
Chapter 077: If There Are Dreams That Spur People On I

Chapter 077: If There Are Dreams That Spur People On I

Translator : Solo

<If There Are Dreams That Spur People On, They Are Dreams That People Quickly Awaken From. Give The Peace Of Death To Those Cannot Stand I>

I got sent to another continent, and became the vassal of the super strong His Majesty, but my job is mainly to prepare meals.

As a man, is this alright, I wonder? But it’s pointless to be disheartened by that, so I prepared meals with a light heart.

For both cooking and war, 80% is decided by the preparations made beforehand.

By the way, two days have passed since the first battle, but there’s still no sign of the enemy. Regure discovered and killed scouts every now and then, but that\'s about all that has happened.

How would one defeat an individual who could fight on even terms with an army of 5,000? If I was the enemy commander, I would probably be at my wit’s end.

Or are they waiting for an opportunity?

If the black elf is who I think the black elf is, things aren’t good in a lot of ways.

A battalion was wiped out on this land in 1956.

It was a multinational force that did all kinds of evil deeds. No one knows exactly how they were annihilated because the information on that is spotty. I\'ve heard rumors that they lost 98% of their combatants and fled the alternate world.

If I’m right, the black elf has something to do with the survivors of that incident.

There’s no way only one can was made in the last half-century.

The ability to get as much as 14 Myriad Kings to obey may be impressive, but even when leaving out how exceptional His Majesty is, the troops His Majesty scattered were poor.

If the person they followed was a foreigner, and one with military experience on top of that, a more powerful army should have been created, even if the knowledge is from half a century ago.

The slowness of their development.

There is some sort of reason for that. And that’s something that can be taken advantage of.

And, well, that was what I was half-thinking, half-fantasizing, about while I was preparing food.

I cooked some apples, sliced them, and then put them into a pot along with some raspberries. I added liquor, boiled it down, and then added more liquor after it had cooled.

After pouring it into a bottle, the apple liquor was completed.

For actual apple liquor, the apples would be soaked thoroughly over a longer period of time, but I didn\'t have time to do that now, so I only infused it with the apples’ sweetness and assorted flavors.

After that, I boiled and kneaded some wild vegetable roots that were oddly starchy. I rolled them up into balls and lined them up beside some sun-dried frog limbs.

Checking the condition of wild vegetables, I saw that they were still fresh even though they had been exposed to the bitter cold.

Despite the change in environment, my physical condition was pretty good.

Zamonglass also said,

『For some reason, I haven\'t had much pain in my knees for the past two days』

I think the ingredients from the forbidden forest has something to do with it.

The problem is my cooking skill.

I should have learned a little more seriously from my grandfather.

I had been able to get by when I had Makina’s support, but now that I’m cooking meals on my own, I can find flaws in the taste. It lacked something before, but it’s even worse now.

It’s exasperating.

His Majesty says that such food is『Delicious』. I feel bad somehow.


I’ll make soup for lunch today. It’ll warm our bodies up.

I broke apart the meat and the bones of the sun-dried frog limbs. I slowly simmered the bones and scooped away the scum. When it became a so-so soup stock, I added rock salt and alpine leeks.

It\'s somewhat delicious, but sure enough, it’s quite lacking in flavors. I wish I had miso.

「Hmm, it sure smells good」

His Majesty and Verxina came out of his tent.

「It’s frog soup」

「Frog is fine as long as it tastes good」

His Majesty sat at the table. I immediately got a cup and poured His Majesty the freshly soaked apple liquor.

「It’s sweet liquor」

His Majesty downed it in one shot. And then, poured another for himself.

「Apple, huh? It’s rich. Hmm……………… Well, this is a clear sweetness that I’ve never tasted before. And yet, it’s strong and warms me up inside. Souya, this is pretty good」

It’s probably because the apples are good.

「I believe the flavors will soak in more over time」

「No, this is good enough」

There was no time left to leisurely let the flavors soak in.

By my calculations, the food would last ten days. We could also steal supplies, but I didn’t think it likely that the enemy would fall for such a foolish plan.

「I’ll make some snacks to go with it」

「It’s fine, you fuss over me too much. I won’t tell you to be like Regure, but loosen up a little. After all, you’re in the middle of preparing food, am I right?」

「Yes, in that case, please excuse me」

I resumed my cooking.

