inorganic and organic materials was a blasphemy towards the history of living being’s evolution.

This was exactly the blue holiness that hunted the prey from the sea of another world―

The figure of the <Great Old One> Iod.

But, this <evil god> showed its appearance only for an instant.

As soon as it manifested, Iod’s flesh crumbled into particles of blue light.

Was the summoning failed?

Of course that was not it.

The crumbling blue phosphorescence drew a double spiral and gathered in the black sword that Homura held.

Homura made Iod to reside inside the sword that was made by <Liber Legis>.

And then―


He stabbed the jet black sword wrapped in blue light into the middle of the forehead of <Hecatoncheires>’ main head.

<Hecatoncheires> didn’t dodge.

One or two heads gone was not a big matter.

After all it was impossible for it to die as long as its hearts didn’t get injured.

Just a single swing of a sword wasn’t worth the effort to dodge.

Correct, it was feeling haughty.



<Hecatoncheires> soon understood how that haughtiness became a fatal injury.

The instant the sword that was covered by Iod got stabbed into the forehead, <Hecatoncheires> felt something was disappearing with a tremendous momentum from its own flesh.

That something was, vitality―no, it was life force.

The power that supported the foundation of all living things.

Life force was vanishing from its body and a terrible fatigue was weighing on it.

This was bad.

<Hecatoncheires> sensed that instinctively and it reached its hand to try to dislodge Homura who was stabbing the sword into its forehead.

No, more accurately, it tried to reach out its hand.

But, the hand didn’t move.

<Hecatoncheires>’ body already didn’t have any strength left to even move its muscles.

As if the whole body was turned into stone.

Even when it ordered to move, move, not a single tip of its finger moved.

Like a corpse.

No―it was exactly a corpse right now.

The flesh of <Hecatoncheires> died right in this instant.

The power of Iod was a power of alternate dimensions with effects that surpassed materials and objects.

Iod’s fang didn’t injure the flesh of the prey, it directly pillaged the life force.

No matter how <Hecatoncheires> possessed a body that was near immortal, as a living being it had a limited life force.

If that life force was pillaged until there was nothing left, what was left behind was only a corpse.

However only its consciousness didn’t die and vanish, it would be left behind inside the coffin that was its dead body for eternity.

That was exactly the power of <The Shining Pursuer> Iod.

From the time when Homura heard that <Hecatoncheires>’ immortality was from its flesh body, he had hit upon this idea. He aiming at the hearts was only for Elfiena’s sake. For the sake of the [Fairy race] from now on, he wanted to concede this achievement of saving the mankind from this threat to them. It was just that. For the <Evil God User> Kamishiro Homura, he didn’t need any strategy guide since the beginning.

And then the power of pillaging that he released didn’t stop consuming <Hecatoncheires> to the end.

The blue light that pierced from the forehead completely consumed <Hecatoncheires> in an instant, and then just like that the light pierced through the length of its leg with the speed of light, and it didn’t stop there and penetrated the ground――

{―execute, e?}

Piercing through the earth altogether with Alfaro who was crushing Sumika in his grip right now.

Part 9


A thorn of blue light projecting out from the underground suddenly pierced Alfaro.

Alfaro was confused from this happening that occurred so suddenly, he released Sumika and screamed, but―

{......a, a...}

His voice soon deflated and Alfaro’s whole body languidly and powerlessly dangled down propped up by that thorn.

Before long the blue thorn was vanishing into light particles and Alfaro’s body crumpled to the ground, it didn’t move anymore.

“This is...”

Sumika who witnessed that situation from nearby immediately guessed who was the one that made this attack.

She had the knowledge regarding the <Evil Gods>, and most of all this was what she was trying to summon with her <Grim Bullet> before this.

However, the <Paladins> that didn’t have any knowledge at all about this fell into panic from the sudden defeat of the <Special Missionary>.

“Wh, what!? What happened!?”

“Alfaro-sama was defeated...!? But, how!?”

And then from this moment of agitation, they let down their attention to the enemy in front of them―

“Fly off all of you――-!”

“ “ “UWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” ” ”

All the remaining members of <Paladin> were mowed down by the stone pillar that Chikori wielded and were annihilated.

However Chikori didn’t even glance at the enemy that she defeated.

“Leader! Are you okay!?”

She immediately rushed to Sumika’s location together with Elfiena.

“...Sumika-san, just now... was that Sumika-san’s doing?”

“No... it’s not me. That was the power of an <Evil God> called Iod... And then the one who can use this power, is only Homura-san if you exclude my <Grim Bullet>, so I think most likely he saved us.”

“Bu, but, Master right now is in Australia right?”

“I think it’s likely Shiori-san that contacted him. ...All things considered, it’s really unbelievable how he pierced an enemy from the other side of the earth no matter how much Iod’s power is a power that is outside physical interference. Really, it’s just too amazing I cannot say any words...-!”

Suddenly, Sumika’s expression distorted in pain.

The joint of her arm was bent into wrong direction and everywhere in her body were broken bones from having her whole body constricted like that, it was only natural.

“Sumika-san! Please wait. I will heal you right now-! I have a knowledge of healing skill!”

Realizing Sumika’s injury, Elfiena reached out her hand to Sumika. But,

“No... please heal that girl there first rather than me...”

Sumika rejected it and pointed at Lily who was collapsed in a place slightly separated from them.

Elfiena showed a confusion from that.

For her who didn’t know about the relationship between Sumika and Lily, she didn’t understand the reason for healing first the enemy that came to kill them.


“She is, my friend.”

“―I understand!”

Elfiena immediately responded to Sumika’s request from that one sentence.

Elfiena’s healing skill was actually precise.

Making use of fairy’s special characteristic to enter inside material, she healed the wound by inciting cell division.

And then by directly calling to the soul of the unconscious person, she completely prevented the complete loss of the dim consciousness.

Lily’s wound was really heavy, but with a treatment this precise performed on her, her life could be preserved.


A feeling of relief relaxed the strained consciousness of Sumika.

The exhaustion that attacked her made her stop resisting the calming effect from her brain hormones and she closed her eyes.

And then she took a temporary sleep just like what her body demanded.

Translator\'s Notes and References

1. ↑ I use word ‘demonic’ quite often, but the meaning is closer to magic, not really related to demons.

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