
Chapter 461: Obsession

Tee knew that Wang Tong was right. Although the Ark was more than capable of defending against a regular assault regardless of the intensity, the addition of an Einherjar on the enemy\'s side had thrown a wild card in the battle. It would take a while for the Ark to be ready for a battle, and during this time, the ship was vulnerable, especially to the attack of an Einherjar.


For some inexplicable reason, the Zerg fleet halted their movement and waited with Patroclus as if the Ivantian prince was their commander.

A gate on the Ark slide opened slowly, and Wang Tong appeared behind the gate, wearing a space METAL.

Both warriors knew that their fight in the Sky Arena was only a prologue to a life-long struggle and competition, however, neither of them had thought that they would continue their fight in such a particular circumstance.

"Sh*t! Who let him out of the ship?" Kaost pounded the desk and shouted.

"It was me, Captain!"

"Tee? Haven\'t I told you to go to the meeting room number eight?"

"Captain, I would rather be on the front line at this moment. Wang Tong convinced me to let him out and fight the Zergs before they would wage an attack on Ark and catch us by surprise." Tee announced loudly, as her voice held an unswerving conviction.

Everyone knew that an Einherjar could demolish a spaceship with a snap of his fingers. Therefore, Kaost saw some sense in Wang Tong\'s actions.

"How long until the energy will be fully charged."

"At least five minutes, Captain!"

Kaost conceded that it would be the longest five minutes for everyone on the ship. The power of the Einherjar was indisputable. Who would think that the guardians of the human world would turn out to be the biggest threat to their existence?

Sensing the irony, Kaost suppressed an ugly smile.

It was evident that Patroclus couldn\'t get over the defeat in the Sky Arena, and it was the frustration and desperation that had driven him to seek an alliance with the Zergs. The public\'s ability to reason had long since been overshadowed by Patroclus\'s superhuman ability, so no one had seen the Ivantian Prince\'s fatal flaw: his inability to cope with failure.

The betrayal of the Ivantian Prince was a wake-up call to the public that had come too late. By then, no one had the time or the nerve to ponder over their oversight, as they were distraught by their dire situation. Feeling helpless and desperate, they prayed that Wang Tong would be able to fend off Patroclus\'s attack long enough for the energy shield to fully charge up.

As Wang Tong approached Patroclus, he noticed that the corrupted Einherjar didn\'t change much regarding appearance. However, Wang Tong could sense the loud-and-clear otherworldliness in Patroclus\' soul energy. It was entirely different than any other forms of soul energy that Wang Tong had experienced. Struggling to keep his composure, Wang Tong heard his brain scream danger at him.

Wang Tong paused and watched his opponent from a distance. With the knowledge that Patroclus intended to kill this time, Wang Tong was surprised that he could barely feel any belligerence in the air. Even the Ivantian\'s eyes didn\'t betray his menacing intent as they stared blankly into the distant stars. It was like a poisonous needle wrapped in a soft blanket…Wang Tong reminded himself to be very careful.

"Why?" Wang Tong spoke first. "You are my most admired warrior. Why would you do this to yourself?" Wang Tong was not alone in his confusion, as everyone on the ship wanted to know what had motivated the Ivantian to make such a drastic decision. Hadn\'t he realized what his decision meant to the entire human race?

If Patroclus didn\'t betray the Ark, Jansining and many other warriors would not have died.

Patroclus was amused by Wang Tong\'s question, as if the latter was oblivious to the answer that had been right in front of him. He pointed the lance to the starlit sky above him and said, "You need to think outside of the box. Otherwise, you would forever remain a pawn in the other people\'s game! We have the power and the ability to see through their tricks! All you need is a leap of faith. The universe is boundless, and so is the variety of life forms within it. Why are we so caught up on the idea that humans are the \'right\' form of life? If you can get past that, you will see that the Zergs were not a threat. Instead, they are an opportunity for us to reach beyond the limits of our physical body. Human\'s intelligence combined with the Zerg\'s biological body will help us conquer the entire universe. "

Patroclus announced with a deep and passionate voice. The obsession with his belief was written clearly on his face, and was elaborated by his fervent gestures.

Wang Tong replied to him with a cold stare, "You are crazy. The Zergs are our enemy. There is no other way around."

