
Chapter 382 - Golden Key

Chapter 382: Golden Key

These three cronies were always present when causing trouble. But when they had to take responsibility, they would push all the blame onto Laurent.

Chen Zhao didn’t think that they were innocent. No one could escape from the blame. Anyway, Chen Zhao didn’t plan on letting any of them go.

“No one can escape. I’ll take care of all of you.”

“Chen, just tell us what we have to do to be forgiven.”

“I haven’t decided. I’ll tell you all later.”

“Then...can you take care of our problem right now? We’ve been hard for more than two hours now.”

Having a boner for two hours was definitely not a happy thing. They felt that they’d definitely be disabled if this persisted.

“Then how about you help me brainstorm how to punish you all? If I like your idea, then I’ll help you take care of that problem.”

The three almost broke down. You want to punish us and ask us to help think of an idea. And the idea has to satisfy you?

Just kill us.

“How about...we help you prank Mr. Laurent?”

These three shameless b*stards could sell out their boss without hesitation to save themselves.

“Laurent won’t escape either. His fate has already been decided. You don’t need to worry. It’ll be better for you to think about how to pay for your sins.”

The three shuddered. Seeing how stubborn Chen Zhao was, their heads hurt more.

Of course, their dicks hurt even more... It felt like it would explode soon.

“We’ll do whatever you want.” Kane was about to cry.

“How far is it to town?” Chen Zhao asked.

“A few kilometers.”

“I got it,” Karim said, a lightbulb going off. “You want us to run to town, right? Don’t worry. We can definitely do it.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Run there and run back?”

Chen Zhao nodded. The three felt overjoyed. It was easier than they’d imagined. Running ten kilometers was indeed tiring, but it’ll be better than their situation now.

Plus, even though they’d left the army, they were still in shape.

“Take off your clothes and run.”

“What?!” all three of them cried.

“You heard me. I want you to run ten kilometers nude.”

“You’re humiliating us!”

“Yes, I’m humiliating you all.”

“You think we’ll agree to such an insulting request?” Kane glared at Chen Zhao with clenched teeth.

“I was going to have you three men have a round with each other. Are you sure you won’t run?”

The three quickly took off their clothes. What a joke! They were all straight and having sex with their friends was disgusting.

Chen Zhao happily returned to the house. He didn’t know what Fali, Faur, and Winnip were talking about, but they seemed happy.

“Chen, where’s Kane and the others? They didn’t find you?”

“Oh, they might not be in a good mood. They went out for a run.”

“Run?” Winnip was confused. “Are they in a bad mood because their friend died?”

“Is Laurent still in his room?” Chen Zhao asked.

“He might be too tired from earlier. He’s old, after all.”

Just then, Winnip’s phone rang. Seeing the caller, her expression turned uncomfortable, but she still picked it up after a few rings. “Hi, it’s Winnip.”

“Mrs. Winnip, please help us. If you take our products down, our farm really will go bankrupt.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t tolerate it. Your products have severe product violations. I can’t allow your products to appear in my supermarket anymore.”

“Mrs. Winnip, I promise our products won’t have the same problem anymore. I swear.”

“No... There’s nothing for us to say. You can try another supermarket.” Winnip’s attitude was firm. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up. Goodbye.”

When Winnip hung up, Fali saw her expression. “Mom, what’s wrong? Your business made you upset?”

“A rancher actually mixed meat of a cow that had died of sickness into the high-quality beef and was put on our shelves. My workers discovered it.”

“There’s no point in wasting time talking to people like that,” Fali said. “Just put him on the blacklist.”

“Whatever. Let’s stop talking about these unhappy matters.” Winnip clapped. Putting away her upset feelings, she rose and walked to a shelf. She took out a detailed mahogany box. “You and Fali are moving to the new home, right?”

“Fali told you?” Chen Zhao was surprised.

“This is for you.”

Chen Zhao accepted the box. Opening it, he saw that it was a dazzling golden key.

“This... Winnip, what is this?”

“It’s for you. I know that when you Chinese people move to a new home, family and friends would gift some symbolic things. I don’t know what to give, but this key has been passed down through many generations in my family. I’ll give it to you now. I hope you can treat Fali well.”

“Mom, if you give Fali and Chen this key, then what about me?” Faur asked, jealous.

“I’ll give you my business when you marry your invisible boyfriend. How’s that?”

“I don’t want that,” Faur rejected quickly. “I like my current job.”

Chen Zhao considered it. He didn’t refuse the gift. The key was expensive, but to Chen Zhao and Winnip, it wasn’t too bad. Plus, he really did like this.

“Oh, Chen,” Fali said. “Go get Dad’s gift.”

“Oh, you two prepared a gift for Laurent?” Winnip really wanted to know what they’d prepared.

Chen Zhao went to the RV and took out a pot of strange red flowers.


Winnip and Faur were confused. Why was he giving flowers as a birthday gift? Were these flowers expensive? Did they have some special meaning?

“Mom.” Fali whispered in Winnip’s ears.

Winnip’s eyes brightened. “Really?”

“Of course. I promise it’ll be helpful.”

“Great. I love it.”

Faur was still confused. “Fali, isn’t this a gift for Dad? Why is Mom so happy?”

“Not telling,” Fali said, grinning.

“Mom.” Faur glanced at Winnip, but she also shook her head, not telling Faur. “You’re all isolating me. I’m upset,” Faur said in mock anger. Unfortunately, no one paid attention.

Faur grew more and more curious. What exactly were these flowers for?

Just then, Winnip’s phone rang again. Seeing the number, her brows furrowed again.

“What? Is it those guys again?”

“No, it’s the town’s police station.”

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