After removing the bones from the soup, I added wild vegetables that I had cut into large chunks and the starch dumplings. I left the pot over strong heat.

Mixing herbs, oil nuts and rock salt with the frog meat that I had broken apart, I kneaded them vigorously until the meat and the oil nuts turned out nicely. I then stir-fried them in a frying pan.

Once the oil had spread all over the frying pan, I added the mushrooms that I had cut into thick slices. After searing them on both sides, they were done.

Today\'s lunch, frog soup and mushroom steak.

I\'d like to cook something a little nicer next time.

The smell of food is supposed to be the signal for them to end their rounds, but Regure and Zamonglass haven\'t come back.

「Your Majesty, the meal is ready」

「Hmm, let’s wait」

In Ashtalia, it\'s tradition for the king and his vassals to eat at the same table.

It\'s cold again today, and food left outside will quickly become cold. What are the two of them doing?

Leaving aside the soup, well, I’ll eat the first mushroom that I cooked. It won’t taste as good, but I don’t really care about my own share of the food.

「Souya, you said that you’re a foreigner, right? What kind of country is your homeland?」

There was nothing to do, so His Majesty asked me a question.

Now that I think about it, I feel like it\'s been a while since I was asked about my homeland.

「It has four seasons. Its winters are as cold as it is here, and its summers are humid and terrifyingly hot. The seasons in-between are very pleasant」

「The food must be delicious」

「Yes, it\'s delicious. Though for some reason, my own country’s food is more expensive」

「Does it rule over many territories? There are countries whose economies have collapsed because they had procured crops from the countries they had invaded at too cheap a price. Growing food in one’s own country is also a way to nurture the people at the same time. It won’t be a problem even if a higher tax is imposed on goods from other countries」

「No, it doesn’t rule over any territories outside of the country. Because it’s a small country, it depends on other countries for a lot of its food」

「Doesn’t it get invaded? That’ll be Elysium’s first move against such a country」

I suppose there’s that side to it, but……

「Since it’s a country that makes a considerable profit from exports, it imports a lot in return. In fact, it’s a country with quite an abundance of food」

「Hmm, what does a small country export?」

「Technology, entertainment and daily necessities」

「I see. They must be very innovative or indispensable things. In a sense, it\'s your country that’s doing the invading」

「That may be true」

I looked down at my watch.

It\'s a cheap 3,000 yen watch, but the invention of such a thing ruined the watch industries of other countries. Sometimes, new technology kills off old technology. Now that His Majesty has mentioned it, it’s certainly nothing less than an invasion.

「Profiting massively from technology, huh? The dwarves used to do that too, but ever since Hemu craftsmen stole many of their technologies, they’ve stopped trading it. Now, they only trade with individuals when the mood strikes them」

「Ah, I see」

So that’s why dwarven-made things are expensive. It’s not because of their performance and so on, but because they are rare.

「It sounds like a really interesting country」

「However, natural disasters are common. Like earthquakes and such」

「That\'s terrible. But is it a young country? It acts pretty differently from the countries here」

「It’s not that young. My country, if I remember correctly……」

It’s a good thing I had heard about this from Makina a while back.

If my memory serves me, starting from the Imperial Era……

「……is almost 2,700 years old」


His Majesty tilted his head.

「That would make it a country that’s twice as old as the entire history of the Myriad Kings and Elysium」

「I suppose it would」

It’s pretty much number one in the world in terms of the country’s age.

「To sum it up, your country is small, has four seasons, has technology that can be sold, has many natural disasters, but has a long history. Hmm, I can\'t imagine it at all」

「Yes, it\'s a strange country」

「A strange country, huh?」

Hahahaha, we laughed together.

I do hope I was able to convey as much as possible about Japan. Was I able to get it across, I wonder?

The mushrooms had gone completely cold.

Then, the two of them finally came back from their rounds. Bringing someone I didn’t know.

It was a person with a thickset and rotund build.

He looked similar to what people would consider to be an ordinary dwarf, but he was 180 cm tall. He had long black hair, and an even longer beard. It extended past his navel.

He had on black and gold armor, and a helmet with horns on both sides. On his back, there was a two-handed axe with a long handle.