Although Patroclus already knew Wang Tong\'s reply, he was still amused by Wang Tong\'s naivety. "Haha… Tell me, what exactly is an enemy anyways? You are, and you didn\'t even realize it!" Patroclus pointed to the Ark and announced, "Did the old Fox tell you about the real goal of the Ark\'s expedition? It was a suicide mission from the start! The confederation had already known about the existence of Hybrid Zergs even before it made its appearance at the tournament. After I defeated it, they tortured that poor b*stard, and eventually, he gave the information the confederation wanted. The main force of the confederation is already on their way toward the Zergs as we speak. The Ark expedition was nothing but a diversion…I\'m talking about you, Wang Tong. You are the Heir of the Blade Warrior, and the confederation knew the Zergs would go after you. In other words, you are at least half responsible for the imminent losses of lives on the ship!"

Wang Tong\'s heart sank. "Bullsh*t! If I am the diversion like you said, why would they need to have so many rich politicians on the ship?"

"To be inconspicuous of course. Plus, the mission cost a lot of money. It\'s never a bad idea to carry a few dozen gold purses with you." Patroclus said with a lighthearted smile, as if the lives of thousands of innocent people didn\'t matter a wee bit to him.

Unwillingly, Wang Tong reckoned that Patroclus had spoken the truth. Like the Ivantian had said, everyone on the ship was only a small pawn in a complex game.

Sensing the resignation in Wang Tong, Patroclus extended his arm to him like an old friend, "Come on Wang Tong, join me! We can redefine our new life, make an entirely different race that is neither human nor Zerg. I have already figured out a name for it: the Immortals. Join me, old friend, and be the god of the immortals!"

Wang Tong didn\'t speak a word; his mind raced as he spiraled deeper into thoughts. Patroclus was half right: yes, every individual was merely a pawn in the large scheme of things, but what made them humans was the unique perspective as an individual. Instead of seeing lifeless black and white squares of the game board, they would feel and sense emotions that were no less real than the game itself.

After a while, Wang Tong gathered himself and straightened his back. He pointed the Einherjar Lance at Patroclus\'s nose and announced, "I disagree."

Patroclus smiled; he had expected that reaction from Wang Tong. "Very well. I am glad that you rejected my offer. Only you are worthy as a sacrifice for this historical moment! Let your death today mark the beginning of a new race! Did you know that while I was in the Hall of Valhalla, the Blade Warrior begged me to help you to fight for the human race? Haha, he had mistaken me for my stupid ancestor! I am not Rilangalos. I am much stronger and wiser, and I don\'t have to be a pet of some weakling like Rilangalos was!"

The Einherjar Lance and the Deva lance collided for the first time after the tournament. However, the power dynamics between the two warriors had changed drastically.


Wang Tong jabbed the lance at Patroclus, but the latter didn\'t evade the attack. The sharp tip of the lance plunged through Patroclus\'s METAL and lodged in the Ivantian\'s chest so securely that Wang Tong couldn\'t pull it out. The GN force melted away as soon as it reached the Ivantian\'s skin.

"Behold my new body, Wang Tong. Behold the true power, the power that I can give to you as well. Now, the final call… join me, or DIE!" Patroclus shouted for the first time in his life.

Wang Tong answered his final invitation with an iron fist.

Patroclus waved a hand, and the force blew Wang Tong a few dozen feet away. Before Wang Tong could gather himself, he was pinned to a sudden halt by an unseen force, clamping him like a giant vise.

"You are pathetically weak. Don\'t worry… I will give you a decent death."

"Wang Tong, I will shoot him with the super-charged cannon in three seconds. Make your way back to the ship when I do that. The energy shield is almost full."

Wang Tong tried to wiggle out of the clamp, but right before he could break free, he felt a surge of energy coming from Patroclus. The power was stronger than that of Lee Moshan. Was this the power he had promised in exchange for his humanity?

Zhou Sisi\'s voice urged Wang Tong to hurry as a laser beam shot out from the ship at lightning speed. Patroclus smiled and thrust the lance to meet the laser beam. The lance broke the beam into a thousand tiny specks of dust, and then it sent another beam of energy toward the Ark.


The energy hit squarely at the commander\'s office as it smashed into the iron-clad shell.

It took half a second for Wang Tong to take in what had just happened, and then he shouted with the promise of vengeance, "Patroclus! ARHHH!"

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