
Chapter 738 - Warm and lonely. Without me

Chapter 738: Chapter 738 Warm and lonely. Without me

Chu Yunsheng waited quietly in the hospital for several days. The Murphy family in Philadelphia didn’t have any movement as if they had forgotten about Ashe.

Jacob’s muscle strain and bone damage due to the extreme movement he did when he took over the control of the body were not too big of a problem. After a few days of rest, he could be discharged from the hospital today and go home to continue recuperating.

Seina and Jerry plan to take Jacob away from the hospital without attracting too much attention and prepare to hold a small-scale family welcome party at home. Therefore, they drove to the hospital early in the morning and went through various procedures.

But what made Seina surprised, worried, and very reluctant was that her precious son actually offered to invite the surprisingly beautiful Ashe back with him!

She was not worried that her husband would cheat on her because of the temptation of this woman. It was just really difficult for a traditional American family to accept a stranger into her family life, especially a woman, who seriously challenged her status as the hostess of her family. Although at the same time, she was also a professional woman.

“Jacob, you must make it clear to me, are you in love with her?” The vigilant Seina pulled Jacob out of the ward and asked seriously. She took seriously all the problems her son may encounter as a teenager; especially love and sex.

As an enlightened mother, she was not prepared to interfere with her son’s private life too much. Even when she accidentally saw Jacob holding a roll of toilet paper in his room nervously... she didn’t say anything. She just let her husband Jerry have some kind of man-to-man conversation with her precious son.

But this time, she just couldn’t bring herself to accept it. Ashe was too beautiful. She was as exquisite as an angel. Even her nephew was smitten by her. According to the police investigation, she heard that Ashe came from a big family. In any case, it was not a family that a middle-class family like them should have any interaction with. Once this rule was broken, there would only be endless troubles. Besides, Jacob was only 17 years old, Ashe looked like an adult.

“Mom, what are you talking about? I just want to thank her for helping me that night. Otherwise, those bullets might have hit your son already. Shouldn’t we invite her because of this? You have always taught me to be grateful.” Jacob also didn’t have a choice, Chu Yunsheng would never allow Ashe to leave his sight, so he had to beg his mother.

From another aspect, although the Will family’s safety issue was caused by Chu Yunsheng, only Chu Yunsheng could provide the strongest protection and deterrence at the moment.

“But you don’t need to let her stay at our house. Moreover, she looks like she doesn’t like to stay at our house either.” Seina looked at her son and easily exposed Jacob’s lie. Every mother was very familiar with her children, especially when they lied.

“Really? How did you know?” Jacob was taken aback and glanced at Ashe who was silent in the ward. Didn’t she agree to the god of death’s request?

“This is the intuition of a woman.” Seina was also confused and suspicious: “However, since she is unwilling, why does she agree to it? Jacob, you have to be honest with your mother. Have you done anything to her? Like taking advantage of her when she was injured these days...? ”

She suspected that her youthful son could not resist the temptation and did something to the woman at night when there was no one around... In the beginning, she had already considered this matter and had always opposed the two living in the same ward. After all, Ashe was too beautiful.

“Mom!” Jacob said annoyingly: “What are you talking about? Is your son that kind of despicable person? I’ve already found the girl I like! And it is not her!”

In order to dispel Seina’s suspicion, Jacob was forced to confess his secret to attract his mother’s attention.

“Oh, my goodness, tell mom who she is?” Seina was overjoyed when she heard her son confess his emotional thoughts for the first time, covering her mouth in surprise.

In American families, even in traditional families, it was not easy for children to tell their parents what they were thinking. What Jacob did now was a symbol of the harmony of the family and a good mother-child relationship. It proved that she was a mother worthy of the trust of her children. This meant a lot to her.

You must know that her colleague Seena has been struggling with her daughter’s rebellion, and has been in constant trouble. In recent weeks, she has even quarreled with her daughter to the point of not talking to each other anymore. It made her sympathize with her a lot.