「Your Majesty, we’ve got a guest~」

Regure said in a casual tone.

「Dugan! Dugan?Stelch?Horobi?Robbs!」

His Majesty got up from his seat and called his name.

「Dainsleif! Ra?Dainsleif?Riog?Ashtalia!」

The man they had brought back spread his arms open and approached His Majesty.

They pulled each other into a sweltering hug.

「I was aghast when I saw the terrible state the city was in. However, I’m relieved to see you in good health」

「Nonsense, you’re not the type who would flinch at seeing other people’s cities」

「Gahaha! Well, as long as the king is safe, a country or two is but a trifle. It seems that you’ve lost the four generals, but to think that you’ve already gained another two powerful vassals. Those two pushed 50 of my elite back with their spirit. Truly, I’m envious of your personal magnetism」

「It’s three, not two」

His Majesty looked at me.

No, I\'m humbled by Your Majesty’s words.

Or rather, this bearded person. Isn’t Dugan one of the strongest four among the Myriad Kings? He’s a super big-shot, isn’t he? His Majesty is also one though.

「He looks to me to be a mediocre man though?」

Yes, you’re absolutely right.

「Try this」

「Liquor, is it?」

His Majesty poured Dugan a cup of the apple liquor and had him drink it.

「Whoa, what on earth is this? This liquor is exquisite」

「It was made by that man」

「Do you have the blessing of the alcohol spirits or something?」

「No, it’s simply because the apples are good. I only threw it together appropriately」

「Souya, tell him where you got the apples from」

His Majesty’s expression turned mischievous.

「I got them from the forest over there」

「For a joke, it isn’t very funny, kid」

「Dugan, it\'s 20 years too early for you to go senile. Take a look at the ingredients lined up over there. Are they things that can be found in Ashtalia, no, on this continent at this time of year?」

「You’re telling me that he really got them from the forbidden forest? This man? A living, breathing human?」

「I can bet my life on it」

「I still find it hard to believe, but perhaps it’s something that was drawn to the blood of Velsvain\'s secret child. Or perhaps this is another sign that the times are changing」

「Dugan, you’ve said something I cannot overlook. Also, what brings you here to laugh at me?」

「Out of all the Myriad Kings, I’ve known you the longest. So I simply thought I would come and be refused by you」

「Refuse, you say? What are you saying I would refuse?」

「I’ve aligned myself with the black elf」

His Majesty slammed his fist on the table. It split into two.

Dugan caught the falling bottle and began drinking from it calmly.

「Are you telling the blood of the olden Myriad Kings to surrender to that villain?!」

The bearded old man didn’t bat an eyelid.

What bothered me was the way he looked at His Majesty with pity.

「Did you forget the origins of the Myriad Kings? When Elysium’s army came like a horde, our great ancestors raised a single flag. With time, that flag split up, and even resulted in the appearance of fools that gather under Elysium’s flag. Once more, we must reunite our flags」

「Under the black elf?」

His Majesty was suppressing his anger with everything he had.

Regure and Zamonglass were at the ready to fight at any moment.

「Yes. That’s exactly right. The black elf possesses the means to bring Elysium down. And I\'m sorry, Dainsleif. My bloodline has an old pact with the black elf. Now that I know about it, I must provide support again」

「Again, you say」

Robbs, one of the members of Vindoobunikuru. Resolute Robbs.

Does the black elf, who has a pact with that clan, also have ties to Vindoobunikuru? Or perhaps there’s some other reason?

「And now that you‘ve declared this to me, you’re prepared to leave your life behind, right?」

His Majesty was poised for a fight.

「I suppose it can’t be helped」

The beardy put his hand on the handle of his axe.

The situation was a powder keg, and looked ready to blow.

This isn’t good, is it?


A sound like that……


……came from the sky above, causing me to look up.

The impact of something landing threw the tents and supplies up and sent them flying along with me. I blacked out for an instant. When I came to, I found myself lying on the ground.

The two kings and the two vassals hadn’t moved an inch. They were on guard against the object that had fallen.

It was a great-sword.

