
Chapter 361: The World Gate III

Chapter 361: The World Gate III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


A cold voice followed the pitiful sigh. “Kill them all.”

The infernal gods who were at the distant skies have suddenly spoken. It sounded trivial, as if a master was ordering his slave to wipe the floor. The spiritual voice rang through the great sky.

Suddenly, the millions of Acraepoids in front of Grimm were boiling with fury.

“Divinity, this is a divinity!”

The countless Acraepoids who were originally in shock began whispering around. In a split second, dark flames began burning furiously again like the tides.

The Acraepoids no longer cared about Noble Yimo who had been slain.

He was merely a noble after all. A noble like him who aimed for the infernal gods would appear every few centuries. Most of them end up being forgotten.

But at the moment just now.

The explosion caused by Black Isotta’s Essence from Grimm’s Sabbatical Goat Staff had finally caught the attention of the World Lords, the infernal gods.

This puny leader that invaded from the Burrow World had such a level of power?

Looks like it’s time to clean house at the Burrow World.

No ruler would allow the appearance of a new World Lord in their own enslaved world. Though the puny creature had mastered some strange powers, it was far beneath the level of a World Lord.

Even in the eyes of the Darkborne Infernal God, Grimm was just a small bug that he could just squash if he chose to. He didn’t even need to do it personally.

One word was all it would take for the millions of Acraepoid warriors to swarm the tiny, ignorant creature and his horde of followers from the Burrow World and exterminate them.

Following that, his own Acraepoid citizens would then invade the Burrow World.

When that happens, he would descend upon the Burrow World himself and rid the world of the rebellious stench that had been growing all these years to prevent such a distasteful event from happening again.

The infernal god Darkborne couldn’t care less about a few clowns that dared to challenge the great will of the Acraepoids from the world gate. After passing down the ‘divinity’, he continued chatting away with the Dark Destroyer using spiritual telepathy.

As an entity that had slowly ascended his way to the World Lord, Darkborne was all too clear about the huge gap that exists between the difference in levels among creatures.

He too was like this creature at some point in time, who appeared to have possessed great powers that have seemingly surpassed his own level, as if he has earned the right to speak directly to a World Lord.

But for a World Lord who had already gone through this stage, it was like looking back at their own ignorant self.

At the end of the day, he couldn’t be damned.

Those who have yet to become a World Lord remains a bug. A bug that does not deserve the attention of the principal will of the world. A tiny life who thinks that the world he lives in was oh so huge, oh so mystically wide.

The Dark Destroyer, after seeing the death of Noble Yimo, no longer paid any attention to what was happening over there.


The Acraepoids that swarmed in like floodwater were like locusts that blocked the sun.

The sun was blocked. Their surroundings became dim.

The dark, infernal flames on top of each of the Acraepoids were burning furiously. They held their swords across their chests. There was a thick scent of battle will as they charged at the seemingly powerful soul slaves.

The two-headed lightning giant was around thirty meters in height.

One of his heads appeared like a giant crocodile while the other seemed like a ferocious wolf. Both pairs of their eyes were burning in pale violet soul fires. The crackling sound of lightning enveloped their body, igniting sparks as the lightning jumped from one place to another.


A half-meter wide lightning arc flew off from the huge crocodile head. It was red in color and had a very effective melting property. The Acraepoids wailed as their bodies were melted into a gooey mess.

Its wolf head too shot out a lightning arc that was half a meter thick, but this time it was blue in color. Where the lightning had passed, freezing ice followed. The Acraepoids that were swept up by it fell from the sky as their bodies became frozen from the path of the lightning.

A distorted-looking hand, made up by a streak of lightning, suddenly emerged from the giant’s chest to grab hold of a level one sword-wielding Acraepoid warrior.


The Acraepoid warrior who tried to sneak up on the lightning giant was crushed in the palm by the distorted hand of the lightning giant.

The Acraepoid warrior waved his sword around at the giant’s lightning hand. There were infernal energies that accompanied each stroke of the blade as it landed on the giant’s hand but to no avail.

Plop! The Acraepoid’s body ruptured as it was pulverized by the lightning giant’s hand.


A cold grunt came from the side of the lightning giant. As the Acraepoid warrior waved his blade, a stroke of infernal energy more than ten meters long landed on the giant, causing the giant to howl in agony. The distorted hand that emerged from its chest was chopped off by the Acraepoid warrior.

The eyes of the crocodile-head that was launching fiery red lightning arcs lit up.

As it was turning to the powerful attacking Acraepoid, it was slashed by a few other Acraepoids with their flaming infernal powered-blades. Finally, the crocodile head of the lightning giant, who had massacred a huge number of Acraepoids, had been severed.


The wolf head beside let out an agonizing wail in its final moments, before being slashed by hundreds and thousands of infernal-powered blades from each side.

The powerful lightning elemental giant, which had followed the sorcerer’s will into more than ten foreign worlds, has finally come to the end of its life.

Filled with battle scars, its damaged soul file was extinguished.

In a thunderous explosion, it turned into a huge lightning arc and disappeared.

Behind them, tens, and even hundreds of thousands of Acraepoids blew through the lightning arc zone and swarmed toward the strange creatures that were coming in from the Burrow World gate.


The bone creature that was surrounded by a cloud of highly toxic black aura shriveled into a ball like a porcupine; its spikes were facing outward.

It launched its venom-tainted spikes outward, hitting the flying Acraepoids with deadly precision as they fell from the sky in pain.

The creature was rolling around endlessly.

The powerful bone creature was trying to buy time, begging for a chance to complete the sorcerers’ will as it continued to slaughter the ever-increasing numbers of Acraepoids.

One by one, the soul slaves in the expedition fell and died in this strange, foreign world.

The bone creature was the only one remaining at the frontline. It could only look on at the endless swarms of Acraepoids passed it by and headed toward the world gate at Grimm, who represented the great sorcerer’s will.


A strange sound came through. The shriveled bone creature was stunned for a moment.

This sound...

He could suddenly remember it all.

In its younger days, it was just a bottom feeder from the world it came from. It had to spend every day living in fear as it had to scrounge up food left by the apex predators. They were creatures that could chew up his bone spikes and armor which it is most proud of easily.

Until one day, an ominous blood moon appeared on his world. A life form known as the sorcerers descended upon their world along with the great sorcerer’s will.

They brought with them fear and catastrophe. They brought with them endless slaughter.

Those who dared to defy the sorcerer’s will, be it the apex predators or the lowliest creatures were wiped off without mercy.

Those were the last memories of its home...

Thousands of years passed unknowingly. It had become so powerful, its bone spikes and bone armors became tougher than ever.

It became so powerful that the images of the past apex predators became clouded.

Clack! Clack! Clack!

Strokes of blades infused with the infernal energy were being driven across his body. In the end, the boney creature was dismembered like the rest of the soul slaves. Its soul fire was torn to pieces, consumed by Acraepoids who have fallen into a killing frenzy.

The two-headed lightning giant and the bone creature were but a small representation of what had happened to the soul slaves.

The rest of the soul slaves that had never stopped fighting for the great sorcerer’s will and survived to become the elites were overwhelmed by the attacks of the Acraepoids. They swarmed in like tidewaters, blocking the sun out as they lay down despair in their paths. One by one, the soul slaves were mutilated; their soulfires consumed.

In front of the world gate, the number of soul slaves, bestowed upon Grimm by Black Isotta became fewer and fewer.

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