
Chapter 259

Chapter 259

Ho Sung Lee was no longer able to endure the damage and lost consciousness. At the same time, Ho Sung Lee transformed into his Berserker state.

But despite the fact that he became Berserker, he was still unconscious.

And in that state, his body continued to change in the cruelest way possible.

His bones shattered, pierced through his skin, and rolled around on the ground.

But Ho Sung Lee’s heart was still pounding.

Since he was Berserker, his regeneration ability continued to supply his heart with blood.

Squelch, squelch!

The red fluid flowed out of Ho Sung Lee’s eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

But it was hard to say it was blood.

The component of the red sphere that pounced on Ho Sung Lee’s face was a little different in color, and it poured out of Ho Sung Lee’s body and began to absorb back in through his skin.

The red fluid began to absorb into the broken bones and ripped skin.

And a surprising phenomenon occurred.

The broken bones began to regenerate.

They then went back into the ripped skin, finding their original place.

The skin began to heal back in shape, and the rough skin turned into a pale color like that of a baby’s bottom.

If anyone saw this transition with their naked eyes, they wouldn’t have believed it.

At the same time, a white smoke radiated from Ho Sung Lee’s body, and it was in the shape of a demon.


“Did you... hear something?”

“Hear what...?”

“That weird noise.”

“I’m not sure.”

The two monsters that stood guard outside the dwelling glanced back toward the inside.

They checked that the door was locked and nodded.

“No one got in.”

“I guess we’re just hearing things.”

As soon as the two monsters went back into positions, they heard what sounded like screaming.

The two monsters looked at each other and then hurriedly looked for their boss.


Ho Sung Lee blinked his eyes slowly.

His hazy eyes found focus.

And as soon as he came back to his senses, Ho Sung Lee lifted his head and glanced from side to side.

He then carefully tried to get back up.

He felt something sticky.

When he looked below him, there was a pool of blood.

The sight made Ho Sung Lee knit his brows.

At the same time, he remembered something.

Ho Sung Lee turned his head back and looked at the table.

Ho Sung Lee stared at it blankly with his jaws dropped.

He was certain it couldn’t have been a dream.

The pain still felt so real.

And the pool of blood beneath his feet proved it.

Once he regained consciousness, he grew more and more anxious.

Ho Sung Lee caught his breath and scanned his own body.

He was naked.

On his body was the blood that he predicted to be his, but that wasn’t what was important.

His skin ripped apart and his bones crumbled, but for some reason, he couldn’t find any trace of the wounds.

No, his skin was so soft that it was as if he was born again.

He later realized that the amount of magic power he possessed was almost at rock bottom.

But for some reason, he felt like he was overflowing with magic energy.

Just to check, he opened the palm of his hand and tried to concentrate his magic energy, but the level of the Aura was exponentially higher than he had ever imagined.

Ho Sung Lee put out the Aura and blinked his eyes.

“What’s going on here...?”

He mumbled in a low voice. He swept his hair back and looked to the side.

The red fluid that was floating above the table.

That fluid pounced on his face, and it went into his body.

Ho Sung Lee presumed that that was what provided him with a type of stimulant.


The ruler of the volcano, Refman smirked.

It was almost complete.

Once he collected just a little more life energy, he would obtain the power that he had always dreamt of.

Refman was certain that once he obtained that power, it wouldn’t be difficult to get rid of gangs all on his own.

Just the thought of the substantial power he was about to obtain made his face smile.

In order to absorb as much life energy at once, he stayed patient.

After all, patience was what led to a sweet harvest.

Waiting soon led to a big result.

In addition, if he absorbed a large amount of life energy all at once, it was much more effective.

When it came to life energy, the more he waited, the more valuable it became.

Just the thought of being able to swallow all of that life energy made him feel full as if he overate.

Refman fumbled with his own horns at the thought of it all, but he was woken by someone who approached from behind him.


When Refman turned around, he saw two of his underlings looking very troubled.

“What is it?”

Refman asked while staring at the underlings with his red eyes.

“Um, the thing is...”


Refman’s blood pressure rose at the sight of the two underlings hesitating.

“What are you waiting for? Tell me already,” Refman commanded in a low voice.

The two underlings trembled as if they were faced with the Grim Reaper.

“I think something is in your dwelling.”

Refman’s eyes grew wide.

“What do you mean? What dwelling?”

The underling spoke after preparing for death, “The one in area 4B...”

Refman sprung up from his seat before he could even finish.

His face looked so enraged that he looked like he was ready to rip everything apart.

“What are you talking about?”

Refman shouted.

The underlings lowered their bodies in fear.

“But... there’s no trace of a trespasser. We heard something in there though.”

Refman stepped out of the lava.

“I’ll check for myself. If there’s any problem...”

Refman glared at his underlings with enraged eyes.

“You’ll have to pay the price.”

The two underlings followed Refman from behind in hopes that nothing was wrong.


While Ho Sung Lee looked around in shock while still standing naked covered in blood, he sensed something.

Someone was coming near.

They were still far, but he sensed it.

Before, he wouldn’t have been able to sense them since they were still far away.

But thanks to his supporter specialty, he was now much more sensitive in that sense.

Furthermore, he could feel that the person that was coming near possessed a great deal of power.

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

He had to get out of there before he arrived.

Ho Sung Lee rushed to leave, but he remembered that he was naked and opened his item window.

After washing himself off with a bottle of water, he put on some clothes and used his shadow skill.

As soon as he activated his shadow skill, Ho Sung Lee immediately realized that the ability had leveled up.

He was now confident that if there was even the smallest hole the size of a needle, he could go through and enter any space he wanted.

Ho Sung Lee got a feel of his advanced skill and left Refman’s dwelling in a flash.


Refman didn’t think it was possible that someone had trespassed into his dwelling.

Even if there was no trace of someone trespassing, the life energy was not something anyone could mess with so easily.

The possibility of an average player taking his life energy was next to nothing.

If one messed with the life energy in the wrong way, they could easily die from shock.

And it was a process that involved great, unbearable pain.

It was impossible even for a ranker player.

Unless it was someone like himself who researched the transformation of life forms, it was almost impossible to utilize.

It was just that Refman felt bothered that someone could have appeared near the place that he cherished most.

Even if it was just a rat, he intended to kill it immediately.

Refman arrived at his most cherished place in no time.

Refman’s underlings stepped back.

That was because Refman’s most cherished place was only for Refman to enter.

For that reason, when Refman was entering the place, not even his underlings could go anywhere near the entrance.

Refman’s underlings prayed that it was their mistake and that no one was inside.

But even if nothing had happened, they would have to pay the price for bothering Refman with a worry.

But being punished was much better than dying or going extinct.

So the underlings hoped that it was nothing but a rat inside.

But that wish was not fulfilled.

“What motherf*cker put their hands on my belonging?”

Rumble, rumble!

Refman’s rage made the sky shake.

His voice was so loud that all of the organisms at the volcano would have heard.

Since his voice contained his Aura, the underlings trembled with fear at just the sound of it.

But compared to what was about to happen next, that fear was nothing.

Refman’s rage reached the skies, and that meant that something happened to the life energy that he worked so hard to gather.

The underlings knew death was near.

Refman walked out of his dwelling and glared at his underlings with a growl.

The underlings trembled so much that they could barely keep standing still.

“Find whoever took my belonging immediately. If you don’t, I’ll drag you down to hell myself!”

The underlings ran away in panic.

They didn’t know where to go yet, but they simply ran to get as far away from his rage as possible.

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