Rather than metal that had been forged into one piece, its dull red blade looked more like it had been fused together from many pieces of metal. However, it didn’t seem incomplete. There were no gaps that a thin sheet of paper could fit through, and its sharpness was also out of this world. It was a rugged, sturdy, and faithful magic sword.


It bounded towards me like a dog. A backpack had been secured to the sword.

No way, did it fly here all through the night after I had summoned it? How should I put it, it smells somewhat fishy. It smells like blood and gastric juice. This guy, what did it do while flying here?

「Oh, I\'m sorry. It\'s mine. ………Please don\'t mind me」

I hid the magic sword behind my back and said that to the two kings.

I heard the hooves of several horses approaching. They were probably the beardy\'s subordinates.

「That killed the mood. I\'m heading back, but what will you do? You don’t have an interest in chasing after a man’s ass, do you?」


His Majesty stabbed his drawn sword into the ground and sat back in his chair.

As the beardy was about to leave……

「Please wait a moment」

……I stopped him, put about six apples in a bag, and then offered it to the beardy.

He’s more or less a guest, so it’s a souvenir.

「Please soak them in liquor along with honey and sour fruits. If you wait 100 days, I believe it’ll become many times more delicious than the liquor you drank today」

「I can\'t wait for so long. I’ll only wait until that king there dies」

The beardy left after snatching the apples.

He had also left with the bottle of apple liquor. But he turned back once, and said,

「I forgot one thing. A king can’t fight on an empty stomach. Neither can a horse. I’ve left some food and feed at the entrance to the city. Do whatever you like with it」

「Rather than a hungry beast, a fat pig is easier to hunt, is it?」

「You can take it however you like. But times change, Dainsleif. One of these days, things will start changing rapidly. We\'re right at the crossroads now. As things fall to ruin, will you let that blood be extinguished?」

「Of course. The battle of one who is heading towards ruin. I’ll carve it deeply into your new history」

「I\'m looking forward to it, old friend」

「Farewell, old king」

The beardy rejoined his anxious subordinates, and then disappeared out of sight.

「Souya, get cooking」

「Yes, Your Majesty」

「We’ll eat up all of the food they gave us」

「Please leave it to me」

The food the beardy had left for us were wheat of the left continent, potatoes, salt, butter, cheese, olive oil, real guinelle large eggs, salted pork, stone-hard bread, and a variety of alcoholic drinks including wine. In addition, feed for Verxina.

There were hearty amounts of everything. Even for His Majesty, it would take him two months to eat everything up. Did that beardy read that His Majesty wouldn’t be defeated within that time, I wondered.

Regure checked for poison and found that there were no problems, so I rolled up my sleeves and started cooking.

The menu today was the culmination of everything since my arrival in the alternate world.

I made a lot of tempura with the wild vegetables. Personally speaking, they were 100 points tempura. I made croquettes using extravagant amounts of pork and frog meat.

After making raw pasta from the wheat of the left continent, I made pasta aglio olio e peperoncino and carbonara.

For good measure, frog soup and mushroom steak.

It wasn’t much, but that was the culmination of my skill.

They were all well-received. Because they were well-received, I can’t feel happy about it.

In the end, it’s just food cooked by someone who lived alone and cooked in his spare time. Not good enough, it’s really not good enough. If a slightly skilled cook, not even that, if someone who had worked part-time in a restaurant fell into the alternate world, their food would be better than mine.

I want to increase my repertoire.

I want to improve my cooking skill.

Dear deceased grandfather, can you descend from heaven through the mysterious power of the alternate world?

Though it was small, he was a chef who had managed a restaurant for as long as half a century. There must have been a lot of things I could have learned from him. Well, it\'s a little late for that now, I suppose.

> Solo\'s Thoughts


> I’m amazed. Such a long chapter and nothing needed to be explained!


> So who is the black elf? Someone who had killed the advance troops 50 years ago? Taken some of them captive? Or is it a red herring and the author is jerking us around?


> Agathion~~!! It just flew across the entire planet at Souya’s command. And someone was smart enough to tie a backpack to it in case Souya did summon it. I wonder who and I wonder what’s in it?


> Well, it’s going to be double chapters until the end of the arc, (x_x), but it’ll be worth it. Now that our helpless chef has Agathion and isn’t so helpless anymore, what will happen? ……Stay tuned!


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