
Chapter 406 - Secretary and Assistant

Chapter 406: Secretary and Assistant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Denen Satoshi’s entire face was filled with question marks.

A God?

What was Touki talking about?

“Satoshi, you should know about the legend of the world’s creation from the history books, right? This world was originally a realm of oblivion, and it was God that created matter and everything in this world amidst the void of nothingness.”

“After forging the world into existence, civilization bloomed, and technology advanced unceasingly. But those who had been bestowed the world were corrupted by their uncontrollable lust. Brutal massacres were on the rise. Right before they crumbled upon themselves, they finally provoked the Protoss. Without choice, they stuck the realm with divine punishment, scourging those who had sinned. Because of this divine intervention, the war-torn planet has enjoyed more than two hundred years of peace and prosperity.”

“I’m one of the Protoss, and, uhm, Eastern Jupiter is my assigned territory... In a sense, I am the supreme ruler of this planet.”

Li Dong scratched his head as if he was talking about something entirely normal.

“Ryu, are you not feeling well? What’s up with this strange talking?”

Denen Satoshi gave him a skeptical look, worried about whether he had charred his brain, and her eyes were brimming with concern.

“You don’t believe me?”

Li Dong was not surprised. Telling people with puberty sickness that he was the planet’s ruler was just like temporarily sealing off his powers: the only thing he would attract was the attention meant for the mentally disabled.

“I want to show you a place.”

Li Dong took two steps forward, took Denen Satoshi’s hand, and intoned the word, “teleport”. A burst of white light radiated from the two.

In the next moment.

Two figures abruptly materialized inside the Tallest Tower, more than a hundred meters up.

Looking down through the floor-to-ceiling glass, the skyline of the entirety of Shengjing City was in full view. Endless gleaming buildings lay beneath their feet. The visual effect was absolutely the finest.

Denen Satoshi’s eyes were open wide.

She looked at Li Dong with utter shock as her subconscious mind told her that this was a dream, and that she must have been hypnotized by some mysterious means.

“It has only been a while since I took over this world. There are still many things that I do not understand and am unfamiliar with. So, I disguised myself as a high-schooler and went to school for a couple of months to discover more about this world. You can consider this travel incognito.

“However, it is difficult for me to investigate everything solely by my own ability. I still don’t know a lot about many things.”

“Hence, I need a partner, someone that could help me out. The nature of the job is roughly equivalent to being a secretary and assistant. It’s about helping me to carry out some things...

“Uhm, that’s about it, Satoshi.”

Li Dong explained his motive and purpose.

However, Denen Satoshi was in a state of confusion all the while. She was not even paying attention to what he was saying. A voice emerged within her heart: Why haven’t I woken up from this dream?

About three hours later.

The sky was getting darker, and it was almost time for dinner.

Denen Satoshi, whose mind was in the midst of being muddled, reluctantly accepted this “divine turn of events” and accepted everything Li Dong had said. She also nodded and promised to help him...although this scenario was a hundred thousand miles away from what she had originally imagined.

“Thank you, Satoshi.”

With a grateful expression, Li Dong held her hands and said, “I won’t let you help me for nothing. I’ll pay you, maybe, 100 thousand dollars per month, for now? If you perform well, I will give you a raise in the future and provide you with better treatment... Anyways, I will not treat you unfairly.”

A monthly salary of 100 thousand dollars?

Denen Satoshi was stunned. That was about as much as her family’s annual income. Now, Ryu was offering her a monthly pay surpassing that of her whole family’s hard work for an entire year.


“What’s the matter, are you not satisfied with it?” Li Dong said, upon seeing that she wasn’t replying.

“No, no, no, it’s too much, I think that you’re giving me too much. I’ll still help you even if I don’t get paid.” She continuously waved her hands with her head lowered. Her eyes revealed an immutable sense of inferiority.

At that moment, Touki was the sun, and she, an inconspicuous star. The contrast between the two of them was too, too great. She felt that, even if the sun only provided a little of its light and heat, it would still be much more valuable than she herself was.

It became something like alms.

She perceived no hope within her horizon that she would ever be equal to the sun.

“Stupid girl.”

All of a sudden, a warm chest swaddled her tender and lovely body as a gentle voice whispered in her ear, “The others can depreciate you, but you must not look down on yourself. You have to believe that you have what it takes for this job. Believe that huge potential resides within your body.”

“100 thousand dollars every month is just a beginning. You should fight for a higher goal. If you perform well, better pay will be there waiting for you in the future.”

“Besides, I have prepared hugs, kisses and some more exciting rewards. If you wish to acquire them, please work hard,” Li Dong said, smiling.

Upon hearing these words, and feeling the warmth of the man’s embrace, Denen Satoshi, whose face was blooming red, couldn’t resist enfolding her arms around his waist. With her eyes closed, she mumbled, “A hug like this is enough. I won’t need anything else.”

And so, Denen Satoshi became Li Dong’s first secretary and assistant.

In the following six months.

Denen Satoshi melded with her role and completed the many tasks that Li Dong handed over to her. For example, she investigated the living standards of the commoners. Using miniature cameras, she shot many real-life videos. It allowed Li Dong to truly feel the hardship of the commoners instead of just looking at the stone-cold data. At the same time, he heard the voices of many from the bottom class.

For Li Dong, the value of reference was very huge, as it would allow him to roughly generate some ideas in his mind. He learned how to actually conduct changes instead of doing things impetuously, which would ultimately bring about negative impacts and influences.

Of course, it was not enough to fully understand only one class. Although commoners accounted for the vast majority of Eastern Jupiter, the Protoss and the aristocrats comprehensively own more than 80% of the planet’s wealth and means of production. In terms of interests, the planet was at a level of severe polarization.

Within the structure of interest, the Protoss and aristocrats had become the majority instead. If the reformations formulated by Li Dong do not fully consider the benefits to the Protoss and aristocrats before they were introduced, his plans were bound to encounter tremendous resistance. He had to understand the other two classes in detail and contemplate the whole situation before coming up with the final reformation plan.

And this required an increase in manpower.

Recruiting an assistant who was familiar with the aristocratic class would help Li Dong...and Denen Satoshi was only a commoner. Naturally, it would not be appropriate for her to investigate the nobles. Li Dong himself did not have much time, either.

Scouring through the realm, his sight settled on the girl with long, dark, straight hair in his class – Nanjo Masaharu.

Nanjo Masaharu was from a large political family. Although her clam had been toppled because of corruption, being a Lady for more than a decade would certainly have enabled her to learn more about the aristocrats.

Li Dong intended to recruit her.


That day, after school.

Li Dong went straight to the desk of the girl with long, dark, straight hair, and said with a fairly hearty voice, “Nanjo, could you spare me some of your time after school today? Go behind the academic building, I have something to tell you.”


Most of the boys and girls in the class who overheard this sentence took a good look at Nanjo Masaharu.

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