Jacob who was very clearly, hurriedly changed the subject and revealed an even more shocking secret to Seina: “It is not her anyway. Mom, in fact, I invited her for another purpose. I heard from her that she has a very good relationship with the Rugby University League in Philadelphia. You know that I am not good at studying, but you also know that I love Rugby just like Dad. If she can help, maybe I can apply to a decent college, maybe I can also enter the college football team. Isn’t this dad’s dream as well? My dear mother?”

“Ashe is actually a very good person, but because of some family reasons, she suffered a gunshot wound and can’t go back temporarily, mom, please, I am begging you. We can’t just let her continue to live in the hospital, or the dirty hotel in the town, right?”

No one knew Jacob and Jerry’s obsession with rugby better than Seina. In a country where almost every family had rugby, Seina herself liked to watch rugby matches on weekends with her family. However, Seina was still suspicious, and she always felt that Jacob was hiding something from her.

But for the sake of Jacob’s dream, Seina reluctantly decided to let Ashe, who looked like an angel stay at her home. “If this is the case, she can only temporarily stay in our house for a week. Only one week! I don’t want to see your cousin Niels coming to our house every day because of her.” Seina said sternly.


After Ashe’s matter was resolved, Jacob sighed with relief.

Although Seina showed that she was unwilling to accept another woman in the family in front of Jacob, at the welcome banquet, the Will family still gave Ashe, the beautiful woman who allegedly saved Jacob first, a very warm welcome. They invited her to dance and sing with them, invited her to taste Seina’s cooking skills and Jerry’s barbecue. Especially cousin Niels, he was the most enthusiastic one.

Of course, if there were no constant harassment from Jacob’s cousin Niels, perhaps this banquet would be even better.


In the night, after the noisy banquet finished, the guests left one after another. Ashle officially became a temporary member of the Will family and was arranged to live in the guest room. She seemed to be liked by the younger brothers and sisters of Jacob a lot, and was always surrounded by children; so Chu Yunsheng didn’t need to keep his eyes on her all the time.

As soon as Jacob entered his room, he turned on the computer at the urging of Chu Yunsheng and entered a series of web addresses, as well as a series of information such as names of people and places.

“God of death, you should do it yourself. I really can’t get these weird Chinese characters. I don’t understand and have no interest.” Jacob whined while downloading the input method software and installing the system.

Chu Yunsheng also didn’t want him to know too much. Just when he was about to take over Jacob’s body, he said casually: “If you have time in the future, you’d better learn it.”

Jacob said dejectedly: “I’d rather die.”

Chu Yunsheng ignored his complaint and took over his body. He sat alone in front of the computer and began to search slowly...

One hour later.

Turning off the light and the computer, he leaned back on the back of the chair and gave a wry smile: “There is no me.”

Then he said: “Guardian, is this the subtle difference you are talking about?”

The guardian didn’t answer. It seemed to be very busy recently; Chu Yunsheng often couldn’t get an answer from it quickly. It made him wonder what it was doing.

The night in the small town was quiet. In Jacob’s warm family, Chu Yunsheng walked to the window and looked at the familiar world before him, feeling very lonely. Through the glass, he cast his eyes on the starry night sky.

Where was the Cold Star? Where were his acquaintances from the Sixth Era? Were they looking up at the starry sky right now, searching for the star named Earth amongst those stars?

Suddenly, a strange sound outside caught Chu Yunsheng’s attention. Outside the garden, a familiar sloppy shadow was leaning on a telephone pole on the side of the road, smoking a cigarette, and looking at the Will family’s house.

“Why is he here?” Chu Yunsheng’s heart skipped a beat. He opened the window, floated out silently, came to the sloppy shadow, and said in a deep voice, “What do you need from me?”

Ba Yi scratched his disheveled hair and raised his brows and said, “I don’t want to find you either. Now the problem is that the underworld has already fallen into chaos completely. While you are enjoying family life here, the vampire families have already had countless fights with each other. There are more people who died in those fights than the people who died in the past 100 years combined. There are even European aristocrats who flew to the United States by plane overnight. Only you can stop them from going crazy...”

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